Triple Water Astrology – The Critical Degree! Weekly Horoscope – Week Starting Friday, October 23, 2015

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 10/22/2015 - 20:07


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The new week starts with Sun in the intense zero degree of Scorpio. That is a very INTENSE place in the zodiac for the Sun, and he conjuncts Apollon, also at 0 Scorpio, on October 23. Apollon in the heart of the Sun has potential as a most enjoyable experience. Learning, teaching, images of magnetic and mysterious famous people, and multiplication of wealth are potent themes dominating the transits for a short time at the beginning of the week. Looking good and being seen, showing personal charm, and letting your light shine intensely and brightly is an uplifting theme that starts the week. (Credit to astrologer Eileen Nauman for ideas about Apollon.)

Very appropriately and timely this week, with the Sun in Scorpio ingress, is Pluto in Capricorn aspecting five planets, additionally aspecting the Moon during brief periods, including a square to Moon in Aries on October 25, and also squaring Juno (asteroid lady). Pluto has a feel of being “all things to all people” this week. He makes a harmonious trine to his aggressive soldier, Mars; he’s expanded by the same aspect to Jupiter; Venus’ ease also links harmoniously with Pluto’s magnetic power; and Pluto is at the focal point of a cardinal t-square with Mercury and Mercury’s tutor, Uranus, literally introducing “brainpower” into the mix of energies in the transits this week. (Juno – relatedness – is conjunct Mercury and therefore she also squares Pluto.) No doubt that use of keen perspectives and transformation of self, others, and situations top the list of themes in the transits this week, particularly pertaining to public life, career, and the formation of structure, with Pluto in Saturn’s domain, Capricorn.

Halloween occurring during Sun’s tenure in the Scorpio sign is an interesting coincidence. Or is it a coincidence? The changing colors of fall and brisk winds combined with cooler temperatures lead the way into mid-Fall in the Northern hemisphere. The heavy, complex issues of the mundane eighth house regain emphasis with Sun in the watery Scorpio sign. Yet a certain sense of peace and focus on reality also accompanies the increased Scorpio energy in the ether.

What might this week portend for you? Consider your Sun sign and rising sign/ascendant as well.


Bumps in the road, disruptions, and a strong penchant for going your own way starts the week for Aries Sun, but the potential shocks and surprises include a useful, strong theme of “expanding power” directly available. October 23 and 24 also contain opportunities for using your fiery, assertive Aries energy with a laser-like focus, acting immediately and effectively, and using leadership qualities well under organization. Relationships of all types are of elevated importance for Aries this week as well. Giving service to others and careful attention to detail works well for Aries this week and can give you a boost. A theme of “spiritual dedication” enters the picture for you at the end of the week and melds nicely with the relationships theme. While relationships might have the “bumpy” type feel this week, it also opens a window this week for being spontaneous and innovative in your various relationships. Final thought for Aries: no additional insights for Aries this week.


The earthy influences in the transits work well for Taurus Sun this week (ease, assertion, abundance, and power create a fascinating mix for you this week). Also of interest, transiting Sun is now in the sign opposite yours. As your solar return year reaches the halfway mark, this is an appropriate time to reflect on how your solar year is progressing for you. As an expert in generating, conserving, and working with personal material resources, considering how to apply your expertise to shared resources and issues associated with them can be a productive exercise with Sun entering Scorpio. Close relationships have greater than average influence for Taurus from October 23 until about October 25 this week. Showing leadership qualities, and firmly working towards objectives in work or personal life, works well for Taurus around October 27. One important feature of this week for you is not to forget to enjoy it! Good times, abundance, and jovial energy affects Taurus directly this week, with a peak day on October 25. Final thought for Taurus: in relationships with a feel of smooth harmony, let it flow! Gearing rougher relationships towards smoother interactions is also a favorable theme for you this week.


A feel or vibe of being “in the middle of things” this week is an accurate description this week for Gemini Sun. The week has a somewhat frenetic feel, but also one of busy activity aimed towards achieving objectives. Close relationships are more influential and have a sense of being more supportive than average if you need it, particularly at the beginning of the week. Your active, thoughtful Gemini mind can easily tap into the “brainpower” theme this week, and given the effort, Gemini has the opportunity to develop razor-sharp perspectives regarding various people and issues in your life. Watch for a quick, but direct and influential, window of time on October 24 and 25: two days of concentration and focus on working creatively to achieve personal and professional goals. Ability to use quick, effective action is also a favorable theme on October 24 and 25. The first day or two of the week also has an upbeat, cheery feel for Gemini. Final thought for Gemini: Gemini has an interesting and rather unusual theme of somehow working with disorderly situations or projects, and making decisions regarding how to form and consolidate them as you choose.


Sun entering Scorpio has a sense of completion and endings this week, somehow, for Cancer Sun, but includes a bright ray of hope and eager anticipation of new beginnings. October 25 gives a hint regarding what the new beginnings might contain: a struggle between retaining old structures versus revolution and using innovative new methods to move forward. Combining the two, perhaps paradoxically, might be the best strategy this week. The opportunity to build certainly occurs for Cancer, on October 27 and 28. “Expanding power” with the assistance and collaboration of other people, combined with your own drive and ambition, works in your favor on these days. Sun entering Scorpio generally works well for Cancer. Your Sun, in the first sign of the zodiac, flows well with the intensity, emotion, power, and fixity of Sun in the second watery sign of the zodiac, thus Cancer can look forward to a meaningful, transforming month. Final thought for Cancer: taking a retreat or time alone for study might be appealing this week.


The first day of the week, October 23, is a springboard that can propel Leo Sun forward into a very productive week. Your creative, expressive nature must adjust this month to the more secretive, behind the scenes Scorpio Sun. However, difficult work applied to finishing projects and continuing to work towards longer-term goals works well for Leo with Sun in the next fixed sign of the zodiac. The “keystone” day for you at the beginning of the week combines many consequential themes: relentless endurance, dedication, productivity, and passion lead into the rest of the week. Past issues and emphasis on secrecy or the unknown might present difficulties at the end of the week, from October 27 to 29. As the week progresses, however, inspiration and creativity flow well and the subtle influence of authority and structure at the end of the week helps contribute to creatively pushing your goals forward if your can find a way to make it so. Final thought for Leo: beginning conditions are simple for Leo to identify this week, but be aware of necessary extra effort given to closing or ending projects and issues.


A week of personal ambition applied to forming and expanding alliances leads up to a potentially enjoyable ending of the week for Virgo Sun. This is a week of using your sharp analytical skills and powerful mind, certainly, to develop and use perspectives, particularly in career. This is also a week of work for Virgo, but not bereft of enjoyment either, including good times in close relationships. Also of interest for Virgo, a significant portion of your week contains a theme of “spiritual peace” and paying attention to spiritual matters can be fulfilling, especially from October 23 to 27. No doubt that Virgo’s week also has a distinct feel of change and potential disruption and clash with structure, but this intense theme starts to drift away as the week culminates into a sense of togetherness, harmony, camaraderie, enjoyment of marriage and family, and experiencing being a member of a greater community. Final thought for Virgo: plenty of opportunity this week available for Virgo to protect interests through practical, efficient organization.


Playing your strengths, as well as enjoying some of the more pleasant energies in the transits this week, creates an advantageous situation for Libra Sun. Forming alliances and mixing work with leisure mark your week. Exchanging ideas and elevated communication in close relationships is a strong theme for Libra this week, with the best days on October 23 and 24. Your airy Sun is well attuned to the idea of seeing both the details and the “big picture” in various situations this week, giving you access to creative or novel problem solving abilities, with a peak day on October 25. “Expanding power” and direct access to amped up ambition and personal drive also works in Libra’s favor this week. As the week progresses, you might feel jostled around a bit by unexpected situations, but also consider that they might be an opportunity to gather new ideas and knowledge, and use innovation and ingenuity to generate solutions to difficult problems. Final thought for Libra: plenty of passion available for Libra this week, for taking care of those close to you.


Happy solar return to Scorpio Suns! Scorpio is well attuned to understanding the power of transiting Sun in your Sun’s sign. This is a month of reveling in the depth, intensity, magnetism, occult leanings, and raw power of the Scorpio energy. The intense start of the week bodes well for Scorpio. The week has its fair share of both work and ease for you, creating the need for balance (which Scorpio has already learned from the sign previous to your Sun’s, Libra). Tension this week in close relationships is not necessarily a negative and in fact can help you create progress in your life, if you are willing to make the effort. Gains, commensurate with efforts made, are also available in the area of learning, reasoning, and using the mind in order to move closer to your goals or create necessary, lasting, and productive change. Your own will, combined with the views and cooperation of other people, helps create a smooth road to expanding your interests, particularly at work. Enjoy and assertively meet the week that starts your solar return month. Final thought for Scorpio: this week can be useful for evaluating situations you’re enmeshed in, outside of your realm of expertise or comfort zone.


This week is largely about relationships for Sagittarius Sun. Close relationships become a subtle, but relevant, theme for Sagittarius starting on October 25, and relationships in general have direct influence throughout the week. Relationships are also a convenient source of attaining viewpoints, either the same or differing from yours, as validation of being on the right track this week. Focusing on using your knowledge base and generating ideas in projects and activities you partake in is another useful theme for Sagittarius throughout the week, with the best days for doing so on October 23 and 24. The week certainly doesn’t lack spiritual opportunities or experiences. If you have an interest in healing self or others, you may opt to seek opportunities for closure through facing and resolving sources of suffering, of great interest with Sun entering the Scorpio sign as well. Final thought for Sagittarius: arcane or relatively unknown ideas can help Sagittarius shed limitations this week.


The frenzy of activity this week in the transits is in contrast to Capricorn Sun being somewhat outside of the direct planetary influences. Then again, Pluto has already spent quite a while in your Sun’s sign. The “structured transformation” theme affecting societal institutions, that must adapt to accommodate rapidly changing times, yet cling to familiar methods and structures in order to retain their power, has been lingering in the background for Capricorn for several years. Taking advantage of Pluto’s versatility and activity this week, from a relatively comfortable vantage point outside of the direct action of the transits, can work in your favor. A sense of dedication and focus on what is important also continues as a favorable theme this week; you might notice a sharp reduction in this theme and definitely a change in its feel around October 25, but it remains throughout the week. The Venus, Mars, and Jupiter trio in Virgo is favorable for Capricorn Sun (earthy influences regarding collaboration, personal will, and abundance flows well with your natal Sun), and Sun moving into a sign no longer square to yours perhaps will feel like a bit of a break. Final thought for Capricorn: a new theme of acting in a more direct, utilitarian manner gives the week a different flavor for Capricorn.


Aquarius Sun has access this week to a theme of focusing energy in new ways, creatively working within organization, showing leadership, particularly through thinking and moving quickly, and taking prudent action at key moments. Logical thinking and a penchant for communicating, already strengths for Aquarius, have potential for increasing returns given the effort this week, with a peak day on October 25. Even better, perhaps, is the potential for using the mind in order to develop your power base. This can be difficult work, but the reward can be very much worth the struggle. Not that everything this week is about toil for Aquarius. A fair amount of ease and abundance are in the cards for you, and personal ambition and inclination towards taking competitive action is another plus for you this week. Transiting Sun entering the sign square yours recalls the advice given to Leo – rugged determination to succeed, despite a clash between your gregarious natal Sun and the more reclusive transiting Scorpio Sun, can be a great blessing if you find a way to make it so. Final thought for Aquarius: considering what you might let drift into senescence and drop from your life is a productive exercise for Aquarius this week.


As with Capricorn, Pisces Sun has an inactive week relative to the other signs. Relationships squeeze in at the beginning of the week as having elevated importance; this theme evaporates by October 26. A peaceful sense of ease and abundance is in the air for Pisces these days, particularly when you meticulously focus on details and providing material sustenance in giving service and in your work. Restriction and authority slowly continues to weigh more heavily on Pisces this week, a continuing theme for you. Even that has its advantages. How will you become inspired to enact difficult work in order to experience meaningful accomplishments and expand your limits? The Sun entering Scorpio themes flow well for Pisces and this theme becomes stronger as the week continues. Drawing from the depth, emotion, intensity, and mystery of the second watery sign of the zodiac complements your familiarity with endings, transcendence, empathy, and imagination quite well. Final thought for Pisces: pondering over puzzles and riddles provides entertainment, or perhaps frustration, this week.

Disclaimer: please consult the appropriate professional in regards to any area of your life discussed in this horoscope, as it is not intended to replace them. This is for entertainment purposes only and contains the personal opinions of the writer. Offense to any reader is unintentional. Any problem or protest with the newsletter or the opinions of the author should be relayed to

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