The trickster's demon's lower selves and the love you are

Submitted by hilarionra on Fri, 06/01/2012 - 17:01


You trust being's who continually f*** you over. You blindly follow them because they offer you material good's meanwhile, they themselves are completely in conflict with what's going on within them. So they don't have any real conscious understanding of what it means to live a truly abundant and fulfilling life. They're too busy being selfish and greedy, and helping you because it benefits them , they want to look good in societies eyes. They don't get the point of what it means to be present and truly love. This doesn't stop them from saying I love you, holding hand's and giving the appearance that they know what it means to truly love and live life, it's just the trickster within them. They would much rather perpetuate this behavior because “ they don't care.” Notice how all they act upon is showing just how much they do not care. Buying food, drink, movies , cars, making friends, staying close to family and they always revert back to their religion of choice, and are totally glued in survival mode.


They do not genuinely question any of what's going on. All they express is their unconscious identification with their unconscious reactive conditioned ego mind's internal conflict and controlling belief system's mechanism via it's insatiable need for thought forms. You can express what you desire with them, and they will say that they're listening or that they do listen , it's just that it's you who doesn't listen (which is an attempt to get you to doubt and question yourself and discount your own growth so that they feel as though they've succeeded in dominating the truth as it is.) This again is the being's unconscious identification with their unconscious reactive conditioned ego mind's internal conflict and controlling belief system's mechanism via it's insatiable need for thought forms , and the thought form's its always centered around, are one's that always support absolute conflict. Acceptance of only certain thought's and the thought's that it doesn't desire to be made clear as to be the truth, the being throws a temper tantrum one way or the other.


These being's will tell you that your behavior, is inappropriate and not appreciated, simply because of the fact that your truth, dismantles the ego's truth, and further reveals your truth,+= all. The behavior isn't appreciated and seen as appropriated either, because it shatters all the ego's attachment's to what it dictates to be the truth of reality. The being who identifies with the ego's need for the being to identify with their unconscious identification with it's unconscious reactive conditioned ego mind's internal conflict and controlling belief system's mechanism via it's insatiable need for thought forms can also been seen expressing PTSD, and all other mental illnesses. These are being's who will literally attempt to kill you and simultaneously tell you that they love you, and that committing you in some way, is for your own good. That by definition is insanity. They will also be the one's to tell you that you're the one who is insane and do not know what you talking about at all. They will also mock you in every way shape and form, so as to sooth the ego that they so completely identify with.


They will also ask you why you are feeling the way you are, and why you express yourself the way you express yourself, because they simply identify with their unconscious identification with the ego's unconscious reactive conditioned need for internal conflict and controlling belief system's mechanism via it's insatiable need for thought forms and they cannot see past it's projections. It's projection's define reality for them, and due to this, the being refuses to truly seek the truth, even when they're asking questions ( because they're questions are simply desire's to have dirt on you and use it against you.)


They deny themselves the right to ask questions because they identify with the mind's need to not ask questions. To question the unquestioning nature of the mind, is to go against the grain of society, and in this, the ego's fear of the being awakening arises. The ego does not want this, no matter how much the being desires it. In this is the challenge for the being, both from within them, to relearn what it truly means to be the love they are, and also what it mean's to be challenged by everyone else as well.

Thankfully though, this experience of all attempts to keep the superiority complex and condescending arrogant, selfish,ego centered and greedy behavior isn't going to last in the long run, will cease to be an experience. Keep shaking your head no to the ego, and yes to the love you,+= all are. We are with you always all ways and we love unconditionally,+= ruthless compassion for the truth of ourselves, += reality.

Hilarion Melchizidek Ra

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