Triple Water Astrology – The Critical Degree! Weekly Horoscope – Week Starting Friday, October 16, 2015

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 10/15/2015 - 21:44

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A theme of planetary pairs dominates the transits this week. Moon and Saturn, conjunct in Sagittarius on October 16, set the tone for the focus on planetary pairs. The dour Saturn and subtle, feminine Moon both place a focus on the past, of great interest as Moon’s Nodes prepare to leave the initiating Aries/Libra axis. The only unconnected pair is Sun and Jupiter (Jupiter is a minor Sun), although they are in consecutive signs. Mercury swings into an opposition with his tutor, Uranus, by the end of the week, placing an emphasis on brainpower and knowledge. Venus remains in an opposition with her spiritual teacher, Neptune, all week, with an exact opposition on October 17. The two form an amazing opposition, literally saying that the smallest, most humble act of kindness, service, or attention to detail is a first step to reaching Neptune’s greater collective, spirituality, and bliss. Also of great potential use is the Mars-Pluto trine – energy, drive, and will flow smoothly with Pluto’s penchant for transformation and raw power. In earth signs, they are particularly favorable for work and career endeavors.

Transiting Sun meanders towards the end of Libra this week, but he remains in Venus’ sign until early next week. Enjoy togetherness, socializing, and productive partnerships again this week, with an eye towards the future of various relationships with North Node transiting in the intense critical degree of 0 Libra. Uranus and Neptune continue to be the only retrograde planets, again placing an emphasis on the shift from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius. Jupiter in Virgo is a poignant reminder that paying attention to both the details of daily life and work, and additionally looking at the big picture, is an efficient way to grow personally and meet life with a sense of optimism and working towards expansion of interests. Uranus-Neptune retrograde in consecutive signs and the planetary pairs theme are certainly consistent with this Jupiter in Virgo idea.

What might this week portend for you? Consider your Sun sign and rising sign/ascendant as well.


This week is about work for Aries Sun, but the commensurate reward is certainly also attainable. Spirituality is a strong theme for Aries this week as well. Creativity and imagination are readily available, given the effort to incorporate it into your various projects. The Jupiter in Virgo theme of seeing the big picture while tending to details is also more useful than average for Aries, with the strongest day at the beginning of the week. Relationships pick up as an important theme this week, particularly at work. Of interest and potential use, Aries encounters a strong theme of forging your own path and going your own way this week, particularly around October 22. Also watch for increased chances of tightly focusing on what you want and then acting quickly and immediately to obtain it on October 22. The final day of the week conatins potentially spontaneous and unpredictable elements for Aries, but can very much work in your favor if you’re able to act decisively and be steadfastly focused on your goals. Final thought for Aries: Watch for dedicated efforts from the past paying dividends this week.


Authority and structure feel a bit heavy for Taurus Sun at the beginning of the week, but the feeling slowly lifts as the week progresses. Work works well for Taurus this week, with plenty of ambition and drive to attend to details. The spiritual theme definitely touches Taurus this week. A sense of optimism combined with inspiration works well for you. If the start of the week feels murky or ungrounded, the fogginess tends to lift as the week progresses. October 19 has potential for showing and using leadership qualities in order to accomplish what you need to, particularly in your area of specialty. While the week might seem tough, especially at the beginning, October 21 is opportune for gaining insight via the perspectives gathered throughout the week. This is a potentially powerful week for Taurus. Final thought for Taurus: As Sun prepares to exit Venus’ other sign, Libra, your challenge and opportunity is to ensure that resources are divided equally in your various relationships.


Gemini Sun has a chance on October 16 to take a realistic look at the past, while considering how to proceed into the future. If you have an interest in past life analysis, October 16 is very opportune for delving into it. The week is very much about looking forward after the first day of the week, however. Close relationships emerge as a strong theme for Gemini, strongest at the end of the week. Support and a sense of togetherness generally work in your favor this week in close relationships. Look to October 18 as a more creative and spiritual type day. October 20 is a bit more serious, but potentially productive, with the opportunity to operate efficiently within established structures and lead other people within them, if you are so inclined. October 19 to the end of the week is an amazing opportunity to gather information and knowledge, and learn new concepts, especially within your field of specialization. Final thought for Gemini: being in sync with the thoughts of others, while maintaining a comfortable distance, can work well for you this week.


Watery Cancer Sun is well attuned to the earthy work theme this week. Acclimating to a combination of structure, power, and ingenuity demands effort, but also contains potential for lasting accomplishment. The “controlled expansion” theme, which will continue as a prominent theme in the transits for many more months, is front and center for Cancer on October 16, 17, and 19. October 19 is also a day of “amped up” brainpower for you. Developing sharp perspectives and using them, via use of logic and intuition, makes October 19 a day to mark on your calendar, particularly in regards to moving closer to your goals in work and career. As transiting Sun makes his way to the end of Libra, the sign squaring your Sun’s, consider how initiating cooperative ventures and enjoying partnerships can enhance your productivity this week. Final thought for Cancer: problems requiring intense thought and seeking the truth can be handled well this week, particularly on October 20.


A pleasant togetherness theme starts the week for Leo Sun with transiting Sun nearing the end of Venus’ airy sign. Enjoy the camaraderie, social orientation, and mutually beneficial exchanges through marriage, family, and belonging to organizations or groups. Indeed, the “ease and abundance” theme is indirectly working for Leo for the first two or three days of the week, along with the togetherness theme. While you can certainly be active and productive this week, Leo tends to avoid the salient themes of the week. This feature for Leo reverses somewhat on October 21 and 22; depth of focus, persistence, and working from a stable base combines with a sense of compulsion and mighty effort to achieve what you need to at the end of the week. Final thought for Leo: focusing on the benefits of creating good “public relations” with those who share common interests helps propel Leo forward.


Working within a set structure while collaborating with other people works well for Virgo Sun at the beginning of the week (Friday, the last day of the work week, is fortunately the strongest day for this theme). Close relationships are prominent and generally smooth for Virgo this week, although disruptions start to enter the picture in relationships by the end of the week. However, adventures with close friends or lovers and finding ingenious ways to quickly solve problems with them is a related and less ominous theme at the end of the week. The stellium of planets in your Sun’s sign, Venus, Jupiter, and Mars, should not be ignored! A sense of ease and abundance combined with passion and ambition help the week pass smoothly and with a sense of accomplishment based on how much effort you decide to devote to your projects. If you’re looking for inspiration watch for it around October 18 and 19. Final thought for Virgo: be prepared to seek a different point of view, or consider a different approach, if you find yourself repeating the same situations or appear to be caught in a “logical loop”.


This has been quite a month for Libra Sun. As your solar return month winds down, reflecting on how close relationships, use of the mind, and considering the best course of action in the present regarding your future direction would likely be beneficial. Reflecting and taking in a more spiritual view of life is a strong theme for you at the beginning of the week and lasts throughout the week. This is also a week of using ambition to expand your power and experience growth through attaining perspectives, an overarching theme in the transits that affects you more than most of the signs. An interesting and very favorable theme for Libra edges in towards the end of the week: look to using communication and thought in close relationships to gain insight and wisdom regarding your current situation. This theme flows nicely with North Node preparing to leave your Sun’s sign. How might your personal contacts help you seek your destiny? Final thought for Libra: “putting the pieces together” in a determined fashion can help you foil someone or something opposing you.


Close relationships are influential for Scorpio Sun this week. They might feel more tense than usual, but they also have potential for greater understanding and teamwork if you are willing to give the effort to make it so. Use of the mind is also of great benefit for Scorpio this week, again if you’re willing to exert the difficult effort to help achievements coalesce. This can be a fantastic theme if you can devote your Scorpio intensity and determination to it! Thinking through problems logically can result in leaping to an instant, correct solution. Also watch for and make the effort, if you so desire, to quickly generate networking opportunities in business life or other areas of life. The week definitely has its upsides for Scorpio, and in a way could not be better. A spirit of ambition and collaboration resulting in personal growth and expansion of projects flows well for you this week, particularly at work. Final thought for Scorpio: no additional insights for Scorpio this week.


Raw power is available to Sagittarius Sun this week. Change and disruption certainly might enter the picture, particularly towards the end of the week. However, this has a feel of “change for the better”. The entire week, and especially by the end of the week, has a theme of partnerships in work. Setting forth this week with a sense of ambition combined with an openness to interacting with and forming synergistic partnerships has strong possibilities of developing influence via new perspectives. This theme works especially well when you are able to tend to details of various projects, handle tangible items, and focus on career. Sagittarius also has an opportunity to “think outside of the box” this week, a theme that works well with your Sun’s ruler, Jupiter, in Virgo. Considering both the forest and the trees helps you to adapt to various situations through new ideas. Final thought for Sagittarius: at risk of sounding repetitious, seeking the “big picture” as well as focusing on the details of a situation can help resolve conflict.


Working collaboratively and generating ideas with other people continues as a theme from last week for Capricorn Sun. Relationships might have a feeling of restriction this week, especially at the beginning, however, this week is also expedient for accomplishment through teamwork in the workplace. Bouncing ideas off of other people and giving or receiving assistance with detailed projects works well for Capricorn on October 16 and perhaps October 17. Shifting gears a bit, Capricorn has a unique opportunity this week to exert spiritual discipline in order to connect with other people and take the first steps in reaching Neptune’s bliss. Career is often a focus for your public and achievement-oriented personal core and identity, but focusing on service and humbly tending to details is a source of inspiration and joining with a greater collective. If you have the interest and talent, this is also a fantastic week for joining with other people in order to experience visions or premonitions. Final thought for Capricorn: no additional insights for Capricorn this week.


Communication with significant others and learning through close relationships requires effort for Aquarius Sun this week, but is generally rewarding. Thinking about solutions to difficult problems and generating new contacts for business has greater than average potential, especially towards the end of the week. Ambitious expansion of interests also edges in as a subtle, but potentially useful, theme by the end of the week. Most of the action this week for Aquarius occurs in the second half of it. Watch for a renewed theme of taking immediate action and penchant for intensely focusing on objectives and meeting goals becoming influential starting on October 18. Using creativity within organization is quite an asset; this coincides with an increased inclination for going your own way this week. While this sounds at least somewhat unfavorable for a conventional career, this complicated theme for Aquarius can be very beneficial for generating new ideas and enacting them in all areas of life, and also has great potential in endeavors such as entrepreneurship. Final thought for Aquarius: in difficult situations, actively seeking a guide to show you the light at the end of the tunnel is prudent.


Much of the action this week for Pisces Sun occurs during the first half of it. A sense of optimism combined with personal drive persists until the end of the week, but is strongest at the beginning. Authority and structure is slowly becoming more restrictive for Pisces, however, this can be an advantage in career, particularly if you make an effort to incorporate teamwork and determine to give your best in your work. Using logic, communicating, and networking efforts help you through the middle of the week, of greater use and influence for you from October 17 to 19. Also look to close relationships as a great source of support and inspiration from October 16 to 18. Relationships are probably the greatest influence for Pisces throughout the week. Watch for October 17 as a peak day for relationships, particularly at work. Relationships might feel competitive or a source of extra work, but they also tend to be a source of productivity or accomplishment if you are willing to expend the necessary effort. Final thought for Pisces: performing kind acts resounds especially well for you this week.

Disclaimer: please consult the appropriate professional in regards to any area of your life discussed in this horoscope, as it is not intended to replace them. This is for entertainment purposes only and contains the personal opinions of the writer. Offense to any reader is unintentional. Any problem or protest with the newsletter or the opinions of the author should be relayed to

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