Triple Water Astrology – The Critical Degree! Weekly Horoscope – Week Starting Friday, December 18, 2015

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 12/17/2015 - 22:36

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Winter solstice occurs this week, with Sun entering the Capricorn sign. Four planets in earth signs (and occasionally, five, with Moon strong and earthy by sign in Taurus from December 20 to 22) create a rather grounded, material feel to the transits. A double grand earth trine forms during the middle of the week amongst Moon, Jupiter, and Mercury/Pluto. The window of time to enjoy the solid earthy pattern is narrow, but of great interest: it occurs as Sun moves from Sagittarius to Capricorn. Perhaps the Sun is signaling that attention given to the “controlled expansion” theme occurring of late, and becoming a long-standing theme with Saturn in Sagittarius, creates additional opportunities this month for material stability or gains.

Not much new this week under the Sun regarding the positions of the planets, with the exception of the Sun changing signs. The grinding t-square involving Mars, Uranus, and Pluto becomes weaker as the week passes. The tense cardinal t-square has had its uses – while a break from the tension is welcome, it’s also a last chance this week to focus personal energy and innovation on increasing personal power. Venus makes significant progress this week through the Scorpio sign and ends the week having traversed well into the final third of the sign. She is far away from her home sign of Taurus, yet she carries a gift of bringing intensity, power, and change to relationships for those with the courage to embrace the depth of Venus in Scorpio. Neptune, at home for quite a few more years in the Pisces sign, draws attention to himself as an unaspected planet this week. As the adventure and expansion of Sun in Jupiter’s sign draws to a close this week, Neptune seems to be reminding us of Jupiter’s spiritual side, and that faith stands out among the influences of the other planets this week.

What might this week portend for you? Consider your Sun sign and rising sign/ascendant as well.


Use of the mind becomes a strong theme for Aries Sun by the week’s end. Combining sharp perspectives with cognitive problem solving, given the effort, leads the way for Aries through the week as Sun moves into a sign squaring your Sun’s sign. The irony of Sun moving into Saturn’s sign for Aries – a rather productive irony – is that while the adventurous, pioneering, active Aries has an aversion to restriction, your initiating, fiery energy has great potential combined with a willingness to work within a set structure and funnel sheer energy into a certain task or objective. Your work is cut out for you with Sun entering Capricorn, but it can be a month of moving forward with your various ambitions. December 18 and 19 are rather fiery days for Aries with Sun at the end of the Sagittarius sign. Touching the unconscious and finding unity at the beginning of the week is additionally a salient theme for Aries. Also watch for a jovial type day on December 20. Final thought for Aries: no additional insights for Aries this week.


The week begins with a few ups and downs in store for Taurus Sun. Use of logic as well as pushing projects and aspirations forward with sudden epiphanies about how to resolve difficulties works well for Taurus from December 18 until about December 21, however. The Sun changing signs on December 21 affects Taurus more than average this year. December 21 is a rather uplifting, “Jupiter” type day for you, with a sense of satisfactory closure to various issues possible. The combination of the earthy grand trines and Sun moving into an earthy sign also works well for Taurus this week. Thus December 21 is a day to mark on your calendar. Work and career have decent potential through the second half of the week. Networking and attention to detail, in the context of the entirety of a project, flows more easily than average for Taurus, particularly on December 23 and 24. Also watch for December 19, an elevated opportunity to use creativity and immediately apply past learning to productive ends. Final thought for Taurus: no additional insights for Taurus this week.


Career is the center of Gemini Sun’s week. So many useful themes broach Gemini’s week. Watch closely for the “expanding power” theme to manifest in your life. This theme melds nicely with the earthy grand trines and Sun changing signs, if your sharp mind can find a way to make it so. Sun edging into Capricorn this week deemphasizes the sign opposite your Sun’s sign for you. Perhaps the earthy feel in the transits is a bit at odds with your airy nature, but applying thought to arranging, creating, or altering structure has its benefits. Earnest, persistent efforts to apply thought to various projects and tasks might result in a sudden breakthrough this week, with a peak day for this theme on December 20. Ambition and will applied to career or other endeavors, especially as part of a team or group, also contains elevated potential for Gemini this week, given the effort, with the strongest potential at the end of the week. Final thought for Gemini: awareness and attunement to the “vibes” from other people is very strong for Gemini on December 23 and 24.


Cancer Sun is well acclimated to the Sun changing signs this week. Enjoy the last fiery days of Sun in Sagittarius, and anticipate the more grounded feel to the transits as Sun enters the sign opposite yours. Sun in Capricorn is a decent placement for Cancer, in regards to accomplishment. Your more private nature has a chance to shine, if you can embrace the more public, utilitarian, and achievement-oriented core of the transits arriving on December 21. December 19 is an active day for Cancer, and tougher (although Sun is also conjunct the Galactic Center on December 19, creating uplifting opportunities for all of the signs on that day). Using the mind to increase your power is a prominent theme for you on December 19, but it will demand effort! Activity tends to be greater at the beginning of the week, after which a consolidation type of period occurs. Thus setting your intent and initiating actions regarding what you want to accomplish early in the week has potential to materialize around the time of the earthy grand trines and Sun changing signs on December 21. The last few days of the week revert to the “mind” theme, and attention to networking, learning, and problem solving stands out as most relevant for Cancer around December 23 and 24. Final thought for Cancer: thinking “in theory” this week may lead to fresh approaches to problem solving.


The week has an upbeat, expansive feel for Leo Sun as transiting Sun ends his transit through Jupiter’s sign. Leo has the best of all worlds for the first half of the week or so, with Jupiter’s beneficence looking over your shoulder, without much of his excesses. December 19 and 20 are opportune for projects that require stamina and persistence. You might also feel as though your efforts are stagnating or that you’re spinning your tires on those days. Pushing through rough patches with all of the strength you can muster, even with a bit of compulsion, perhaps will iron out the difficulties. If the earlier part of the week is challenging, the issues will likely become moot with Sun moving into Saturn’s sign. The change is somewhat abrupt for Leo, but ample opportunities to create a favorable image, assimilate valuable knowledge, and multiply your efforts exist on December 22 and 23. Also watch for close relationships becoming of greater importance and a source of support starting on about December 22 to the end of the week. Final thought for Leo: deciding how to either lead or follow effectively, at the beginning of a project or task, will likely save time and aggravation this week.


The transits are aligned well for Virgo Sun this week. Sun entering the earthy Capricorn sign has a sense of you really starting to “hit your stride”. Meticulous attention to detail melds well with practical accomplishment (obviously applicable to career, but Virgo certainly might find enjoyment from the earthy theme in the transits, even something as mundane as doing a crossword puzzle or a hobby involving working with your hands). Increasing returns based on teamwork is in the cards this week for Virgo, along with the chance for sudden breakthroughs in solving difficult problems and completing large projects. Commensurate gains will almost always be preceded by the demanded effort this week, and fortunately your industrious Sun is not averse to the challenge of hard work. A fun and useful theme affecting several of the other signs this week is also relevant for Virgo, creating opportunities and expanding your accomplishments through both attention to detail and paying attention to the big picture. Detail is quite natural for Virgo; and a sense of sharp perspectives and tapping your personal power this week might assist with seeing how your work fits into the larger scheme of things. Relationships bear greater importance for Virgo throughout the week, with a rather uplifting, abundant day for enjoying relationships and effective teamwork occurring on December 24. Final thought for Virgo: Watch out for situations that you thought were closed – and recur one more time!


Sun moving into Capricorn is definitely an event for Libra Sun. Sun entering Saturn’s sign places an emphasis on restriction, and Libra tends to operate better in unfettered situations. However, Sun in Capricorn squaring yours contains quite a lesson. Sun’s ruler (in Capricorn), Saturn, is exalted in your sign. The lesson of using structure in tandem with cooperative efforts is a precious lesson, indeed. The fact that effort must be implemented to make it work (reminiscent, certainly, of the idea of the square aspect) is also not to be ignored. Therefore, a certain resolute quality with Sun changing signs this week gives Libra a boost. Using sharp perspectives to make new connections or strengthen existing ones is a useful theme for you from December 18 to 20. Jupiter becomes influential for Libra starting on about December 20, and his sense of abundance remains until the end of the week for you. December 21 is especially Jupiterian…instinctively using logic and personal contacts, especially in work and career, can really help you hit the jackpot! Final thought for Libra: A lot of practice makes perfect.


A relationships theme starts the week for Scorpio Sun, lasting from December 18 to 20. The depth and intensity of your Sun shines brightly in relationships this week, especially during the first half of it, probably most useful for business purposes but effective for all types of relationships, particularly when the requisite effort to meet the other person “halfway” is implemented. Use of logic and the mind is probably the strongest theme of the week for Scorpio, with a peak day on December 19. Sun moving from Sagittarius to Capricorn is important for all of the signs, but gives more of a sense of shrugging your shoulders for Scorpio unless you have factors in your chart other than natal Sun making it significant for you. However, December 21 is a very important day to consider for Scorpio. The grand earth trines heavily affect Scorpio and considering what you would like to materialize in career or personal life, in terms of tangible resources, or perhaps a bit more abstractly, as what you desire to accomplish, would be prudent. This is an interesting week for Scorpio, something to the effect of “just enough intensity” allowing you to both enjoy the holiday season and stay busy and productive. Final thought for Scorpio: seeking mutual understanding can be quite helpful in situations that require a new start.


As Sun leaves your Sun’s sign this week, you have one final chance to enjoy the fiery feel of transiting Sun in Sagittarius until next year. Sagittarius Sun has plenty to look forward to this week, however. Transiting Sun in late Sagittarius works well for you from the beginning of the week to December 21. Productive self-expression and vitality, combined with your adaptability, help you meet the week with an upbeat, adventurous outlook, very fitting to the core of your identity. December 21 is the bedrock of Sagittarius’ week. Ideas, emotions, and perspectives feel grounded for you and flow easily on that day. Relationships become prominent and collaboration helps to materialize what you want or need this week, if you can manage to find an outlet for the earthy influences in the transits through creating harmony with other people. Sun moving into Saturn’s sign is of particular interest with Saturn’s long transit through Sagittarius, your Sun’s sign. Paying attention to implementing a “controlled expansion” theme in your life, perhaps most useful in career, is of elevated importance this week. Also watch for a theme of intensely cooperating in order to move mutual ambitions forward, a potentially effective theme on December 23 and 24. Final thought for Sagittarius: Sagittarius has an advantage in competitive situations this week – use your passion to gain an edge.


Happy solar return to Capricorn Suns! Most of the week contains an elevated theme for you of using structure in order to increase your knowledge and influence in your area of specialty. Look to gaining prominence, or connecting with those who are prominent, in your field, from the beginning of this week until December 23. The Capricorn sign is well-represented by the end of the week (the mighty Sun, quick Mercury, and powerful Pluto all reside on your Sun’s sign this week). The earthy feel to the transits is also to your benefit, creating an inspiring “keep your feet on the ground and reach for the stars” type feel to your week. The Achilles heel of your week, perhaps, is too much inspiration, or paying attention to mirages. Mediating structure and reality, with creativity and idealism, is a tough balancing act, but can also help you move forward this week. A theme of fervently working towards what you’re dedicated to and focused on also continues from last week. The week is about work, but setting your mind to solving various problems, using perspectives, and implementing the productive qualities of your conscious self is a great start to your solar return month. And don’t forget to take time to enjoy the holidays! Final thought for Capricorn: consider how to push your limits, but within limits! Stretching yourself just enough this week suits Capricorn well.


Aquarius Sun awaits Sun entering Saturn’s sign this week. The renewed emphasis on Saturn starting on December 21 is definitely relevant for Aquarius. Traditionally, your Sun’s sign is also ruled by Saturn. Uranus entering the picture with Saturn recalls the classic “structure versus revolution” clash. Considering that both order, and necessary change, are necessary helps to resolve the tension of the two titans’ influences and sets the stage for a potentially fulfilling week. The “structured revolution” theme becomes stronger this week for Aquarius, in fact, and has a fiery feel, despite the influence of the earthy energies. Structure might weigh Aquarius down a bit throughout the week, but remaining active, engaging in competitive endeavors, and perhaps a bit of prudent risk-taking helps you work with restriction while subtly tweaking it. Relationships meld well with ambition and personal will, creating opportunities to experience increasing returns through “win-win” scenarios. Efforts made to meet minds and use logic to solve problems will take effort this week, but might also be most productive, particularly in career (this theme lasts all week and is strongest on December 20). Also watch for intense exchanges in relationships to spice up your week, with the strongest effect on December 18 and lingering until about December 21. Final thought for Aquarius: carefully listening more easily allows you to operate from a position of strength this week.


The impending grounded feel of Sun moving into Capricorn, along with the other planets in earth signs this week, has its advantages for Pisces Sun. Sun moving from Sagittarius to Capricorn releases the more tense feel of transiting Sun squaring your Sun by sign, and also signals that you might use more of your natural receptivity. Saturn regaining influence this week is perhaps most significant, or at least most directly influential, for Pisces this week. Keen imaginative qualities, idealism, and creativity counter-intuitively flourish with Saturn’s structure and discipline! Although great effort must be made to adjust to Saturn’s influence, great accomplishments are also potentially in the mix. Close relationships are prominent and flow well, on average, for Pisces this week. The harmony between yourself and significant others slowly grows stronger as the week passes and has the added benefit of nourishing spirit. Final thought for Pisces: you may find yourself in a role as rescuer this week; and it may not be immediately apparent as to why! Being prepared for nebulous situations is wise.

Disclaimer: please consult the appropriate professional in regards to any area of your life discussed in this horoscope, as it is not intended to replace them. This is for entertainment purposes only and contains the personal opinions of the writer. Offense to any reader is unintentional. Any problem or protest with the newsletter or the opinions of the author should be relayed to

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