~Stay Balanced ~ Deep Cleansing in process

Submitted by Lia on Sun, 03/04/2012 - 11:19


We continue on in our deep cleansing, Thank You for remaining centered and balanced!!! We are With you and going through everything with you. Love Mother and Father God and The GFP Staff

Annette Strean radiates pure joy as she sings a cover to I Feel Love.


Annette Strean radiates pure joy as she sings a cover to I Feel Love. Watching her performance forces you to put a smile on your face no matter what kind of mood you are in. Everything happening on stage is a must see.




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HEAVEN #4118 In the Mirror of God's Heart, March 4, 2012



HEAVEN #4118 In the Mirror of God's Heart, March 4, 2012 

God said: 


Be at ease, beloveds. Home is where I AM, for where I am are you. There is no apartness. There is no moment when you are not safe in the depths of My heart. There is one outcome in life, and that is to wind up with Me. Not only that, you start from Me, and you never leave, so to be with Me is status quo. There is no changing it. There is no departing from it. It is a constant. You are nowhere but with Me.


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5 Mag EQ strikes off KAMCHATKA Peninsula


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COMPTE DE SAINT GERMAIN ~ Dross, Drugs and Politics~ 3.03.12 ~ by Aruna




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 posted on March 4, 2012



 by Galactic Love Reporter Marlene Swetlishoff

March 4-11, 2012



Beloved Ones,

Each of you is caught up in the cleansing and clearing process which is making some of you feel that you will be stuck in this metamorphosis stage forever. 

Take heart, Dear Ones, for you are not alone. This is a mass clearing that is now taking place and there is no one upon the face of this Planet who is exempt from it. The higher frequency now manifesting in the atmosphere of the Earth is initiating great changes within every structure upon your Planet. 


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Disclosure 2012


This video is from Dec 9, 2010. I don't remember this ever being brought to the public's attention....This is the most amazing display of the Galactic fleet I've seen.. My heart lept at the sight...We're all waiting for full disclosure and we know it will be very soon now...With the round-up of the dark cabal taking place world wide as we've been told and shown recently, it won't be long until disclosure is brought to the public by the media who've been controled by the cabal for so long. The truth will finally be brought to light about our star family. The fear that has been promoted will instead be turned into pure LOVE in receiving our galactic family...


Soon we will personally meet our brothers and sisters who have patiently and lovingly waited for this time in the history of mankind to unfold...How very blessed we all are to be on this planet to witness the healing of Gaia, our own spiritual healing, mankind's ascension and meeting our  star family....I can hardly wait...


Many thanks go out to all who are so diligent in filming the activity in our skies...Keep up the fantastic work..May you always have camera in hand and follow the urgings of the angels to LOOK UP and film!

Much Peace, Joy, Light and Love to ALL! :) <3 NOW! Doreen


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Solar Watch/Next 24 Hours


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Amazingly SLOW Fireball... Meteor? UFO Over the UK - March 3, 2012




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3/4/2012 -- Arkansas Plumes erupt again -- DORMANT VOLCANOES at epicenters


The chances of this being a series of "wildfires" that erupt at the same rough time each day, that only go for a few hours ... that only seem to be coming from dormant volcanic areas , VISIBLE FROM SPACE, ALL ERUPTING AT THE SAME TIME over multiple days now... those chances are starting to slim down dramatically.

Erupting from the ground.. from areas such as Hot Springs, Murfreesboro crater of Diamonds volcano, or Sulphur Springs (all in the Arkansas dormant volcanic chain along the edge of the North American Craton/plate). Maybe dormant volcanoes are prone to burning.. or heating up?? From past experience (pisgah crater) seems reports of almost anything surface .. skeptics of any form of volcanic venting have said OFFICIAL reports are "out of control wildfires" OR "control burns done yearly" OR "convection of ground level moisture producing a cloud plume from the ground" OR "farmers burning old crops" OR "trash burns of tires" ... ... lol @ all the official explanations being thrown around... 

Everyone proclaiming to know the answer.. yet Im seeing Steam/Clouds of some kind come off dormant volcanoes... and the only explanation being given is "fires". hmm

While I HAVE already formed my opinion on what I think these may be (venting of steam due to pressure along the edge of the craton -- occurring only at dormant volcanic sites which already have the inner earth structure capable of producing such events)...... I don't expect everyone to believe me hands down without looking these things up.

Just keep in mind..... these plume events in the past (california, oregon, nevada, washington state, and idaho) .... again .. were all from dormant volcanic sites.. and were followed by sizable earthquakes within weeks or less within the region of each plume. Im basing this current video upon past evidence , and based upon what Im seeing at each location.. 

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~Here We Go~ ... Into Love Everywhere Present~


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Latest Earthquakes Report - Mar. 3, 2012 PM


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3/3/2012 -- Sakurajima Volcano -- IMPRESSIVE explosive eruptions w/ static discharge lightning


Two eruptions -- both producing very large explosions of lava and ash -- plus static discharge lightning in the ash clouds...

Seen on March 3, into March 4 2012 (JST japan standard time). 

This volcano continues to be on "high alert" for the possibility of a LARGE SCALE eruption which could produce a multiple km pyroclastic debris flow..

mirrored with permission from:



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Some see the shift we are in as jumping into an entirely new reality, leaving the old behind. Maybe this is how it will happen. However, I see a different senario for the unfolding of the new paradigm. I see a bridge being built that will be self evident of the shift from the old to the new. It is like building a bridge connecting our past with our future that will allow those not ready now to walk freely into the higher energies by choice. I hear a Cosmic and Global call for bridge-builders.


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Message From The Arcturians – Your Multidimensional Sun by Ute



 Message From The Arcturians – Your Multidimensional Sun – 3 March 2012




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Wes Annac – The Ascended Masters – You Are Breaking Spells And Laying Lighted Foundations – 4 March 2012



GLR Wes Annac

The Ascended Masters – You Are Breaking Spells And Laying Lighted Foundations – 4 March 2012


Thanks to Lisa (Wolfke74) for the Image



-through Wes Annac-


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Shambhala ~ It’s as REAL as YOU Want it to Be!! by Lisa Gawlas





I spent yesterday really reflecting on the vast information coming thru each reading this week. Every reading, every single thing I have shared so far, I have taken personally. The way I see it, YOU are the greatest Light upon my life’s stage and what I need to know, understand and release, comes thru each aspect of you.


When I had actually seen the garden of life I refer to as Shambhala in creation… real, livable and growing… I closed out the vision without asking any more. Why would I do such a thing? Truthfully, because instantly I got scared.

I am as much that wonderful lady hesitant to get into her field of harvest as I am the precious lady bound beneath the mesa cliff.



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~ Celebrate Who You Truly Are ~



Enlightened Beings ~ Celebrate Who You Truly Are

Glactic Love Reporters Jafree Ozwald & Margot Zaher March 2 2012



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Jamye Price ~ The Energies of March 2012



Jamye Price ~ The Energies of March 2012

Crystalline Soul Healing |

February brought a lot of stirring of issues (drama, anyone?) and March won’t necessarily feel settled, but it should feel more stable, positive and definitely different, because change is anchoring both personally and collectively. As a Lightworker you are exemplifying a new way of Being, and that entails a new vibratory Beingness. The changes require a mental readjustment into the Truth of unity consciousness that overrides the authority and habits of out-of-balance ego. Your internal strength is the foundation that the new world is built upon as the singular human that you are becomes a valuable creative force of Love united with All Life. In March, as you focus your mental state toward Love, you will find creative support flowing plentifully. So often we associate creativity with creating some-thing.



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3MIN News Mar4: Earthquake Watch, M-FLARE WHILE UPLOADING!


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Elections symbolize the heart of what free countries are grounded on !


Canadians and citizens around the world, in one collective voice it is time to say NO MORE! We the people have all rights to full disclosure of all truths relative to our country and our world - including and foremost - behind-the-curtain election corruptions. Millions world-wide are ready for full disclosure of all truths about war, our histories, the evolution of Mother Earth, our innate ability to heal ourselves without pharmaceuticals and so so much more. People worldwide are waking up and remembering who they are. We are meant to live in love and light, communities sharing pure food water and love of children and animals. We are meant to T H R I V E - research Foster Gamble's work - Follow the money! Government leaders, scientists, directors ... now is your time to move into the light and make your monumental impact that moves us all, AS ONE, into the light. The world is watching! With so much love and light, Dawn.



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Lisa Gawlas – Dream Until Your Dreams Come True – 4 March 2012




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Twelve Insight ~ An Early Warning System



Twelve Insight ~ An Early Warning System

Twelve Insight | March 4 2012

The more you are involved in something that is infused with Spirit, the more likely you are to burn your fingers if you get your ego involved in it. It’s the energy level involved, nothing personal about it. The Universe is not out to get you and it’s not retribution from God for being ego-centered. It is simply the energy level, like a hot stove or a campfire, if you get your ego mixed up in it.



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~Space Weather Update~ Big Sunspot 4x the Size of Earth~


FLYING THROUGH A GEOMAGNETIC STORM: Lately, the International Space Station has been flying through geomagnetic storms, giving astronauts a close-up view of the aurora borealis just outside their windows. ISS Flight Engineer Don Pettit shares the experience in a new video from Science@NASA.


BIG SUNSPOT: A sunspot almost four times as wide as Earth itself is rotating onto the solar disk. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory recorded its entrance on March 2nd and 3rd; click to view a 24-hour animation:


The sunspot has a 'beta-gamma' magnetic field that harbors energy for strong M-class solar flares. Indeed, it has already unleashed an M3-class eruption on March 2nd that created mild waves of ionization in the atmosphere over Europe.


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Triangular Ships over UK


Yesterday...March 3, 2012...UK

Seems this is a nightly occurance for the past 5 months...


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Rapidly Developing Solar Activity.


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~Taking off the blindfold~


Taking off the blindfold




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The manuscript of survival ~ part 96~ Magic Is Afoot~


For a long time now, humanity has strived for better days, but alas, the results from all of this struggle has not been a successful one. At least not on the outside, as your world is still struggling under the burden of mismanagement and lack of freedom. But be that as it may, we can now safely herald the coming of a new age for you all. You see, under the oh so quiet surface at the moment, a mighty undertaking is on its way, and it will have far reaching consequences for you all.

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~Here We Go~ ... Into Love Everywhere Present~


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Storyteller of Xantheus


So glad to have found you guys.  Look forward to reading, commenting, sharing my own OOBE experiences.


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Map showing earthquakes


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ATTENTION: All you rule-breakers, you misfits & troublemakers, all you free-spirits & pioneers... Everything the establishment has told you is wrong with you - is actually what's right with you... 
Go here: http://WayseerManifesto.com
Get it on iTunes: http://bit.ly/eM2jy4

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Graham Dewyea Presents Our Galactic Family with Guest Stephen Bassett



Graham Dewyea Presents Our Galactic Family with Guest Stephen Bassett, March 4, 2012

2012 MARCH 3
Posted by GLR Graham


Graham Dewyea Presents Our Galactic Family with Guest Stephen Bassett, March 4, 2012

Airs Sundays, 5:00 p.m. Pacific time, 8:00 p.m. Eastern time:


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~The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~ 3~3~12 Big Changes Up Ahead for Humanity and Quickly


~The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~ 3~3~12



~Bringing Humanity Home~ Energy and Event Update~ Big changes Up ahead for Humanity and Quickly




~Greetings Love Beings... We just went through a Record breaking Weather Event with reports of around 100 tornado's, according to the Weather Channel. These Events as well as others, are going to begin to unfold quickly now. We Send all our Love into these area's and encourage them to Love Each other and use these moments of connecting. For those that left the Planet Yesterday, they left as a Group. We thank them for their service in assisting us, in removing more Unconsiousness. This is helping the intense energy move forward at an even faster rate. Everyone is safe on the Starships and are being taken care of. This energy event, has opened up the Space for more Love intensity to come in.


~Intensity incoming~


Coronal Holes: 02 Mar 12


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All Fear is Fear of Intensity



All Fear is Fear of Intensity




The Whole, of course, is all Love. Everything, from the point of view of the Whole, is Love. There are no problems. Death? Not a problem. Suffering? Just Love exploring. In Oneness, it’s all Love.

 Then Oneness reflects on itself, becomes Two, and we get duality: light and dark, expansion and contraction, action and rest, more and less. Polarity. Love and Fear.


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The Integration and Enlightenment of Fear



The Integration and Enlightenment of Fear



We thought the times were exceptional before, but now they are truly exceptional. Humorously, we will probably be able to say this all year!

We are being challenged to our limits to either succumb to the Fear Mongers’ Agenda (FeMA), or to find the path of processing our fear and reintegrating with life. 



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Aqua-Green Fireball in a Parallel World



Good Morning Lovers!








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Ufo Scotland 1 March 2012 Uploaded SkywatcherScotland 2 March 2012



Uploaded SkywatcherScotland 2 March 2012


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An Occupy Movement Event happened yesterday on my behalf. I've gotten different reports from different people -- none of them encouraging. It was supposed to be in front of the Sheriff's office in Viera. It must be that people went to different places, since both reports only indicated three people present and neither group saw the other. One report said there was media there representing various local TV stations. As someone who has served the local community freely for years, I admit that I feel very disappointed. What is the best way to deal with disappointment?


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My Book is available on-line for Free


As a service to my Brothers and Sisters at this time of LOVE..., I have written this book.  It is free..., all you have to do is "READ IT"!




Chapter Twelve is located just below.  Is there anything in there that sounds famaliar?


Remember that I wrote this book between the year 2000 and 2004 and copywrited it in 2005! A few additions have been made very recently to include some channeled material from Arch Angel Metatron.


Much love to everyone who comes here for information and sharing..., WE ARE ALL ONE!






The origional working title of the book was:


The Powers of MOTION, MAGNETISM, THOUGHT, LOVE and INTENTION used within the confines of the UNIVERSAL ELECTRA!


My brother convinced me to change it to:


SCIENCE MARRIES SPIRIT, saying that the title was a little over the top..., but I don't know..., what do you think?










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~ The Dream and Prayer of Freedom..unfolding.....


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~ THANKS FOR MAKING LOVE # 1 Humanity~ We are on a roll...


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Chapter Twelve of my Book (Written six years ago)












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Angel of March is Trust by Kathy



Angel of March is Trust



Inspirational Message


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EARTH ALLIES REPORT 3.3.12:... We are rapidly growing in NUMBERS... Numbers of Resignations, Awakenings, Arrests, tornados, volcanos... Is it always bigger the Better?...


EARTH ALLIES REPORT 3.3.12:... We are rapidly growing in NUMBERS... Numbers of Resignations, Awakenings, Arrests, tornados, volcanos... Is it always bigger the Better?... 


by GLR Predrag/Saint Germain





Yes, it is... The Bigger the Better... and not only for resignations or arrests, but for fully awaken souls around this beautiful and powerful soul called Gaia...



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~3~3~12~ Update from The GFL~ The changes you wish to see in your world will come as a thief in the night


Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 3/3/12




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Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 3/3/12



Soon your sun will recede below your equatorial line, and when it emerges again your world will have begun its new day. This is how it will happen for you. You will go to sleep at night and when you awaken you will have found yourself emerged in the proceedings you have worked hard on manifesting and that have been spoken of many times. You will receive no further advanced warning than the notice we have been furnishing you for a while now. You have been asked to prepare and have also been told that the time to be prepared is already upon you.


The changes you wish to see in your world will come as a thief in the night. One moment your world will carry on with the hustling and bustling of the old paradigm, then suddenly, nothing that you have come to know as your reality will ever be the same. This is the kind of change we are talking about, and this the kind of change you will experience. This is why your task to prepare yourselves and as many other souls as is possible is so important to the smooth functioning of this operation. Please continue to spread the news of what is about to transpire. We greatly appreciate your efforts and assure you that it will be soon that this phase of your mission will be completed and all that has been discussed will be yours.



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'Becoming Greater Creators' - Magenta Pixie interviews Jessica Woods


Becoming greater creators - Magenta Pixie interviews Jessica Woods on Energy Work/Energy Healing - Wellness and Energy Exchange.

A Magenta Pixie video interview


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Weather/Solar Update.


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Living In a Whole New Light Garden Rich for Growing!


Living In a Whole New Light Garden Rich for Growing! Lisa Gawlas



I swear someone must have put “clear and bright” drops in my eyes when I awoke yesterday.  I had 4 back to back readings yesterday, and, thank you dear god, each one was done as if they were the first session of the day…. with full psychic battery juice!  Maybe because the Light in which I am now reading, short of miraculous.  Keep in mind (smile) I am reading YOUR Light!!  Your field of Life.

There is so much I want to share, bear with me if I seem to ramble, the understandings are so rich and varied that I am not sure I can create a smooth segue to each topic.


One of my readings yesterday was once again a wonderful lady who has been in my meditation classes.  My heart is always so humbled to watch you seek our your own mastery, your own codes of spiritual power.  And she indeed is a master of the earth… deep in the heart of Gaia.



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10 Aspects of Ascension


10 Aspects of Ascension



1) Downloading the multidimensional light and unconditional love that is entering us through our Crown and settling in to our opened Third Eye and High Heart.


2) Loving that light and love so much that we can allow it to travel into the hidden darkness and fear of our deepest subconscious self.


3) As we travel the fourth dimension of formerly unconscious self, we allow the multidimensional light to reveal and heal any hidden fear/darkness to our conscious self. With the conscious awareness of our wounding, we can learn to use the power of unconditional love to heal our wounded ego-self.



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American Kabuki – 116 Resignations From Worldbanks (Updated 2 March) – 3 March 2012



American Kabuki – 116 Resignations From Worldbanks (Updated 2 March) – 3 March 2012



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50 Tornados Multiple Towns Wiped out


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More Fireball Sightings Over the Past 48 Hours.. NE U.S. and Parts of Canada - Footage/Pictures


March 1, 2012 - ""It was turquoise in colour and was rounded on the bottom and tapered to a point on top. It looked big, but it was hard to tell how far away it was. It was moving extremely fast toward the ground," said a Facebook status update from the St. John's area.

"I've read about a couple of natural phenomena now that could explain it ... something called a green fireball and a meteor —which can apparently be blue, white or green," said another one.

No one has reported an alien abduction yet ... but the reports on Twitter and Facebook weren't isolated to eastern Newfoundland.

People from many parts of the northeastern U.S. also posted reports on astronomy internet forums all evening claiming they saw a green light in the sky."

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by Galactic Love Reporter Suzan Caroll Ph.D

March 2 2012


Blessings from the Violet Ray of Transmutation,


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Take Part In Your Consciousness: What Did You Learn Today?



Study yourself. What did you learn today? Always be conscious and aware of the lessons in all things. Do not allow yourself to get sucked into negativity, this is an illusion. Try observing your thoughts and see what comes up. Observe how your thinking affects you. Observe how your emotions react to your thoughts. Once you start to pay attention you’ll have more control over the thoughts. You’ll see that your mind is comparable to an endless movie reel, if you just let it run.

TAKE CONTROL of your thoughts, that is the only way anything is going to change. (I have to remind myself EVERYDAY). By controlling your thoughts you are deciding how you experience this place. Feeling angry, frustrated, depressed? LET IT GO! This is not you, this is not your true-self. It is in fact just an illusion of this density. I say this is not you because you didn’t come from the lower densities, you came from the HIGHER ones. The high-vibe realities are of bliss, joy, and love. This is you, this IS YOU. Don’t forget.


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