Submitted by Lia on Thu, 03/31/2011 - 11:07


What Have the Galactics Said About Disclosure?

by Steve Beckow - 2011 March 30




I know that many people are discussing what was said or not said by SaLuSa, Matthew and Hatonn about disclosure so let me furnish you with many if not all of the key statements that have been made on the subject in recent years to allow you to reach your own conclusions.

They appear here in chronological order, the earliest relevant statements first. The “deadline” being referred to here is what SaLuSa has called “a specified date … that has been divinely decreed.”

(SaLuSa, March 23, 2009.)


Specified Date for First Contact is Divinely Decreed

“There is still a specified date by which you must have progressed to First Contact. If by any chance it has not commenced in good time, there will be intervention on our part to ensure it can go ahead. That has been divinely decreed and is our authorisation to do so.” 

(SaLuSa, March 23, 2009.)



We Cannot Announce the Deadline

“Regrettably we cannot announce the day that is the deadline for our open arrival on Earth. To do so would imperil you rather than us, as the dark Ones would strike out with all force to prevent it. We desire to have control of matters and have subdued them first before taking such action. You already get hints as to when that may be, and quite clearly it must have occurred in good time so as to have a peaceful run into the final days before Ascension.”

(Atmos of Sirius, Aug. 28, 2009.)


Billy Meier meets Semjase



We Have a Timetable

“We have a timetable to guide us and have absolutely no doubt that all will be completed as intended.”

(SaLuSa, Sept. 11, 2009.)


Our Plans are Ready, They can be Easily Rearranged, We have a Deadline

“Meantime our plans are at the ready, and can be easily rearranged to meet whatever is needed in the current situation. We push ahead with our agenda, and we have been set a deadline by which we must act. In view of the likely response of the dark Ones, we are reluctant to give firm predictions. However, when we talk of events moving ever nearer to openly commencing, we mean a relatively short period.”

(SaLuSa, May 5, 2010.)


There is a Final Date for Action

“However, the Divine Plan does not allow for continued delays and there is a final date by which action is required. The Universe is ascending and all progresses well and as planned, but we cannot allow little Earth to dictate the timing. As important as you are to the whole, you are still a relatively small cog in a very big wheel.”

(SaLuSa, May 17, 2010.)

We’d Like to Get Started Before Next Spring

“We would like to get started before next spring, so we will do all we can to assist our allies to this end. We do still of course have a deadline date by which we should have started, and clearly it is not that far into the future.”

(SaLuSa, July 16, 2010.)


We are Pressing for the Awaited Announcement

“I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and can tell you that the Galactic Federation is pressing for the awaited announcement to be made. Our allies include people in exceptionally important positions who are pushing forward with all speed. The day of Truth beckons, but does rely upon the stage being properly prepared for such a monumental occasion.”

(SaLuSa, Aug. 27, 2010.)


Illuminati Use Technology to Postpone Disclosure

“Illuminati activists are trying to prevent official recognition of other civilizations’ presence in every way, and from the earthquake in Haiti and last winter’s uncommonly heavy snowfall in Washington DC to flooding in Pakistan and Hurricane Earl, their use of technology has achieved their dark purpose. …

“As for the televised announcement to your world, ‘They are here and they come in peace,’ no conclusions had been reached about what the program should include, and your leaders who were involved in the planning sessions several months ago have been occupied since then with matters of importance in their respective countries.

“Therefore, some individuals who participated in those early meetings are talking about scrapping the program and in its stead, a few small craft would land in safe areas around the globe. The landings would be coordinated with colleagues on the ground so the greeting of ‘the extraterrestrials’ by persons who are well-known to you can be filmed and simultaneously, or perhaps later, televised through arrangements with persons who are in positions to manage that. There would be sufficient evidence that the visitors are indeed from other civilizations — peaceful civilizations! — so that any outcries of ‘Hoax!’ or ‘Invaders!’ from the dark ones would have no validity whatsoever among the populace.

“Other introduction possibilities also are being discussed, and at this point, nothing has been decided.”

(Matthew’s Message, Sept. 11, 2010.)


We are Ramping Up our Activity

“Yes, of course there were ships over New York City that day.  We’re showing up there and many other places all around Earth. As Suzy wrote you before, this is part of ramping up our activity to hasten the time when we’re officially recognized.”

(Hatonn in Suzy Ward to Steve Beckow, Oct. 16, 2010.)


Obama Negotating to Shut Down Illuminati

“Obama now knows we have him covered and he can proceed without fear for his family’s safety and his own. Media report what they are told, of course, but the truth is, now that he knows Earth’s ascension timetable, he’s negotiating with powers that be either personally or via safe communication channels to shut down Illuminati strongholds in his country, Europe and the Orient.

“Some of our colleagues on the planet have made their presence known undeniably because they appeared in their real forms. They are meeting with powerful individuals, including some who operate out of public view, to inform them about our on- and off-planet network, and rats are starting to abandon the ship around the world. You won’t hear about that or the mopping up that’s underway.”

(Hatonn in Suzy Ward to Steve Beckow, Nov. 15, 2010.)


Right Time May not be Apparent Until Late in the Day

“I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and wish we could give precise information as to the timing of events near to materializing. Firstly there is much flexibility involved, and the right time may not be apparent until late in the day. The only certainty is the final date decreed by which everything must start, and we do not propose to give that out for obvious reasons. We have not come this far to allow any last intrusions by what remains of the dark Ones’ power. We will however tell you that you will not have too long to wait, and we believe that you are intuitively aware of how near it is, so hold fast to your belief in the wonderful future that lies ahead.”

(SaLuSa, Nov. 17, 2010.)


We Expect Worldwide Disclosure within First Quarter of Coming Year

“I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and can assure you that the Galactic Federation is keen to open up an official first contact with you. Everything is in place for such an occasion, and we can adjust to any last-minute requirements. The deadline for it is almost here, so in one way or another we will expect disclosure to become worldwide within the first quarter of this coming year. Go forward in full confidence, as we are fully with you in this final stage of your journey.”

(SaLuSa, Dec. 29, 2010.)


Galactic Federation will Continue to be More Open Until Disclosure

“The Galactic Federation as many have noticed is being much more open in its activities, and it will continue to do so until disclosure of our presence is acknowledged. We will continue to aid our allies in whatever way we can, and it will not be too long before we can come more closely together. Keep your eyes open for developments worldwide, because what is taking place is a powerful movement against the dark Ones.”

(SaLuSa, Jan. 3, 2011.)


Don’t be Frustrated, Certain Developments are Essential for Disclosure

“Do not let your frustration mar your understanding of the coming months, as certain developments are essential for the next opportunity to reveal “disclosure”. Even when an announcement has been arranged and not materialized, it has still resulted in more people becoming aware of our importance to your future. It has helped to counterbalance the fear that many still hold, which is largely borne out of the lack of knowledge about us. The dark Ones have played upon it, and used the media and particularly the film industry to keep up their false depiction of us. …

“Our allies … are near to success in bringing out disclosure.”

(SaLuSa, Jan. 10, 2011.)


Testing Period Ahead

“There is no reason to drop back although there is a testing period immediately ahead. There will be ups and downs that will cause emotional reactions amongst you, but stay calm when it comes to the final battle between the dark and Light. The Light works in subtle ways that maintain the balance, so that it continues to transmute the lower energies. In the maelstrom that will occur the Light will act as a line of defense, so that the dark Ones cannot make any progress. It will ensure that they continue to be in [disarray], and there will come opportunities for our allies to push for disclosure. The pressures are mounting from many quarters for it to go ahead, and when it does it will trigger more happenings that will lay bear what has been happening.”

(SaLuSa, Jan. 12, 2011.)


Disclosure is Progressing

“Now you wait for Governmental changes, Disclosure and Abundance programs to sweep you into the remaining period of this cycle. They are progressing and at the appropriate time we will swing into action and life will change quite dramatically.”

(SaLuSa, Jan. 25, 2011.)


The Pressure is Increasing for Disclosure

“Our coming is still to be a pivotal point in the near future, and the pressure is increasing almost by the day for disclosure to come out. You will find that it is happening now, but not in the way that will be announced to all countries.”

(SaLuSa, Feb. 2, 2011.)


We Have Greatest Authority, Divine Plan has Mapped Out Entire Journey

“As we have now told you on several occasions their time is up, and they will have less and less effect on us.

“Even now their activities are being curtailed and we do that with full authority. We have the greatest authority one could work with, and that is your assurance of success. The Divine Plan is the key to it, and has mapped out your whole journey.”

(SaLuSa, Feb. 4, 2011.)


Energy of Intent will Bring Disclosure

It is not even necessary that the answers be known, but that the energies of intent are sent out. When they reach a certain level such as critical mass, there will be a manifestation of such proportions that it will be unstoppable. Indeed, you are beginning to see such results beginning to surface now, and it sets up greater possibilities of events like Disclosure taking place.

(SaLuSa, Feb. 14, 2011.)


Somewhere Along the Way Comes Disclosure

“Somewhere along the way disclosure will have been made.”

(SaLuSa, Mar. 2, 2011.)


Months to Go Before Certain Issues are Sorted out

There are just months to go before certain issues are sorted out, and that is as much as we can say at present. Our presence in your skies is increasing and disclosure is almost a formality, as our existence can no longer be denied. 

(SaLuSa, Mar. 4, 2011.)


Keep Calm as the Events Progress

“Keep calm as the events on Earth progress, as at times it will appear rather unsettling but know that nothing will last for very long. There is a lot of clearing to take place, but very soon you will understand the purpose and take it in your stride. Better still disclosure will open the door to first contact with you, and in next to no time we will establish a world-wide communications system. You will know of our plans because we wish you to be part of what is going to take place.”

(SaLuSa, Mar. 11, 2011.)


The Sendai earthquake occurred

at 14:46 JST on Friday, March 11, 2011

Earthquake was Not Mother Nature’s Doing

“With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. The earthquake off the coast of Japan, strategically positioned to cause the tsunami, was not Mother Nature’s doing. Her only involvement was the unavoidable initial movements of land and water after Illuminati scientists triggered the quake. Our space family was able to thwart their goal to level cities, flood the island and kill most of its inhabitants; however, harnessing the full force of the ocean is beyond the capability of their technology. Mother Nature isn’t causing the suspicious number of aftershocks, either, and it should be obvious to your seismologists and geologists that something is horribly awry.

“The peak members of the Illuminati know that their economic empire is shattered, and before the last shreds of their once impenetrable global network are completely gone, they are trying to generate a mass of negativity through creating chaos, destruction and high death toll wherever they can. For all the devastation in the ocean’s path and the damaged nuclear power facility, compared to the Illuminati’s intent to utterly destroy Japan, it was a shallow win for them. There was minimal damage in Tokyo; the quake, aftershocks and tsunami released a large amount of negativity on the planet; off-planet technology is lessening the effects of radiation from the power station; and other civilizations are beaming intense light, adding to the outpouring of prayers for the Japanese people, whose resilience and resourcefulness and the assistance of other countries will restore that nation.

“With the light continuing to intensify, the Illuminati’s unconscionable acts cannot much longer plague Earth. Just as you and we are seeing the undeniable evidence of massive shifts in the collective consciousness, so are they, and they know that this will end all darkness on the planet. The light in expanded consciousness has led long-oppressed peoples to raise their voices for freedom, and that cry will be echoed over and again until all peoples throughout your world are free.”

(Matthew’s Message, Mar. 12, 2011.)


As Slow as Progress is, We are Getting There

“Our desire is to get past the last hurdles that are holding up Disclosure, and that is a vital event that affects so many others. Be assured as slow as the progress is we are getting there, and it is close to happening. Keep your thoughts and prayers coming to us for open contact with you, and in your own way you will be helping speed up that event.

“We are very pleased with the way your consciousness levels have grown, and your acceptance of us and desire to meet with us is more powerful now than it ever was previously. That tells us that our approach has been exactly right, and over many years we have been able to dispel fears that have been deliberately created to keep us apart.

“Even now your media plays the fear card, but you are much wiser than before and see through their plans to keep us from meeting. It is time for such a coming together, and you will definitely meet with us your Space family and your ancestors from the Inner Earth. …

“At some stage in the not too distant future we will be joining you, and then you can receive every help we can give along with details of what is needed to carry you speedily forward. Until we can all get started things will appear disjointed and at times chaotic, but we can assure you in spite of that a clear and precise plan is in operation. It is just that for the time being we cannot disclose the details of our actions.”

(SaLuSa, March 14, 2011.)


The Course is Set for Your Release from the Illuminati

“The course is set for your release from the Illuminati, and they strike out in their last desperate attempts to delay or prevent Ascension. Their days are numbered, and little time remains for them to continue in opposition to us. It will be with absolute delight that we finally remove the dark Ones from positions of power, and bring in Beings of Light that have been waiting such as opportunity to replace them. These are our allies that have already done so much to create a structure that aids our plan for your release.

“Also many, many of you have especially incarnated at this time to be part of the final days upon the old Earth. Each you have something to offer that will be called upon when the time is right. There will be so much activity going on, you may be sure that even at a local community level, you will have plenty to occupy you.

“Our appearance on your television channels will enable us to reach out to people to dispel any doubts that they may have about our intentions. We will go to great lengths to explain why we are here, and the plan to take you up to the end time.”

(SaLuSa, March 16, 2011.)


We are Working Hard to Get Disclosure Acknowledged

“We monitor all major events on Earth, and as far as we are allowed are always looking for ways of lessening the impact upon you. Over a long period of time we have substantially reduced radiation levels, which have inevitably followed the testing of nuclear weapons. Without such help you would by now have been a nation of very sick people, and as you know the affects continue from one generation to another.

“If and when the decision is made to stop using nuclear power, we will help remove the dangerous plant and prevent it from posing a threat to you. We cannot help you unless you are prepared to help yourselves, as we must only re-act to requests from you rather than be seen to ‘interfere’. We would love to deal with all of your problems, but there are lessons to be learnt that mean there is a proper time for us to show up. However, we are working hard to get Disclosure acknowledged, and then we can really help you and would not delay coming amongst you.”

(SaLuSa, Mar. 18, 2011.)


Predictions May Seem to be Erroneous

“All change is the effect of the energy in place at the time.  Therefore predictions may often seem to be erroneous simply because the energy has changed since the prediction was made.  You see, you are creating your world moment by moment.  You are making the changes happen and it is you the people of Earth, who are moving Gaia closer to her and your ascension.  All is proceeding according to plan, in fact even more quickly than previously believed, for many have now awakened and many are now filling the world with the light of awareness.

(Arcturian Group, Mar. 19, 2011.)


When Space Family Can Land, They will Dematerialize all Nuclear Waste

“Now then, your space family’s assistance in regard to this nuclear situation can go only so far because it is not their world, it is yours, and you must take strong action to assure that nuclear power is eliminated as a principal energy source. …

“When crews can land in great numbers, they will bring their technology to dematerialize all nuclear waste and to eliminate all radioactive pollutants in air, water and soil, and they will work with you to purify and rejuvenate your planet. …

“The day of dictators is over and so is the day of supporting those dictators for self-serving reasons. The day of exploiting Earth’s resources without regard for environmental destruction is over, as is the day of the wealth of the world in the hands of a few. Everything based in darkness is swiftly coming to an end.”

(Matthew’s Message, March 25, 2011.)


“Moves” Made within the Next Two Months

[I'm not clear that the following comment from SaLuSa necessarily refers to disclosure.]

“We see moves being made on Earth by our allies that indicate some possibility of results within the next two months. We can say no more as the outcome is dependent on those who we have no control over, although our authority does carry the power given us by the Higher Councils of Light.”

(SaLuSa, March 25, 2011.)


Slow but Sure is Preferable

“Also well before the end of the cycle we will have arrived on Earth, and you will have every assistance to help you succeed. …

“We know that some people will still scoff at the ideas expressed about your true origins. However we do know that given time they will open up to them, although the changes to their understanding are too much at present to contemplate and absorb. It is for this very same reason, that introducing ourselves to you has been a rather long exercise.

“Slow but sure is far preferable to being seen to force the truth upon you. People shock very easily when the learn that their cherished beliefs have been held in error, and it is too much to admit to themselves. We believe that by the time we openly show ourselves the truth about us and our relationship to you will have been discussed, and people will generally show more acceptance of us. There is certainly nothing at all to be frightened about, as we have consistently shown you that we come in peace.

“Our actions are now more frequent on your behalf, although you would not necessarily be aware of them. But soon they will become more evident, as we have work to do that will take place before your very eyes. It is all bringing our open contact with you so much nearer, but we will still approach it through your diplomatic channels. All along we have followed your protocol, but we reserve the right to act as necessary if any attempt is made to endanger our presence. Nevertheless ours is the way of peaceful negotiations, and we will never be the aggressors.”

(SaLuSa, March 30, 2011.)




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