Triple Water Astrology – The Critical Degree! Weekly Horoscope – Week Starting Friday, November 6, 2015

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 11/05/2015 - 19:40


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Moon’s Nodes move from Aries/Libra to Pisces/Virgo this week. This “reverse ingress” (Moon’s Nodes retrograde backwards through the zodiac) occurs while both Sun and Moon reside in the Scorpio sign. The feel of the Nodes changing signs, therefore, has a certain depth, and also a new sense of emphasis on endings and completion, wispy idealism, and steadfast attention to detail and work. North Node enters the Virgo sign with Mars also in the anaretic degree of Virgo. Mars, the traditional ruler of Scorpio, repeats the intense Scorpio influence regarding Moon’s Nodes changing signs. The Mars influence suggests that future direction and destiny at this point in time are aligned with a precise, energetic attention to detail and passionate work and service to others. Most certainly, the Nodal shift creates a more spiritual feel in the transits this week.

Venus conjuncts North Node in Libra on November 8, about three days prior to Mars forming a connection to North Node in Virgo. Venus also enters her airy home sign of Libra on November 8. Relationships and their future potential and influence become a potent theme this week. Venus entering Libra is also a strong shift; she moves from being relatively enervated by sign to rather powered up. Venus is elegant, social, gracious, and thoughtful in the Libra sign, and collaboration via the mind becomes a prominent theme this week.

Watch for November 9 as a key date; a powerful yod will form, with Sun and Jupiter pointing to Uranus, and Zeus (Transneptunian) opposite Uranus as the outlet of the yod. Sun and Jupiter, a planetary pair, form a conscious, optimistic, bountiful base linked to Uranus’ endless knowledge and innovative properties. Taking immediate, creative, focused action is the precise outlet for Uranus’ spontaneity, ideas, and revolutionary tendencies. Amazingly, Mercury in the same place in Scorpio (as the Sun will have been three days prior) on November 12 and this reiterates the pattern. Mercury forms the base of a yod with Jupiter, pointing to Mercury’s tutor, Uranus; and the outlet of the yod will be Zeus, opposite Uranus. A combination of logic and wisdom feeds Uranus’ revolutionary ideas, with an outlet characterized by concepts such as organizational creativity and sharply focused, immediate action.

What might this week portend for you? Consider your Sun sign and rising sign/ascendant as well.


No lack of action can be anticipated for fiery Aries Sun this week. Relationships stand out as an important theme for Aries all week; watch for differences in how relationships are experienced, in general, with pivot dates on both November 8 and November 12. November 11 is an intense day for you. Considering past choices and reactions from various decisions in the present, in order to determine future direction, particularly in work, is important for Aries to consider. November 10 to 12 contain heavy themes that can very much work in your favor. Depth, focus, and persistence combine with mighty efforts and even a sense of compulsion, opportune to combine with the “future destiny” theme also hitting Aries in the second half of the week. The week ends for Aries with a theme of looking your best, aiming for success, and drawing from several areas of expertise (yours or that of other people) in order to expand your efforts and influence, particularly in work and career. Final thought for Aries: if you feel a need to regroup, solitude might be useful.


A theme of “spiritual devotion” or an idealistic type of commitment to what you devote your energies to starts the week for Taurus Sun. November 8 is by far the strongest day of the week for Taurus. A push to learn, experience increases as a result of your fastidious efforts, and present a fantastic image of yourself melds well with the “future destiny” theme that is pronounced in the transits this week. Therefore, this week, and particularly November 8, is opportune for you to set goals and determine how to actualize them. Saturn’s structure starts to encroach on your week around November 10, but his influence can be most useful in determining how to implement disciplined efforts in order to ultimately expand your limits, which reflects the “past decisions/current choices/future goals” theme this week. That stated, much of the action for Taurus occurs on or before November 8. Watch for a shift in how relationships are experienced, just as with Aries this week, on both November 8 and 12. Final thought for Taurus: persistence and endurance work well for Taurus this week, but also consider how you might avoid “running in place” or spinning your tires.


This is a week of heightened imagination, idealism, and spirituality for Gemini Sun, with the strongest time for this theme at the beginning of the week. Each day of the week seems to bring something new, very much attuned to your active, adaptable mind and sign. November 7 has potential for using expertise and authority based on your specialty, in career or otherwise, and is also contains opportunities for working well within structure and dealing with authority figures. November 8 is ideal for attaining insight and reaching large groups of people to your benefit. On November 10, “expanding power” becomes a theme for Gemini, particularly in the career arena, and lasts until the end of the week. The best day of the week for you, perhaps, is November 12…combining attention to detail with a sense of operating within a larger picture, within a logical framework, leads to innovate ideas that might be immediately applied as you so choose. While this week can be crammed with activities that help you achieve goals at work and prosper, nothing wrong with taking time for fun activities! Final thought for Gemini: no additional insights for Gemini this week.


The first half of the week is largely influenced by relationships for Cancer Sun. Of interest, Venus and Mars both move into the Libra sign by the end of the week, the sign squaring your Sun’s. By far the stronger influence among Venus and Mars in Libra is Venus. How might your more private, domestic Sun benefit from outwardly making connections and socializing this week? The second half of the week, by and large, flows well for Cancer. South Node entering the Pisces sign is of great interest in regards to its influence on Cancer Sun. Cancer is rather orientated towards the past, and the watery Pisces sign has a familiar vibe for your watery Sun. The depth and profundity of endings and reflections from the past can be a valuable, powerful source of inspiration in determining how to move forward, with the intense Sun in Scorpio paving the way for new experiences, rebuilding, and transformation of self. Watch for November 10 as a particularly watery, inspiring, and spiritual day. Final thought for Cancer: this week is particularly good for, and a last chance for quite some time, for Cancer to use an elevated theme of intuiting understanding of theoretical concepts.


This is an uplifting week for Leo Sun, with a central theme of “expanding knowledge”. Looking at both the big picture, and the details, serve to generate innovative ideas and help useful knowledge flow to you, given the effort. Leo also has the opportunity to take advantage of heightened imagination and inspiration at the beginning of the week; act quickly as the theme is already fading for you at the start of the week. Leo also has a week of greater inclination to forge your own path and going against the grain. The height of this theme occurs on November 9. Generating new ideas, or finding various ways to apply existing ideas, has greatest potential for Leo on November 8, 9, and 10. Midweek is a fantastic opportunity for finding creative ways to take action within current structures, particularly if you’re trying something new. Leo also has an opportunity to take advantage of an “expanding power” theme in the first half of the week, most useful for career and work. Final thought for Leo: if you start something new this week, finding people with common interests can help you find information that you need to proceed.


The Virgo sign feels quite different at the start of the week compared to its end, with two planets leaving your Sun’s sign and North Node entering it. The mighty Jupiter holding fast in Virgo Sun’s sign is quite a boost; enjoy the optimism, abundance, and penchant for seeing both the forest and the trees with Jupiter’s current transit through your Sun’s sign. The opportunity to determine what actions you might take to more efficiently and effectively work towards future goals and aspirations also becomes prominent this week for Virgo. Imagining what you want in your life from this point forward and considering how your life’s direction aligns with your idealistic tendencies is an effective exercise for Virgo this week. The second half of the week is more active than the first. Look to November 10 for a sense of how to expand your interests, particularly at work, based on your perspectives and how you might rearrange relationships and various situations in your life to be more effective and prosperous. Generating ideas and acting upon them quickly is a prominent theme for Virgo on November 12. Final thought for Virgo: being receptive to the thoughts and words of other people helps create a sense of solidarity for you this week.


Your Sun’s ruler, Venus, enters your Sun’s sign this week. This is a plus for Libra Sun. Your conscious desire, to balance, acts with Venus, who symbolizes the need to balance. Relationships – already your forte – become much more prominent as a theme for you this week. Considering your future direction in light of your relationships, including relationships at work, with close and casual friends, lovers, and family, is critical for you this week. Your Sun’s ruler is directly saying so, as she conjuncts North Node exactly at the intense zero degree of Libra, and right before North Node enters Virgo. This week also contains a brilliant theme for Libra regarding creating something new in your life. Difficult, determined work might result in creating lasting structures. Your thoughtful mind and skill in diplomacy complements this theme well, if you can think of ways to form partnerships in order to implement new ideas and give them form. November 8 and 9 are particularly social days for Libra and ideal for making yourself known in a favorable manner. Final thought for Libra: if you can find a way to piece together what is missing, that can assist in helping you stay a step ahead of the competition.


Contrary to most if not all of the other Sun signs this week, Scorpio Sun has a more relaxed, “go with the flow” type week. The “expanding knowledge” theme affects Scorpio all week; and November 10 to 12 is outstanding for use of logic and the mind in order to solve problems, particularly riddles, puzzles, or mysteries. Research is also a very effective endeavor for Scorpio this week. Exuding a powerful, magnetic, and uplifting manner of communicating may also appear unexpectedly, but certainly can be used to benefit, especially in the second half of the week. Also watch for experiencing a sense of unity, completion, and added connection to the unconscious and emotional base from about November 9 to 11. The second half of the week is also very much about exploring the depths of the psyche, via the conscious and the mind. Certainly this is familiar for Scorpio and a piece of cake for you! Enjoy the week. Final thought for Scorpio: all indications suggest that Scorpio has elevated passion and determination this week.


Sagittarius Sun has an elevated theme of using the mind this week, particularly in the last several days of it. Pursuit of knowledge and use of innovative ideas is probably the strongest potential for Sagittarius this week. Combining useful, new ideas with a sense of sharp perspective regarding how well they might work can be particularly effective in work and career. The tense square by sign between your Sun’s ruler, Jupiter, and your own Sun in Sagittarius, serves as a reminder for your penchant for the abstract and the big picture to connect with the smaller, but significant, details of projects and activities in order to obtain maximum benefit from them. As you anticipate your solar return month in a few weeks, Saturn in your Sun’s sign (Jupiter’s sign) recalls a long standing theme of “controlled expansion”. While some themes in the transits are contrary to lighthearted fun for you at this time, opportunities abound for you in considering how to push current objectives forward and succeed in attaining future goals with North Node beginning to square your Sun by sign this week. Sagittarius is certainly in a position to benefit from immediate, creative application of new ideas this week; watch for November 9 and 12 as opportune for doing so. Final thought for Sagittarius: generating solutions to conflict have better than average potential for helping you move beyond lingering issues this week.


Two contradictory themes operate in tandem this week for Capricorn Sun. A clear picture of reality, and focus on the past, conflicts with a more fantasy or imagination based orientation to the week, with an emphasis on the future. How fascinating that the two conflicting themes occur with the Moon’s Nodes – symbolizing karmic past and future – changing signs. Perhaps the paradox can be solved when relationships – and interactions and input from other people – become more influential for Capricorn, in the second half of the week. Jupiter’s influence in Virgo, flowing smoothly with your Sun via a trine by sign, might also be of assistance, by providing insight via looking at both the forest and the trees. Definitely the week has a more mystical feel for Capricorn. If you manage to steer the week into reconciling a sense of idealism and imagination with dealing with past influences and the less desirable side of life, you can evoke a feeling of freedom in yourself this week. Final thought for Capricorn: generating extra resources might give you a boost this week.


Moon’s Nodes changing signs this week complements an overarching theme of goal setting for Aquarius Sun. Your thoughtful, innovative mind has opportunities to work collaboratively and take immediate action in order to achieve objectives. A sense of expanding your influence and partaking in difficult work to create lasting change is also present for you this week, particularly in work and career. Watch for a boost, perhaps from behind the scenes or from powerful people, in achieving your goals from about November 8 to 10. Enhanced use of the mind, communication, and logic enters the picture in helping you achieve objectives this week from about November 10 to 12. The overall sense for Aquarius this week boils down to something like, “give it all you’ve got!” You have quite a chance to make your mark this week. Final thought for Aquarius: as a suggestion, making sure issues and work are finalized and complete would be wise this week.


The past stirs up influence for Pisces Sun this week, as South Node makes a grand entrance into your Sun’s sign. Endings are definitely not unfamiliar to Pisces, as the last sign of the zodiac is within your conscious domain. Not everything has to be about the past for you this week. Indeed, a potent theme of using the mind to explore the depths and meaning of the past, present, and future is a powerful theme for your imaginative core self throughout the week. Venus and Mars no longer opposing your Sun by sign by the end of the week has an indirect effect on Pisces, in how you experience relationships. Venus and Mars in Venus’ sign is of interest for you, based on your Sun’s ruler, Neptune, and his role as Venus’ spiritual adviser. Other people become a more direct path to experiencing Neptune’s bliss. The most difficult, yet most useful, and long-standing theme for Pisces is working to incorporate Saturn’s structure into your life. Determined efforts to reconcile restriction with creativity paradoxically increases ability to meld imagination and inspiration into beautiful or practical form. Final thought for Pisces: intent behind actions has great significance for Pisces this week.

Disclaimer: please consult the appropriate professional in regards to any area of your life discussed in this horoscope, as it is not intended to replace them. This is for entertainment purposes only and contains the personal opinions of the writer. Offense to any reader is unintentional. Any problem or protest with the newsletter or the opinions of the author should be relayed to

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