Triple Water Astrology – The Critical Degree! Weekly Horoscope – Week Starting Friday, January 1, 2016

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 01/01/2016 - 11:06

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Mercury sneaks into his tutor’s (Uranus’) sign, Aquarius, on January 1, and he remains in early Aquarius throughout the week due to stationing and beginning another retrograde. Mercury becomes the only retrograde planet among the ten main planets on January 5; while all ten planets will be direct in the first half of the week, Moon’s Nodes, Admetos, Hades, Kronos, and Vulcanus (Transneptunians) currently exert a retrograde influence in the transits. Still, Sun in Capricorn, and a rare phenomenon of all planets direct, signifies a steady start to the week, containing all modes of operation within normal parameters.

Sun makes a cazimi aspect to Pluto in Capricorn on the same day Mercury goes retrograde. No doubt that January 5 has potential as a powerful day! Sun joining with the tight Uranus/Pluto square, and Uranus additionally represented through Mercury’s dramatic retrograde in Aquarius, also suggests turbulence and change as a theme for January 5. Shocks and surprises are not necessarily “bad” (although the unexpected can be unsettling); but a sense of permanence regarding changes is additionally present with Pluto’s influence. Mercury’s antics in early Aquarius contains a key to dealing with sudden change – intelligent use of the mind assists in finding ways to quickly adapt. Mercury’s square to Mars in Scorpio can be useful as well, with Mars signifying a powerful drive to help acclimate to changes. Using both active determination and intelligent action is promising regarding reaching goals and dealing with competition this week, but the tradeoff is the requisite effort! Indeed, the squares in the transits this week are challenging, but Sun’s transit through Saturn’s sign is a sharp reminder that serious, disciplined effort can lead to expanding limits.

Jupiter will station in Mercury’s sign, Virgo, this week, and Mercury and Jupiter are additionally connected via a wide trine. Perhaps Jupiter gives a more upbeat feel to Mercury starting his retrograde this week, but Jupiter also magnifies what he touches! Flashes of insight and novel ideas are of potential use, but are accompanied by sudden wide variances brought by Mercury retrograding in the electrical Aquarius sign, and further amplified by Jupiter.

What might this week portend for you? Consider your Sun sign and rising sign/ascendant as well.


Sun aligning with the Uranus-Pluto square has a strong influence on Aries Sun this week. Additionally, several indicators in the transits this week add up to create a nice “power” theme for you. Therefore, the sudden change theme can be met with a sense of ability to take assertive action, quite natural for your fiery, initiating personal core. January 1 to 3 contains opportunities to convince other people of your point of view, and make mighty efforts to push your agenda forward. January 4 to 6 shifts to using influence in a different manner – looking sharp, showing your more charismatic qualities, and using current or new knowledge help to expand your goals in the second half of the week. Mercury’s station and retrograde also have a greater than average effect on Aries this week. Reverting to a more “all or none” type of mode to networking and communication requires some adjustment, but be aware that given the effort, a large volume of ideas, and logical problem solving via starting from an end point and working backwards, is promising in helping you make your week successful. Final thought for Aries: finding missing information or solving puzzles will likely require heightened dedication and strong focus.


Past influences become a strong theme for Taurus Sun this week. January 2 is the strongest day of the week for the ‘past’ type theme for Taurus. If more unpleasant issues from the past surface on January 2, bear in mind that a disciplined, practical approach to dealing with recurring issues this week may help to finally solve them! Taurus is definitely also continuing to be influenced this week by a long standing “controlled expansion” theme in the transits, which is useful for career and work. Working with authority and being cognizant of how to operate effectively within established structure is important for you this week, and this theme is strongest towards the end of the week. January 4 is a peak day for using imagination, and other important themes for Taurus on that day (January 4 is a key date for you, just before the critical January 5 date in general) include a sense of commitment to people or projects you care about, and a subtle source of support from close relationships. January 6 is an opportunity to consolidate gains and be a source of direction for other people if they need it or choose to consult you, which flows well for your earthy Sun, with transiting Sun conjunct Pluto in an earth sign. Final thought for Taurus: consider how a partnership with a peer or someone at the same level, in work or other areas of life, might be of benefit this week.


This week is an opportunity not to be missed by Gemini Sun! Most of the week has a benefic influence for you. Mercury retrograding certainly affects Gemini, but Mercury in an air sign generally works well for your airy conscious self. The opportunity to learn and shine brightly is pronounced for Gemini, starting on January 2 and lasting until the end of the week. Mercury retrograde may increase or decrease your loquaciousness, but regardless, this week is about looking your best, expanding your knowledge base, pertaining to your work or simply for enjoyment, and perhaps a bit of luck in moving your objectives forward. Gemini also has an added benefit of increased passion and drive starting on January 3…several shifts in the transits this week affect Gemini directly, but your adaptable qualities and quick mind can shift the changes into advantages, particularly if you are willing to give the necessary effort. Relationships also contain potential for support around January 1 and 2. Final thought for Gemini: no additional insights for Gemini this week.


The week tends to have a lighter feel for Cancer Sun, although the January 5 date might feel a bit heavy. Pluto cazimi Sun occurs in the middle of the sign opposite yours – a prime opportunity for building and expressing your personal power, particularly to accomplish what you want or need to this week! The beginning and end of the week can help you to make the most of the basically mid-week theme of Sun/Pluto in Capricorn. January 1 and 2 contain opportunities for Cancer to network and collaborate with other people in order to set up favorable conditions (at work or elsewhere) for creating change or obtaining valuable perspectives later in the week. January 6 and 7 are opportune days for expanding what was created or altered during the middle of the week. January 3 and 4 contain potential for a bit of risk-taking and bias towards action, a broader approach to dealing with problems or strategizing, and gaining insights in order to optimally approach the important January 5 date. Cancer has a nice balance of work and leisure ahead this week, if you manage to navigate the transits well. Final thought for Cancer: Another “balancing” type theme arises this week. Finding both time to rest and the will to expend sufficient energy to handle challenges – tougher than it sounds – can be to your advantage this week.


Despite the “change and revolution” theme in the transits this week, Leo has a rather rigid start to the week. That feel does not entirely evaporate over the course of the week, although sudden change can certainly enter the picture for Leo, with January 5 as an important day for you. January 2 contains a more cognitive theme, of interest with Mercury stationing in the sign opposite your Sun’s, of using the mind to comprehend abstract concepts or attaining insight via connecting ideas. The week may have a somewhat grinding feel, but the necessary discipline and stamina demanded of Leo has a nice tradeoff of attaining a sense of power and self-improvement, if you are willing to consciously approach the challenges of the week with a sense of determination to adeptly handle them. The payoff – likely involving how successfully you handle the various changes and demands headed your way – tends to make itself known at the end of the week. Final thought for Leo: while acting as an intermediary for other people might be appealing and even to your advantage, caution regarding being caught up in unpleasant situations is warranted.


Mercury turning retrograde is of importance for Virgo Sun, but transiting Jupiter in your Sun’s sign, about to go retrograde, is also notable. The week definitely has its bright spots for Virgo, but the week is also one of evaluation for you, very apropos with the New Year upon us. You might feel as though information is descending on you at a frenzied pace this week; thus your analytical function might feel taxed, even though it’s your strong point! The transits still have a somewhat earthy feel, which is to your advantage. Work tends to have an upbeat feel this week, even with Jupiter grinding to a halt in the Virgo sign. January 5 is important for career, and the grounded, structured power exuded on January 5 flows well for your earthy core. January 4 and 5 are prime days for giving sharp presentations, exchanging information, and using learning experiences to assertively push your goals forward. Final thought for Virgo: Be aware that extra effort to reach a conclusion this week may be necessary.


Extra assistance and oversight might be a welcome influence this week for Libra Sun, depending on given situations. Use of logic and generating a large volume of ideas flow well for Libra on January 1 and 2, with a bit of concentrated effort. Fresh ideas and flashes of insight, another apt theme for your airy Sun, gain steam starting around January 5. A narrow window of support from close relationships potentially gives you a boost on January 4 and 5. The squares in the transits are more direct than average among the signs for Libra this week, but bearing in mind that you can probably find support when you need it, and that the effort can be worth the reward, is a nice source of motivation to make the most of this week. January 6 contains possibilities for dealing with “higher ups” or those who are very knowledgeable in their craft; both possibilities have their advantages if you manage to find a way to take advantage of them, likely not a problem based on your natural people skills and proclivity for collaborating. Also watch for results of past actions showing more prominently on January 6. Final thought for Libra: with Mercury stationing and starting his retrograde this week, careful attention to body language in addition to hearing spoken communication becomes important.


Mars moving into your Sun’s sign this week isn’t bad! Scorpio Sun has plenty of opportunities during this week, centered around the “power” theme in the transits. Inevitable or sudden change can be handled in a conscious and practical manner this week, obviously a prime opportunity for you to sharpen your Scorpio perspectives and use the intensity of Mars to passionately push your objectives forward, or perhaps to simply relish the challenges of the week. No doubt that January 5 is an important day this week for Scorpio. Mercury retrograding in a sign squaring your Sun’s might feel a bit odd, but a sense of strength also permeates the transits and directly affects Scorpio on January 5. Thus you have a chance to alter situations, express greater intensity in your activities, and even experience a profound depth and meaning in your endeavors. Look to January 7 as a day of feeling the calm after a storm – but also realize that fantastic opportunities are awaiting you earlier in the week. Final thought for Scorpio: if someone or something becomes problematic this week, forming a coalition might be the most effectively way to deal with it.


A certain wisdom and creativity flows well for Sagittarius Sun this week, particularly if you find ways to experience solitude. Relationships have a tendency towards feeling empathy and kind words and actions, but also be aware that situations involving more than one person have a tendency towards “taking sides” or elevated competition among members of a group. Despite the Sun-Pluto conjunction in the sign succeeding your Sun’s (Capricorn), the earthy “power” theme on January 5 flows well for Sagittarius. Consciously experiencing perspectives this week is also helpful in focusing on your future direction, both for the week and in terms of developing strategies for dealing with the New Year – and the timing of this theme is a stroke of fortune for your expansive, fiery Sun. Venus in Sagittarius is also a plus this week for Sagittarius, even with her conjunction to Saturn. Focusing on work and career, particularly within a framework of how you operate within a set structure among colleagues, is another productive way to start the year. Final thought for Sagittarius: taking a low-key, yet passionate approach to the week resonates well for Sagittarius.


January 1 is quite a conscious day for Capricorn Sun, and also apt for setting goals for the New Year and making a running start to attaining them this week. In this week of transiting Sun in the middle of your Sun’s sign, January 5 is an important date for you. Gathering perspectives and assessing your capabilities describes the energies of January 5 that suit Capricorn almost perfectly. January 2 is the beginning of an important, reasonably lengthy theme for you. Most of this week, and continuing into next week, is a more spiritual time, in which seeking true understanding of various concepts, situations, or even yourself is of potential benefit. In accordance with the start of the year, it’s also an amazing opportunity to put your best foot forward through reaching a wide audience or somehow influencing a large number of people. Relationships, particularly in work and career, also become a potential source of support this week, with the strongest effect at the end of the week. Final thought for Capricorn: no additional insights for Capricorn this week, other than to wish you a happy solar return!


Making too much of Mercury stationing and retrograding in your Sun’s sign is probably unwarranted, but the event definitely deserves mentioning. Aquarius Sun will experience Mercury’s logic and thought in unity with your conscious self this week, and additionally with the experience of thought and logic acting within both relatively normal, and extreme, parameters. The idea of generating large volumes of ideas – this is an outstanding week for brainstorming, particularly for Aquarius – and enjoying the company of a selected few people, alternating with meeting a variety of many new people, particularly in work and career, works well for Aquarius this week. Relationships at work become more important and perhaps beneficial for Aquarius as the week progresses, if you actively seek contacts or form alliances to compete with other people or groups. The icing on the cake for you this week, as with several of the other signs, is January 5. Innovation and revolution, new ideas, and evolving friendships have an influence of helping you develop fresh perspectives and developing your personal power, if you have the determination and reserves to activate the significant work and effort to effectively ride the waves of the transits this week, especially on January 5. Final thought for Aquarius: no surprise if you find that someone is seeking your support or an ear regarding a difficult, private issue.


January 1 is a very conscious beginning of the week for Pisces Sun, a nice synchronicity in the transits for you that provides the opportunity to consider goals for the New Year and use your Sun’s qualities to look forward and consider how to best achieve them. January 4 is a powerful day for experiencing relationships. Relationships in general this week tend to be competitive, with this theme reaching a peak on January 4. Close relationships, however, tend to flow smoothly this week and provide support if necessary. Stresses and resistance to inevitable change that may characterize various relationships this week paradoxically can make them very productive for you – team efforts require a great deal of work and care to administrate, but they can also help you make decent strides ahead in the first week of the year, particularly at work. A renewed sense of passion and initiative also takes effect for Pisces somewhat early in the week, giving you access to ambition and personal will to help you navigate your busy week. Final thought for Pisces: in dealing with closures, seek a symbol or person to show you the way to a new cycle.

Disclaimer: please consult the appropriate professional in regards to any area of your life discussed in this horoscope, as it is not intended to replace them. This is for entertainment purposes only and contains the personal opinions of the writer. Offense to any reader is unintentional. Any problem or protest with the newsletter or the opinions of the author should be relayed to

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