Triple Water Astrology – The Critical Degree! Weekly Horoscope – Week Starting Friday, February 26, 2016

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 02/25/2016 - 20:04

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Sun, transiting through the last sign of the zodiac this week, has a demanding road ahead over the next seven days. No doubt that Neptune in his dominion, Pisces, in the heart of the Sun, on February 28, is a major event. Neptune exactly conjunct the Sun allows Neptune’s qualities to shine brightly and in unity with transiting Sun’s consciousness. The heights of bliss, connection with a greater collective, imagination, and watery visions and intuition will be emanating from the core of the solar system at mid-week. Sun more strongly connecting with the Jupiter-Saturn square this week is also of great interest, with Neptune helping to form a double mutable t-square. Consciously melding creative qualities with adaptability, in order to work towards a persistent, disciplined expansion of interests, may not immediately pay off, but the double t-square has the sense of planting seeds that will one day emerge from the soil and become towering trees. Dream big, and then make your objective to relentlessly manifest what you want!

Mercury in Aquarius forms a square with Mars in Scorpio all week, and both prepare to leave their respective signs at the end of the week. The tense square connects planets in fixed signs, and remarkably, both planets are in the signs of their overtones (Mars in his overlord’s, Pluto’s, sign, and Mercury in his tutor’s, Uranus’, sign). Thus Scorpio Mars’ intense, active change clashes with Aquarius Mercury’s revolutionary thought. Active communication, will to use logic, and thinking competitively have great potential to usher in productive change, for those who are determined and willing to give the necessary effort. Mercury and Mars this week obviously relate well to the mutable t-squares, or at least suggest an efficient path in meeting the challenges of them.

Uranus is certainly not inactive this week. He helps to form the base of a yod with his pupil, Mercury, pointing to Jupiter, in the first part of the week. Uranus then helps to form a similar yod with a sextile to Venus, both pointing to Jupiter, in the last part of the week. Supercharged thought helps create uplifting opportunities and abundance at the beginning of the week, and at the end, something to the effect of “unusual alliances”, or a wide and eclectic circle of friends, points the way to expansion and various types of growth, particularly pertaining to detail, creating efficiencies, and seeing the entirety of an issue or problem while tending to various finer points of it. The outlet of each yod pattern is approximately Chiron. Chiron in Pisces serves as a humble reminder this week that his powerful “spiritual healing” theme contains great promise and hope as we experience Sun in Pisces and prepare for a new zodiacal year.

What might this week portend for you? Consider your Sun sign and rising sign/ascendant as well.


The ‘spiritual healing’ theme in the transits flows well for Aries Sun this week, with the most powerful effect towards the beginning of the week. February 28 and 29 are also rather watery days for Aries. Intense, powerful emotions might be used to your benefit at the end of February, which coincides well with Neptune in the heart of the Sun. Depth of emotion is contrasted this week with a more cognitive theme for you, with the opportunity to combine effort with logic and rational thought in order to meet the challenges of the week. Aries also has an extended time, starting on February 28 and lasting until the end of the week, to combine mighty efforts with pertinacious endurance in order to achieve objectives. The mutable qualities of the heavens this week will likely be of use for Aries, as your fiery core adapts to the watery energies affecting your sign. Exerting the effort and tapping the necessary creativity to do so this week can pay off nicely, however. Final thought for Aries: Unraveling a vexing problem this week might finally lead to solving it!


Mental acuity is a sharp theme starting the week for Taurus Sun. Seeing both the big picture and the details therein is a useful theme for Taurus this week that manifests in several different ways. Deliberate logic and orderly thought have greater than average potential to lead to instant insights and breakthroughs as well, with March 2 as a peak day regarding this theme. March 1 and 2 are opportune for working creatively within set structures in order to reach goals or move closer to fulfilling objectives, and quickly changing directions in order to complete tasks successfully also can be of greater than average benefit in the first two days of March. Authority might feel a bit heavy this week, especially on February 29; but by week’s end Taurus has chances for a few rather uplifting days, particularly in work and when you attempt to expand your knowledge base. Final thought for Taurus: finding a balance between taking action and maintaining stability is a potentially rewarding challenge for Taurus this week.


Be quick to take advantage of using focus and cooperative efforts to reach objectives on February 26, a nice theme that starts the week for Gemini Sun. Watery Pisces Sun squaring your Sun by sign forces Gemini to focus more attention on endings, transcendence, and other ethereal qualities of the Pisces energy this week. Therefore, working at touching spirit through the mind can be a powerful experience for you with Sun in the last sign of the zodiac. Gemini does not lack the will and passion to do so this week. This week also has better than average potential for being productive and finding ways to assertively increase your personal power, given the effort. February 26 and 27 are probably the most upbeat days of the week for Gemini, and experimenting with new ideas, experiencing sudden insights and wisdom, and spontaneously having fun work well for you on those days. Gemini has an additional theme of a fiery commitment to what you actively focus your will and drive towards in the latter half of the week. Final thought for Gemini: interacting with other people, already one of your strong suits, has an added possibility this week of intuiting the best way to proceed with them in a given situation.


A more social start to the week for Cancer Sun quickly plunges into a more watery and comfortable type of domain on February 27. Sun in Pisces already generally works well for Cancer, and using imagination, intuiting vaticinations, and intense watery experiences are strong themes for you from February 27 to 29. (Look to close relationships for assistance if you need it on February 28, and watch for opportunities to assert your personal power on February 29.) Cancer is more attuned to the Jupiter-Saturn “controlled expansion” theme in the second half of the week, with the strongest day of March 1. Thus the month of March begins for Cancer with the opportunity to sow seeds and work towards a potentially rich harvest, particularly pertaining to work and career. By March 3, the focus of the week for Cancer turns towards career and March 3 in particular is a rather achievement-oriented day. Final thought for Cancer: applying theory and abstractions effectively can be difficult, but if you manage to find a way it can help to bring about necessary controls.


Leo Sun’s ruler, Sun, in Pisces, draws attention to spirit for you this month. This week, in particular, is very much about the sacrifice, redemption, faith, and boundlessness of Pisces for Leo. February 26 and 27 contain opportunities to become grounded and work towards progressing in your area of specialty and achieving recognition in your field of expertise. Authority is also tapping you on the shoulder all week, and authority is most influential by week’s end. However, the ‘structure’ influence entering the picture this week can also have the effect of bringing your dreams closer to reality…thus one key to responding to a paradoxical week is how you approach it. Determined, disciplined efforts have much better chances of bringing about desired results. Close relationships tend to flow well for Leo this week, and best towards the end of the week. Finding ways to reach large groups of people with your ideas, and intuiting answers to difficult problems, works best on March 2. Also watch for opportunities to give or receive “spiritual nurturing” throughout the week, with a peak day on March 3. Final thought for Leo: this week is ideal for recognizing when situations and projects need to be resolved and finished, and taking efficient action to end them.


Close relationships tend to require more work for Virgo Sun at the beginning of the week. While they can be intense, both the work and the intensity suggest a great deal of progress or accomplishment is also possible when you participate in close relationships. This effect wanes as the week progresses. Relationships in general are also most influential at the beginning of the week, and in contrast, they have a more casual and very friendly, relaxed feel. Whether at work or elsewhere in your life, “practical innovation” characterizes interactions. Experiencing something new or exchanging useful ideas is prominent in relationships for Virgo this week. Work and career are more influential towards the beginning of the week, and February 26 contains elevated opportunities for experiencing personal growth through disciplined efforts and perhaps being mentored by a like-minded individual. Neptune in the heart of the Sun on February 28, in the sign opposite yours, can also be a powerful experience for Virgo. Thus bearing in mind the important February 28 date and considering how to integrate spirit and imagination into your life this week also hold potential rewards. Final thought for Virgo: no additional insights for Virgo this week.


Watch for a more flowing, intuitive, and receptive start to the week on February 26. Libra Sun has the advantage of access to the watery feel of the transits this week, while retaining a comfortable position within the airy element. This opens up many possibilities; perhaps first and foremost, combining imagination and creativity with thought. February 26 to 28 exemplify the “mind and spirit” theme for Libra well. Use of the mind leads to touching spirit, through developing insight via learning, amalgamating ideas to experience wisdom, and considering theory or abstract ideas in order to align with a greater collective. Seeking a guide can help clarify and develop perspectives, and even develop personal power, around March 1. Developing close relationships in work and career is also a potentially useful theme for Libra around February 29. Pushing new ideas forward in order to experience success has possibilities for you on March 2 and 3. Final thought for Libra: no additional insights for Libra this week.


Your Sun’s ruler’s understudy, Mars, is about to leave your Sun’s sign. However, Scorpio Sun has another full week this week to enjoy the passion and intensity of Mars in Pluto’s sign. Personal projects and activities requiring extra effort and assertive action, therefore, would be well timed for completion this week, particularly with Sun transiting through Pisces. Structure and authority subtly work their way into your week; however, this allows Scorpio to fully take advantage of the continuing “controlled expansion” theme in the heavens, especially via work and career. Close relationships continue to be a source of support this week, and relationships in general are of greater than average importance for Scorpio on February 29 and March 1. The “spiritual nurturing” theme becomes influential by the week’s end for you. Sun in Pisces flows well for Scorpio, and while Neptune in the heart of the Sun is not directly influential for Scorpio, such a powerful event makes February 28 worth marking on your calendar. Revel in the Neptunian energy exuding through the massive solar core in mid-week. Final thought for Scorpio: as the transits generally suggest this week, success may not happen after the first attempt. Don’t give up too easily!


The patterns in the heavens are a decent fit for Sagittarius Sun this week, with plenty of variety, ample challenges, and opportunities to actively flex to situations and turn them to your advantage. This week points to structure as very influential for Sagittarius. Various factors help to meet the challenges of authority, however. Sagittarius has increased access to the “mind” theme this week, particularly at the beginning of the week. Use of logic, sharing ideas, and networking with friends has potential to push career interests forward and expand personal limits. Close relationships edge in to provide support towards the end of the week, and relationships potentially provide valuable support from about March 1 to 3. Relationships are most useful for Sagittarius in the second half of the week when they introduce new ideas, learning, and move personal or professional projects forward through equal sharing of duties. Sagittarius is most attuned to the watery feel in the transits from about February 29 to March 2; creativity and intuition will likely flow better on those days for you this week. Final thought for Sagittarius: watch for opportunities this week to “dive into” projects and tasks currently underway in order to successfully complete them.


This can be a rather spiritually oriented week for Capricorn Sun, depending on how you approach it. Certainly your industrious qualities can be utilized effectively this week. Developing and using sharp perspectives in career becomes a subtle, but potentially effective, theme for you starting on about February 29 and lasting through the end of the week. This “viewpoints” theme entails meeting minds with other people on February 29 and March 1, obviously beneficial for obtaining critical information or accumulating new ideas for immediate or later use. March 1 is also an opportune day for tapping into the powerful Pisces energies in the transits; heightened intuition or increased creativity works best for Capricorn on the first day of March during this week. The theme of combining thought with imagination also works well for you all week, with the best opportunities at the end of it. Thus the abstract and intangible, given form, requires a great deal of effort, but also can be of assistance in helping you have a successful week. Final thought for Capricorn: acting as a mediator can be humbling, but contains a certain richness through the experience of doing so.


February 26 to about February 28 have great potential for Aquarius Sun, if you can find a way to take advantage of seeing the larger scope of something while also seeing the finer details therein – obviously a beneficial theme for work and career. Aquarius has quite a favorable week for using thought and communication to influence other people. At the least, the week portends enjoyment through meeting of the minds for Aquarius. March 1 to 3 is outstanding for forming contacts and networking for mutual benefit, particularly at work. Aquarius also has the entire week to consider how to take advantage of a long-lasting theme of working actively within structure to achieve goals. This theme generally has a collaborative type of feel, and also a transformative element associated with it. Focusing energy and acting with a sense of purpose has a very goal-oriented feel, and working in a creative element to the process helps make your efforts highly productive this week. The overall feel of “active dedication” continues this week for you and starts winding down, but is still available in what can be a prolific week. Final thought for Aquarius: in conflicting situations, Aquarius has the ability to state a powerful case this week.


This is the week of Sun exactly conjuncting your Sun’s ruler, during your solar return month. A heightened consciousness, which essentially describes your Sun’s objective, is available during the week, with a peak day on February 28. The Jupiter-Saturn theme is also starting to tap Pisces Sun on the shoulder this week. Diligently creating conditions that might grow into major opportunities over the long term is a pronounced opportunity that becomes more in focus for Pisces this week. “Spiritual nurturing” continues as a harmonious theme for your watery Sun, and close relationships are a foremost source of either giving or receiving compassionate support this week. The planets are about equally distributed among the elements this week, but slightly in favor of the watery element; and Neptune and Sun both in the Pisces sign draws attention to your Sun’s sign in the transits. This week is a heightened opportunity for you to express your consciousness, draw on your personal creativity, and experience spirituality. Final thought for Pisces: success can still be attained if you can access the correct information.

Disclaimer: please consult the appropriate professional in regards to any area of your life discussed in this horoscope, as it is not intended to replace them. This is for entertainment purposes only and contains the personal opinions of the writer. Offense to any reader is unintentional. Any problem or protest with the newsletter or the opinions of the author should be relayed to…

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