
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 04/18/2012 - 06:48


Re: comments posted to the "Sheldan Nidle - April 17, 2012"  expressing frustration about hearing "the same message over and over" and "the word soon has a different meaning"
I hear your frustration -let me challenge you just a bit to separate yourself from 3rd Dimensional thinking:
When you read these articles every day like so many of us do, you hunger for a big momentus event. Stuck in the illusion of time can make things seem like events aren't happening fast enough. TV programs can wrap it up in an hour, a movie can thrill you for a couple of hours, why the heck is this taking so long??
It's rather like the "trickle-down theory."
In the heavenly realms, all of this has already happened!
It's a done deal, successful, as promised.
But to actually move the events so many things have to take place. These things occur on realms or planes adjacent to ours -like a project management office. When sufficient things have been put together in the project office, it gets transferred to the next realm for final adjustments.
When that piece is ready, it gets transferred to us so that we can do our part to implement the needed changes.
This is how we get information about what will happen "soon" -because in the realms of the other Beings, they have done their part and sent it on down the line.
It has already happened!
These messages are just the way the Cosmos communicates the assembly line of change with each other. 
Kind of like Charlie getting on the 2-way radio with Joe saying, "Hey bud! I've finished the frame for the roof. I'm sending it your way for completion -heads up!"
It IS a two-way communication line of course! As we get messages, we also collectively send messages outward. The message being sent (and it IS being heard!) is that you are ready to actually see and experience more of these changes in your personal life.
You are being heard, that I promise you!
Think of your favorite restaurant and your favorite dish. You love it so much that you ask the chef for the recipe. He begins to decribe all the delicate ingredients you'll need, how you need to get each piece from a different place in town to get only the very best.
There is a preparation phase where the right tools must be used.
Making the sauce takes 12 hours of precise temperatures.
It takes him longer to explain the recipe than it did to order it and eat it!
There are so many things going on behind the scenes of our world right now.
If you knew all the little details you'd be quickly bored, but you would get a better sense of all the work that goes into an event.
But we are pressed for time. There are important planetary alignments happening and we must be in a certain development phase when they do align in order to complete this monumental task. We can either take the tedious time to describe every minute detail, or we can give you broad updates and keep working. 
Complicating this further is the understanding that everything is connected.
A big financial event is directly connected to events occuring to clean up toxic metals in our ecosystems, simply because the energies that each event creates must be as harmonious with eachother as possible.
Otherwise you have something that looks like concentric rings in a body of water rippling outward and violently bumping into eachother.
Pretty soon they form waves which disrupt life under the water, the waves crash to the shore disrupting life there... do you see where this is going?
This is what is meant by "understanding the bigger picture."
It is so much bigger than you, your city, your country or even your planet.
Things that are happening here on Earth send energies back out into the Cosmos where they are felt by others. The Sun can send us energy waves that we've all felt strongly this year -well, Earth does the same thing. 
There are other planets who are wrapped up in dark situations like we have been.
Not the same events, but disabling none the less.
They have no idea what we are in the midst of, they don't even believe we exist! (Sound familiar?)
When our period in the 3rd dimension has passed and we have successfully implemented all the wonderful changes making their way down the Cosmic assembly line to us, we will be a "how-to" textbook for other planets. 
Some of you reading this message may very well be instrumental in helping them through their darkness.
You will be able to say with certainty and from experience, "Trust me, this works!"
They won't all trust you, they will become frustrated with your messages of hope and inspiration, and they will have periods of doubt everytime they hear the word, "soon."
But with everything you have lived through you will simply smile, nod your head in understanding, and tell them, "You are Loved and supported by so many of us, all is working as it should, and the changes you cry for will be yours soon."
Here's another tidbit for you: 
The word "soon" DOES have different meanings depending on where you are in your spiritual growth.
You have the Blessed benefit of reading Galactic 
messages and perhaps receiving your own messages about upcoming events.
You are as prepared as you can be.
For those still asleep, the word "soon" means
S- suddenly
O- out
O- of
N- nowhere
When their reality changes it will be drastic and may seem chaotic and unexpected.
YOU know the truth!
You have made yourself available to so much behind-the-scene information that you may be surprised at their surprise! 
I hope this helps ease your mind and expand your understanding of how the Universe works
~All my Love, Boo
p.s. Are you keeping a diary or journal? It is an excellent tool to use during this historic period.
It also helps bridge the 3D ideas of "time" with the 
understanding of Now in higher dimensions.
You can look back a few weeks or months and read how you were feeling then and really appreciate how far you've come! 
Do you realize that a child born today, the 18th of April, 2012, will have no idea what you went through day by day in this Ascension process?
Your struggles and adventures in growth becomes a piece of living history!

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