Transcription of Maarten Horst's Account of the Aion Portal Activation

Submitted by timebandit on Wed, 11/27/2013 - 08:49

Maarten Horst, First Contact Radio

Report on the Aion Vortex Activation

November 23, 2013

 Florence, Italy


My dear fellow human beings, welcome to First Contact Radio. My name is Maarten Horst and I just came back from a long trip. I speak to you from the Netherlands. We have been at the activation portal of the Goddess energy.

I am here to speak to you about what happened both physically and etherically. The reason that I drove 4000 km is because this is of vital importance. The whole situation was so incredible because the whole Universe was watching us; the whole Creation was watching what was happening in Florence, in Firenze. I am a bit emotional from all that happened, not a little bit emotional, very emotional.

I will try to describe what happened first in the physical reality... On Friday morning the people were gathering at a yoga studio in Firenze. There was a nice quiet atmosphere. There was a beautiful meditation with Cobra and with Isis. The music that he played was incredible; it was the highest frequency I have heard in music. I am very sensitive in music; that is why I say this.  

The group was consisting of 24 Light-workers from Brazil, Italy, Dubai and many other places... What I experienced was the highest regions of Light, the highest Elohim, the highest aspect of Aion and Iona were working very intensely.

We were working through the group.

There was also the darkness attacking us etherically.

It is that we went into a curve very quickly, every second it changed, every minute. From very high frequency but then there were attacks from the dark forces. But the Light succeeded and we were very happy. We were in tears.

There was a beautiful moment when we were in this park in Florence and there was a very serene energy on the faces of the people. We were in silence to prepare for the activation.  We were asked to invoke the presence of St. Germain, also by Isis, and the three-fold flame. The beautiful thing was that there were chemtrails in the sky but they were eaten away by sylphs. What was more beautiful even was the sky above us was in the purple, violet, the color of the violet flame--the whole sky above us.

 I had so many impressions... The activation part of the Aion portal was until now in my life the most profound, and intense, experience of my whole life. There were so many beings there, ascended masters and possible ETs...but the intensity of the whole process was so immense. We got so many impressions from energies!

Afterwards we were discussing in the car when were driving back to the Netherlands--we were reflecting on what happened. The Light was victorious! The Aion portal was opened. At the moment of the opening portal there was such an influx of energy arriving through us in the group, that it was then that Isis asked us to sing the invocation to Iona, the twin flame of Aion. The emotions were so high, the beauty of this Goddess energy... After that Cobra asked us to invoke Aion presence. It was a monotone chant. "AI-ON, AI-ON..."After that a wonderful lady from Switzerland started channeling directly from the Source. It was so amazing. There was a shock going through the group...a postive shock of love and light. It was manifesting the energy of the Aion portal. Indescribable. I have never felt such intensity in my life before during a ceremony or meditation. We are successful! This is the victory of the Light my friends!


I am still emotional but the highest possible energy that you can imagine to work with or to feel was coming down in a vortex from the M87 galaxy, sending a pulse the central sun of our galaxy and then to our sun and to the Earth directly, into Florence and everywhere that people were meditating in groups or couples or alone. It was indescribable, the emotion, the love that I felt, but and at the same time, it was all happening so fast...

I don't want to focus on it too much, but the intensity between the attacks that happened and the light was so --- the group was working so hard to keep the energy high. We were all doing a marathon, you understand? It was more than hard work. The energies were fluctuating from very high love to very low, in my experience. This needed to happen, probably. The thing is that we succeeded. We all succeeded. Bravo. I haven't slept for 40 hours or something, so I try to bring the information as consistently as possible. After my radio show I am going to have a long sleep.

...I think that now that this happened, that the Event won't be very long, the happening of the Event. Because the pulse that will come from the Central Galactic Sun will be even more powerful than the pulse that came from the M87 galaxy. As I told you, I never have experienced something like this. Because of this, we had to work even harder than when this energy would not be present. When I looked at the people's eyes in the group and Cobra's eyes and the eye of Isis, we constantly needed to clean up the room, clean up the energy, wave away the negative energies. It was very hard labor, very hard. But we succeeded, my friends, we succeeded. Love is really the highest aspect of existence and it is healing. That's why I choose a song. We all need healing. Because we need healing in our heart, I play the music of Asher Quinn. He's the first New Age musician who started to sing...It's called music for love. It's going to give you a bath of positive loving vibes. Here it comes.


Remember my friends, be always be kind to yourself and others...kindness and loving energies that are flowing through you right now. Love! I experienced so much love during the Aion Portal activation in Florence. So many hearts of such beautiful souls. People that walk their talk, that lived their life, people that have seen things, have experienced pain and suffering, but because of those things have learned to see the purpose of life. I think the purpose of life is learning. Learning to be. Leaning to grow. Learning to evolve into a being of Light.

Right now the ascension process is assisting us.  We are in very interesting times, my friends. The New Renaissance is born and this is beautiful. One of the things that Cobra told us during the Aion Portal Activation was that the Renaissance stared in Florence 500 years ago because Uranus overtook Pluto at that time and that triggered the Renaissance. The new Renaissance that is starting now was meant to start in Florence. The group as a whole that was in Florence was in my perception the representation of all creation, all beings.

The whole universe was watching us and the energies were fluctuating as I told you from the highest love you could possibly feel because the portal opened exactly at 10:11. It's like if you are in a racing car on a circuit or in a F16 or going very fast on the highway, which we did today--in Germany you can do that. We had to drive from Italy back to Switzerland and Germany and then to the Netherlands. 

I want to tell you a funny story about my car. I have crop circle stickers on my doors and on the back of my car and also on the front. They are vortexes. On my door is a special geometrical form of a crop circle on the driver's door. It is a very strong vortex so wherever we drive we know we are protected. We all felt very protected. It was a very long trip by car, but we wanted to do a road trip because we felt that we had to connect our village, our place, with Florence every footstep. We wanted to be grounded while we were getting there over the Earth. We had very interesting conversations in the car, before and after the activation, but especially after the activation.

I want to say I am so thankful to Cobra and Isis for doing this. It is risky work; what they do is putting themselves at risk. They are very courageous people, very motivated. Because there was so much going on, also in the group. And my Italian friends were so lovely, how they organized it. Alexander was translating -- he was doing it with such patience -- and of course Cathy she was as a host. She was like a divine mother, actually. The whole group were such fantastic people. The whole process of the day was something that was going beyond light speed. The forces of the light and dark; it was like a battle--not a battle, but like a fountain or a heartbeat that is going from one direction to another. But the group was able to maintain positive and to be coherent as a group and embrace the love. And there were beings from the center of this universe that were present to guide us and to help us through.

It's like extremes. Extreme high and extreme low. It's like in the Yin-Yang...the light and dark were very strong presence, both of them. The light was victorious. Millions of people that meditated around the world to open the vortex...I felt their presence and their work, their labor, their passion, and also all the beings...the angels, the archangels. It was a race for the victory. So now that the Aion portal is here, is activated, I am very curious what Cobra will say what the next step will be. I heard there will be another portal opening on the 21st of December in Glastonbury, Avalon, in England...I have been in Avalon; I have been in Chalice Well. Chalice Well is one of the most sacred places on Earth. I was there last summer; I was visiting the crop circles. It's so beautiful. There is a very strong feminine energy in Glastonbury, the strongest feminine energy I have ever felt in a location, not on a person, was in Glastonbury--the beauty of it!

The love that I feel now when I came home is so strong--and I feel energized. My thoughts when I was driving and walking from my car to my apartment--I never experienced such quick thinking and such clarity. I think all of us, the people who were present at the opening of the Aion Portal Vortex, we all need time to reflect about what happened and speak about it to our friends, to elaborate. More information and the visible results will come later when things will start to clear up. As I told you it was the most intense experience of my life.

[music] Asher Quinn "Shenandoah"


Cobra was explaining that in the Renaissance the art was inspired by the Ascended Masters and by purity and aesthetic beauty. In modern art, the art houses are funded by the Illuminati. Because there is some modern art that is really ugly and it is meant to lower the vibration of the visitors at the museums. When you hear this music it is the art of love. It is unity. It is beauty. Cobra played music during the meditation we did in the morning from David and Steve Gordon: "Oneness"...It is recommended to play this music. I will try to find it to play it on a future broadcast.

It is a flow. It is not really that you hear melody, but that you hear high crystals and light beings and stars and beauty and galaxies and molecules and atoms and tetrahedrons and Merkabas--all the beauty, all the knowledge that we share together as Light-workers that we know is being visualized in this music. You see very beautiful images when you when you meditate with this music.

What I feel right now is satisfaction. It was worth doing it. It was worth spending the money. It was worth driving all the way to Florence. Really, it was worth it. I think this will last long in my memories as one of the most beautiful and intense experiences I have ever had in my life. What you hear in the background is the church bells in the little city where I live...Soon you will hear the bim-bom of 8 o'clock.

Wherever you are listening from in the world, whatever time is the thing that brought us together and I respect very much all the light beings that were present during the Aion Portal Activation. I want to describe some people that were in the group. For example, there was a couple from Switzerland...they had such a lovely energy. They were like angels amongst us. My friend said they were like perfect grandparents and I felt the same way. The Italians...I'm quarter Italian and when I am in Italy I feel at home. I don't speak the language so well, but the connection, the warmth, the huggings... It was just amazing. I don't remember all the names but I remember the faces of the people and the energy. Also the people from Dubai. There was a lady from the United States with Italian roots. There was a guy from Scotland; he was also amazing, amazing energy. Aahh, it was the work of art. It was a masterpiece of art that we created together in the group physically present in Firenze but also of all the meditations that were done for the opening of the Aion Portal from people all over the world.  So, thank you, thank you, thank you.

[discusses music] It is an album from Asher Quinn...this song is about transforming into the light and that is what happened yesterday--transformed into the light by the energy of Isis and Iona and Aion. Transformed into the light. We became light. At the end of the song Asher sings, "I became light." This is when you will hear sounds and frequencies that will touch your heart and your soul at the deepest level, like the Ascension process.

[Music: Asher Quinn: "Half Past Ten"]


Take a deep breath and relax. Profound music about becoming light. We are light. Our physical body will become crystalline. This is the process of Ascension.

Sheldon Nidle talks about the chambers in the inner Earth. This will happen after First Contact. First Contact will happen after the Event. The Event will happen after what we did yesterday, the Aion Activation Portal. There are many candles in the valley, as Asher said. Many light beings, many light workers that are now helping the liberation of the planet.

Since yesterday, Cobra said, the light forces will take over the initiation of actions of situations. It will start with the light forces because Neptune took over Pluto. This takes a long time, this cycle, a couple hundred years--because the Earth's orbit around the sun is 365 days...but the outer planets of the our solar system like Neptune and Uranus and Pluto--Pluto takes 288 Earth years to go around the sun. To have a configuration where there is a Sextile, like a Star of David, a Merkeba, those cycle are even longer to take place. This was a very special configuration in a heliocentric view. Helio is the Sun; the sun consists of helium, the second element in the periodic system.  Helium is two protons and two neutrons and two electrons circling the core. So that is a little background information about Helios, the Sun. And Helios was also I believe a Greek god.

 What can I say? Going to have a coffee now, going to have some water. Because we still have 45 minutes.

...The garden where we were with group...It was such a serene energy. I see blue light now, flashes now of blue light, when we talk about the garden because that's where Cobra activated the portal of Aion.  Amazing grace. Amazing love. When we were walking the in silence in the garden I felt like the whole Universe was working with us, especially in the evening at 10:11. It was incredible energy. Incredible. So many beings of light were working with us, a chain of love and light.

[1:12:11 Music: "We Are One" Asher Quinn]


OK, Where do we go from here? The cohesion of the group was amazing. There were so many interactions, things that needed to be said, that at the beginning it was difficult to focus on what was going on, but very soon our energies connected and we supported each other as a group. It was so intense, so intense. The New Renaissance that was initiated with Aion Portal from yesterday will take a shape now and we'll see how it unfolds. This is amazing. We might expect some wonderful things to happen very soon. I signed a non-disclosure agreement with Cobra so I can't say what it is, but things will start move now, start to move towards the victory of the light. Applaud yourself if you attended the meditation.

If you are new to this, I just came back home from the Aion Activation Portal that we did in Florence, Italy. Cobra is the code name for Compression Breakthrough and the compression breakthrough is what is happening right now. The energies that are supporting the liberation of the planet are becoming more and more intense every minute actually as we speak. I feel the Event could happen soon. The word soon is of course used many times, but it feels like it is building up, building up, building up. It's getting stronger and stronger.

I bought a beautiful crystal from Cobra, it's an icosahedron, and it helped me the whole way from Firenze in my car to Holland. I kept it in my hand except when I was driving, and when I was driving I put it on my chair between my legs. I have it in my hands now. It's a very powerful tachyon crystal--icosahedron, by the way, not dodecahedron. Dodeca is twelve in Greek and icosa is twenty in Greek. Icosahedron and the dodecahedron are Platonic bodies. They are the inversion of each other because the icosahedron has twenty sides and twelve points, and the dodecahedron has twelve sides and twenty points, which are a pentagon. The shape of the icosahedron is an isosceles triangle. Just amazing geometry that I have in my hands; not only geometry, also a piece of iron that I have with me. I think this crystal will stay with me forever. I want to thank Cobra from the bottom of my heart for this beautiful crystal. It has a very important meaning for me.

At the closing ceremony, source energy was coming though so intensely.  I have no words for it. I become silent. Later, later, when disclosures are coming out through the mass media, I think we will look back on this activation portal of Aion, and see and know that what actually happened...because it still has to...

Oh, by the way, Kathy sent me a message today that there were seven volcanoes in seven countries that erupted simultaneously at the time of the activation of the Aion portal. Seven volcanoes. Amazing news. That's important news.  This triggered a lot in the physical also, in the physical plane of planet Earth, Mother Earth, Gaia. 

So, the reason that we are here back in our home after being in Firenze--I think we need time to elaborate and rest. Very important to rest and absorb the energies and let them flow through your body and your light body--because this is the most intense activation that I ever experienced. In a nutshell, a beautiful experience. I hope to see Cobra in Glastonbury in England on the 21st of December. I don't know if Cobra has already posted the portal that will open at the Chalice Well in Glastonbury; he will do that soon. You can go to his blog,

I think it is now time for me to have a little music, so stay tuned. Don't go away. I will find something very beautiful for you to listen to, but I have to catch my breath...I will play something from The Open Secret by Asher Quinn. It's called "Luna Nueva," and it helped me when I had a bad period when I was 16 years old. It's healing music. I am contributing it to all the light-workers who are listening right now to have a little healing from this sound. Here it comes.

[1:27:35 "Luna Nueva" from Asher Quinn]

All is one, my friends. Love unconditionally...

Thank you all for being here. I am grateful for the universe, for Prime Creator, I'm grateful for the Goddess energy from Isis and I'm grateful for the God energy from Aion...

(A good question for Cobra is why he is calling it the "Confederation" of Light not the Galactic Federation of Light--confederation or federation: what is the difference?)   

So, here we are back on Planet Earth. The fundamental process of the liberation of the planet was the Aion Portal opening. It was great success. I am ecstatic and overjoyed... I must say again that I didn't sleep for about 40 hours. But I am still having it all straight out. When I speak about myself and my essence, I am somebody special, unique--everybody is unique, of course--but I know that when I want something, I do it. So I drove with my three friends...We drove all the way, back and forth. I think that was crazy of us to do that.

The harmony in the car was amazing, especially after the Aion Portal Activation, when we drove back. The friends from Italy, all the people that were there, were just amazing. Right now, I see the face of Cobra in my third eye all the time. He is with me and I am very happy he is with me. We had a very special connection.  Unfortunately, there was not a lot of time to have a personal conversation, but I feel we know each other. I see Cobra now surrounded in white light around his aura. The CD that he made with Isis and Medwyn Goodall, the Goddess Meditation, you can order it on

It's like I've known Cobra for many lifetimes; it's like I just realize that now that I've met him for the first time. I've known Cobra for a while now... [mentions his radio interviews on ET First Contact. BBS Radio, etc.]

Concluding the whole process of going there, being there present at the moment of the activation and being back home here just in time for my radio show...

To conclude...Bellissimo, in one word. Fantastic. The victory of Light is almost complete, and the step we took by the activation the Aion portal was a big step, a big step for humanity and a small step in the cosmos. However, I would say that I think even for the cosmos, it was a big step. As Cobra explained, the pulse that was sent out by M87 galaxy that was affecting the Central Sun of our galaxy and our sun and our solar system was, I think, something has not happened for a long time. Also with this intensity, because it was not just a small pulse, it was a huge pulse. We could feel it as a group being there present, and I still feel it as I am sitting here talking to you. Amazing, amazing event. To give myself a little wink I will now play a little piece of music again. I will find something you will be pleased with I'm sure... Chloe Goodchild, Fierce Wisdom. I will play "Aum" and "Sri Ma." Please sing full-heartedly with this aum; it is a very beautiful aum.

[Music 1:41:35 ]

Speechless from this kind of music. This is the new Renaissance. It started already of course in the 60s. Cobra also spoke of the comet ISON that is also triggering the new Renaissance together with the Aion Portal. There was a big comet in 1965 or 6 that created or started, initiated, the global revolution of peace and love and harmony in the 60s. But now we have this new Renaissance and people are making beautiful blog posts, are making beautiful music, beautiful art. For example, all those pictures you see on the Internet of Ascended Masters and Archangels, El Morya and Ashtar and St. Germain--were very present by the way at the activation of the portal--also Iris. Very beautiful energy.

We are the strongest of the strong. We are a tribe of many colors. We are beautiful beings in the physical body that are going to live beautiful, beautiful times, and because of Cobra and Isis--and of course the whole group and all the people meditating all over the world--we were able to do all this. I am grateful for my existence and I am grateful for the love of Aion and Iona. "A-ion, Iona," that was what we were singing just after 10:11 portal activation, full of bliss, full of sparks, all the colored lights that you could imagine were there. 11:11 that's code of unity.

I want to thank you for listening to this program...

So what I am going to do is rest... I wish you a wonderful blessed day and light. I love you all. Thank you for listening. This is ET First Contact Radio with Maarten Horst. Good-bye.


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