Triple Water Astrology – The Critical Degree! Weekly Horoscope – Week Starting Friday, January 15, 2016

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 01/14/2016 - 18:50

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A decent amount of action characterizes the transits this week, including Sun moving into Uranus’ sign, Aquarius, on January 20. Venus will conjunct the Galactic Center on January 21; relationships embody the influence of the wonder, immensity, and expansion of the entire galaxy for a brief time. The potentially truculent Mars in Scorpio helps to form a rare watery grand trine with Neptune and Kronos (Transneptunian) on January 18 and 19. Acting on imagination can lead to new heights, in terms of status or achievement in one’s niche. Likewise, those in authority (perhaps spiritual authority), or those showing decisive leadership, might serve to inspire others to forge ahead to obtain what they desire – the powerful grand trine exerts its energies influentially in mid-week.

Mercury continues to reverse course in Saturn’s sign, Capricorn, and he meets up with Pluto again at the end of the week. Using discipline and structure, to logically work through ideas or problems, in order to gain perspectives, is a valuable theme this week, especially if care is taken to use a more patient, ‘evaluative’ type approach to activities pertaining to thought and communication. Mercury retracing his steps through late and mid-Capricorn also reactivates a useful theme of engaging the mind in order to “expand power” (the combined influence of Jupiter and Pluto), with the greatest benefit in work and career.

Moon in early Cancer on January 21 briefly creates more watery grand trines in the heavens, which include Juno in addition to Mars and Neptune. Overall, while the heavens still have several long-lasting and significant squares this week, a fair amount of trines also characterize the aspects among the planets during the week. Moon in Cancer, Mars in Scorpio, and Neptune in Pisces are strong by sign; and the watery grand trines drawing the week to a close contain a strong, emotional, and inspirational circuit of energy that includes the influence of close relationships. The airy, humanitarian influence of Sun entering Aquarius bears spectacular water energies during this zodiacal year! Enjoy the “spiritual friendliness” at the end of what is hopefully a productive week for you.

What might this week portend for you? Consider your Sun sign and rising sign/ascendant as well.


Experiencing intense unity in close relationships continues as a significant theme for Aries Sun this week. Sun moving into the Aquarius sign, and transiting Sun ceasing to square your Sun by sign, will likely feel like a burden removed from your shoulders, however, making the most of what you want to accomplish with the remainder of Sun in Capricorn is recommended. This is particularly true on January 18 and 19, with possibilities for using your expertise and authority in order to further your influence or knowledge in your career or avocation, and perhaps rub elbows with “higher ups”. The more airy influence hits at the end of the week, with Sun moving into Aquarius, but your week has a rather watery and spiritual feel. Close relationships, among other possible influences, help Aries meet with a greater collective and feel inspired. Final thought for Aries: zeroing in on how to contribute your fiery energies to what you’re dedicated to would be prudent; seeking clarity as to what you’re commiting to helps to avoid having to solve puzzles.


This generally upbeat week for Taurus Sun might feel a bit scattered around January 15 and 16. Being sidetracked and distracted at work is more likely at the beginning of the week, but focusing on both the details and the big picture helps smooth out disruptions, and this remains as a favorable theme for Taurus throughout the week. This is also a week of structure lifting for Taurus. Sun in a sign trine to yours certainly has its benefits, with a focus on the material and accomplishment likely having given you a boost this month. Still, a sense of moving from restriction to liberation is a strong influence for Taurus, and Sun entering Aquarius on January 20 might contain a jolt for you. Sun moving from a trine to your Sun’s sign to a square requires some adjustment, but the latter half of the week also contains plenty of potentially beneficial themes. January 19 and 20 are favorable days for enjoying togetherness, marriage, family, and being an active member of various groups. January 21 has great potential for Taurus as an uplifting day, in harmony with creation and reflecting on your place in it. Final thought for Taurus: if a situation feels unfamiliar, perhaps it is meant to help refresh some part of your life.


If you feel like you’re retracting your steps this week, particularly in work and career, bear in mind that reworking projects and making a second effort regarding tasks can ultimately produce a better product. Gemini Sun has no lack of challenges this week, but you can be better for the effort made to meet them. Use of the mind has an accelerated feel for your already quick cognitive processes, quite a formidable asset in handling changes or transitions this week. This week is also favorable for personal growth and developing personal power, if you care to make it so. January 18 and 19 is a key part of the week for Gemini, in terms of accomplishment in work or personal life. Finding ways to take quick action and use creativity within a set structure and under authority requires a great deal of effort, but also feels rewarding if you manage to obtain your objectives. The week has its share of challenges for Gemini, but bear in mind that it can also have commensurate returns – and you can also look forward to Sun entering an air sign at the end of the week. Final thought for Gemini: while it’s easier said than done, tapping your intuition can work in your favor this week.


The week begins with a tendency towards ups and downs for Cancer Sun. The unpredictability might also be fun, and spontaneity in relationships is one possibility for rolling with disruptive influences. Cancer also has decent chances for starting new projects at the beginning of the week, and generating great ideas, but caution is advised due to Mercury’s retrograde mischief! The week quickly becomes more stable around January 17, and Cancer taps into the “expanding power via the mind” theme on January 17 and 18, possibly to great effect in work and career. Sun entering Aquarius is a reasonably smooth transition for Cancer Sun, and the Sun’s ingress is another reminder to make the most of your efforts and focus on what you want to achieve with Sun’s remaining tenure in the Capricorn sign. January 21 is the apex of your week. A feeling of domesticity and unity, a sense of inspiration, and a fixed determination to take action characterize the last day of the week for you, for use in whatever area of life as you see fit. Final thought for Cancer: No additional insights for Cancer this week.


This is an upbeat week for Leo, well attuned to the trines in the transits this week. Your more brainy side might show during the first several days of the week. While Mercury retrograde makes thought and communication feel a bit topsy-turvy, efforts to combine intellect with imagination is promising for Leo from about January 15 to 18. January 18 contains a very grounded feel for Leo. Stability and focus, combined with a mighty effort and perhaps even compulsion to accomplish what you need to, helps propel Leo through the week. Also watch carefully for Sun entering Aquarius on January 20, moving into the sign opposite of yours. Among other effects, Sun entering into Aquarius portends expressing yourself more via social contacts and enjoying participation in various groups. January 21 is an opportunity for Leo to shine brightly through looking sharp, using your various talents, and showing leadership in order to expand your influence. Final thought for Leo: making a lasting impression on someone, especially if you have shared interests, has possibilities for Leo this week.


As Sun nears the end of the Capricorn sign this week, and then moves into Aquarius, Virgo Sun has an increased opportunity to evaluate various situations and gain useful perspectives regarding how to proceed in work or other parts of life. Your earthy analysis function is on overdrive this week, with a peak day on January 20, coinciding with Sun entering the Aquarius sign. Thus, stating the obvious, projects and tasks requiring depth of thought and careful consideration have better than average chances for success, even with (and perhaps assisted by) Mercury’s retrograde. Sun moving from an earth sign to an air sign is a jolt for Virgo, but Sun entering Uranus’ sign has its benefits for you. Sudden insights, novel ideas, and greater use of technology are potentially productive for Virgo, with Mercury (and his emphasis on thought and communication) as an influential planet for you via your Sun’s ruler. If you have a goal to push forward or need a day that is more productive than average this week, January 18 stands out. Final thought for Virgo: At some point, moving on rather than continuously reworking a project is a better strategy.


Among other relevant themes this week, Libra Sun has a significant theme of giving care to other people and perhaps one’s self. The ‘nurturing’ theme begins on about January 16 and builds to its highest point at the end of the week. Around January 19, Libra has access to a feeling of community, and playing your strength of balancing in social activities, in order to achieve what you want or need. Ideally, working at providing care this week, which might manifest in many ways, helps Libra to feel a sense of unity with all people and align with a greater purpose. Sun moving from Capricorn to Aquarius on January 20 works well for Libra. The airy connection from transiting Sun in Aquarius to yours creates a theme consisting of something to the effect of “thinking together”. Brilliant ideas, meaningful communication and socializing, and productive teamwork based on thinking through common objectives are all productive applications of Sun entering Aquarius for Libra over the next month. Final thought for Libra: how you serve other people in your work and career is a perhaps overlooked concept, but useful to consider for Libra this week.


“Supercharged thought” is the foremost theme for Scorpio Sun this week, in spite of Mercury’s retrograde. While patience is called for in communication and logical problem solving with Mercury retrograde, a sense of thorough analysis and exhausting possibilities are rather useful manifestations of Mercury moving backwards for you. Breakthroughs and sudden insights regarding intellectual problems require steady, hard work this week, but providing a framework in which to solve a problem generally flows naturally. This ‘thought’ theme is most useful for Scorpio in career matters, although it can be applied to all areas of life. Sun moving into Aquarius, the sign square your Sun’s, has its advantages (greater chances for achievement via making the effort) and disadvantages (the strain from giving the effort without a guarantee of results), however, special consideration for a Scorpio-Aquarius connection is worth examining. Sun’s transit into Aquarius reinforces a long-standing ‘change and revolution’ theme that affects Scorpio perhaps most among the signs. How might you think about managing and benefiting from inevitable change? Mercury’s retrograde suddenly becomes even more relevant in regards to evaluating such a profound idea. Also keep in mind the week has an overall upbeat feel, even with upheaval and revolution forming a backdrop as the week’s main theme for you. Final thought for Scorpio: a sense of taking charge and assistance from close relationships can help you make the most of this week.


Sun’s ingress into Aquarius on January 20 seems to tip the scales of the transits back into Jupiter’s favor. Sagittarius Sun’s ruler struggles in a slowly tightening square with Saturn these days, ironically with Saturn in Jupiter’s sign. Jupiter’s momentary triumph is fortunate for you, however, and serves as a reminder to give attention to the “controlled expansion” theme in the heavens. Venus in your sign through the end of the week is a blessing, and her conjunction to the Galactic Center on January 21 works well for Sagittarius (“expanding consciousness via relationships”). Mercury retrograde definitely has his effect on Sagittarius this week, but the better side of Mercury retrograde tends to make itself known. Attention given to carefully and thoroughly completing work and double-checking transactions is a prudent method of handling business this week, and gives an added benefit of allowing for sharp perspectives regarding people and situations to become more apparent. Final thought for Sagittarius: a step backwards this week in the middle of a project or task might, ironically, be more productive.


As your solar return month winds down, Capricorn Sun definitely has the influence of the hard aspects in the transits available to stay motivated and productive until January 20. A rare theme continues from last week into the entire current week, which deserves close attention. Seeking the truth, attaining wisdom, and gaining insights continues as a prominent theme for Capricorn, and fits the general watery theme in the transits. The powerful ‘insight’ theme might also act as a capstone to your accomplishments this month. Using structure to apply theory and reaching a large audience with your ideas has exciting potential for Capricorn this week. Attention given to the powerful watery grand trines on January 18 and 19, and January 21, can complement this spiritual theme for you in a productive manner. Taking action and using inspiration to achieve the pinnacle of success is difficult, and does not happen often, but on the other hand, this just might be your week for doing so! When Sun changes signs on January 20, Capricorn is reasonably well attuned to using the innovation and new ideas of the Aquarius energies in order to take action and implement meaningful change. Final thought for Capricorn: if you find yourself pushing against a limitation this week, would negotiation help?


Here’s wishing Aquarius Sun a supercharged solar return! The transits will bring in powerful watery energies with Sun’s ingress into the water bearer’s sign. Therefore, while managing the watery energies this week is challenging, Aquarius also has a unique opportunity among the signs to make the most of them. Beyond the homecoming of Sun into your sign on January 20, the week starts with relationships having greater than average influence. This theme is strongest on January 15 and lasts until about January 20. Mercury retrograde is influential for Aquarius all week, with a peak day on January 20 (and January 20 is a key date for you). Aquarius maintains a focus on accomplishment via hard work, centered around career, even after Sun enters your sign. Determination and effort in finding and retaining perspectives, via communication and use of the mind, works well for Aquarius in the career arena this week. No doubt that spirituality is also important this week. Sudden revelations regarding both individual determination and will to succeed, as well as insights regarding spirituality and feeling inspired to meld with a greater collective, amalgamate with a powerful shift to independence and a humanitarian focus by the end of the week. Final thought for Aquarius: taking care to hear another person’s point of view can be of benefit this week.


Personal will is quite strong for Pisces Sun this week, as well as a sense of harmony and intensity from close relationships, a continuing theme from last week. Transiting Sun moving into the sign preceding yours lifts some weight from your shoulders. While structure and authority continue to be influential for you after Sun enters Aquarius, Pisces can enjoy a shift to the social, humanitarian, intellectual feel of the sign previous to your Sun’s on January 20. Also watch for a theme that starts on January 16 and lasts until the end of the week. Showing authority and leadership in career or avocation, particularly via specialized knowledge, flows well for Pisces. Gaining the attention of authority figures is also more likely this week. If you are determined to make it happen or very fortunate, favorable attention from executive types or perhaps religious authorities can manifest more easily this week. January 21 is also a favorable day for Pisces, with watery energies flowing well for you after Sun’s entry into Aquarius. Final thought for Pisces: assisting someone may finally bring an issue to resolution, but take care that the solution does not create new problems!

Disclaimer: please consult the appropriate professional in regards to any area of your life discussed in this horoscope, as it is not intended to replace them. This is for entertainment purposes only and contains the personal opinions of the writer. Offense to any reader is unintentional. Any problem or protest with the newsletter or the opinions of the author should be relayed to


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