Submitted by AstroEyes on Thu, 03/20/2014 - 22:27

Cathy Lindsey - AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology  515-779-7154

   AstroEyes@aol.com  www.AstroEyes.com   www.facebook.com/AstroEyesEvolutionaryAstrology


March 20th – Spring Equinox/Sun enters Aries – 11:57 am CDT.  These energies last for the next 3 months, and will be the back drop over the next year!  The Spring Vernal Equinox!!   First day of Spring!  The Vernal Equinox occurs when the Sunreaches the zero point of Aries.  It is when the Sun cross’s directly over the Earth’s equator.  Equinox means “equal night”.  Because the Sun is positioned above the equator, day and night are about equal in length all over the world.    This is a time of Balance!   This is a time of embodying the “new”.   This is a time for change and growth. 

Astrologically, the Equinox’s and Solstices are very important for the earth, but they also open portals to the universe, allowing for more information and down loads to happen.  They are powerful events, shown and interpreted by the chart that is formed at the exact time of the Equinox, or Solstice.  The energies that are down loaded at the time, through the portals to the universe and the planetary aspects, remain active, for up to 3 months, until the next Solstice or Equinox.   However, with the Spring Equinox  it also happens to be the beginning of the “New Year” for Astrology.  The Spring Equinox is ……The Astrological New Year! 

The energy of the Spring Equinox will show us where the emphases will be for the entire year. This is very important as it sets the stage, energy wise, for where the focus of the coming year will be.   This year the Spring Equinox is very active, changeable, transformative and very powerful!   As I talk about the aspects of this Equinox listen and feel the energy that is happening, the energy you are receiving.   Reflect on it.

At this time we are being asked to look at many areas of our lives.  The Universe is bringing patterns up, and some very deep belief systems that we have….. so that we can look at them and see what isn’t working anymore, and then giving us the wisdom to heal these old patters or release them.  It has been and still is a very challenging time for many of us.   We are being asked to move way from people, places and things that are no longer vibrating where we are and to do it in the kindest way possible, as they or the situation may grow into higher energy.   We want to meet up with those people and be in those places… that alien with our Souls!   There is a thin line between the “old” and the “new” energies.  You no longer want to be a part of Drama or the 3D chaos that seems to be all around us.  Move away from it and stay in the higher energies.  Detach….. Realize that you have to let others make their own choices.   Many lessons are being played out in family’s and other relationships right now.  Trust that in the big picture……the upsets, the challenges and the changes are for the highest good of all.   Bringing things into balance is also a major part of the energies and the Equinox.  We need to bring the feminine and male, the right brain and the left brain, the Yin and Yang, light and dark, etc. into balance!  We must be in balance to achieve total ascension!  The main thing to remember while these intense energies of the Spring Equinox continue to intensify….is to focus on your Heart!   Think with your Heart, come from your Heart…in all areas of your life.  This can also be a time of Miracles….when you step aside and let the Magic unfold, as you connect with God/Goddess, Creator, Spirit and manifest/create your own beautiful reality!    Below I will talk about each of the Astrological aspects that make up this powerful…..intense Spring Equinox…

The Equinox Sun is sitting with Juno and UranusJune is the asteroid of commitment and Uranus is about constant change, humanity, thinking outside the box, the genius and the rebel.    We are being asked to commitment to the change that is needed for all humanity to grow and reach the higher energies…the ascension energies.  We are being asked to make the commitment to think “outside the box,”  and into the future where you can to see “the big picture”….. even when chaos and change is happening all around us.  With the Sun/Uranus/Juno sitting together there is a Hugh emphases on the commitment of moving from the “Me” to the “We”  towards oneness!

We also have 3 planets sitting together at this Equinox in Pisces During this Equinox we also have Chiron (our spiritual wound, on the collective level and within ourselves), Mercury (our voice, our spiritual voice, saying it is time to speak and walk our talk), and Neptune (the most spiritual planet in its own sign, bringing about a Spiritual Renaissance, and moving us toward unconditional love).   Piscean energy is about unconditional love of ourselves and for all humanity.  It is about dreams and imagination.  It is about connecting with God/Goddess, Source, Creator, through meditation and high creativity/manifestation.  Pisces also represents the collective unconscious, beauty in nature, Mysticism, 6th sense, intuition, love, and compassion without judgment.

With all this Piscean energy the Universe is asking us to Meditate on what we want our future and our reality to be.  It is also asking us to Manifest and create our dreams, our visions, our world and our own reality.  Remember to be cautious of the gray side of all this Piscean energy,  like being lost in the fogginess, addictions, laziness, avoidance, self undoing, and escapism etc.   Meditate on the guidance that you are receiving and make sure that it benefits all beings, not just yourself.    It is time to plant a Dream and watch it grow.

The Cardinal T- Square between Uranus in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn and the Jupiter in Cancer. The Cardinal T-Square consists of, Uranus in Aries, being squared by Pluto.  Uranus (is the constant of change, thinking outside the box and into the future with a focus on community, your tribe, and humanity), it is in Aries (the warrior, the initiator, the pioneer, ego).  Uranus in Aries is about urgent changes. So Uranus is saying that we need to change and think outside the box and into the future.. We need to focus on community/humanity, we need to move from the “Me” (I will destroy you to be the top winner) to the “We” (I will be the best I can be for the good of the community.)  It is about becoming your best individual self, while honoring and living within community. We are all one, no one is better than anyone else.  Uranus in Aries is being squared by Pluto the planet of transformation, Pluto only cares about the transformation of your Soul, the Soul of humanity and the Soul of the Earth, Pluto will not tolerate out of bounds Ego, and it doesn’t care what kind of car you drive, or where you live etc. Pluto only cares about your Soul.  Pluto demands integrity and respect for all, no lies, no secrets, no judgment, and no manipulation. Pluto is in Capricorn (which rules Corporate America, the Government, Banks, the stock market, and the Military).   Then Jupiter comes in and forms the “T” part of the Cardinal T-Square. Jupiter (higher knowledge and spiritual knowledge, questing for knowledge, the truth seeker, optimism, expansion and JOY), asking us during these intense times, to focus on the higher knowledge….Spiritual knowledge and become a master teacher who shares this knowledge of spiritual optimism and Joy!

All 3 of these planets in this Cardinal T-Square are not getting along very well! There is a lot of friction and stress around them as they try to come into balance and transform areas that are no longer working in the higher energies.  They also are sitting in Cardinal energy, which is the energy of Change, Urgency, and Birthing of New. We must get rid of the old, that is no longer working or that is no longer vibrating were we are, so that the New energy can rise.  Then we can embody this new energy within ourselves. With Jupiter being in this T-Square, there is an emphasis on higher knowledge, Spiritual knowledge and sharing…speaking it. Speaking our truth…walking our talk.  Jupiter is being place and forming this T-Square for a reason….it is to show us that the ultimate goal of the “new” is to be optimistic and to live in JOY! This T-Square is asking that there be some major changes in these areas….some advancements.   It is time to get active now and move. It is time to start taking steps, any steps, as we start to actively move into the “new” and living it!!

We are also currently on the approach to a very powerful 5th exact Cardinal Square, and a Cardinal Grand Cross!  Remember these exact Cardinal Squares have never happened in recorded history.   The energies mentioned here will continue to become more intense….more urgent….with more transformations and changes happening at this Spring Equinox, as we continue with intensity to climb that hill of the roller costar to the climax which happens over a 2 week period in April.  April 15th Lunar Eclipse, April 21st exact Cardinal Square, April 22 the exactness of the Cardinal Grand Cross, April 29th Solar Eclipse!!

So meditate on the energies and downloads you received during the time of the opening of the portal at the exact time of the Equinox.   Even if you couldn’t be in a quiet place or out outside during that time…you still would receive the energies……ask for guidance…to receive and understand the downloads.  The energies and knowledge you received will help you prepare for the intense and powerful month of April.

During this Spring Equinox we are also activating a few of the ancient star systems: I like to think of the activations of the “star systems” as a powerful “stargate” opportunity …bringing us an expansion of our consciousness, and opportunities for growth that we have never witnessed.

These activations are very important as they were used by the ancient elders, like the Mayans and the Aztecs etc. to help write their ancient calendars and for predictions.  When they get activated by such powerful aspects like this Spring Equinox, they are also activating the knowledge in us, which is in our DNA and our Cellular memory from life times before. Activating this knowledge into our awareness. With this Spring Equinox we have:

Vega is being activated by Pluto in Capricorn which is in the Cardinal T-Square and the Yod.  The constellation Lyre, with Vega placed in it, is obviously musical and can be alluring.  Music is the international language.   Music also, is now used in Sound Healing….some of the new “natural healing” modalities.    With Pluto on Vega and Pluto in the Cardinal T-Square and the Yod……there will much growth and knowledge in the areas of Music.  

Arcturus is being activated by Mars in Libra  -- the fourth-brightest star in the sky.  Edgar Cayce mentioned Arcturus more than 30 times in his readings, calling it “the highest civilization in our galaxy” and “the way, the door out of this system.”   Other channeled sources identify Arcturus as one of several extraterrestrial groups who seeded life on  Earth and who continue to aid humanity’s evolution.

We also have the Scorpio Moon and Saturn sitting together at this Equinox…….time to listen to the Wisdom of the elders….it is time to recognize the “elder” wisdom in ourselves and how we can nurture each other by sharing our knowledge.   We are remembering what we already know!!

Now is a time when we can make powerful significant turnarounds.  Remember also that the energies that were brought to us during this Spring Equinox are also the energies that we will be working with for the rest of the year.  Kind of like the Cardinal Square, which is the back drop of everything that is currently happening, so also will be the energies of the Spring Equinox, as it represents the Astrological New Year!

Over the next few months we will get many nudges and an abundance of energies to help us move forward even more. The Universe is speaking loudly here!   The ride isn’t over yet…..

Be careful and cautious during these times, as we are trying to incorporate many different energies, and down loads. These energies can be strong, wild, and unpredictable.  At times there can be anger triggered and competition can get out of hand.   Watch where you walk, how your drive, and what you say, as the energies are active and strong.  Know that the Earth is also receiving these energies and will continue to purge, through earthquakes, major storms, etc.  Manifest daily for the world and help to create a beautiful reality for yourself, your loved ones, the community and humanity.   Manifest Peace throughout the world.

Be willing to accept the changes happening with gratitude, knowing that you are being given everything you need, to support your Soul Growth, while aligning your Soul with the high energies, the ascension energies, as we move forward into this “newness”.   Visualize and create something new and different, wonderful and magical, for our new world, and the new you.  Meditate on the guidance that you are receiving and make sure that it benefits all beings, not just yourself.    Reach for the optimism and Joy that is waiting for us, as we make these changes.   Embrace your Dream!

This is a time to get quite with the Earth, touch the Earth, sit with the Earth and Listen to what you hear.   Mediate, and manifest that the changes we are making come easily, and that the Earth is able to receive the energies, and embody them in the least chaotic way.  Create a beautiful Earth, a beautiful reality for all humanity, our community, and ourselves.

These are the energies affecting all of humanity and the Earth.  These energies also affect you individually, according to how they activate your own birth chart. Learn how they activate your chart through an Astrological Reading.  Knowing how they are affecting you personally, gives you the ability to make choices, and use the energies in the highest way.

Please Feel free to share this monthly update, in its entirety!   AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology, © 2014 Cathy Lindsey     All rights reserved. 


Cathy Lindsey    515-779-7154

Astroeyes Evolutionary Astrology    

www.AstroEyes.com     Astroeyes@aol.com

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