Triple Water Astrology – The Critical Degree! Weekly Horoscope – Week Starting Friday, September 11, 2015

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 09/10/2015 - 18:00!

The week begins with Moon edging out of Leo on September 11 and forming a stellium with Sun and Jupiter in Virgo early in the week. No doubt that thinking about work, service to others, careful attention to details, and solving problems with analysis is prominent with the luminaries expanded by Jupiter in Mercury’s earthy sign. Neptune and Chiron oppose the Virgo stellium, creating a strong theme of ‘service and sacrifice’ early in the week (credit to Carol Rushman for the term) and gives the first several days of the week an inspirational, healing, and spiritual feel.

Saturn leaves Pluto’s sign, Scorpio, at the very end of the week. Saturn will not see Scorpio again for about another 29 years. An item that must not be overlooked is that Saturn and Pluto will not be in each other’s signs again for a vast stretch of time! No doubt that the ‘behind the scenes authority’ theme of the two in mutual reception is tough (and remains as a less prominent theme in the transits with Pluto still in Capricorn). One might also ask, how were you able to expand your limits over the past few years and increase your sense of perspectives and personal power? Saturn can be very rewarding when we respond to his demands, indeed, and occasionally a planet beyond him complements the reward handsomely.

As Sun moves into the last stretch of the Virgo sign by the end of the week, Mercury will have gone retrograde in Libra. Mercury lingers in a cardinal t-square with Uranus and Pluto (with Pluto at the focal point of the t-square) all week. Thought and communication is electrified by Uranus and powered up by Pluto. A reasonably obvious use of the t-square is initiating change via Mercury’s functions. Wild swings and intense changes might be the result, especially after Mercury goes retrograde.

What might this week portend for you? Consider your Sun sign and rising sign/ascendant as well.


Aries Sun has a week tending towards ups and downs, but the spontaneity and novelty of the week might also be fun. Thinking about new ideas, using technology to make life easier and more productive, and quickly shifting directions flow well for Aries. September 13 to 15 is probably the nicest part of the week for you, with significant others and family at the forefront during mid-week. A sense of togetherness, community, and social gatherings also flows well on those days, a nice complement to the “spirit and service” theme of Virgo-Pisces this week if you choose to make it so. Structure and authority, in contrast, might feel heavy this week. The restrictions lift somewhat on September 17. Relationships are also a plus all week. Final thought for Aries: concentrating and focusing on what you want in a dedicated manner is important this week.


With the Venus retrograde curveball long gone, Taurus Sun has ample opportunity this week to move forward with determined ambition and drive. Creativity and spontaneity flow well for Taurus this week, especially in terms of competition, expending energy, and a bias towards action. Mercury in Libra going retrograde this week affects Taurus more than average. This might create enjoyable interchanges from normal activities. Becoming more bookish, reconsidering old ideas, and either a great deal of communication with other people, or hardly any at all, definitely add variety to your week. From about September 13 until the end of the week, taking immediate, decisive action, showing leadership within organization, and concentrating energy with a laser-like focus in order to achieve your goals becomes a potential useful and productive theme for you. Final thought for Taurus: no additional insights for Taurus this week.


Heavier energies affect Gemini Sun this week, as your Sun’s ruler prepares to retrograde. The week also has a lighter side, with your ruling planet in Venus’ sign. Being social, diplomatic, and finding harmony in relationships is an uplifting theme for Gemini this week. The last gasp of the “behind the scenes authority” theme also affects you directly. Gemini’s affinity for words, ideas, and learning has a sense of freedom and change associated with it this week, and ultimately has an outlet in helping you to develop sharp perspectives and power, particularly at work – if you’re willing to expend the effort. Also watch for another important theme developing in the second half of the week. Starting around September 14, organizational goals, creative leadership, and immediate application of energy are concepts you might directly apply to your aspirations. Final thought for Gemini: daunting obstacles, perhaps, are meant to show how you can overcome them through using your strengths this week.


Creativity and spirituality characterize the theme at the beginning of the week for Cancer Sun. Cancer has the opportunity to express the core self in the context of close relationships on September 13, definitely an interesting and perhaps useful manifestation. September 14 and 15 are also strongly affiliated with relationships for you. The first two days of the week, and the last two days of the week (September 11 and 12 and September 16 and 17), definitely have the intense feel of the final days of the “behind the scenes authority” theme. Intuiting what authority needs, particularly at work, and operating within structures of power is probably second nature for you after two years of Saturn-Pluto of influence. Saturn entering Sagittarius might feel odd, but bear in mind that Pluto is still opposing your Sun’s sign. Continuing to focus on building personal power and developing authority in career is definitely still of heightened importance and has potential, if you’re up to the challenges. Final thought for Cancer: Saturn entering Sagittarius at the end of the week is a convenient reminder for Cancer to think about beginnings and initiating new cycles in life.


An “innovative power” type theme starts the week for Leo Sun. Close relationships also become more important for Leo as the week progresses. A more subtle theme connecting Leo to the Mercury retrograde this week also exists. Collaborative efforts to solve problems and networking are important for you this week, and by the end of the week, Leo will experience a great deal of collaboration, cooperation, and harmony in the context of thinking and problem-solving, or not much at all. September 15 and 16 are outstanding days for participating in community and team-oriented activities, and September 17 rounds out the week for Leo with a renewed burst of ambition and taking action in order to meet your goals. Final thought for Leo: deciding how to prevent yourself from being entangled in complicated situations is important this week.


Relationships give Virgo Sun a boost this week, as your Sun’s ruler prepares to retrograde. A heightened sense of fiery dedication and commitment to work or other areas of life is also of use for Virgo this week. Sun is nearing the end of your Sun’s sign this week, but you can still take advantage of the powerful center of the solar system in your own sign – with Jupiter also in your Sun’s sign as an added benefit. A sense of optimism and unity in your identity is a continuous theme for you this week. You might feel that this week also contains a need to ameliorate other people’s needs, but thinking outside of the box helps move you forward and finding ways to avoid having to meet other people’s demands at the expense of your own needs. Virgo is also definitely attuned to the Saturn moving into Sagittarius event…among other things, you might find that the workplace has a different feel starting at the end of the week. Final thought for Virgo: problem-solving can be challenging this week – working to collect enough information from various sources might be the key to generating solutions.


An added amount of drive and ambition lingers for Libra Sun at the beginning of the week. This useful theme gradually fades as the week passes. Mercury in your Sun’s sign is largely influential this week for you. Mercury’s logic, manifesting in Venus’ sign, is a plus for your natural inclination to balance with other people. Watch for opportunities, therefore, to problem-solve, socialize, and ask questions and give answers to add to the variety and productivity of your week. Mercury retrograding at the end of the week gives a sense of problem-solving and exchanging information with other people in depth. Sudden insights and applying new modes of thought are also themes waiting to be used by Libra this week, given the effort, ultimately for use in developing new perspectives and increasing your influence. Final thought for Libra: an idea lingering from the past few weeks continues to be relevant: consider that your own judgment might be best after listening to other relevant sources.


Saturn leaves Scorpio this week, quite a shift for Scorpio Sun. The advantages and difficulties of having the Lord of Karma in your sign for so long have likely contributed to crystallizing change in your self, those around you, and various situations and struggles in your life. Scorpio’s week starts well, with a sense of optimism and self-expression flowing nicely for you. Given the effort, Scorpio also has best access of all of the signs this week to the power of the mind. Step-by-step logic, combined with finding instant solutions to problems, can be of great benefit for you this week. Relationships are also a subtle theme for Scorpio, but definitely in the picture. A combination of collaborative and independent efforts creates decent opportunities for you to move your goals forward this week, particularly in the area of career (one last chance this week to appease and impress authority; whether it is necessarily accessible, it’s definitely present!). Final thought for Scorpio: if you’ve given your best effort to a task or project, no need to fret about less than perfect results.


A more spiritual feel to life, in general, continues for Sagittarius Sun this week. Very interesting considering Saturn will enter your Sun’s sign at the end of the week. Saturn entering your Sun’s sign, Jupiter’s sign, is an odd mix. Perhaps it can be the best of all worlds for everyone, and in particular Sagittarius Sun. Saturn discourages excesses and inefficiencies, yet he is not overly strict and overbearing in Jupiter’s sign. Sagittarius is in a favorable position to take advantage of a prolonged “controlled expansion” theme and thus creating and implementing strategies to move goals and aspirations forward in the long term is important. A fair amount of dedication and commitment to your aspirations and what you believe in is also available this week, and this sentiment is strongest at the end of the week. Final thought for Sagittarius: considering the role of other people, in both how they limit you, and might help you to expand your limits, is very apropos for Sagittarius this week.


No doubt that Saturn changing signs is quite an event for Capricorn Sun this week. The balance of planets in the elements is tipped further to fire this week, and Saturn and Uranus will remain in fire signs for some time. For Capricorn, acclimating to the fiery energies in the transits has its benefits. This week can be productive for you. Using persistence, controls, and finding ways to multiply your efforts is a theme that continues from last week and can still be used beneficially. The “controlled expansion” theme also becomes more intense for Capricorn after Saturn enters Sagittarius. While the idea of expansion in tension with Saturn’s restriction has its difficulties, finding a persistent, steady way to direct efforts will likely benefit those who consciously make the effort to do so. Capricorn Sun is probably the foremost beneficiary of this theme. Final thought for Capricorn: Mentoring qualities might emerge for you this week, especially if you focus on truly hearing another person.


Saturn no longer squares your Sun’s sign after this week, and Mercury going retrograde is rather influential for Aquarius Sun. Relationships are also influential for Aquarius this week, suggesting a busy week of change and new trends and ideas for you. Mercury in Libra, retrograde or direct, generally works well for Aquarius. One possible effect of Mercury going retrograde for you is the advantage of devoting deeper thought to problem solving, and less, but more in depth, communication. Saturn moving into Sagittarius will likely feel less restrictive in general for Aquarius, and in particular less restrictions will be felt at work. Careful thought and insight given to implementing change in various situations works better than average this week, with the caveat that it implies great effort! A valuable hint of dedication and focus on achieving what you want this week is also available, to your benefit. Final thought for Aquarius: seeking a fair resolution to disputes will help you move on to more important issues this week.


A continuing uplifting theme for Pisces Sun persists. Pisces is somewhat removed from the action in the transits this week, with one stark exception: Saturn entering Sagittarius. Pisces might greatly benefit from Saturn’s structure, even with the difficult square by sign to your Sun. While caution needs to be observed, to prevent restriction of creativity and self-expression, great benefit can be observed by applying structure to creative efforts. Organized, disciplined, and standardized foundations provide fertile ground for enormous creativity and making aspirations, imagination, and ideas into reality. At the moment, Pisces can enjoy a soulful week, with solitude if you prefer, or a sense of community reaching for a higher collective via cheerful service to others. Final thought for Pisces: unraveling enigmas through deeper understanding and skillful handling of situations works well for Pisces this week.

Disclaimer: please consult the appropriate professional in regards to any area of your life discussed in this horoscope, as it is not intended to replace them. This is for entertainment purposes only and contains the personal opinions of the writer. Offense to any reader is unintentional. Any problem or protest with the newsletter or the opinions of the author should be relayed to

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