Triple Water Astrology – The Critical Degree! Weekly Horoscope – Week Starting Friday, December 4, 2015

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 12/03/2015 - 21:20

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A jovial, cheery feel to the transits persists this week, with a contradictory Saturn influence mixed in. Sun begins to draw away from his conjunction to Saturn in Sagittarius, thus starting to escape the limitations of Saturn. At the same time, the revolutionary tendencies of Uranus flow freely with the powerful Sun. A very conscious and central type theme, the ages old Saturn-Uranus “restriction versus breaking free”, permeates the feel of the transits this week. Taking action to push new ideas forward, within existing structures, is a possible implementation of Sun-Saturn-Uranus.

Uranus retrograde in Mars’ sign, Aries, helps to form a grinding cardinal t-square to Mars, and his (Mars’) overlord, Pluto. Although Mars is in detriment, one has the idea that Uranus struggles to hold his own against the planetary pair of Mars and Pluto. The t-square is somewhat reminiscent of the Sun, Saturn, and Uranus theme this week. Breaking new ground and forming partnerships that generate innovative ideas point to using structure in order to generate lasting change. The relentless t-square is strong all week and at a peak on December 10.

Venus and Juno (asteroid lady) enter the Scorpio sign this week. Relationships shift to a more intense feel, and depth in interactions, for example, might lead to meaningful transformation in relationships. Venus makes a nice trine to her spiritual teacher, Neptune, all week, with a perfect trine in watery signs forming at the very end of the week. Collaboration and harmony flow instinctively with Neptune’s bliss. Interacting with like-minded people has potential to generate inspiration, increase creativity, and touch spirit. Juno changing signs late in the week brings her just within orb of Apollon (Transneptunian) on December 10. The image of a mysterious, magnetic celebrity couple strutting along a red carpet fits Juno-Apollon well. The last day of the week, rather active based on the activity in the transits, has uplifting potential in regards to close relationships.

Enjoy the remainder of the heightened “forest and the trees” theme this week, until Mercury moves into Capricorn on December 9. Mercury and Jupiter in each other’s signs presents a remarkable opportunity to see issues holistically through combining the details and the big picture. Thought and communication take on a more serious tone with Mercury’s ingress into Saturn’s sign. Networking for business purposes, on the plus side, becomes a more prominent opportunity. Watch closely for Mercury conjunct the Galactic Center (December 7 and 8), a chance to experience the wonder, expansion, and immensity of the galaxy and its purpose via the mind, in whatever form you might cogitate – or imagine. Mighty Neptune’s overarching influence stretches a long way indeed.

What might this week portend for you? Consider your Sun sign and rising sign/ascendant as well.


The transits have a reasonably fiery tilt this week, an advantage for Aries Sun. Aries has a certain practical perspective and insight available throughout the week, also of use as you and the rest of the signs ride a few turbulent cosmic waves. Aries is also in the midst of the change and revolution theme in the transits. Given the effort, this is also a very conscious week for Aries, in which the Sun in Sagittarius promotes a sense of optimism and boundless opportunities among the demands for change, and at times, ensuing chaos. Uranus definitely has more of an influence for Aries this week (for one, Uranus is in the middle of your Sun’s sign!), but productive brainstorming, sudden realizations, and sporadic fun hopefully compensate for the ups and downs of the week. Final thought for Aries: A renewed sense of dedication and focus to what you believe in can help Aries navigate the week.


Close relationships are influential for Taurus Sun all week, particularly at the beginning of the week. The beginning of the week has additional advantages for Taurus. December 4 has potential for convincing other people of your viewpoint, and using your personal reserves to guide projects to completion. Watch for opportunities on December 5 to project a favorable image, apply learning to your benefit, and adapt to various circumstances in order to multiply your efforts, quite in harmony with Sun in Sagittarius. The week quickly manifests a more intense, occult feel for Taurus, with your Sun’s ruler, Venus, entering the sign opposite your Sun’s. The talent you have for generating and managing personal resources turns to focusing on using and maintaining resources with other people. While this brings potential difficulties, no doubt, also consider how partnerships serve to generate additional wealth, a theme that all of the signs should contemplate this week. Final thought for Taurus: novel situations might be tough, but the chance to gain new perspectives and ideas is something to take advantage of.


The week certainly does not lack variety for Gemini Sun, most likely a welcome statement for you. Almost every day has something new for Gemini, based on the transits. December 4 and 5 are important dates; generating ideas is on overdrive, and seeing both the big picture and the details therein can give your active mind plenty to do at the beginning of the week. December 6 is an uplifting day geared towards togetherness and socializing. Sharing new ideas among groups you’re affiliated with is most efficacious on December 6 for Gemini. Attunement to past, present, and future, via the mind, and finding or expanding your place in the universe is a powerful theme on December 7. Mercury’s ingress into Capricorn on December 9 may feel like a jolt, as your Sun’s ruler exits the sign opposite of your Sun’s. The end of the week is a time of considering how to focus on advancing your ideas and interests in career and work. The last day of the week, December 10, is an opportunity to make yourself known based on your current contributions, which flows well with the symbolism of Saturn in Sagittarius. Take advantage of this potentially great week, in the midst of some difficult transits! Final thought for Gemini: how might depth in interactions, particularly in communicating, be of use for you this week?


The cardinal t-square rocks Cancer Sun this week, recalling the theme from last week: “When the going gets tough, the tough get going!” Difficulties are often also shouting out about inherent opportunities; forming partnerships and maintaining relationships are one possibility for Cancer in moving forward successfully at the start of the week. Relationships are influential for Cancer for a substantial part of the week, from its beginning through December 7. Also watch for beauty and harmony leading to spiritual bliss on December 7; obviously this is more easily said than done, but the idea is more to let it flow for your watery Sun. Just as the week lightens up a bit for Cancer on December 9, structure and authority make themselves known. Perhaps this will be a welcome stabilizer after an exciting, but exhausting, ride through the cosmic waves for Cancer this week. This coincides nicely with Mercury entering the sign opposite your Sun – a grounded sense of logic and practical communication to assist you with various tasks, particularly in work and career. Of great interest and possible use, Cancer is in the center of the Saturn-Uranus theme on December 10. Projecting your unique qualities in order to achieve what you need to is a productive way to end the week. Final thought for Cancer: no additional insights for Cancer this week.


An ample amount of increased passion, will, and drive works in Leo Sun’s favor this week. Operating within parameters is a salient theme for Leo this week, but with the idea of concurrently expanding your interests, and perhaps even stretching your limits – something along the lines of working with a “personal trainer” this week, whether an actual person or based on your inner workings. Generating ideas within relationships and finding new ways of operating based on forming partnerships is another useful theme for Leo, perhaps contradicting the limitations theme a bit. Transiting Sun in a fiery sign is favorable for taking action, expressing yourself, and using creativity to solve problems or for enjoyment, obviously already natural strengths for you. Look to December 9 and 10 for days to set or achieve goals, produce more than average, and act quickly in order to accomplish what you need to. Final thought for Leo: friends are more likely to accommodate loose ends this week.


Virgo Sun will likely enjoy Mercury’s ingress into Capricorn this week. An earthy Mercury fits well with your practical, detail-oriented personal core. Analysis made via thought and logic has a more accomplishment-oriented feel after the Mercury ingress. Virgo also has an uplifting theme of personal growth combined with looking to the future, in the first half of the week. Decent potential for accomplishment works well for you on December 8 and 9. Persistent effort and steady focus, combined with a sense of strength and perhaps even compulsion, helps push projects through to completion towards the end of the week. Close relationships enter the picture around December 7 to the end of the week, providing support given the effort to incorporate those close to you into your routine. Final thought for Virgo: no additional insights for Virgo this week.


Venus entering Scorpio early in the week is a major event for Libra Sun. As Venus drifts out of her home sign on December 4, Libra can enjoy a last day of the elegant, social, graceful Venus in Libra and her adroit handling of all type of relationships. Venus in Scorpio is not to be dreaded, however. Relationships become a bit more private, intense, and focused on depth in interactions, but your Sun is acclimated to handle all types of scenarios in relationships. December 5 brings a subtle, but active, theme of renewed passion and dedication to what you believe in. Close relationships also continue to be a strong factor for Libra throughout the week, with the more intense and transformative type feel to them starting near the end of the week. December 8 and 9 are very ‘real’ days for Libra. While issues from the past might surface, the opportunity to examine the context of past issues might help you to move past them. Use of imagination and feeling inspiration is a powerful theme for Libra all week, strongest on December 10. Final thought for Libra: challenging yourself to construct ideas from fragments of thoughts or writings might prove useful this week.


Venus entering Scorpio has its implications for Scorpio Sun, as does Juno entering your Sun’s sign after Venus. Relationships can be a steadfast ally among the disruptive feel of the transits this week. The comfort of depth, as opposed to breadth, in relationships works well for Scorpio, if you can use your determination to arrive at that point, with Venus rather muted by sign. Passion in reaching goals, acting assertively, and forming alliances in order to move forward with objectives requires a decent amount of work, but also has commensurate rewards. The main focus this week for Scorpio is finding a way to counter disruptions and shocks in order to actuate what you want or need. Efforts made also might generate a wide variety of useful ideas or sudden solutions to problems this week. Therefore another key to navigating the week is to make positives out if negatives, if possible. Jupiter’s influence is still a factor for you this week, giving a sense of being able to land on your feet. Creative insights also may be of assistance, particularly in work and career. Final thought for Scorpio: assistance may be welcome this week, but be wary of “cure-alls” that will only necessitate redoing work!


This week tends to be a more stable time for Sagittarius Sun, in the wake of general turbulence in the heavens. Use of the mind, given the effort, is a strong advantage for Sagittarius for basically the entire week, but most influential through December 8. The fiery action in the heavens is suited towards your Sun, particularly during your solar return month. A second advantage for Sagittarius this week is your inherent ability to actively adapt. A third is the weakening, but still present, theme of “expanding power”. The cheer and bustle of the holiday season underway is particularly congruent with Sagittarius this week. Just as Mercury leaves your Sun’s sign this week, Moon enters it. Developing and maintaining a home base from which to explore and expand becomes a relevant theme for you at the end of the week, with the strongest day on December 10. Insight and creativity also flow more as the week progresses, particularly in work and career. Final thought for Sagittarius: speaking of insight, watch for ways to resolve interpersonal disputes, particularly ones that don’t directly involve you.


An important theme of showing authority via what you know, or through your specialty, is the highlight of Capricorn Sun’s week, from December 8 to 10. The latter half of the week is an opportunity to sow the seeds of advancement in career, if you are so inclined. Dealing with those in authority, particularly in the upper echelons of an organization, is more of a possibility this week for Capricorn. This can be demanding, but also perhaps has its rewards. Operating creatively within set parameters and structure, a paradoxical theme, continues to work well for you this week. Conscious effort in self-expression works better for you at the beginning of the week, as do creative projects. Mercury entering your Sun’s sign certainly has its upside. Be ready for increased activity in work and career. A feeling of “grounded communication”, much more oriented towards detail and step-by-step analysis than Mercury in Sagittarius, acts in unity with your practical, orderly Sun. A flow of ideas and active resistance to structure create both opportunities and areas of concern for Capricorn this week, but overall this can work in your favor. Final thought for Capricorn: sitting down and socializing over a cup of your favorite drink, with an intent to truly hear the other person, might be an amazing experience.


December 4 to 7 are prime days for Aquarius Sun to enjoy communicating and networking, and take advantage of more active use of the mind. Energetically seeking logical solutions flows well for Aquarius at the beginning of the week. This is a more fiery week for you, suggesting that taking action and engaging in competitive activities helps to create upward spirals at work or in other endeavors. Authority and structure enter the picture for your more free-flowing personal core, however, given the choppy, difficult influences in the transits, and the less stringent vibe regarding restrictions for Aquarius, a guiding hand will likely be of benefit. Perhaps the best theme for Aquarius this week, although requiring great effort to use productively, is the passion and will, along with the powerful perspectives, available to you. Thus the potential for accomplishment is pronounced, with several ingredients for success in the mix this week. Watch for December 10 as a day of unity and greater ability to allow your unconscious to bubble to the surface. Final thought for Aquarius: of interest, this week portends that efforts made result in obtaining just the right amount of reward.


The week begins for Pisces Sun with a “conscious structure” type theme; practically speaking, it suggests that self-discipline is available if you need it. Relationships will likely feel different for Pisces, and of all the signs, you are among those most likely to notice and have a need to adjust to the new feel in establishing and maintaining relationships. Although relationships become more intense and power-seeking, the watery feel flows well for your watery Sun. The week has its opportunities for Pisces, based on the relationships theme. Transforming your self, or other people, has potential for helping you to touch spirit. Inspiring other people, or being inspired by others, can help unleash your creativity or move forward with more mundane goals and activities. Close relationships reiterate the same theme based on relationships in general, at the end of the week. Final thought for Pisces: as something is winding down and ending, it might also present a difficult puzzle or riddle to be solved. Being aware of this beforehand might be to your advantage!

Disclaimer: please consult the appropriate professional in regards to any area of your life discussed in this horoscope, as it is not intended to replace them. This is for entertainment purposes only and contains the personal opinions of the writer. Offense to any reader is unintentional. Any problem or protest with the newsletter or the opinions of the author should be relayed to

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