Take CHOISE to be part of the PLAN ! MIAFA !

Submitted by Avenalis on Mon, 11/25/2013 - 14:08

This year we did two ceremonies with the purpose to have Earth release her inner-energies peacefully into the universe. One was held at Mt Fuji, with the Oneheart Dance and the Forgiveness Pipe ceremony. Shortly afterwards near Mt Edna, with the creation of the Oneheart Medicine Wheel (108 stones) and the Forgiveness Pipe ceremony. Then...Seven Volcanoes that are thousands of miles from one another all erupted within hours of each other starting on November 15th 2013. Many of these eruptions were single day events almost as if earth was releasing energy in an intense but short purge. Nov 17th. Possibly the most impressive eruptions...

 The remarkable thing... One of the eruptions happened near Mt Fuji by the creation of a new volcano out of the ocean. And Mt Edna as the strongest of the seven. All correlating with the seven chakras as it was envisioned at the two ceremonies. "co-incidence"? You bet it is! People around the world, please keep on envisioning the Earth breathing her Power into the sky to ERASE the confining/spying web around the Earth. Breath to the Earth's Core/Heart and breath out with the Vision mentioned here. Do the same anytime when you see the chemtrails. We all can facilitate the POWER - MIAFA!

What does it mean MIAFA? It is much more than a word. Its Meaning must come

with the Act from the Heart

 According to the science of sounds (Kotatama/Japan) every sound correlates with a location of the body. “M” relates to the brain, downwards. “A” is that of the lower belly, centered. When the baby can fully assimilate its food into the small-intestinal region, where the FOOD begins to change into the BLOOD, the connection is made between brain (inner-Heaven) and lower-belly (inner-Earth), h`ence it utters the first word, “MA”. One makes the sound “MMMM” when delicious food enters the mouth. Words are uttered by the resonance of inner-Creation’s (Body) interactions. Add intelligence to it and we can create sentences and stories. We may say the “Creator talks through his Creation and we are Creation in the Human Form! When our food/blood is pure, we will speak the Truth. Untruth will be spoken by those whose blood is not clean. “Halve-truth” is also a lie and comes about when the food we eat is mostly not whole/holy. And since the Body ALWAYS tells the Truth…the un-whole/holy foods which we eat will also manifest in the form of disease. Observe how sick today’s “leaders”, including doctors, are!

 “MIAFA” contains “MA”, which also signifies the inner-connection between Heaven and Earth. “I” correlates with the brain’s center. “M”, “A” and “I” can form the word “I AM” or “MIA” (Latin). What rests is “FA”. Could mean “Earth Ascension”, breathe “A” out via the head. “FA” is also the sound of the musical scale that relates to the Heart.

 MIAFA has a profound biological basis. “M” and “A” signify inner-Heaven and Earth and by their inner-union the Heart-sound, “FA”, ascends to the brain-center, “I”, which correlates with the center of the Universe or central Sun. “MIAFA” can also be interpreted as “the Heart ascends by the inner-union of Heaven and Earth, beyond the brain into the central Sun”. The reality of it is that we can be INVINCIBLE by the Act from the Heart. It is a matter of CHOICE to BE in the Unstoppable NOW, MIAFA! The greeting: index and middle finger attached rising from the Heart, contrary to the “V” of Victory (“make war for peace, Vendetta, Vatican). Note: anyone who says “MIAFA” as a way of expressing the CERTAINTY of Self, must also be conscious that the CHOICE has been made to in-DEED become a New Blood. Thus be engaged with the Purification of ones Blood. Otherwise just say “Unido”.

 Spain became the main instrument to extend the inquisition (“Conquistadors”, the “disguised Romans”) and as such the sinister Source, Roma, became hidden by the religious pompous and political dramas. By this “behind the door or secret society” organization the whole world became gradually “Roma” in to form of the central money controlled governments. It is primarily by the illusory concept of value, that the masses can be Mind-controlled from one external center where one can manipulate the fluctuation of value. Therefore “education” is needed, so that we need a “job” to “make a living” to Devaluate Humanity to the lowest possible level, to its knees. The steady increase of the degenerative diseases and animalistic behavior has gone along with it. Today most of Humanity pay to be tortured within the hospital.

 Money in its truest sense is a tool to maintain the harmonious relationship, but when the relationship is based on “divide and conquer” then the monetary system has to be based on the creation of all sorts of conflicts in order to maintain the divisions, both externally and internally. All of it has been serving a way to find out what is takes to use the Mind to IDENTIFY the “Layers of the Cosmic Onion”, in order to come to the Center of centers WITHIN! Today the “last layer” has become extremely OBVIOUS, which we can “peel off” with the Power of MIAFA: I ACT FROM THE HEART!

 The CHANGE of Roma (fixed, conditional) into Amor (unfixed, unconditional) is hereby initiated! It is by the I AM/MIA-POWER, being one with the unstoppable NOW, that we can break the spell of the Global Fixation. The CHOICE is ours. Let this be the “battle cry” of the New Bloods, to Act from the Heart – “MIAFA” – to WIN the Decisive Battle WITHIN!

 The Choice to be part of the PLAN to Liberate the Universe from all wars, was made before the conception in Mother’s Womb. Then we forgot in order to have an experience by the use of the Body, in SEARCH for the Truth of SELF, so that we can Consciously Win the Decisive Battle within the three dimensional density, WITHIN. The Enemy knows this too and therefore educates the CHILD to like the manipulated foods and beverages along with many other commodities, to debilitate the blood and dull the mind, so that the power to act from the Heart will falter. It goes along with becoming complacent to blindly follow like sheep. However, it can also spur the WILL to WIN even more, because now the Enemy is WITHIN and we can say “Gotcha”! It has nowhere to go and thus we can most Directly deal with it. As it is, the Enemy has become evident in the form of all sorts of diseases, including the emotional and mental instabilities. The Winning is decided by how well we can CHANGE the Blood by way of Food and this we CAN independently DO. By it the COURAGE to face the Enemy will grow with every bite of the FOOD that has been chosen, prepared and eaten according to the Sacred Art of Eating (contained in Part 2).

 Roma has conquered by way of the Mind/money, but can it defeat the ONE within the Heart’s Center? It CANNOT. Now we can Change Roma into Amor and have Creator’s One Law be established as THE LAW, which is CHANGE made possible by the Unchanging ONE Who is closest to us within our Heart - MIAFA!

The New Energy is Now completely Anchored into the Planet, what this also means is that the Eternal Flow is Flowing with the Awakened Ones. With this Completed, it is causing a wave of Energy Much More Intense than Any Energy Wave that has Entered into the Physical Realm thus far. Now, this Energy will push the old energy out and away from the Planet. You can Say that We are Now really Heating things Up and Events are about to get very Interesting indeed . Those of you that have stepped into the New Energy Completely, meaning you are Serving Love ONLY, will begin having more experience's of Effortless Magical Synchronostic Events, Miracles, Overflowing Joy, the Wonder and Magic of the Eternal Flow and All the Gifts Love Gives. For those of you that have made it through this Portal Opening, You will Now Move Forward into Your Destinies, and Receive Your Christmas Presents from Love.

 “Each Of You were Born on this Planet with a Divine Mission, and that is To Be Love and Serve Love”

 For those hanging onto the old energy, meaning illusion a.k.a. unconsciousness, they will increasingly find that their lives are becoming more difficult and challenging. They will experience blocks, delays, and discovering that nothing seems to work like it used to. The reason being that the New Energy is Here, Love is In Charge, and the Only Simple Solution for those hanging onto the old is To Let Go, and


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