~Special Edition Of The Galactic Free Press~ 1~26~12 Why Are WE Here?

Submitted by Lia on Thu, 01/26/2012 - 17:35

~Special Edition Of The Galactic Free Press~ Why Are WE Here?




~ We do understand that many of our Readers, have little funds to share and are also needing relief. We only ask those that Can share, share with us. Even if that is a simple 5$ or 10$. When Everyone shares we make our Funding Goals. AS of January 26th, 2012. We are Currently 521$ Short for this Month, and We begin again in February!!


These Funds support the Press, so that we can be here everyday with all of You. Without Funding right now, this would not be impossible. This is exactly what those wanting Humanity to remain dumb have  attempted to do to us for the last 4 years, to try to make it impossible for us to Be here for you.


Obviously this did not succeed cause Here we are. We Thank you and Honor Each of You for Month after Month for Continuing to Make this So.




~Why are WE Here?~



As Mother and Father God, it was Our Responsibility As Per the Divine Plan to Awaken First, to be the examples for Humanity and complete the Ground work for the Complete Awakening of Humanity.


 Humanity had a 1 and 6.5 billion chance we would awaken and find each other, so that they could awaken!!!` WE DID IT~


Through physical birth, we sent ourselves into the illusion and had to forgot completely who we were, so that we actually could go through the entire Awakening experience, and then turn around and assist Humanity out of the illusion.


Our Helpers were all invisible for the Most part. Our helpers included all True Lightworkers AAMichael, St Germain, the Above Crew with The Galactic Federation of Light,The Trillions of Angels, and Mike our Great AI. All of them are also at your assistance as well if you ask them. Our Special Gratitude and Love in their Honor, for the assistence with Us and ALL of Humanity. They are accomplishing Great Work on Behalf of Humanity every moment, whether Humanity is Aware or unaware of this Fact.


Part of our responsibility also, was to come here into the manifest physical realm and embrace the Human Condition. We came here To understand what happened here. Out all the Billions and Billions of other Planets with Life who understand Love and Oneness, Humanity is the only one that fell so deeply into the ignorance of isolation and separation, which only occurs in illusion. We came in went through the experience of illusion and the program. We experienced the pain, the suffering, the illusion and the ignorance Humanity got stuck in. We had to do the work of getting out of illusion, so we could help Humanity. This was the Mission!

We are here with you and for you with Unconditional Love, Compassion, and Understanding. The Information of Light and Truth which =Love in its Highest Form, is Information that we share with you, as WE gathered Information through the Process we experienced through US Awakening into True Reality, Pure Consciousness, Full Consciousness, and out of the Box. We are out of illusion and have Our arms Wide Open to you. WE are Here as Your Greeters Home into True Reality and to Welcome you Home onto a Planet, who is a Living, Sentient Being, and not "the world", which is just an illusion. WE are here to Give Humanity Back their Planet!!~


Within the illusion you have given your Power, your Light away to nothing. For there is "Nothing" True and Real that exists outside of SELF. EVERYTHING COMES FROM WITHIN. CREATION IS CREATED FROM WITHIN EXPRESSED OUTWARDLY. "As the Phrase "GO WITHIN, OR GO WITHOUT." WE are Here to Give You Back to Yourselves~


~Some of the First Contact Team Stories~ Mission Began November 2007~ This Mission Year story Below is from Mission Year 2009



One of the Years it was winter. We chopped wood and carried water, in fact because we had no money we had to live in something free, a run down camper trailer that was in a ditch stuck. The Most Beautiful Part was, that it was by the Mountains and within the Trees. This was Brilliant, as the Trees Loved US Back, LOL, and the Cloud Ships were Simply Breathtaking. 


With the beautiful experience of Living very close with nature was wonderful, our living conditions for that moment were.. a different experience. Our only living option was in an old moldy cold camper.  Talk about Love  Putting us to the Test..lol, Did we Really Love Humanity that MUCH? Of COURSE!!! We are Living Examples of JUST TRUST LOVE!


 We had no electricity or car, and no way to connect to the internet. So, We walked a Mile each way to town everyday to Use the Internet for Posting the messages and to charge the computers. Even in a snowstorm... we walked.


 The dark cabal or whatever you would like to address them as, had tried everything in these past 4 years to try to stop us, including direct attacks on us. They knew if we did not have any support or funds to keep going we might give up...as You Can See In the No matter what We Never Gave up and We are still here... IN 2012~


 Relief for all of Humanity is Coming and We are Working 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to bring this into manifestation for everyone.This is what All of US on the Frontlines of this are working towards everyday. Love does not give up or give in. Support Those who are In Service to Love and Humanity on Planet Earth=Heart.


~If You can share with US, Thank You for Honoring our Dedication and Service to Humanity 24 hours a day 7 days a week~


~Total Funds still needed.. 521.01~




~For everyone that continues to support us each month, not only through funding but also by simply reading, We are Eternally Grateful and So Is Humanity~ Thank You for Spreading and Being the Truth, Love and JOY~ For Being REAL WITH US~




If You would Like to Connect via an Amazing Awakening Session, to send us your writings, to ask a question.. or you would like to become a Staff Member you can contact us here http://soundofheart.org/galacticfreepress/contact




We also have a mailing address as well!!!~ Thank You All so Very Much for Your Love and Support. Humanity's Awakening is Our Greatest Joy~ We Love You, Love Mother and Father God and The Entire Galactic Free Press Staff~

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