Triple Water Astrology – The Critical Degree! Weekly Horoscope – Week Starting Friday, February 12, 2016

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 02/11/2016 - 22:10

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Aquarius Sun will be hovering on the Aquarius/Pisces cusp at the very end of this week. Mercury enters the Aquarius sign early in the week, and Venus pursues Mercury all week and joins him and Sun in Uranus’ sign closer to the week’s end. Jupiter, Saturn, and Neptune each continue creaking either forwards or backwards in their current signs, and this week the trio begins to form a vague t-square in mutable signs pointing to Saturn. Jupiter’s expansive qualities clash with Saturn’s nature to restrict; and Neptune, in his home sign, begins to influence Jupiter and Saturn’s “controlled expansion” theme. While the strong Neptune dominates the pattern, Saturn is emphasized: using discipline and responding well to structure introduces the possibility of using creativity and imagination in order to utilize the power of the Jupiter-Saturn square. Most certainly, effort must be made to implement the powerful theme, but the t-square also suggests that the greatest potential gains can be realized from doing the necessary work. In addition to the creative element emerging, the pattern suggests that adapting in various ways to difficulties, and finding alternative methods to approaching a problem, in order to attain a solution, is integral to the symbolism of the mutable t-square.

Mercury in his tutor’s (Uranus’) sign, Aquarius, has its advantages. Freedom of thought, frank and open communication, and using innovative methods to solving logical problems are several of Mercury’s attributes when he transits through Aquarius. Venus in Aquarius gives the impression of a wide circle of contacts and the opportunity form connections with people with different views or from different backgrounds. The week shifts to a much more Uranian feel, with an eclectic circle of influences and new ideas becoming more prominent, with the Mercury and Venus joining Sun in Aquarius.

Mars remains steadfast and strong in the Scorpio sign, and he forms an exact sextile to Jupiter on February 13. Jupiter is somewhat muted in the Virgo sign, but he is still Jupiter. Mars paired with Jupiter this week opens doors for devoting plenty of determined energy to projects and activities that expand interests, particularly in the area of work. The planets are somewhat spread out this week among the signs, and with two planets changing signs (in addition to Moon), each of the four elements has a roughly equal representation in the zodiac. How apropos for Sun transiting through the end of the Aquarius sign – it’s as though he’s saying that’s the way things should be!

What might this week portend for you? Consider your Sun sign and rising sign/ascendant as well.


The week has a generally upbeat feel for Aries Sun, with a peak day on February 13. Aries starts the week with a short-lived theme, occurring on February 12, of experiencing transitions and assimilating new perspectives. As the Sun completes his transit through the Aquarius sign this week, Aries is well attuned to the fixed, airy qualities of Sun in Aquarius. Making determined efforts to engage the mind, implement new ideas, and form alliances is promising for drawing closer to goals and aspirations. A theme of looking at the past, in terms of assessing how different choices might have produced alternate outcomes, can be effective in determining what direction to take now in order to derive greatest benefit in the future. Aries also has a theme that lasts throughout the week, of expressing dedication to what you believe in, or feel compelled to accomplish, strongest at the beginning of the week. Final thought for Aries: providing assistance and support, with a “pay it forward” approach, is a strong theme for Aries this week.


The first half of the week is upbeat and contains a feeling of expansion for Taurus Sun. This week has plenty of opportunities for Taurus through networking, learning, and using logic to solve problems, particularly in work and career. The first half of the week feels more business like for you; the second half still pertains to work, but has a more social feel mixed in. February 15 is an outstanding day for creating foundations, and utilizing available resources in order to influence events and reach goals. February 17 is another key date for Taurus; business acumen, applying what you learn, and exuding charm help to amalgamate efforts made earlier in the week, to help increase what you strive towards in work and career, or other areas of life. Sun in Aquarius squaring your Sun by sign for one last week, until Sun enters Leo, is a last chance to make a determined effort to finish important projects and create a heightened focus on obtaining what you want or need. Final thought for Taurus: in unfamiliar situations, seeking someone who is also new to the scenario might be helpful in navigating it.


Mercury, your Sun’s ruler, enters the Aquarius sign this week. Mercury in an airy sign is definitely of interest for Gemini Sun. Thought takes on a more liberated quality starting on February 13. Flashes of insight and volumes of new ideas are two potentially powerful attributes of Mercury in Aquarius that Gemini might latch on to. Looking at the big picture and developing practical ways of using theories are useful themes that develop this week for Gemini, and they become stronger as the week progresses. February 14 is an expansive type of day in which looking your best, using your natural gift of communication, and persistently working towards objectives helps increase your influence and reap dividends from your efforts. Relationships are influential for Gemini all week, and brainstorming, seeking innovative ways to complete projects through cooperating, and networking with a wide variety of people can help you have a successful week. Final thought for Gemini: in depth communication with another person can be an unexpected source of enlightenment.


Careful dedication to what you choose to focus on, and aligning with Uranus’ influence of revolution, spontaneity, and intuitive thought, gives Cancer Sun a running start to the week on February 12. The week quickly turns to concentrating on work. Watch for a potentially lucrative day on February 14 if you can manage to navigate career opportunities well. Responding to structure is a theme that comprises the bulk of your week, but that certainly can have its bright spots. For example, look for a chance to benefit from the long-standing “controlled expansion” theme on February 16, most likely of greatest use in career, but having applications to personal goals and avocations as well. February 17 and 18 are much more watery and comfortable for Cancer. Finding security and enjoying family and the comforts of home are welcome themes at the end of the week, as well as the opportunity to reaps the benefits of efforts made earlier in the week. Final thought for Cancer: working towards attaining insight can help you develop inner strength this week.


Will, drive, and determination to surmount obstacles and complete objectives through hard work is a tough, but productive, theme for Leo Sun this week. The first several days of the week additionally have a component of added dedication and possibility of “digging deep” in order to attain what you want or need, if you are willing to give the effort. The first few days of the week also have a subtle, optimistic type of influence that is encouraging and orientated towards expansion. February 15 is a respite from the tense feel in the transits for Leo, in which you can enjoy togetherness and community with friends and family. February 17 is “back to the grind”, but don’t discount the opportunity to use persistence and past experience, along with a mighty push, in order to create lasting accomplishments this week. Mercury and Venus opposite your Sun by sign add an element of using contacts in innovative ways in order to achieve goals. Final thought for Leo: relating to those who have similar interests might help you accomplish a lot this week.


February 12 is an ideal day for goal-setting and crafting strategies to attain them for Virgo Sun. Wrapping up loose ends through initiating unstarted projects also works well on February 12, if it’s practical to do so. Virgo also has two key dates to focus on, in terms of expanding and multiplying efforts: February 12, and February 14. As the week progresses, Virgo has increased opportunities for combining creativity and original ideas with step-by-step problem solving. Forming alliances for mutual benefit is another useful theme that lasts throughout the week, and cooperation has a more serious and structured feel, appropriate for work and career, in the first half of the week, and a more enjoyable, social feel in the second half of it. February 16 is opportune for dealing with lingering issues, deriving solutions to problems based on examination of past details, and making subtle but critical adjustments to current processes. Final thought for Virgo: assessing whether or not a project is worth continuing might save valuable resources this week.


The beginning of the week has an expansive feel for Libra Sun, particularly in terms of your future direction. Using discipline and responding to structure, in order to attain useful perspectives and increase your personal power, is also a valuable theme in the first few days of the week. February 13 is probably the most enjoyable day of the week for Libra. Identifying with and participating in various groups with common interests can help keep you busy and fulfilled, and resounds well with Sun in late Aquarius. This week, especially later in the week, is geared towards using the mind. Logical problem solving, collecting information, and expressing your point of view becomes more influential for Libra this week; also watch for an added amount of personal insight and wisdom in thought and communication starting around February 16. Final thought for Libra: no additional insights for Libra this week.


Increased competition, personal drive, and activity start the week for Scorpio Sun. Relationships are also more influential than average at the beginning of the week. Be quick to implement increased assertion, along with career opportunities based on forming and maintaining relationships, to start your week quickly and productively. Scorpio is also going through an extended time, that lasts throughout the week, of support via close relationships. Although the usual amount of effort is required to maintain close relationships, they also generally flow smoothly. Scorpio has this last week of Sun in Aquarius squaring your Sun by sign for this year. Transitions, adapting to changes via use of the mind, and dealing with disruptions or unexpected occurrences, continues to have a greater than average impact on Scorpio this week, but the opportunities to engage in fresh starts, gain new perspectives, and find innovative ways to transform one’s self productively are not to be missed. Structure and authority also start to subtly creep into the picture for Scorpio by the end of the week, but bear in mind that established foundations help navigate change, even if they ultimately crumble. Final thought for Scorpio: finding the cause of a problem may require steady and persistent pursuit of it.


The Jupiter-Saturn “controlled expansion” theme continues to become more influential for Sagittarius Sun this week. A new theme based on Saturn and Uranus also enters the picture for Sagittarius. Saturn creates the feel of a heavy week. Saturn’s residence in your Sun’s sign definitely has its advantages, however. Finding the right mix of structure and revolution, or integrating new ideas with established methods, can be effectively combined with the “controlled expansion” theme. Thus the week becomes a matter of determining what direction you want to move towards, and creating opportunities in order to arrive at your destination. Strong, fixed personal drive is a plus for Sagittarius this week, and strongest on February 13. A combination of your natural proclivity to seek new experiences, along with a sense of dedication, passion and intensity, forming discipline, and integrating novel ideas into your activities, in the right mix, can help propel you forward this week. Final thought for Sagittarius: consulting a person of higher learning or wisdom can be awe-inspiring this week.


Capricorn Sun wistfully bids farewell to both Mercury and Venus in Capricorn this week. Thus, Pluto will be the lone planet in your Sun’s sign once again. Taking advantage of the earthy influence in the transits early in the week would be prudent for Capricorn, and reflecting on the power of Pluto manifesting via your Sun’s sign also has its benefits. How might your natural talent for creating and using structure help to increase your perspectives and develop your personal power? Capricorn also has access to an “expanding knowledge” theme this week, which Sun in Aquarius supports well. As Sun prepares to leave Aquarius, assessing how to implement learning and new ideas over this past month is also a useful exercise for Capricorn. February 15 and 16 have a stronger than average relationships influence for you, particularly in meeting minds, exchanging information, and networking. Final thought for Capricorn: passion and zest for life can be useful in helping you surpass your limits this week.


Aquarius Sun has VIP access to the Jupiter-Saturn “controlled expansion” theme this week, as your solar return month draws to a close. The vitality and consciousness of the core of the solar system resonating for you in the transits, via your natal Sun placement, has been accompanied by Jupiter and Saturn’s theme, which can be expressed in many ways (“disciplined growth”, “abundance through working with structure”). Making the effort to implement the better qualities of both planets, and finding productive uses for the tough square, is an apt challenge for your Sun’s inventive, cognitive qualities. Another useful and long-lasting theme that emerges for Aquarius this week is focusing energy, acting immediately, and showing leadership in order to achieve objectives, particularly by using creativity while operating within established parameters. Mercury and Venus entering your Sun’s sign this week encourages friendly meeting of the minds and networking in order to exchange new ideas. Final thought for Aquarius: pertaining to the Mercury/Venus theme this week, new friends can be a source of wisdom and help spur creative thoughts.


Transiting Sun will be at the very end of Aquarius at the end of the week. Anticipation of your solar return month becomes very strong, as does the anticipation of all of the signs, awaiting Sun entering the last sign of the zodiac. Yet Sun remains in the airy Aquarius sign this week. Close relationships continue to flow smoothly for Pisces Sun this week, and they contain a sense of both providing and receiving care and nurturing. A feeling of comfort and security is particularly strong in close relationships on February 18 for Pisces. Other than a continuing focus on specialization, authority through either title or expertise, and potential for reaching high levels of achievement in your niche, Pisces is somewhat removed from the activity in the transits this week. Even with significant, excitable activity in the transits this week, including Sun and two other planets in Aquarius, Pisces might choose to gather energy, reflect, and ponder in preparation of Sun once again entering your Sun’s sign in a week. Final thought for Pisces: being direct, although counterintuitive in some situations, may generate better outcomes.

Disclaimer: please consult the appropriate professional in regards to any area of your life discussed in this horoscope, as it is not intended to replace them. This is for entertainment purposes only and contains the personal opinions of the writer. Offense to any reader is unintentional. Any problem or protest with the newsletter or the opinions of the author should be relayed to

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