Triple Water Astrology – The Critical Degree! Weekly Horoscope – Week Starting Friday, September 4, 2015

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 09/03/2015 - 18:19

moon goddess A3 final water

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Moon enters her home sign, Cancer, in the middle of the day on September 6, and leaves her home sign late in the day on September 8. This is of interest, among other reasons, because the five personal planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, and Mars) will reside in four consecutive signs – Cancer, Leo, Virgo, and Libra – in mid-week. The concentration of energy in a third of the zodiac also contains a relatively long-running medley creating a circuit of energy, consisting of Sun, Mercury, and Venus (who goes direct early in the week). Saturn is intense and edgy in the last degree of Scorpio, and the three outer titans, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, continue to retrograde. Yet the heavens appear to be emphasizing the luminaries and inner planets.

“Personal orientation to detail using collaborative communication” is one of many ways to describe a major theme this week. Moon in a watery sign and Mars in a fiery sign adds compassion and ambition to the mix, and perhaps the Moon/Mars energies in mid-week can be complementary, particularly with Sun-Jupiter in Virgo (an opportunity, for sure, to benefit from steady, persistent work). Moon spends the last few days of the week in the Leo sign and conjuncts the Venus-Mars duo. The Leo stellium is definitely fertile ground for approaching relationships on a more emotional level and using personal energy and cooperation to fill unconscious needs.

What might this week portend for you? Consider your Sun sign and rising sign/ascendant as well.


Enhanced opportunities to increase personal power and rearrange what you find unsuitable in your life are fading this week, but September 4 has a wisp of that theme left for Aries Sun. Throughout the week, a pervasive theme of being spontaneous, using original thought, and innovating new modes of action works well for Aries. Another theme that lasts throughout the week for you is finding novel solutions to various problems – old methods may not provide adequate results! Difficulties can be a source of annoyance, but finding effective, new ways of dealing with them can help make this a triumphant week. Relationships continue to be another salient theme for Aries this week and they will likely feel less as though they’re “rewinding” or going through an evaluation phase after September 5. Final thought for Aries: committed attention to detail flows well for Aries this week.


This week is about revolution and transformation for Taurus Sun! An opportunity for Taurus to shed what doesn’t work in favor of what does. Your fixed, determined, earthy Sun is up to the task, with the caveat that it can be an unstable process, to say the least. An ample supply of drive, will, and passion is also available for Taurus this week, certainly of benefit in arranging changes you might care to pursue. Use of the mind, logic, and communication becomes a more prominent theme for you starting on September 6 and strongest at the end of the week. An inclination towards taking action and a competitive frame of mind stems from determination, devotion, and a flair of creativity for Taurus all week, complementing other themes well and certainly promising for a productive, and fun, week. Final thought for Taurus: relying on other people can be a double-edged sword this week, particularly in close, established relationships.


The “revolution and transformation” theme hitting Taurus this week is also relevant for Gemini Sun. This can be a cool week for Gemini. September 5 and 6 will probably feel more on the spiritual side, and especially with Mercury, your ruling planet, in an air sign, using theory and connecting with large amounts of people is an outstanding theme on those days. Gemini also has a nice opportunity on September 4 to show authority via your area of specialty and practice best use of your talents, a boon for work and career. Relationships definitely require your full attention this week, but with a feel of making the effort to collaborate very much worth the potential reward of doing so. September 4 and 5 are also days to pay attention to personal emotional needs. Final thought for Gemini: perhaps a relationship can evolve for you this week, or perhaps a separation of sorts will occur. Can you intuit what the other person might be thinking?


A more intellectual type beginning of the week is in store for Cancer Sun. The week also begins at a faster pace than usual, and building rapport and developing contacts tends to work well, particularly on September 4. Cancer is well attuned to the “personal planet” theme this week. September 6 might feel a bit heavy and serious, but is also opportune for using your expertise and in-depth interactions. The heavier part of the week is in contrast to the second half of the week, with a focus on relationships, expressing creativity, and partaking in enjoyable activities. The intellectual type theme appears again and rounds out the week on September 10 for Cancer, with an opportunity to implement new techniques or attain sudden insights that help to solve problems at work or elsewhere in your life. Final thought for Cancer: “inspired new beginnings” is an uplifting theme for you this week.


Leo Sun is certainly attuned to the “personal planets” theme this week, but Leo also feels the influence of the outer planets. This creates a fascinating scenario of greater access to knowledge, bliss, and power, if you can muster the necessary versatility and stamina to meet the demands of Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. A decent amount of effort is necessary to cut through foggy situations this week, but given the necessary work and determination, a fair amount of imagination is also available for work or personal life. Detailed perspectives tend to flow easily for Leo all week. In the second half of the week, the cosmic waves might feel more bumpy and disruptive, but a vibe of “doing your own thing” and “aha” moments can also be of use. Watch for opportunities to act quickly and decisively, with a laser-like focus, from September 7 to 9. Close relationships also take on heightened importance by the end of the week. Final thought for Leo: Watch for greater than average interactions with people you share interests with.


Sun-Jupiter continues to bode well for Virgo Sun, a theme for you until the end of the month. This is also an active week for Virgo in the transits. A fair amount of creativity and inspiration is available, given the effort, particularly towards the beginning of the week. Change, with the idea of developing your personal power, is a strong theme this week. This demands great effort, but the rewards can also be commensurate. Throughout the week, a sense of dedication and commitment to your ideals helps move you along productively. Your specialty for doing analytical work is on overdrive this week, with use of technology or learning new methods of great assistance in intellectual work. Relationships are generally a nice plus for Virgo this week, with the strongest day for collaboration and harmony at the end of the week. Final thought for Virgo: Virgo might appear to be quite passionate this week, definitely helpful for career or other areas of life.


Relationships generally feel more back to normal this week, but the evaluation period of Venus retrograde has probably been useful for Libra Sun. Opportunities to affect other people, as well as making changes in your own situations, is a prominent theme this week. Acting spontaneously and innovating new methods or ideas also flows smoothly for Libra this week. Plenty of drive and ambition is also available, thus the week can be very productive and bring new experiences. Networking and swaying others through the written or spoken word has greater than average promise this week, particularly in the second half of the week. Increased self-expression and pursuing your own interests is a fantastic theme for Libra and this continues throughout this week with the strongest day on September 6. Final thought for Libra: changing your approach in the middle of a project or task might be necessary to successfully complete it.


Intense Scorpio Sun is well attuned to the “personal planets” theme this week – in fact, almost perfectly! A sense of self, combined with collaboration and intellectual exchanges, can help make this a productive week. Likely, Scorpio will feel most ambitious at the beginning of the week. Networking and communicating can have its obstacles and difficulties this week, but the good news is that use of the mind also has the greatest potential for lasting results this week. Jupiter is also looking over your shoulder. Acting with a sense of abundance and intention on expanding your interests is a favorable benefit for Scorpio. While authority and various restrictions might feel heavier than usual, this week is your last chance with Saturn in your Sun’s sign to use discipline and structure to help expand your limits. Final thought for Scorpio: situations might call for choosing between conflict and seeking alternatives to competition.


Self-expression, romance, and creativity start the week for Sagittarius Sun. Sagittarius, of all the signs, has the most challenge from finding direction and cutting through foggy situations this week. Your fiery, adaptable Sun, however, certainly might find ways to make lemonade from lemons this week. A sense of inspiration and feeling as though you’re “in the flow” with a greater collective is also possible, given conscious effort and careful attention to detail. Sun in Virgo, squaring your Sun by sign, also has its challenges and opportunities. The greatest opportunity seems to be (for Sagittarius) the ability to see both the forest and the trees this week. Using both the abstract and concrete, as well as picking apart details in the context of the big picture, certainly adds variety to your week. Sagittarius is also anticipating Saturn entering your Sun’s sign next week; this week, therefore, is a time for reflecting on career direction, among other things. Final thought for Sagittarius: no additional comments for Sagittarius this week.


Close relationships tend to become more favorable for Capricorn Sun as the week passes. Sun and Jupiter in an earth sign bode well for Capricorn, generally speaking. Persistence and digging deep to achieve what you want or need to this week is a theme that continues from the past week or two – also be aware of the possibility of expending great effort without forward movement, however. Capricorn also has a theme this week of using controls and mighty efforts to multiply and expand influence and find success, very apropos for your Sun. The “behind the scenes authority” and sense of great power combined with structure will be gone after this week; and Capricorn perhaps will feel the greatest jolt from it. For now, your earthy sense of structure and orientation towards achievement has heightened potential to develop keen perspectives and increase your personal power. Final thought for Capricorn: mentoring, either as one who gives or receives mentoring, has potential for you this week.


Relationships continue as a prominent theme for Aquarius Sun this week. Ambition, will, and drive are also smoothly-flowing attributes available this week, with the strongest days on September 8 and 9. Heightened opportunities to use the mind, communicate, and network also become available starting around mid-week. This week is also a kind of “auditing” type week for you, a theme very attuned to Sun in Virgo. Assessing your current direction in career or regarding personal projects, and how the direction might be changed to your benefit, is a potentially productive theme for this week. Innovative use of the mind, quite natural for your airy Sun, demands effort this week, but the reward can be well worth it: sharp perspectives and an increase in your personal power are the potential prize. Final thought for Aquarius: in keeping with the “mind” theme this week, watch for conclusions that bring closure or the end of certain modes of thinking or beliefs.


A fair amount of creativity and expansion is available to Pisces Sun this week. Networking and involved intellectual activities tend to have best results towards the beginning of the week. Saturn entering Sagittarius will be more influential than average for Pisces, among the other signs. Saturn will square your Sun by sign for quite a while…the watery Saturn in Scorpio flows well with Pisces Sun, but Saturn in a fiery sign can have its benefits, despite the square. Your Sun, ruled by Neptune, can be greatly enhanced with Saturn’s influence. Creativity and spirituality guided through a structured outlet can increase both exponentially! While this is easier said than done, implementing structure by giving the appropriate effort can reap many expected and even unexpected rewards. Pisces is a bit outside of the general themes of the transits this week, a fortunate opportunity to prepare for Saturn’s renewed influence. Pisces can also enjoy Jupiter’s expansion and optimism this week. Final thought for Pisces: assistance might be welcome this week, but be clear about what else might be attached.

Disclaimer: please consult the appropriate professional in regards to any area of your life discussed in this horoscope, as it is not intended to replace them. This is for entertainment purposes only and contains the personal opinions of the writer. Offense to any reader is unintentional. Any problem or protest with the newsletter or the opinions of the author should be relayed to

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