Transcript of Stephen Cook’s Exclusive Interview with Cobra, June 13, 2012 ~ Part 2/2

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 06/18/2012 - 09:26

Transcript of Stephen Cook’s Exclusive Interview with Cobra, June 13, 2012 ~ Part 2/2

2012 June 18
 Original Post by Steve Beckow

The transcript of  Stephen Cook’s interview with Cobra has arrived, thanks to Ellen. I’ve posted it in two parts.

The actual interview itself can be heard at:


The Light Agenda: Cobra ~ Presented by Stephen Cook


Episode 1 – Wednesday June 13, 2012: Exclusive World First Radio Interview with Cobra – Part 2/2


Stephen Cook: Okay. Now, one of the other critical factors you said was very important in the surrendering of the Cabal is the handing over of the control of the mainstream media. So how do you envisage that would happen? I mean, it’s not just English-speaking media, it’s Spanish-speaking media, Portuguese media. Obviously the Cabal has its hands in every single media right around the world. So how would that actually happen, and who would they hand over control to?


Cobra: The best way for this to happen is the actual surrender of the Cabal according to the conditions that were put forward by the Resistance Movement.


SC: Ah-hmmm.

Cobra: And if this happens peacefully, it’s very easy. Simply the control is lifted, the censorship is lifted and people are allowed to investigate on their own. And also people who are in the position inside the light forces can come on — come to TV stations and start telling the truth. There is documentation, there is evidence. And if the Cabal steps forward and announces their surrender, this will be the critical breakthrough.


If this doesn’t happen, things will take much longer and it will not be so easy.


SC: In saying all of that, though, do you then see, though, that the Cabal itself would literally — I don’t know what the word I’m looking for is — if they have control, they’re not just likely to just walk away, are they?


Cobra: It’s not just about walking away. They have two options. The first option they have is peaceful surrender, and there’s a certain deadline in the next, I would say, 10 days. If they don’t accept this option, their future is going to be much, much, harder. So it’s in their self-interests to accept this option. Because otherwise, plans are being put into place that will — mmm — erase them one way or the other. They have — actually, they have no option. They need to surrender.


SC: Okay. The other critical factor you’ve also said is the resetting of the financial system. So what does that actually involve?

Cobra: Okay. We have now, again, two options. The first option is if the Cabal surrenders, this transition can be very smooth. It can be without stress, the banks may remain open. It would simply — the same thing that’s happening with the internet, with the expansion in the new protocol, the same can happen with the financial system, because it’s all electronic — you just switch over to the new program.


If the Cabal will not surrender, there will need to be a reboot. That means actually a reset when the banks are closed. And by doing that you cut off the Cabal from all the money. And when you cut them off from all the money, they are basically paralyzed. And this is the way how the mass arrest scenario would happen. So we have two options here, and we don’t know yet which one will manifest.

SC: So you don’t have any intel on what’s happening behind-the-scenes with the European financial situation at the moment?

Cobra: I have, but it’s not yet decided. You see, there are two possible futures, and it’s not about intel, it’s about the free will of the Cabal.


SC: Okay.

Cobra: Nobody knows what is going to happen. There will be much more known in a few days, or one week.


SC: Well…

Cobra: But now the decision point is right now. So nobody knows.

SC: Okay. But in the last couple of days — and I don’t know whether you’ve heard this — but there’s been a couple of stories in definitely non-mainstream media, so they haven’t been in any of the mainstream media, but there’s a couple of stories that certainly started moving on some alternative media websites and within e-mails that the Italian bank — and I think it’s BNI — has sent letters to its customers saying that they won’t have access to their accounts or their monies for some period of time. So have you heard about that, or do you know anything about that?


Cobra: Yes. This is actually part of the disintegration of the financial system. And this disintegration has happened in the last four years, the so-called financial crisis. That was artificially triggered, but there is a higher purpose to this. It is to soften the rigidity of the system to the point where we can crash it at will, if we want. So the light forces have tools to crash the system, if that is necessary. But the closing down of that bank is not part of this crash, it is simply an organic process of disintegration of the Rothschild banking casino.


SC: So it is a true story?

Cobra: Yes.


SC: And then speaking of Europe, though, we had a Greek election that basically went nowhere, and in fact they’re going to the polls this weekend (June 17). How do you see that unfolding? Do you believe that the Greek election — how, I mean, actually, how will that unfold? Who do you think may win that?


Cobra: Most likely, the Greek population will say no, and most likely Greece will have to exit the European Union. And if this happens, this triggers a chain reaction. So actually, there are many things happening at once. It’s not just the surrender of the Cabal itself. The planetary situation is such, the financial situation, the energies that are coming, everything is coming to a certain — mmm — tipping point.


SC: Yes.

Cobra: And this is happening right now. So when — if this chain reaction happens- mmm – the humanity and the Cabal and the light forces altogether will be forced to make a decision. So there will be no more waiting, most likely.


SC: Okay. You don’t know when that might happen? [laughs]

Cobra: It might happen any day! You see, we are now at a point, after the Venus transit, things are happening every day. And everything is possible from now on.


SC: Okay, so those planetary things, such as the eclipse, the Venus transit – they really have had a big impact on things?

Cobra: Oh, yes. They have had a basic impact on things. The Cabal would not give an offer to surrender without the Venus transit, without all the meditations with it, without all the information that people have, without the awareness people have. It would not be possible.


SC: So can I ask you a bit about the Archons? Because, again, here there’s — and it’s an area where somewhat I’m a little bit confused. But I know a lot of people — not me in this case — but a lot of people have been confusing the Archons with the Anunnaki. So could you just explain the difference about who or — exactly who or what are the Archons, and a little bit about what role they’re currently playing in the dark?


Cobra: Okay. Archons — this is a Greek word for rulers. And they’re actually the ones who are ruling the quarantined Earth. And there is a physical aspect, there is very few of them left, and there is the non-physical aspect. And actually, the whole show is being run from the etheric and astral planes. This is where actually most of them are, and what they do is they influence the thinking process and the emotional process of humanity. So they actually have technology available on the etheric and astral planes to influence the way how people think, the way how people feel, and this actually greatly influences the behavior of the masses and also influences the behavior of the Cabal and, unluckily, also the behavior of the light-workers.


So they are the ones who we need to be really aware of. And the purpose of those mass meditations was, one of the primary purposes was to — to get a victory over those people.


SC: In terms of what, though? You mean because of our group conscious thought becoming — entering the atmosphere and changing people’s intentions, or…?


Cobra: No, actually it’s a kind of magical wars, similar to what happened in Atlantis. The light forces are bringing in light, and if there is enough light on the planet, on the etheric and astral planes, this creates a network of light, a planetary grid, which in turn gives the light forces of the higher dimensions an opportunity to remove those Archons from the etheric and astral planes.

And we have had quite a great success in the last few weeks with this. The dark grid has not been completely removed, but it is in the process of being removed. And this is exactly the reason why it is possible now to proceed with the plan.


SC: Okay. Now, you’ve just said something that I’m still a bit confused about. After we all did the reboot-of-the-grid meditation, you had said it was successful.

Cobra: Yes.


SC: So how did you know that, at the time?


Cobra: I received reports, I received intel about it. There are certain things I am not allowed to speak about yet, but there were certain events taking place that were very — that was for me an indication of a great success. And actually, there was a crack in the negative, in the dark grid on the etheric and astral planes, and through that crack, this crack will widen and will expand and will actually dissolve the grid at a certain point.


SC: So in the same way as an ozone layer kind of grows.

Cobra: Pardon?


SC: In the same way as an ozone hole grows in the atmosphere, with pollution?


Cobra: Yes. Similarly. Yes. Yes.


SC: Okay. And at that time, when you said that the reboot of the grid had been successful, you also said that the Archons had been removed from the astral planes. But this week, in the way I …

Cobra: Not all of … Not all of them.


SC: Okay. That’s what I was confused about, because this week you said that there were still some present here, on the ground, as physical Archons.


Cobra: Yes. There are very few also present inside the Jesuit faction. Not many of them, but those who are, are very powerful, because they were at the top of the pyramid all the time.


SC: Um-hmm. So when you say the “Jesuit faction,” though, is that the same as the Zionist faction we read about?


Cobra: Not exactly the same, but we would say the Zionist faction is subordinate to the top people in the Jesuit faction.

SC: Okay. So do you — can you give us a bit of more description of the Jesuits? Because some people may not understand what you mean by that.


Cobra: Actually, that’s a military — a religious-military group that has influenced most of the events in human history in the last, let’s say, 400 years or so. And, actually, the Rothschilds are just their bankers, their slaves. They obey the Jesuits’ commands. And those people are — mmm – they are very well versed in occult technologies. They know exactly how the human mind works. They know about the mass programming. They have experienced … they gather intel about that through inquisition techniques in the last few hundred years, and they were actually designing the human history. And it’s time now for them to be removed.


SC: So in terms of — when you said they were in military, though — So when we hear …


Cobra: They’re not in military, it’s a military group that is actually infiltrated inside the top people in the Catholic Church. Most of them are now in Italy. Not everybody of them is in Italy, but the core group, a great part of the core group is in Italy right now.

SC: So the — well, I was going to ask you about this anyway, so now you’ve gone there — the Vatican, the things that are happening in the Vatican right now, are they linked to this undermining of the Jesuits themselves?


Cobra: This is the top layer of this. What’s actually happening is being reported nowhere. You need to understand that most things are happening in the background, never get into the internet alternative websites. They get reported nowhere.

SC: So will you be telling us more about that, if you can find out information on that?


Cobra: You see, when I receive intel I’m allowed to speak about certain things and I’m not allowed to speak about other things. And —

SC: Okay. So if a — yeah, so if an operation is still underway it’s obviously still secret at that point.


Cobra: Yes. So when I receive clearance to put something, I put it on my website.


SC: Yes. So when you — who gives you that clearance, though?

Cobra: The Resistance Movement.


SC: Okay. Via, possibly, Michael, who you have known for some time.


Cobra: Not exactly through him, but through other sources.

SC: Okay.


Cobra: He is the leader of the operation. I have some other contacts, also.


SC: Okay. Now, when we — when we did our e-mail interview, you told me that you were a Pleiadian incarnated in a human body, and a little while earlier in this interview you just told me that you’d met with them. Can you tell me a little bit about that? Like, were you born a starseed, or are you a walk-in, or are you Pleiadian by birth, and you were then put here on Earth?


Cobra: Actually, I went through the usual incarnation process, through human parents, the usual way.

SC: Yes, okay.


Cobra: But I never lost awareness of who I am. And at a certain point…


SC: Even as — even as a child?


Cobra: Yes, I had this unbroken connection. It was never broken.

SC: Okay. So what do you remember about your Pleiadian history, then?


Cobra: Actually, they contacted me at a certain point in my life, physically. It was during the nighttime. I was teleported to the ship, and they showed me certain things in the solar system, they explained me certain things, and there was a big discussion that we had about the nuclear war. They were very concerned about that, and, actually, I didn’t want to come back, but they said, “You have to come back, because this nuclear war has to be stopped.”


And I was given certain instructions at that point about this, that I’m not allowed to speak about yet, but I am cooperating with them since then.


SC: Okay. So you — does that mean that, when you said you were born to human parents, do they have any knowledge of your Pleiadian ancestry? Or is this something that you have actually been able to talk about within your family? And are they involved in what you do now in any way?


Cobra: No, they are not. You see, they are usual human parents, like usual human population. They don’t understand this yet. They will believe when they see it happen, So I don’t talk to them about this.


SC: Okay. So you went up on a ship. What was that like?

Cobra: Oh, it was very — the energy was really extremely loving. It was very comfortable. It felt like home. It was for me like coming home. So um….it’s not possible to describe this in human words. The ships are actually very small. The one I was in, it was like for — the diameter was about 30 feet or maybe a little bit more. There were about seven Pleiadians in there, and it was a very family type of experience –  a real family, a real soul connection with those beings.


SC: Wow!

Cobra: And although I was speaking to them with my voice, they could also speak to me telepathically at that point. And they also opened up certain abilities to me. And they then showed me — they showed me around the solar system. I was able to be near the Moon, all the planets. They explained to me what’s happening there, and they explained to me something about the future of the human race.


SC: Wow, I’m envious! I would have loved to have done that! [laugh]

Cobra: Oh, yes. It is — you know, it is a beautiful experience, but when you come back it’s hard to adjust. Because there is such a big difference in vibration, it’s unbelievable.


SC: And do you remember how old you were when this happened?

Cobra: Yes, but I’m not allowed to speak about it yet.


SC: Oh, okay. Okay. So in terms of — when that happened, though, you were fully conscious? It wasn’t like — it wasn’t like you were…. When you say it happened in the nighttime, were you fully conscious that you were being taken, or was it almost just like a vivid dream?


Cobra: I was fully conscious, because I was taken with the physical body. It was not a dreamtime experience, it was a physical experience. And yes, I was completely and fully conscious about it.

SC: And how did you — do you remember, or are you allowed to talk about, how you went from your point or your place that you were on Earth at the time to the ship?


Cobra: I was teleported.

SC: Right.


Cobra: I was simply taken away from where I was, teleported to the ship, and then, together with the ship, went to the atmosphere and then to open space.


SC: So were you — did you know that was going to happen beforehand?


Cobra: No, no.

SC: Or were you frightened at any moment whilst it was happening?

Cobra: I wished it to happen, but when it happened it was a — it was a nice surprise, like a birthday present.


SC: [laugh] Lucky you! Now, you have also said that the Pleiadians have told you that they will appear en masse immediately following the surrender of the Cabal, but not before. And…


Cobra: They did not say immediately, they said the condition for them to appear en masse is that the Cabal is being removed, and when, after the Cabal is removed, they will initialize the process of the first contact. And I have received instructions from them what to do when that happens.


SC: Okay.

Cobra: So I will be able to post details on my website after the Cabal is removed about the first contact.


SC: So you —

Cobra: I have a great part of the plan already, but I’m not allowed to speak about it before the Cabal is removed.


SC: Are you allowed to tell us anything? Because, I mean, we’re hearing — and, look, I have seen several spaceships, and I’ve had two quite close encounters myself with two completely different ships, but I’ve never had, as far as I know, a wonderful face-to-face connection with any star beings – unless I have and I don’t remember. But are you able to give us any idea of — are we talking about mass flyovers? Are we talking about mass landings, or…? How it may evolve?


Cobra: Okay. I can give you little bit, a few details. The first one is that after the Cabal is removed the Pleiadians will contact a few, selected individuals, and will give them a display of their presence. And after some time, after this display of their presence, there will be a first physical meeting, that will be private, among those individuals.


And this will expand, through a certain process that will involve the mass media. Then the Pleiadians will provide evidence, physical evidence of their presence through the mass media, which will be liberated by then. And when the human population is ready – which will be quite soon after the Cabal is surrendered, or defeated – they will be able to appear through mass flyovers.


SC: Okay.

Cobra: And soon after that, the humanity will have a choice to decide if they wish to accept the mass landings or not. And most likely the first contact, the first official contact will happen through the representatives of the new government of this planet, whatever that will be, and the Pleiadians. And they said to me that most likely this will happen through the United Nations. And I know some people have reservations that they say that United Nations is corrupt, and that it’s part of the Cabal…


SC: Yes, I was going to say that.

Cobra: But at that point the United Nations will be simply organization that will represent humanity. It will not be under Cabal’s control any longer. The official building will stay there. And — it’s in New York, and it will not be demolished. And this place can be used, and most likely will be used, for the first contact, the first official contact.


SC: Okay. Now, I’m told that I’m originally Arcturian by ancestry or descent. You keep talking about the Pleiadians. Will other races and other Galactic Federation members be involved in the same system and the — not the same system, but the same flyovers, the same Disclosure process?


Cobra: Yes, to a certain extent. The Sirians also will be involved, I’m not for sure, but mostly the Pleiadians will be the first to appear simply because the Pleiadian race is closest in psychology and how they look and everything to the human race. So they are very similar to the human race, and this is the reason why they will appear first.


SC: And so …


Cobra: After, there are many other races coming, and after that there is a second part of the plan that will involve the Galactic Confederation as a whole.


SC: Okay. So in any of this, with your visit with the Pleiadians or anything else, have you seen any of the advanced technologies that we’re hearing about and that will soon be coming to Earth?

Cobra: Oh, yes. Oh, yes. I am pretty well aware of those technologies. I can expose a few of them. One of them is teleportation technology that makes travel very simple. You can come from point A to point B usually in about 20 or 30 seconds. It is — and the feeling when you go through these teleportation chambers is similar to skydiving. It’s a very delightful sensation, if you go through that.


The second technology will be replicators or manifestation chambers, whatever you want to call them, is to — those are able to manifest every physical object by command. So you can actually connect that thing to a computer, you can design a certain object on a computer with a graphics program, and then you can manifest the same object in any material you wish through that replicator. Or you can …


SC: Does that include — does that include food? [laugh]


Cobra: Yes. You can actually have a special scanning device, you can actually put the original object, like a very — like a very good cooked meal, into that scanning device; the device will scan that food and will replicate it, 10 times, 20 times, thousand times — whatever you wish.


SC: I’m looking forward to that. [laugh]

Cobra: And that’s a basic technology they are — they will be available very soon.


SC: Okay. Now, in my e-mail chat with you last time you said that there’s a clear plan for Ascension but that the Pleiadians will not reveal this until the Cabal is gone from power. But do you have any idea that you can give us about what that Ascension plan is?


Cobra: Okay. I can explain basically what Ascension is. Ascension is a liberation of consciousness from all third dimensional realities. It is liberation from the physical plane. It is a liberation from all the emotional states and mental states. It’s actually quite similar to what the eastern religions were terming as enlightenment.

SC: Sorry, the which — the which religions?


Cobra: Eastern, like India …


SC: Eastern. Yep, yeah.

Cobra: … people in India were talking about enlightenment. And actually Ascension is complete and absolute enlightenment. This is something that’s going to happen to a certain percentage of light-workers or starseeds that are right now on this planet. The humanity in the mass will not go through Ascension process, it will go through a deprogramming process. And the human beings will be able to leave their lives to continue evolving, but without the influence of the Cabal.


SC: Well, there’s so many different stories about that, though, because you’re saying your story now of how you believe it’s going to be interpreted; other people say that the majority of us will ascend in human body but that we will become crystalline in form; other people say we’re going to go to light chambers to be healed; and there’s also views that Earth will split in two — one will remain in three dimensional with many of the people who are dark, and the other may well progress up into the fifth — or will progress to the fifth dimension – with everybody who’s light. So it’s very hard for all of us to know what is the real truth or what may happen, because none of us have been through it yet.


Cobra: I know there are many stories. Some of them are correct, some of them are not. But, as I have said, the Pleiadians have instructed me not to speak about this in detail before the Cabal is removed. Because the first focus is now to remove the Cabal. Ascension process cannot happen until the Cabal is removed. And when the Cabal is removed, I will give all the details, and I will explain everything about the Ascension process, what it includes, how it is done, and it will be much clearer then, but you have to wait.


SC: So in reading about things, though, we’re told there is a divine plan, and everybody talks about December 21 being a significant date. Do you believe that December 21 will be the real changeover date, the moment when all of us actually ascend?


Cobra: No, the Ascension process will take much longer. What I believe is that, most likely, the Cabal will completely be removed by that date, and I mean the physical Cabal and non-physical Archons. So when the Cabal is removed, we are free, and from that moment on, we can start really healing the planet ourselves, and to really surrender to the Ascension process. And the process itself will take much longer.


SC: Okay. So does that — do you then not believe, though, that December 21 will become the beginning of the Golden Age?

Cobra: It will, because the Cabal is removed. So this is such a big step that you cannot imagine. This will change life so much, it is beyond any human expectations. It is a quantum leap that has never happened on this planet before.


SC: And yet some of us may have been through it elsewhere, beforehand.

Cobra: Pardon?


SC: Some — although some people say that some of us have been through Ascension beforehand in other lives.


Cobra: Ummm — yeah, that happened to some people, a long time ago, on other planets. And they descended again, they lowered their vibrational frequency in order to be incarnated here. That’s true.


SC: So that’s what happened with you as well?


Cobra: Not in the same way. Not in the same way.


SC: Okay. So over the past weekend you’ve been talking about the balance of the light and the dark, and we’re constantly being told that the balance is being redressed in favor of the light, and yet I wasn’t quite sure what you were trying to say last weekend about the light was winning, or the dark was still in power or control. So where’s that balance at as we speak now?


Cobra: Actually, you can experience that balance in your life daily, and if you look around, you see where the balance is. The light is progressing, but at this point the dark has not surrendered yet. They still control the mass media, they still control, to a great extent, the financial system. And when there will be a real victory of the light, all this will change drastically. It will be a breakthrough.

Until that moment, we can say there is a certain dynamic equilibrium between the light and the dark that actually appears like nothing is changing. But, in fact, in the background many things are going on that are a preparation ground for this big breakthrough that’s about to happen.


SC: Okay. In your own personal life experiences, have you been raised, trained, or is this just your belief system following your meeting with the Pleiadians, that you chose to follow this life path in search of, I suppose, keeping the light alive?


Cobra: Actually, I have never lost my connection with the Source, and I was always aware of this. And the situations that came into my life,  it was a reflection of both light and dark. They did not influence my general decision. It was always there. But the light was helping me in this decision, and the dark wanted to stop me. And both forces are very strong. So I have … experienced the extreme of the light…


SC: So do you — do you believe you’ve got light and dark?

Cobra: … Pardon?


SC: So do you believe there’s light and dark in you now?

Cobra: I have cleared most of the dark inside, because I wanted to get rid of this. This was just simply my choice.


SC: Because sometimes when — I know that when I’ve read your blog, a couple of times, I’m wondering whether you’re possibly a little angry with certain cultures, beings or institutions, and whether that’s just your experience, or whether … you’re coming from a very good place, I suppose is the best way of looking at it.

Cobra: Well, sometimes I might get angry, and this is very good because anger can be transformed into something that changes situations. So just as everybody, I have human emotions like everybody else.


SC: Okay. So you have good and bad days. [laugh]

Cobra: Yes, of course.


SC: So can you tell us a little bit, though, what may be a normal day or week in the life of Cobra?


Cobra: Ummm, I wouldn’t like to speak about it yet.

SC: Okay. But in terms of you’re contacting people to get intel, then you posting on your site, you’re learning what’s going on in the world, then posting on your site?


Cobra: There is not much I can say about my contacts. I have contacts one way or the other. I receive intel in various ways. And there’s not much I can say about it right now, so it’s still quite classified.


SC: Okay. Now, you just admitted that sometimes you have angry or dark days, but you’ve kind of become maybe the biggest promoter, in an odd way, of mass meditations over the last couple of months. How do you balance all of that, and is meditation a very big part of your life?


Cobra: It is, in a way it is. Because I use this practice, maybe not in the same way as most people do, but yes, I have my way of connecting with the Source, connecting with the light, and I use it every day.


SC: Now, when you talk about “the Source,” what do you mean by the Source?


Cobra: Some people call it the God, some people call it the Light. There are various names. But I would say Source is just a good name, a good explanation of connecting with something that is beyond, that is greater and that encompasses everything.

SC: So if I was to ask you now, “Are you a happy man or woman? Would you say you were a happy man or woman?


Cobra: I would say, sometimes, yes. I would say I’m much more — I’m much happier than I was, especially when, the period when the dark was attacking me, I was not happy man or woman.

SC: Okay. So what makes you happy today?


Cobra: Oh, there are various things. I would just expose a few of them. Giving this information to the general public is something that makes me very fulfilled. And there are some aspects of my private life that are very good, and I would not speak about them right now, but this fulfills me greatly.


SC: And what else do you do to relax?


Cobra: I take walks in nature, I listen to music, sometimes I surf the internet… Many things.


SC: All right. Now, speaking of music, I did ask if you would like to choose a song to end our interview today, and the song you chose is called “Tonight in Babylon,” it’s by LoverushUK, featuring Canadian singer Bryan Adams. Can you tell me a little bit about why you chose this particular song, Cobra, and what it signifies or means to you?


Cobra: Okay. When I first heard that song, it was just one confirmation, one sign, of a big change that is coming. And I felt the energy of that song, and it’s like the energy of the breakthrough that we are all waiting for. So when you listen to the song, you will feel that energy, for sure.


SC: All right. Well, look, you’ve been listening to Cobra here on The Light Agenda. If you’re interested, of course, you can read Cobra’s Portal 2012 blog, at


Thank you so much, Cobra. It’s been an absolute pleasure.

Cobra: Thank you very much.

SC: And here is LoverushUK featuring Bryan Adams with “Tonight in Babylon”.

Music track [end]


Part 1 of the Cobra interview can be heard here.

The Light Agenda - Wednesdays at 6pm PDT/9PM EDT on InLIght Radio.
Stephen’s next guest (June 20) is Suzy Ward - mother of Matthew Ward, receiver of Matthews’ Messages and author of The Matthew Books.

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