Soul Group Connection to Manifest Love by the Celestial White Being

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 02/20/2012 - 08:38

Soul Group Connection to Manifest Love by the Celestial White Beings

through Natalie Glasson- 20-02-12


Much love flows from our consciousness and source of light into your being and reality as you exist on the Earth. We wish to honour you as you exist on the Earth and thank you for the wonderful achievements and wisdom that you are collecting and creating through your incarnation. We feel it is most wonderful for you to contemplate this often during your life time upon the Earth, realising that you are achieving so very much for your soul group.
You are an extension of your soul group, it doesn't matter whether you are aware of the name or energy of your soul group as you simply need to be aware that there is an energy source that you extend from and belong to, that loves you unconditionally. This source of light is an expression of the Creator. If we understand energy sources as separated energy from the Creator, we see that your soul group is a separated energy from the Creator and you are a separated energy from your soul group. Of course separation doesn't truly exist only when understanding is needed.

You are an aspect of your soul group which means that you are a representative of your soul group on the Earth. Already you understand yourself to be more than a human being; you have a purpose upon the Earth on behalf of your soul group. This is the same for every person currently in existence on the Earth. Many of you may be representing the same soul group while others are alone on the Earth holding the energy of their entire soul group.
If we were to acknowledge that each soul group is attached to the Earth because an aspect of their energy is incarnate, we would then begin to realise that the many soul groups are sources of light learning and developing upon the inner planes. In the same way as you see yourself as one with those upon the Earth and the Creator, the soul groups see themselves as one source of light, existing in unity with all other soul groups. Imagine for a moment all the people as souls of light upon the Earth, then acknowledge the soul groups from which these souls extend, we begin to realise that there is a tremendous volume of light supporting the Earth's ascension. A soul group is so vast, expansive and intense in its energy and we have many soul groups safeguarding the Earth. When a soul incarnates as a representative onto the Earth the soul group supports the soul tremendously, sharing relevant wisdom, love, nurturing light and protection. The soul group wants the representative soul to have the most blissful and loving life, experiencing the qualities of the Creator in physical form and then transferring the information and wisdom realised back to the soul group. The representative is actually aiding the spiritual growth of the entire soul group while the soul group will always act as a source of support, an active energy of love. The soul group will also support other soul groups, sending or creating energies which are most needed to aid the growth of another soul representative on the Earth who is connected to a different soul group. Soul groups can often work together as their soul representatives on the Earth move through many lifetimes, this is when we begin to see soul group connections being formed, creating a sense of familiarity to those incarnate upon the Earth.
You are of course aware of the love of the Creator as a vast source of light, vibration and love which surrounds the Earth but when you begin to acknowledge your own soul group and the fact that there are many soul groups focusing their light into the Earth, you begin to see how much you are loved. There is an immense volume of love flowing from soul groups to their soul representatives on the Earth, to your soul, at this current time. There is just a need for humanity to awaken to the great source of love that is drawing closer to their energy. Awakening and realising the love of your soul group can bring tremendous security with a feeling of belonging and the experience of unconditional love. So much truth and most importantly understanding can be shared from the soul group to the soul upon the Earth and of course the soul group has the ability to empower the soul. Your own soul group holds all the wisdom held within your soul and so much more, it is sometimes through a connection with the soul group that you are able to connect on a deeper level with your own soul within your being. Your soul group can expand your energies, bring so much clarity and heighten your spiritual abilities, while also sharing with you an aspect that you may feel is missing from your energy.

It is often that the representative on the Earth feels lonely or as if there is a part of their being missing. The representative will gather friends and family to try to dissolve this feeling of loneliness but it will still remain, even if it is hidden for most of their lifetime. The representative may also have a constant feeling that they are searching for something, someone or some form of understanding. Some representatives even search while they are on the Earth for soul mates to share their time with but predominantly they are searching to redevelop the connection and unity that they once held with their soul group. The reality is that the representative always holds a connection with their soul group but they may not realise what they are searching for or missing and that they have a soul group watching over them. Therefore the connection isn't the same or as intense as previously experienced before incarnation onto the Earth. This bond will not be experienced completely when the representative is in physical form but the energy of the soul group can be drawn into the representative and expressed into and throughout every aspect of their being and reality. If this was achieved then the representative would find an abundance of love radiating towards them and welling up from within their being. A greater strength and energetic power would be experienced and a clearer view of their purpose upon the Earth. In truth the representative would actually begin to heal as the loneliness would dissolve, the searching would wane and a greater feeling of unity and support would be experienced.

At a time on the Earth when humanity is striving to manifest love, we feel that there is a need to call upon the love of your soul group, to use this love in your daily life as a healing and source of strength for you. The love of your soul group is almost like the love of a mother and father and so it is extremely nurturing and will magnify your soul's energies, bringing greater unconditional love for yourself, a deeper connection with the Creator and the universe as well as a loving contentment in your physical reality upon the Earth. Accepting the love of your guides and angels is important because in order to create love on the Earth you must also receive the love of the Creator but the love of your soul group is immense and will align your energies as if shifting you onto your spiritual pathway for further understanding and loving expression. The love of their soul group is what every person needs upon the Earth now, not only will it boost the love that each soul on the Earth holds but it will boost the love of the Earth as an entire energy source in itself.

Remember that not only will you experience the love of your soul group but as many people experience the same, the soul groups upon the inner planes will unite with tremendous power and we will see love flowing from all soul groups as a united energy into the Earth not only to their representatives but to every soul upon the Earth. When this occurs it will be a tremendous shift in the vibration that the Earth and humanity combined hold and exist as.
The first step to achieving this shift in love is to focus upon connecting with your soul group. For some of you, you may already be aware of your soul group, connecting regularly and expressing the light of your soul group, for others it may be a new realisation. It doesn't matter whether you are familiar with the understanding or not because the Creator is asking that those who are aware to focus their efforts on connecting with and experiencing their soul group with greater intensity. In truth more work is needed in this area as there are many who are aware of their soul group and still need healing as they experience the pain of loneliness and separation. Linking with your soul group is a process of healing yourself and the pain held within your being as your exist as a representative on the Earth. When the pain of separation which is within most people upon the Earth is dissolved we will see that each person will exist as love and pain will begin to dissolve from the reality of the Earth as well, making it a worthy and valuable focus at this time.

An intention and an acknowledgement of your soul group is extremely important. At the beginning of our communication we asked you to contemplate what you are achieving for your soul group and to be grateful that you are a representative of your soul group on the Earth. As a representative what do you want to represent? Maybe the love and peace of your soul group, the qualities you experience when connecting. It is important to realise what you have learnt, acknowledged and understood in your current lifetime on the Earth, this information is so valuable for your soul group in its mission for ascension. You and yoursoul group have many things in common but one is that you wish to ascend to be closer or at one with the Creator. The loneliness and pain of separation that we explained represents experience on the Earth, your soul groups also experiences pain because of their separation from the Creator. This pain is experienced in a very different way because the soul group doesn't exist in physical form and so it manifest more as a desire of greater unity. When contemplating your soul group and yourself as a representative for your soul group, you can send both you and our soul group unconditional love and support; this will aid your connection. You can also ask for your soul group to connect with your soul more fully and to send much needed guidance and light into your soul. We have prepared an invocation which may assist you in this process of greater connection.

'I send unconditional love to my soul and ask my soul and heart chakra to activate expansively allowing my soul to creatively and beautifully move into and throughout my body, aura and reality. I ask my soul to support my physical existence on the Earth and my spiritual pathway.

I send unconditional love from my soul to my soul group upon the inner planes, I ask my soul group to creatively express and expand its loving energy to surround me and my reality upon the Earth. Let me feel my soul group's love and support flowing into my auric field and reality. I now open my soul and heart chakra to be receptive and to receive the abundantly loving energy of my soul group in my soul and entire being. I ask my guides, soul and soul group to assist me in experiencing and acknowledging a greater connecting with and awareness of my soul group. Thank you.'

Then simply sit and imagine the energy of your soul group flowing into your being, it may flow down through your crown chakra or straight into your heart chakra, maybe even blossoming from within your soul.
Bring greater love to the Earth and all of humanity through your deeper connection with your soul group.
We are the Celestial White Beings,

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