Triple Portal May 5, 2012 Major Changes

Submitted by Lia on Wed, 04/18/2012 - 17:59

Triple Portal May 5, 2012 Major Changes

Parallel Realities - Merging of Holograms | in5d.comby Raquel Spencer


This 5-5-5 portal is destined for anchoring in the energetic structures of major change, both on a personal and planetary level. It is a bridge for the changes at both the Cosmic/Galactic level and the Gaia/Planetary level through the portal of the Divine Human.


Your body needs to be prepared to be the physical anchor for this major change to pulse through the conscious living cellular structure of your body matrix. Your center point, the heart, which is the true bridge for all conscious change on this planet.


5 – The Cosmic Change
5 – the Divine Human as the conduit for change
5 – Gaia’s Planetary Change

5-5-5 bridging the change on all levels, as above so below. Yes this is a man made date, but one that is recorded throughout the galaxy to signal a frequency pulse of the codes and information to shift at a deep and profound level.


Then finally, the Venus transit on June 6, 2012 – the last one of our lifetime… The next will not be until 2117. Keep your focus on making the adjustments and changes within your own life to facilitate holding as much light as possible for yourself and humanity.

Your individualized Light Quotient matters to both your evolution and the evolution of humanity as a whole.


One of the most exciting things so far, and there have been a lot, while still in the energies of the Spring Equinox and the New Moon, a Planetary Parallel Reality collapsed on Saturday March 24, 2012! This is exciting news! What does this mean? It means that a parallel hologram, another ‘play’ if you will, that many on the planet were participating in energetically, shifted to collapse or merge into this reality. We as a collective group of Light were strong enough in this timeline to pull in and merge that parallel, which allows the potential for us to merge aspects of our self into this expression and bring more of our essence into wholeness in this timeline.


We collapse and gather aspects of our self, our own Divine Essence, continuously. However, to do it on a planetary level together is a wonderful and powerful event. Everything is happening in the Now moment, although most of us have a hard time truly getting our mind around that concept. We are currently manifest in many incarnations at once as a soul. Our goal is to bring in as much of our essence into the incarnation or hologram which has the most opportunity or energy to “awaken” and reach a higher understanding or shift in consciousness.


As we gather our own unique energy into the timeline with the highest probability to succeed, our chances of truly remembering who we are increases. We are constantly gathering our energy to bring understanding and wisdom into this expression. With the events of last weekend, we as a planetary group, were able to collapse a parallel hologram and release the individualized energies of many souls to once again reunite or merge into this expression and hologram.


With this opportunity, it is imperative that you call back all aspects of your own Unique Divine Frequency, cleared of all distortions, to merge fully into this expression with all memory, knowledge, wisdom and love available to assist you with your awakening to the truth of who you are.


Sit quietly, call forth all your own unique frequency/energy, clear it through a beautiful filter or ball of Divine Full Spectrum Light, asking that all distortions and unwanted frequencies be cleared and release throughout all time and space. Then merge it directly into your heart and disperse it throughout your systems and matrix. Ask for all memory and wisdom to come into your conscious awareness with ease and grace.


Many ask how I know this. This is the kind of information I receive as part of my ‘job’ is to assist with this type of energy work on the planetary and galactic levels. I have assisted for decades by opening planetary portals of Light, collapsing discordant parallels, merging planetary grid systems and helping to align the planetary matrix for moving into the next age of awakening.


This is a grand opportunity! Celebrate and remember you are a Divine Being of Light, piercing the veil of illusion and reconnecting to the truth!


Thu, 04/19/2012 - 06:25

ευχαριστουμε για ολα ομαδα του φωτοσ Ειμαι φανατικοσ του salusa Eυχομαι ολα να ειναι αληθεια και να μην μασ κοροιδευουν παλι οι σκοτεινοι επικαλουμε παντα τουσ Γαλαξιακουσ αδελφουσ μασ για απελευθερωση

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