There Will Be a Planetary Evacuation or Relocation GLR~ Greg Giles

Submitted by Lia on Sun, 04/01/2012 - 11:40

There Will Be a Planetary Evacuation or Relocation

Greg Giles

The ground will shake and the skies will be dim during the first days of the birthing of your new world. Many changes will have to be made, and much of the old will have to be torn down to make way for the new. We are master builders and architects and we will assist you to rebuild your new world from the bottom up and from shoreline to shoreline.


“This rebuilding project will last for days, weeks, and maybe even months as we prepare your world for your arrival from the safe zones that will shelter you through this reconstruction project. You will be protected while you remain in these safe zones, and immediately upon the culmination of this great dimensional shift you will be entirely free to leave these areas and behold your new 5th dimensional kingdom. …


“Turning back the clock of your Earth is what we plan to do as we repair the widespread damage that has been done to your mother planet. This is a necessary step as we will not build on unfertile ground. We will only build on a foundation of perfection, so this will be the first step in our rebuilding project. How we will do this will be explained to you, and there will be those among you who will be taking a hands-on approach throughout areas of this rebuilding project. Nothing will be kept in secret, and there will be nothing that is not readily and completely explained to you. This rebuilding project will begin in earnest once all who wish to relocate are safely removed from the construction sites.
“Your Earth will receive a complete makeover, and in many ways she will be unrecognizable to you upon her unveiling. She will retain her natural beauty that she possesses today, although her soils and her air will be sparkling and pure. Her forests will be green, and they will be rich in their trees and wildlife. Her oceans, lakes and rivers will be crystal clear blue water, alive with your aquatic species, and your skies will be abuzz with your bird species soaring from treetop to treetop. You will have new homes prepared for you, and you will have libraries and places of higher education assessable to all.” (1)
“We would like to revise history here, and that is the purpose of our mission. There were events in your past that saw the destruction of an entire continent and millions of lives lost in this catastrophe. It is our intention to replay this event, but this time we wish to achieve a different outcome. This is the basis for our presence here in you world, and as we move forward more of what we intend to do will be revealed to you. As more information is shared with you, you will understand better your reasons for being here as well.
 ”Many lives were lost when your planet experienced great seismic activity and your oceans became mountains of water rushing over continents. What we intend to do is prepare your planet and your people for these events this time, and spare as many lives as possible from these consequences. We have a plan and we have greatly advanced technologies than what you possess today here in your world, and we will share these technologies with you to better prepare you at this time for this seismic activity which again will result in rising sea levels.
“There is no reason to panic or be fearful. Instead, this is a time to remain balanced, calm and courageous, as together we will work to prepare your world for these eventualities. In time, we will disclose our plans for your people and give everyone an opportunity to prepare themselves for these seismic events. Everyone, with no exceptions, will be given the opportunity to relocate to what we refer to as safe zones.
“These safe zones will be scattered around your planet and they will be accessible through technological means that we will reveal to you at the proper time. Once within these safe zones you will be safe from harm’s way as your planet restructures herself for her new beginning as a 5th dimensional world. When these events culminate and your planet rises in her frequency, you will be free to leave these safe zones and behold your new home within the higher realms. There will be plenty of notice and time given each of you to relocate to these safe zones, and there will be proper housing facilities available to all of you which will be provided through the advanced technologies that we have come here to share with you. These areas will be safe harbors for you and your family, and no harm will come to you as long as you remain within these boundaries during these seismic upheavals. …
“Looking at our timeline we would say that we would like to have your populations relocated to the safe zones by fall of this year. This will give us time to introduce ourselves to your people and build an adequate trust between ourselves before the initiation of these relocation programs, and we will make announcements through your media outlets once they are freed from the control of your dark Cabal. These announcements and explanations of these geophysical events will be broadcast repeatedly for months until we are satisfied that everyone around your planet has received adequate notification. …
“There will be those who see these events and our plans to relocate you to safe zones as some kind of trickery or deception in some way. There will be debates among you about whether to trust us or not, and we say to you to rely on your intuition and your inner guidance and follow where this inner voice leads you. Whether this voice leads you to the safe zones, or this inner voice convinces you that this is all part of some evil plot, we will honor your decisions. These will be challenging times for you, we wish to make that clear, but we also wish you to know that we see this as a wonderful opportunity for all of the people of your world to come together in support of each other, in assistance to each other and in love for each other, and triumph over these adversities. What awaits you beyond these challenges will be a glorious new beginning for you, and you will emerge into your new home together as one.
“These safe zones will be scattered around your planet and they will be accessible through technological means that we will reveal to you at the proper time. Once within these safe zones you will be safe from harm’s way as your planet restructures herself for her new beginning as a 5th dimensional world. When these events culminate and your planet rises in her frequency, you will be free to leave these safe zones and behold your new home within the higher realms. There will be plenty of notice and time given each of you to relocate to these safe zones, and there will be proper housing facilities available to all of you which will be provided through the advanced technologies that we have come here to share with you. These areas will be safe harbors for you and your family, and no harm will come to you as long as you remain within these boundaries during these seismic upheavals. (2)


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