Triple Water Astrology – The Critical Degree! Weekly Horoscope – Week Starting Friday, December 25, 2015

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 12/24/2015 - 20:20

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The earth element continues to dominate the transits this week. Ademtos (Transneptunian), Virgo Moon, and Mercury in Capricorn form a grand earth trine on New Year’s Eve. The trio is in the ingress chart for the 2016 chart in some parts of the world (New York and the United States East Coast has this configuration within orb at the stroke of midnight on January 1). That is one rock solid, albeit ephemeral, grand trine! Naturally, many useful themes arise as attention to taking on the New Year approaches. Both emotion and thought, already manifesting in an earthy manner via Moon and Mercury, have a solid base to operate from, provided by Admetos. Instinctively using communication to build enduring structures, using ideas persistently to fill emotional needs, and focusing on gathering practical information to meet security needs are all relevant themes to approach the challenges of 2016. The past should not be overlooked as an important factor, as Admetos and Moon (and to some extent Mercury) very much have an orientation towards the past.

Sun in Capricorn is the focal point of a receptive minor grand trine pattern involving Neptune and Juno towards the middle of the week. Juno in Scorpio (intense close relationships) flows harmoniously with Neptune (bliss) in his home sign of Pisces. Sun is the focal point and outlet of the two; and a conscious, practical approach to experiencing spirituality via close relationships is a strong theme at mid-week. Speaking of relationships, Venus changes signs this week. Just as soon as she leaves Pluto’s domain (the Scorpio sign), she is under Saturn’s wing via a conjunction in Jupiter’s sign, Sagittarius. Venus generally does well in Sagittarius, as the minor benefic in the major benefic’s sign. An added lighthearted, jovial sense to Venus’ ease is a bit dampered by Saturn’s restriction, however. With Sun in Capricorn, she is signaling how relationships, in work and career, and a more serious tone to other relationships, takes precedence despite the link to Jupiter by sign. A most interesting element of Venus in Sagittarius conjunct Saturn suggests that the potent “controlled expansion” theme involves teamwork, harmony, and collaboration.

What might this week portend for you? Consider your Sun sign and rising sign/ascendant as well.


The earthy influence in the transits affects Aries Sun this week to a great extent. Use of logic, and accomplishment via networking and participating in commerce, is promising for Aries all week if the effort is made to actuate what you want to achieve. “Concrete communication” and focusing on the details of what is said or written can also createe a sharp advantage for you this week. Much of the action this week, with Sun transiting through the earthy sign squaring your Sun’s, takes place near the end of it. Using persistence and endurance in order to obtain what you want, and a sense of dealing with issues and problems by going “back to the basics” in order to solve them, is a favorable theme for Aries from about December 29 to 31. Setting goals and using mighty effort to accomplish helps to advance interests on December 30 and 31. The end of the week might feel like crossing the finish line after a long race, but with a feeling of accomplishment. Final thought for Aries: be ready for challenges this week in the form of riddles or puzzles.


The week begins as upbeat and active for Taurus Sun. December 25 is also a day of togetherness and enjoying community for you, a day of mirth very attuned to the Christmas holiday. December 26 is a watery type day focused on the past; relationships, particularly based on home and family, and their endearing quality, flow continuously on that day. Authority and structure start to creep into the picture at the end of the week. However, watch for December 30 as a day to “dress for success”, be sharp, activate projects and work towards successful completion of them, and expand your influence under the earthy feel of the transits this week. Use of the mind, learning, and step-by-step problem solving is favorable for Taurus all week, and a subtle theme of added passion and drive to obtain what you want is present on December 25 and 26. Final thought for Taurus: use caution if differences of opinion arise regarding how to fairly divide resources.


The “expanding power” theme remains in effect for Gemini Sun this week, with the strongest effect at the beginning of the week. Plenty of varied opportunities to use the energies of the transits this week are present for you, which is suitable for your versatile Sun. Using new information and novel approaches to problem solving stands out as a theme for Gemini on December 25 and 26. You may also notice that solutions to problems that you’ve been working on for a long period of time hit you like a bolt of lightning at the beginning of the week! In certain ways, this can be a tough week, but also very productive. Given the effort, will, drive, and activity lead to obtaining more of what you want; and it’s worth noting that this may also involve increased competition or some form of added risk to your activities. The end of the week, December 31, is opportune for making one last, great push to achieve a major goal or finalize a project. Final thought for Gemini: consider the value of conversation in depth, in order to facilitate meeting of the minds.


“Empowerment through relationships” starts the week for Cancer Sun in a snappy manner. Use of the mind is also a prominent, potent theme for you on December 25 and 26 – thinking logically and using innovative ideas to push your goals forward is a boost to your watery Sun at the beginning of the week. Sharp use of the mind, learning, and analysis of information repeats as a theme from December 29 to 31. The middle of the week contains a few contradictions. At times December 27 and 28 will likely be more relaxed, and then demands of authority will intervene. A feeling of stability may also predominate at times, and then disruptions crop up. Mid-week is opportune for taking action and using creativity to navigate the paradoxes of those days. Also bear in mind that Sun transiting the sign opposite yours this month contains potential for accomplishment and creating opportunities in work and career. Final thought for Cancer: “applied theory” can be of fantastic use this week, particularly in the second half of it.


The start of the week has a somewhat gritty and realistic feel for Leo Sun. While issues from the past might surface in the present on December 25 and 26, finding ways to finally bring them to resolution are also present, particularly through help from people in close relationships. This is also a week of reaching for spirit for Leo, with December 28 as the most intense day of the week for traversing the more spiritual side of life, feeling inspired, and dreaming of the ideal. Once again, close relationships enter the picture, as a kind of bridge or path to experiencing bliss. The influence of the earth element in the transits this week is a reminder that the simplest of thoughts or actions can lead to profound changes or joining with a greater collective. December 30 and 31 contain opportunities for showing leadership (of great interest for Leo, with Sun in Capricorn – think achievement in work) and increasing your expertise in what you specialize in, either in formal career or avocation. Final thought for Leo: diplomatic efforts might help mitigate unexpected occurrences this week.


Jupiter in your Sun’s sign and Sun in Capricorn give Virgo Sun quite a run of opportunities this month, with an earthy Mercury for most of the month as well. “Expanding power”, with an eye towards tending to practical details and working within set parameters, is an opportunity not to be missed this week and throughout Sun transiting through Capricorn. December 27 is a key date for Virgo to consider how to proceed into the future, regarding career or other endeavors, and then going for it! Both established contacts and happenstance encounters are of elevated importance this week regarding future goals, necessitating readiness to act on short notice. Using creativity within set parameters – based on your sharp ability to analyze people, situations, and information – is a heightened theme for Virgo this week, with the strongest potential application at the beginning of the week. The earthy grand trine at the end of the week works well for Virgo; making sure that you have enough reserves to make one last effort to accomplish what you need to at the end of the year would be wise, as the New Year is anticipated. Final thought for Virgo: you may have the opportunity to give an encore this week, but be cautious, as it might be necessary due to uncompleted work!


Much of the intensity regarding relationships lifts in the latter part of the week; perhaps this shift affects Libra Sun most, out of all of the signs. The key question regarding the shift is, how have relationships altered your perceptions and helped you increase your personal power? Hardly a simple and light topic, but true to Venus manifesting via Pluto’s sign. Your airy Sun has a direct boost from Mercury’s logic and thought this week. Of interest, taking stock of how your year has progressed and what direction might be beneficial for the pending year is a useful exercise and of pronounced influence from December 25 to 27. One last effort to attain goals and aspirations before the new calendar also presents itself as a favorable opportunity from December 28 to 30, with the strongest day on December 29. December 30 and 31 have a sudden, renewed theme of feeling passionate and committed towards people and aspirations that you care about, a productive way to celebrate the end of the year and bring on the new one. Final thought for Libra: avoiding or somehow mitigating games of “hide and seek” or “cat and mouse” with those who want to foil your plans or create mischief is something to be aware of this week.


The beginning of the week contains a watery influence for Scorpio Sun, in addition to the earthy feel of the transits. Strong emotions and a need for stability characterize December 25, and to some extent, December 26. An upbeat sense of using the mind and sorting through details logically in order to advance career interests and prosper at work lingers for you until December 27. Most important this week, perhaps, is a theme of using your strengths in a conscious manner in order to create significant or lasting accomplishment. This theme begins on about December 27 and lasts until the end of the week. ‘Structure’ is a keyword for Scorpio this week. Using the intense, transformative qualities of your Sun can be most productive when you work with the material and focus on details. Therefore the ‘structure’ keyword easily suggests ‘productive’ when you work to creatively expand projects and efforts in career and other areas of life. Final thought for Scorpio: a sense of starting over with projects in order to assimilate more of its pieces every time is a theme for Scorpio this week. Attention given to the power of the earthy grand trine at the end of the week (using instincts and intellect to build solid foundations) is also important.


Relationships take precedence for Sagittarius Sun at the beginning of the week. Relationships have a more intense, passionate feel from December 25 to 27 for Sagittarius, and function to provide reasonable support if you make the effort to meet other people halfway in your pursuits. Attention to logical details and practical, step-by-step problem solving flows well for you this week. Networking opportunities, particularly with influential people, are elevated this week around December 25 and 26, if you can manage to create contacts over the holiday weekend. Considering future direction in work and career is a strong theme for Sagittarius this week, and the timing for doing so works well with Sun in early Capricorn and the New Year pending. The “building enduring foundations” theme flows well for you on December 31, and instinctively managing the details of projects or situations is a prominent theme on the last day of the year for Sagittarius. Thus planning for the New Year is a useful theme for you this week. Final thought for Sagittarius: if you find yourself changing your mind about something, a bit of fiery motivation or competition can help you succeed with applying a new direction.


As your solar return month progresses, Capricorn Sun has a solid basis this week for consistent accomplishment based on the earthy feel of the transits. December 27 is an important day that adds a bit of the fiery element to your week. Intuitively and actively seeking solutions to problems and succeeding in competitive situations flows well for Capricorn on that day. Being spontaneous, combined with working towards idealistic goals, is a fortunate combination for helping you to complete projects this week. Active commitment to completing tasks and attending to details of work that you’re dedicated towards also flows well this week. The combination of earth and fire working for Capricorn this week can manifest in ending the year on a high note. The grand trine with Mercury at the end of your Sun’s sign deserves attention; December 31 is an opportunity for you to consciously use the mind to review what has worked in 2015 in order to build on your accomplishments in the New Year. Final thought for Capricorn: thinking about the past year might feel sentimental, but caution regarding being too harsh with yourself as to what might have been is advised.


Aquarius Sun‘s week is accomplishment-oriented at both its beginning of the week and at its end. The week has a somewhat uphill feel to it, but plenty of passion and will are also available to help you meet the challenges of the week. Considering how structure can be both used and renewed is an important theme for Aquarius, in order to assess how to meet the various challenges of the week. Your Sun’s ruler, Uranus, goes direct early in the week. Thus you might feel that a logjam has been broken up after the beginning of the week, although the long period of evaluation with Uranus retrograde has had its uses. Building up your knowledge base, experimenting with new ideas, and periods of rest in between intense flashes of insight likely have given your Sun needed variety and a useful experience for transitioning successfully into the New Year. While the beginning and the end of the week contain a theme of productivity and work, December 27 and 28 are favorable for taking time to enjoy life and implement creative ideas. Final thought for Aquarius: listening to other people and “keeping your ear to the ground” this week can help you navigate forthcoming situations over the next year.


Endings are close to the heart of Pisces Sun. The wistful end of the year brings in new opportunities, and is also a time to evaluate how the past year’s ups and downs hopefully brought you closer to your aspirations. The emphasis on the Capricorn sign and the earth element consistently raises the issue of structure for Pisces Sun this week. Working through the difficulties and demands of accommodating structure, acceding to authority, and implementing self-discipline has its rewards, if you are intent on making it so. December 25 is a fortunate day for Pisces, with a sense of emotional completion, comfort, and closeness to family generally in the cards for you. Relationships also lean towards the tense side by the end of the week, but with the earth/Capricorn influence, this suggests that career-type relationships can be very productive for you. Even personal relationships retain an upbeat feel despite the obstacles and possible problems, recalling that the “structured expansion” theme in the heavens this week can work well for Pisces via relationships. Jupiter in the sign opposite your Sun’s also continues to be of benefit. Final thought for Pisces: though some situation or contact with a person might end this week, a touch of kindness may also accompany it.

Disclaimer: please consult the appropriate professional in regards to any area of your life discussed in this horoscope, as it is not intended to replace them. This is for entertainment purposes only and contains the personal opinions of the writer. Offense to any reader is unintentional. Any problem or protest with the newsletter or the opinions of the author should be relayed to

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