Triple Water Astrology – The Critical Degree! Weekly Horoscope – Week Starting Friday, September 18, 2015

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 09/17/2015 - 19:57

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Sun, the mighty core of the solar system, moves from the earthy Virgo sign into the airy Libra sign at the end of this week. Mars also changes signs, moving from Sun’s sign, Leo, to Virgo, Mercury’s sign. Mars typically likes to be solo or dominant, however, he probably doesn’t mind Jupiter’s influence via their conjunction in early Virgo. Jupiter expands Mars’ qualities, creating an inflated sense of aggressively handling details, and expanded assertion and drive at work. Mars entering Virgo also creates an exact square with Saturn in Sagittarius, with both planets intensely manifesting their energies at 0 degrees of their signs. While Mars square Saturn contains inherent difficulties, the opportunities for accomplishment are enormous. An overarching sense of discipline and structure in tension with ambition and desire is favorable for achieving success in spite of any obstacles.

Mercury retrograde in Libra adds to the challenges in the transits, perhaps, but the Libra sign contains much more action than Mercury retrograde this week, especially after Sun enters Libra. The elegance, grace, and social nature of Libra contains influential elements of self-expression, close relationships, future destiny, organizational creativity, and expansive learning opportunities, in addition to Mercury’s “all or nothing” retrograde demeanor in thought and communication.

What might this week portend for you? Consider your Sun sign and rising sign/ascendant as well.


This is an active week for Aries Sun that is generally looking up! The start of the week has a greater than average influence from relationships that diminishes as the week continues. A lingering sense of authority and restriction becomes stronger for Aries as the week progresses, and then hits full force on the last day of the week, September 24. However, Aries is definitely has an advantage this week with a strong link to the “controlled expansion” theme in the heavens, particularly useful in work. September 22 and 23 can be productive days for you; persistence and stamina, controlled efforts and use of persuasion, and experiencing greater than average popularity or visibility work well for Aries in the latter half of the week. Final thought for Aries: solitude can help you focus on how to best direct your efforts this week.


Ambition and drive help start the week for Taurus Sun. Taurus also has a more “up and down” type week, with greater than average chances of various surprises disrupting your week. However, personal resources and creativity help to make the best of unexpected events and even turn them to your advantage. A sense of spontaneity and fresh ideas also help make the week interesting. Mercury retrograde affects Taurus more than average at the start of the week. Acting quickly and focusing on accomplishing short- and long-term goals can help to alleviate Mercury’s mischief at the start of the week. The week settles down for Taurus towards the end of it. Sun entering Venus’ other sign, Libra, works well for you. A focus on communicating and balancing with other people meshes well with your talent for creating material security. Final thought for Taurus: giving support to various people or causes is admirable, but discretion in choosing whom to support is also wise.


Your Sun’s ruler, Mercury, is retrograde in an air sign for several weeks. It gives the sense of plenty of reading, long conversations with close friends, or otherwise catching up on intellectual work or socializing. Socializing and relationships are of greater influence for Gemini at the beginning of the week. The “change” theme also continues for Gemini from last week. A great volume of ideas combined with deep perspectives, particularly when you take time to reflect and consider various situations, helps bring necessary change involving reducing or eliminating what is no longer useful and incorporating what is more relevant and productive into your life. Sun changing signs this week marks a shift from detail and analysis to intellectual collaboration. Your adaptable personality, combined with a penchant for both using information and socializing, allows you to experience a smooth transition this week and even using it to your advantage. Final thought for Gemini: “great minds think alike” is something for Gemini to consider this week.


The first half of the week contains a theme of “expanding power” for Cancer Sun, with an emphasis on doing so in work and career. September 19 and 20 are generally have an upbeat feel – the days leading up to Sun and Mars changing signs. Mercury retrograde is squaring your Sun by sign and perhaps this is your Achilles’ heel this week. Thus focusing carefully on written and spoken words, and enjoying in-depth interactions when socializing, would be of benefit for Cancer for the next several weeks. Cancer revisits the “behind the scenes authority” theme later in the week, of possible benefit if you manage to navigate the tougher waves in the transits for you this week effectively, again especially at work. Relationships are also an important theme for Cancer in the second half of the week. Watch for chances to win over friends and use creativity in relationships as the week ends. Final thought for Cancer: if you have difficulties with wrapping up projects or finding closure in situations, look to something or someone inspirational for guidance.


Ample personal drive and will are a subtle, but useful, theme for Leo Sun all week. Mars will leave your Sun’s sign this week, but Venus remains in Leo. Thus this week can be a useful opportunity to consider your role in relationships, both in how you balance with other people, and assert yourself in the context of interacting with others. Watch for peak days on September 21 and 22 – favorable days for experiencing success based on prior efforts and learning, for having great endurance, and for applying force and power to your efforts. Leo also has a chance to assess future direction at the end of the week, particularly in the context of close relationships. With both Sun in Libra and Mercury retrograde in Libra, meaningful communication and determining how close relationships might proceed is of elevated importance for you at the end of the week. Final thought for Leo: new beginnings are in the cards this week if you can find people with common interests to help provide direction.


As Sun leaves your Sun’s sign this week, hopefully you’ve had a refreshing boost from the mighty Sun passing over your natal Virgo Sun again this year. Virgo can still enjoy Jupiter, mighty in his own right, remaining in your sign for many more months. Mercury retrograde will probably feel less intense for Virgo when Sun moves into Libra. The feeling of intellectual “depth” with Mercury retrograde in Libra mixes well with your talent for detail and analysis. Finding information in order to increase your personal power and influence is a strong theme for Virgo this week. Collaborative projects and working with others tends to be most effective at the beginning of the week, but has its uses throughout the week. Insight and creativity are also a nice blessing available during the first half of the week. Final thought for Virgo: personal passion and zest can be very effective this week if you avoid the temptation to multitask.


Sun will enter your Sun’s sign late in the week. Happy solar return to Libra Sun! This occurs as Mercury is retrograde in your Sun’s sign. Thought and communication definitely have a different feel. Perhaps Mercury retrograde in Libra is a bit more abstract, theoretical, introspective, and even has an “ivory tower” feel. Libra has an opportunity to experience variety in life this week, something different or offbeat, which melds reasonably well with the Mercury retrograde in Libra theme. The Mercury influence is most prominent for Libra at the beginning of the week. Projects requiring prolonged, extensive, and collaborative thinking suit Libra well all week. The idea of “catching up” with old friends or contacts is also prominent for Libra this week, particularly useful in work and career. Final thought for Libra: look to be an effective contributor this week by helping or working on a project that is already been started.


Work and career remains a favorable place for Scorpio Sun this week, with a direct theme of “expanding power” in tangible ways very accessible to you. Much of the action in the heavens is in the Libra sign, which precedes yours. Thus some feel in the heavens of “been there, done that” can be quite helpful to Scorpio, having already learned the Libra lesson of balancing. September 18 has potential for reaching agreements and benefiting from unity in relationships. Given the effort, Scorpio also has tremendous potential from using the mind this week. Self-starting determination to approach problems from various angles and seeking new ideas and methods to solve problems, as well as searching for in-depth approaches to gather and use information from other people, can be useful and effective in all areas of life. Final thought for Scorpio: competition that stirs up old sentiments might make this an interesting week.


Creativity can be off the charts this week for Sagittarius Sun. Saturn in your sign suggests a structure applied to religion and spirituality, which you probably feel more attuned to, particularly this week. Increasing your influence at work also has greater than average potential this week. The intense “behind the scenes authority” theme is largely removed from the transits, also due to Saturn entering your Sun’s sign, but a lesser version of that theme remains for you. Appeasing authority at work can sharpen your perspectives, and perhaps paradoxically, your personal power – probably a fair tradeoff. Ambition and drive picks up for Sagittarius as well at the end of the week; if work feels tough, at least extra motivation to succeed is available. While Mercury retrograde affects all of the signs, Sagittarius is perhaps least affected by retrograde Mercury’s misunderstandings and mischief this time around. Final thought for Sagittarius: being open is generally good, but beware of letting your guard down too much.


Saturn entering Sagittarius gives Capricorn Sun direct access to the “structured expansion” theme in the heavens. With effort, using your natural sense of order and ability to respond well to internal or external authority can help push your interests slowly, but predicatably, forward. All of the signs should consider Jupiter in Virgo’s “forest AND the trees” symbolism of combining the earthy details with the more abstract big picture; this theme seems particularly relevant for Capricorn this week. Looking forward and planning in the context of social relationships and meeting of the minds is another useful theme for you that lasts all week. Close relationships can also be a valuable source of support, with the best time for enjoying close relationships at the beginning of the week. A renewed sense of creativity and imagination also works in your favor this week. Final thought for Capricorn: watch for advice – whether solicited or not – from a matriarchal figure this week.


Mercury retrograde directly affects Aquarius Sun this week. The potential depth of information, research, and thought that might be attained by Aquarius is staggering. More practically, possible misunderstandings or work needed to be redone this week will probably feel like a nuisance, but this diminishes somewhat as the week goes on. Relationships are a nice plus this week that generally smooth over Mercury retrograde miscommunications or other tense moments. The best portion of the week for relationships for Aquarius is September 23 and 24. Emotional connections to other people are more natural and prominent at the end of the week. Sun moving into an air sign at the end of the week is favorable for Aquarius as well. Airy energy manifesting in the center of the transits matches well with your delight in gathering and attaining knowledge and turning it over in your mind. Final thought for Aquarius: thinking about the long term helps you to develop perspective this week.


Lately, the transits have been steady and continuous for Pisces Sun. Your Sun is in a mutable/adaptable sign, and the changes this week (Sun, Mars moving to new signs) are not difficult for Pisces to handle, and in fact, most likley inject some welcome variety into your week. The theme by and large for Pisces this week is “life is good, despite the obstacles”. A new sense of drive, ambition, and working towards what you want in life enters the picture at the end of the week. Even authority and structure, although quite demanding, has a slightly upbeat feel. Indeed, Pisces has direct access to the “structured expansion” theme in the transits. A subtle theme of idealistic commitment to what you believe in also adds variety and meaning to your week. Final thought for Pisces: giving or receiving help without conditions or expectation is a powerful theme for Pisces this week.

Disclaimer: please consult the appropriate professional in regards to any area of your life discussed in this horoscope, as it is not intended to replace them. This is for entertainment purposes only and contains the personal opinions of the writer. Offense to any reader is unintentional. Any problem or protest with the newsletter or the opinions of the author should be relayed to

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