Triple Water Astrology – The Critical Degree! Weekly Horoscope – Week Starting Friday, September 25, 2015

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 09/24/2015 - 20:02

moon goddess A3 final water

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Mars, Saturn, and Neptune form a mutable t-square for the duration of this week, which becomes an ephemeral grand cross when the quickly transiting Moon enters the Gemini sign at the end of the week, October 1. The t-square and especially the grand cross have a karmic flavor, courtesy of Moon and Saturn. The aggressive Mars adds his passionate and active influence to the pattern via the earthy Virgo sign, and the cool, transcending Neptune in his home sign Pisces dominates the pattern as the strongest planet by sign. While the pattern can hardly be described as easy, many useful themes emerge from the tense aspects among the mighty planets. The inspiration to surmount obstacles despite the difficulties is certainly a salient theme this week. Overcoming past difficulties might be as well – can you finally cross the finish line somehow this week? Jupiter in Virgo has a subtle influence among the pattern formed by Moon, Mars, Saturn, and Neptune, but perhaps he holds the key to dealing with the tense energies. Can seeing both the forest (big picture) and the trees (details) generate the results you need? The idea of personal growth combined with expanding limits is another relevant idea for this week.

The possibility of Mercury’s mischief also cannot be ignored. He skates along well in the airy Libra sign (he skates backwards, in fact, continuing his retrograde) and Mercury crosses back over Libra Sun on September 30. Disruption of communication and revisiting logical solutions might be annoying, but Mercury retrograde in Libra, in the heart of the Sun, is a most intriguing concept. Experiencing and utilizing the “all-or-nothing” type of Mercury expressed through the core of the solar system has great potential for novel collaborative thought and depth of communication.

A major event, Apollon crossing back into Scorpio, also rocks the heavens this week. This marks a new era (currently underway) of invention and progress, based on efforts of powerful individuals seeking to increase their wealth and transform the world. The renewed commercial “space race” is a perfect manifestation of Apollon dancing on the Libra-Scorpio cusp.

What might this week portend for you? Consider your Sun sign and rising sign/ascendant as well.


An “ease and abundance” theme bodes well for Aries Sun this week. This offsets the tough t-square that is definitely also front and center for Aries. Using drive and ambition, combined with responding to structure and authority, has potential to increase your image and expand your influence on September 25, a very important day of this week for you. “Expanding creativity”, particularly in the areas of work and spirituality, becomes a stronger theme for Aries as the week progresses. Mercury retrograde in Libra is playing his tricks in the sign opposite of your Sun’s, however, look to benefit from concentrating on thinking through problems collaboratively this week, especially on October 1. Week’s end also portends the beginning of a new theme for Aries, involving “amping up” your personal power and ability to change situations. A powerful week for Aries! Final thought for Aries: dedication can create a shocking difference in how you approach problems and succeed in solving them this week.


The theme of quickly cogitating original perceptions and generating creative ideas will start to wane for Taurus Sun, but lasts throughout the week to your benefit. Another theme of increased activity and personal ambition, especially in work, is also a boost for Taurus. Despite the tough t-square in the heavens this week, Taurus can revel in the second half of the week, from September 27 to October 1, with a nice theme of togetherness, focus and attention on family, and socializing, which can easily be applied to smooth and productive interactions in the workplace. Your emotional base also tends to be stronger than average on September 29 and 30, with an added emphasis on unity and harmony with other people. The overarching themes for Taurus are definitely reflective of Sun in Libra, Venus’ other sign. Final thought for Taurus: if situations become competitive, considering how to resolve matters through an objective third party might be best.


This week has no lack of interest or excitement for Gemini Sun, which suits your active, sharp mind well. Rolling with (rather than combatting) Mercury’s retrograde qualities this week is advisable. The beginning of the week has potential for Gemini to quickly deal with various obstacles that will inevitably crop up. A subtheme affecting Gemini this week is using reasoning to convert situations or handle unexpected changes. Unfortunately, perhaps, this is accompanied by the hackneyed phrase “try, try again” (Mercury retrograde striking!), yet the assistance of others can be beneficial in dealing with Mercury and using the Mars-Saturn-Neptune t-square to your benefit…think adaptability, creativity, and drawing from several different sources to find solutions. September 30 is also a day for you to look forward to – a promising day for using your Gemini strengths of learning and using written and spoken communication to great benefit. Final thought for Gemini: you might discover something profound in relationships this week.


The sense of wrapping up projects and other business in the first two days of the week, and then initiating new activities around September 27, is a prominent theme for Cancer Sun. The dominating t-square this week does not really affect Cancer more than average – until October 1. The obstacles of beginnings and endings might feel challenging for you, but can also be rewarding if you are willing to give a mighty effort. Another challenge this week is both Sun and Mercury squaring your Sun by sign. Again, the efforts are usually commensurate with the rewards…socializing and collaboration, while at times feeling a little “backwards” this week, help move Cancer forward if you are determined and ready to do the work. Final thought for Cancer: if you feel restricted, look towards someone or something (writings, videos, etc.) for inspiration.


Although Leo Sun is in the thick of Mercury retrograde this week, if Mercury rocks your boat too much, close relationships can help keep you afloat. An odd combination of heavy vibes from the past and looking towards the future also hits Leo at the start of the week. Any heavy restrictions or overbearing structure you might feel at the start of the week should lift by September 27. As your week progresses, a theme of deep thought regarding change develops. Developing sharp perspectives with other people, for use in any area of life but particularly in career, is a favorable theme for Leo. The week will not necessarily be topsy-turvy for you, but if Mercury feels challenging, look to inspirational people or ideas during the latter half of the week. One definite plus this week: believing in yourself and commitment to pushing your goals forward has decent chances of generating success. Final thought for Leo: choosing not to become unnecessarily entangled in other people’s troubles, despite the fact that it might be enticing to do so, is very wise.


In addition to Jupiter’s current tenure in your Sun’s sign, Mars has joined in for a while. “Abundant ambition” and “active expansion” create nice vibes for hard working Virgo Sun these days. The beginning of the week is favorable for generating ideas; those that seem outside of the norm may turn out to fit a current situation or problem well. Even with the Sun in Libra, more of a focus on your self in the context of relationships is in play for Virgo this week. Close relationships can be a valuable source of support for you, with a peak day at the end of the week, October 1. Possible challenges include events that bring change or transitions, but this leads up to considering your future direction, a strong theme for you by the end of the week. Final thought for Virgo: piecing together necessary information can help fend off competition.


As your solar return month continues, Sun and Mercury in your sign certainly are significant. A theme of being a bit independent in relationships continues this week, not to suggest that relationships aren’t an active and enjoyable part of life for Libra Sun. Indeed, marriage, family, and ties to community are very important this week for Libra, from September 28 to October 1. Your own personal flair combined with group efforts and social activities centered around work or play definitely can help move your week along and make it productive. The week might feel like highs and lows are more prominent, or that unwelcome surprises are surfacing more often than usual. On the plus side, incorporating a sense of spontaneity and collaborating in order to generate useful ideas tends to mitigate unwelcome events and perhaps “turn lemons into lemonade”. Overall, however, Libra has a potentially rewarding week ahead, particularly in the second half of it. Final thought for Libra: you might be adept at finding eloquent ways to speak up for those who don’t have a voice this week.


Pluto, Scorpio Sun’s ruler, is no longer retrograde this week. Despite Mercury retrograde, Scorpio has a new, full week of Pluto more within his normal parameters of operation, although Pluto is always intense and focused on power. Mercury is still front and center for Scorpio at the start of the week. How interesting that Mercury is retrograding in the sign preceding your Sun’s…collaborative thought and communication outside of regular parameters certainly have potential to sharpen perspectives, to be used immediately or saved in memory banks for a later date. The week also contains a nice sense of abundance and optimism for Scorpio, which flows well and increases a bit by week’s end. Also watch for a renewed, recharged sense of drive and determination at the end of the week. Final thought for Scorpio: attention to the power of the mind is apropos for Scorpio this week.


Sagittarius Sun has a beneficial theme lasting for most of the week. Developing authority based on your specialty, using or aiming towards a position of authority, and showing leadership in an existing structure has potential for a fulfilling and productive week. Most certainly, this theme combines well with a second theme of developing and using your personal power, again within an earthy, detailed type of environment. These themes directly apply to work and career. The mutable t-square is tough, but can work well for Sagittarius this week. Giving a determined effort to work towards goals and aspirations can help you make a giant stride this week. The potential is even better, if you operate within your specialty. Creativity and imagination are also in the picture for you, and while authority is whispering in the wings, by and large restrictions aren’t prominent. Final thought for Sagittarius: dispensing words of wisdom has value this week; also consider seeking words of wisdom to help you move forward.


Bobbing and weaving with the mutable t-square this week is a prominent theme for Capricorn Sun. Finding creative ways to move your ambitions forward, and giving steadfast effort, can be quite rewarding this week. Watch for ways to increase your popularity and image, generate increasing returns from your hard work, and expand your mind through learning. Considering your future direction in depth, perhaps with someone else making suggestions or providing support through listening, is a strong theme for Capricorn this week, with a peak day on September 30. Close relationships are also a valuable source of support from September 25 until about September 29. Relationships in general become more influential by the end of the week, of interest with Libra Sun squaring your Sun by sign until the end of the month. Disagreements or lack of common ground aren’t always fun, but might also lead to the most personal growth and accumulation of valuable experience. Dedication, and commitment to what you believe in, flow well for Capricorn this week. Final thought for Capricorn: no additional insights for Capricorn this week.


Mercury retrograde affects Aquarius Sun most directly at the beginning of the week. Sun and Mercury in an airy sign flows well for Aquarius. Being social, meeting minds, and exchanging ideas, perhaps with a misstep here and there based on Mercury’s mischief, portends a generally rewarding week for you. Relationships are also generally smooth for Aquarius this week, certainly a blessing with plenty of tense energies to deal with elsewhere in the transits. Another cool plus for Aquarius this week is applying current skills, use of technology, and creativity based on applying prior learning to actively solve problems and develop new insights about the world. Another subtle theme developing for Aquarius this week is that is forging your own path. This meshes well with the powerful “inspiration and using drive and discipline to surmount obstacles” theme based on the mutable t-square. Managing innovation fits your Sun’s purpose magnificently and this is a week for you to shine. Final thought for Aquarius: A guide can work wonders this week.


Ambition and drive are strong for Pisces Sun this week, and is strongest by the end of the week. A sense of optimism and expansion is also a prominent theme for Pisces this week. Relationships and a sense of unity between the masculine and feminine start the week for Pisces, a theme lasting from September 25 to 27. Thus you might find that insurmountable obstacles are possible to conquer, with the help of others (Sun in Libra reinforces this idea). Mercury retrograde might feel pesky, especially later in the week. Your own drive to succeed and use of structure can easily outweigh Mercury’s roadblocks, if you’re willing to make the effort. A potentially tough, but possibly rewarding and productive week for Pisces. Final thought for Pisces: if a problem appears to have no solution, try reexamining the basic facts.

Disclaimer: please consult the appropriate professional in regards to any area of your life discussed in this horoscope, as it is not intended to replace them. This is for entertainment purposes only and contains the personal opinions of the writer. Offense to any reader is unintentional. Any problem or protest with the newsletter or the opinions of the author should be relayed to

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