Total Solar Eclipse Nov. 13th ~ Will Earthquakes Follow

Submitted by Lia on Thu, 11/08/2012 - 10:17



By Mitch Battros - Earth Changes Media
 7:12:15 PM


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A total solar eclipse will take place on 13-14 November 2012 (UTC), beginning locally on November 13 west of the International Date Line over northern Australia, and ending on November 14 east of the date line off the western South American coast. Its greatest magnitude is 1.0500, occurring only 12 hours before perigee, with greatest eclipse totality lasting just over 4 minutes.


A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes between Earth and the Sun, thereby totally or partially obscuring the image of the Sun for a viewer on Earth. A total solar eclipse occurs when the Moon's apparent diameter is larger than the Sun, blocking all direct Sunlight, turning day into darkness. Totality occurs in a narrow path across the surface of the Earth, while a partial solar eclipse will be visible over a region thousands of kilometers wide.


Solar Eclipse Animated Rotation - CLICK HERE

For this eclipse totality will be visible from northern Australia and the southern Pacific Ocean. The most populous city to experience totality will be Cairns, which will experience 2 minutes of totality just an hour after daybreak (06:38 AEST, 20:38 UTC) with the Sun at an altitude of just 14°. Norfolk Island, a small pacific island east of Australia, will experience a partial eclipse with a maximum of 98% of the Sun obscured at 09:37 NFT and an altitude of 42°.

Parts of northern New Zealand will experience a partial eclipse. Auckland will have 87.0% of the Sun obscured, whereas Wellington, Christchurch and Dunedin will respectively have 76.4%, 68.9% and 61.5% of the Sun obscured. Maximum eclipse over New Zealand will occur around 10:30 NZDT (21:30 UTC), with Auckland at 10:28, Wellington at 10:34, Christchurch at 10:35 and Dunedin at 10:36.

Parts of central Chile, specifically the Los Ríos and Los Lagos regions from Valdivia (63% obscured) south to Quellón (54% obscured) will see a partial eclipse with over half the Sun obscured at sunset, over the coast. Points north up to about Santiago will see the eclipse begin as the Sun is setting.

When seen from west of the International Date Line the eclipse will take place on the morning of November 14. Greatest eclipse, of duration 4 min 2 sec, will occur east of the International Date Line on November 13, approximately 2000 km east of New Zealand, and 9600 km west of Chile.


In February of 2008, Earth Changes Media made headlines providing evidence of a connection between a Solar and Lunar Eclipse and catastrophic events. We displayed well documented evidence showing large earth changing events did occur within a 14 day window prior to, and 14 days immediately following an Eclipse.

Will a similar scenario occur as the result of the coming full solar eclipse?

Let's take a look at history and the scientific evidence of "cycles". Below I will list the dates of 'full lunar eclipse' from 2001 to 2011.

Although earthquakes are certainly at the top of all emergency managements list, volcanoes are not far behind. I am most concerned with recent volcanic events in Northern and Central America which may be progress to full eruptions.




- 2001 Dec 14: Annular Solar Eclipse -

January 25 2001 - (India) A magnitude 7.6 earthquake shook the Indian Province of Gujarat. It was one of the two most deadly earthquakes to strike India in its recorded history. The death toll was 19,727, number of injured at 166,000, over 600,000 people were left homeless, with 348,000 houses destroyed and an additional 844,000 damaged.

- 2003 May 31: Annular Solar Eclipse -

May 2 2003 - (Turkey) At least 176 people have died and 521 people were injured after a magnitude 6.4 earthquake that shook the eastern Turkey's Bingol province. Several public buildings collapsed in the centre of Bingol city and its vicinity. The last official report concerning the consequences of the earthquake in the city indicates about 570 buildings were collapsed and about 6000 others were damaged.

May 21 2003 - (Algiers) A strong earthquake measuring 6.8 magnitude struck the coastal region east of Algiers and the Tell Atlas mountains of Algeria. 2,251 people died, another 1,200 missing, 10,243 were injured and 200,000 made homeless.

May 26 2003 - (Japan) A 7.0 magnitude earthquake hit northern Japan, however, there were no casualties and very few people were injured due to the depth (about 44 miles underground) of the epicenter of the earthquake.

- 2003 Nov 23: Total Solar Eclipse -

Nov 17 2003 - (Alaska) A 7.8 earthquake hits Aleutian Islands, Alaska; tsunami warning issued.

- 2004 Apr 19: Partial Solar Eclipse

April 2004 - (United States) Yellowstone Super Volcano experienced over 400 quakes within three days. This type of increase in earthquake activity is called a "swarm". Parts of the caldera were closed to the public with areas of surface temperatures reaching over 200 degrees Fahrenheit. Some reports were telling of the sole of on-lookers shoes were melting just prior to the area's closing.

- 2004 Oct 14: Partial Solar Eclipse -

October 23 2004 - (Japan) A series of powerful earthquakes the strongest with a magnitude of 6.7 jolted northern Japan, killing at least 30 people and injuring more than 2000 people largely as the result of building collapse. The strongest earthquakes occurred during a period of several hours with the main epicenter located near Yamakoshi village, Niigata Prefecture. Thousands of landslides were triggered by the earthquakes and aftershocks with much associated damage to roads, agricultural fields, and residential.

- 2007 Mar 19 Partial Solar Eclipse -

March 3 2007 - (Sumatra) Two strong earthquakes shook the west coast of the Indonesian island of Sumatra on Tuesday, killing at least 70 people, 460 serious injuries have been reported, spread across many towns and regencies in West Sumatra. Over 43,000 houses were damaged, with over 12,000 of those severely damaged.

- 2007 Sept 11 Partial Solar Eclipse -

August 15 2007 - (Peru) Large 8.0 earthquake hits Peru. Over 514 died, with 1,090 injured, and around 40,035 families rendered homeless. A further 30,542 families have been affected.

Sept 12, 2007 - (Sumatra) - A series of megathrust earthquakes struck the Java Trench off the coast of Sumatra, Indonesia, three greater than magnitude 7.0. The most powerful of the series had a magnitude of 8.5 killing at least 25. This event makes it in the top 20 of the largest earthquakes ever recorded.

- 2008 Feb 07 Annular Solar Eclipse -

Feb 12th 2008 - (United States) A "swarm" of over 100 earthquakes hit Baja California, Mexico. Swarms also began off the Oregon Coast, Northern Calif., and Alaska. They are still occurring with no sign of letting up.

- 2009 Jan 26 Annular Solar Eclipse -

December 27th 2008 - Montserrat Volcano Hurls Lava, Rocks, Ash - A volcano on the tiny Caribbean island of Montserrat has resumed its rumbling and hurled rocks and lava toward the abandoned capital. The observatory said Friday that the Soufriere Hills volcano spewed ash 10,000 feet (3,048 meters) into the air on Christmas Eve.

January 14th 2009 (United States) Swarm of Earthquake Activity Over For Now at Yellowstone National Park. This sequence of more than 500 seismic events was most intense on December 27, 2008. The sequence included sixteen events of magnitude 3 to 3.9 and approximately 70 of magnitude 2 to 3 (as of Sunday afternoon, Jan. 4, 2009).

February 10th 2009 - (United States) Earthquake 'Swarm' Hits North of San Francisco - Just north of San Francisco, an area called 'The Geysers' which is not unfamiliar to earthquake swarms. However, a recent escalation in magnitude has invited a heightened concern. A 3.7 magnitude quake occurred on Feb. 20th which is a triggering signal for seismologist to take note and monitor more closely.

**This article is not about scaring you, it is about encouraging preparedness. No need to panic, but perhaps a need to take an inventory on your general preparedness list. Those who have a general 7 day preparedness kit, not only are better off physically, but emotionally as well. Just knowing you have basic equipment and protocol, eases the mind and reduces the potential for panic.

Earth Changes Media has made available a 'free' link with a complete list of preparedness items and protocol for all types of events. Just click on the link below.


Survival Tips:


Earth Changes Media

Mitch Battros

David Porter

Thu, 11/08/2012 - 18:22

Earthquakes have preceded and WILL follow and won't be shy about it..

David Porter

Thu, 11/08/2012 - 18:25

Earthquakes have preceded and WILL follow and won't be shy about it..



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