Synchronicity 101 or Should I Say 11:11?

Submitted by LuminanceRiver on Mon, 03/21/2016 - 18:38

What is synchronicity?
A dictionary defines it as: the simultaneous occurrence of events that appear significantly related but have no discernible causal connection.

Carl Jung coined the term synchronicity as a causal connection of two or more psycho-physic phenomena.

see synchronicity as al of this, yet so much more! It is something that excites me when it occurs in my world. We can take it as a sign that we are in the flow of the universe. It is like a cosmic wink that we are loved and we are on the right track and in the flow. In the flow refers to going with the direction our higher self is wanting to take us.

Let us expand on the idea of what our higher self is. As multidimensional beings, we have aspects of us that on different dimensions. We have a version of us that has a greater view of the landscape of our life, and our soul's intention and purpose for being here. Our higher self wants us to experience what we came to learn and also wants to love and assist us into living our highest potential and most joyful life. Our higher self wants to make things easy for us. Feeling excitement for something is our higher self communicating to us. We are being shown what our higher self wants when we feel excitement. We are being show signs by synchronicity and by messages from the universe.

To interpret synchronicity is to see what you see in regular life as dream imagery. Dream interpretation is similar to the waking dream, what we see in life, all around us. It is there and ever present.

As a multidimensional being, our higher self or selves are sending us messages into this physical reality for us to interpret. A synchronistic event, sign, or sighting of this kind is the intuitive part of us getting confirmation in the physical realm, our environment and world, from the higher etheric worlds of the non-physical. It is a message from us to us.

Jane Roberts, in her fiction books The Oversoul Seven Trilogy she speaks of how one aspect is training another aspect in dreamtime to spiritually mature and become a higher self to other selves. The Seth material, channeled by Jane, says "The personality can dwell, and does dwell, in many worlds at once." This describes multidimensionality to a tee. Multidimensionality is about how we are connected to other forms of consciousness and those forms are communicating to one another in the realm that is synchronicity along with psychic intuitive communication beyond the spoken word.

We feel it or know it when we see something - it catches our eye and our heart recognizes that it is synchronicity. Basic signs like 11:11 on the clock or other repeating numbers seen in the world are the first synchronicities people discover. They learn that 11:11 is an auspicious time in the day and also about Angel Numbers and their meanings. It does not have to be the fabricated world as the natural has signs too. Animal totems can be wonderful messengers that show up in our environment, for example. Then it gets deeper. Everyone has it, as it is just a matter of noticing. For example, you may be thinking about a friend and the friend calls. Or you learn a new word, feeling an interest in that subject that you had never heard of, and then it shows up again. You meet people who you feel you are supposed to run into and they end up being guides to the next piece of knowledge you needed. Sometimes our higher self speaks through another person that we hear or we overhear in conversation. We know it is a message for us.

Our higher self sees the bigger picture. Having synchronicity is a confirmation that the universe wants to help us and is aligning everything for us. It is a confirmation in trust of ourselves and where we are going. Simply living and noticing allows synchronicity to happen more often.

We really have to appreciate these messages from our higher self. We have to take heed of what the messages are. It is good to be thankful and smile and enjoy them. A feeling of "You cannot make this stuff up" is there when you have lots of synchronicity or profound synchronicity. It feels like it is beyond the realm of coincidence. And it is beyond coincidence as the universe and your multidimensional aspects are in harmony with you. When you have that acknowledgement via synchronicity, you have trust in yourself and your alignment. You have trust in the universe. You feel safe and supported and guided. With a feeling of being that trust and support, in the flow of creation, you are creating an inner vibration that is sent out. This attracts more synchronicity and more that you love in your life and more of what your higher self is guiding you towards.

With these significant occurrences aka synchronicity; when noticed by us, can lead to inner understanding or healing.

I learned more about looking into everything in life as a message from the book Conversations with The Universe: How the World Speaks to Us by Simran Singh. What spoke to me is how all that happens in your life has a metaphorical message. It is a reminder that we are in a waking dream or hologram. Look at things from a new way, as if you were dreaming and trying to figure out the meaning. Since it is you speaking to you the answers are there. You notice something because your higher aspects are encouraging you to pay attention to something. Once you notice, you can take the occurrence or sign into meditation and decode it. It is really fun to play this game.

Would you like a tip? What helps synchronicity to occur is to follow the Mayan Dreamspell Calendar daily by looking at the day's galactic signature and kin. The Dreamspell is a synchrometer that is a tool to tune us in vibrationally to galactic energy. This takes us to time beyond time, in the flow of the universe and allows more messages in the form of synchronicity to show up. See the Law of Time Foundation online to learn more, and I wrote a blog two days ago about Getting to Know the Dreamspell if you wish to know more.

My guess that those who read this are already noticing "the dialogue they are having with the universe." I wish you many remarkable occurrences in your day, with profound interpretations of the everyday signs. Most of all, I wish that you remember and know you are a multidimensional being having a human experience and that you have lots of fun with it.

With love to all beings and thanks for reading, 

Shivrael Luminance River and

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