Spacemuffin ~ Let The Sunshine In

Submitted by Lia on Thu, 03/08/2012 - 10:45

Spacemuffin ~ Let The Sunshine In

Spacemuffin2012 | March 8 2012

Darling Starseeds and Lightworkers.  None other compares with you.  Through it all, we have made our way, back to the light.  Through the darkness we have sojourned, to this place where we stand.  And on the threshold we see, the new light shining upon us.  We are the gatekeepers, the ones who have ushered in the Age of Aquarius.  We have suffered the lonely road, and in the end, we triumph.  No longer will we walk alone.  No longer will our knowledge be locked away inside.  Now we are free, no longer the outcasts of the world.  No longer will we be be mis-understood, and mocked by others.  Now we are the way-showers and must continue to lead our beloved brothers and sisters who cry for our help, out of the confusion.


What a day this is, what a light it is that shines on us and mother earth.  How triumphant we are, now and in the days to come.  Our purpose has been fulfilled.  We have not walked circles around our mission, but have walked headlong into the darkness without help, it seems.  How difficult it was for us, but now we know who we are!   Now our lonileness is over!  Now we know the angels have never left us, and our star has never misled us.  What kind of hearts are these, that we carry so deep inside?  And from so far away, the spirit guides.  What warrior hearts are these, who have bravely continued, through suffering and tears?  We have made it now, and the lonely road is a thing of the past.


The confusion of who we are, is like a veil slowly lifting, and we look around to see we are the ones who must help our brothers and sisters back to the light.  Although the path is now unshadowed, the task is not yet finished.  In the Light of the Eternity of the End, we shine as the stars in the night sky.  Now we know who we are and everything is different!  All the lifelong isolation is but a dream of the past, a sorrow so easily forgotten, as we were but asleep, and now we are awake.  Our awakening was never guaranteed.  Our awareness was never a foregone conclusion.  We so easily could we have failed, but we did not.  We are the trailblazers, and even though it cost us everything, we woke up from the dream and as the stars, we were steadfast.  The Elohim come now and they say to us:

Humanity has reached a cross roads now and they must choose their path.  The earth is separating and splitting in two and the time will come when a direct separation will take place.  We are the Elohim and we come to guide you at this time.  Our love for all of you is great and we urge you forward in your mission towards ascension.  No longer can false ways serve you on this course.

The journey is wrought with responsibility and choices.  Staying in one place is no longer an option and the stagnation of the past is no longer that which can sustain you.  Feel us with you, we come closer. Now the veils are permitting direct contact and soon you will see us.

We come to the new earth you create in your dreams and we support this new reality.  Come visit with us there.  We are welcoming you home.  No longer shall you suffer.  No longer shall you want.  No longer shall you walk the lonely path of life.  This is your calling.  But there are choices to make and each and every one of you knows which road to take.


Do not dally, for time is speeding up and it will dissolve in the near future.

Some will be left on the old earth, but even then they will still have a choice to move forward, but it will be more difficult for them as this separation of worlds is becoming more pronounced.  We love you so much, dear ones.  Come back home to us.

We leave you with these words of love and say to you that all is well and proceeding to plan and we are with you and walk with you and guide you back to the light.  Until the next time that we meet.  We are One.

Face Piles of Trials with Smiles
The Muffin



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