URGENT ANONYMOUS TRANSMISSION - #OpBlackout Engaged - Day Of Action 1-3-12

Submitted by AnaShyNa on Wed, 12/28/2011 - 10:17

Guest (not verified)

Wed, 12/28/2011 - 11:39

You're going to have to explain that one a little more. We do not forgive does not sound correct, especially when we have been practicing forgiveness and unconditional love to help humanity awaken so this is going against the grain. I understand the urgency and the need to come together but not forgiving is a little harsh and does not sound like the direction we need to go to solve anything. And I must say the "blackout" is not very clear either. Shut down our computers? That's exactly what they want is for us to end communication and break the awakening cycle. You know that we must continue in our faith and together no matter what comes against us. So please explain as I may not be fully understanding. Thanks:)

Dear Guest, thank you for asking this question as from day one when this slogan was published I did not have full understaning why... I had deeper thoughts and undescriable feelling that this is for very good reason and that makes sense on some other level of observation...

When you asked this question, suddenly all gets clear and I am fully able to explain what is behind this messaging.... Why these messages are so direct and seemingly without 'mercy'?... Why they do not forget?... and especialy why Anon do not forgive?... 

In this present new age view of our 'fluffy' world of truth becoming reveilived, we were lead in to the envirnment of non action, almoust new age ignorace, and totaly sick dormancy where always someone else should fight for our rights, for our freedom, ask for equailty, we were waiting that some Malcom X of JFK bring all the truths on the surface, and that someone else will perform all the good deeds, and to pray for others, or to meditate...  and all we need to do is to stay at home without raising our voice for truth... 

Why the OWS is such a refreshment in human conciesness uplifting?... Why we do not question their their aproach?... it could be with more 'violence' with less yelling... or whatever... but if we accept them as most inspiearing movment happening in USA and the world, without hurthing anyone else, but some bankers egos and congressional chairs powergrabbers... This is their way of action... 

My opinion is quite contrary to these present postings of eternal bliss and enlightement that is comming... Yes, it is comming but we have to fight for this, from our hearts, with all our light and powers of action for truth... Not to complaint how others are doing it, and that is 'wrong' in any way... We all do best we can in present moment.... with present state of awarness... 

We have to stand tall, and start acting for benefits of others... even if this is only writing, talking about new events, but not hiding in your closet where is still very dark... If we can do meditation, or helping neighbour, or simply having loving thougts about these souls you see on tv salviging and distroying  our economies, sending kids in the wars for proffits... you still send them kind thought... to them as a souls... and atempt not to react for their action agains people... Recognize them as souls... Do not search for blame... 

Try to separate their actions from their souls, realizing that you can forgive the soul, yet action [if hurtful to other souls...] will not be forgoten and forgiven, as they will take full responsability for these actions agains others... 


And again, you can aproach this in your own unique way... without complaints why Anon using this very direct technique of awakening... As darkies have full right to awake, same as you, same as me... For them, it  would need a bit more than for you or me, so please forgive Anon for these words... as this is the lesson for US all: to find forgivnes even if does not fit your moral standards and your levels of awarnes...

Darkies are only a actors in this grand play on earth... where some of them instead remembering that this is just a play, they forgot this and become character they played... where they forgot that on the end of the show, we all hold hands and bow in Unity... As One...

Darkies, lights, grays... all of US together... 

Or, lets say this analogy: For some to awake they do not even need a buzzer or alram clock in the morning [like my father...], some need one or two rings after first alarm [this looks like my sister]... yet some continue pressing snozze button again and again [this was me for first 41 year of this life...], and some trow alarm through the window and continue sleeping... I mean snooring so loud that bothers and awakes all the neighbourhod... 

Maybe, ANon is using this technique to trigger majority of darkies actors in to the light, and not to sleep in the most magnificant event in our Earth history... They are deserving too... 

Try to practice forgivnes toward Anon that wrote this, please forgive me for posting this, please forgive Bernanke soul as he did not remembered yet who he truly is... but do not forget the 'crime' in this story, as when and if  you forget, you/we have tendency to do same thing over and over through our lifes... 

With Love, Predrag 


To date, Anonymous has not led me down the wrong path, while the government spends billions on contracts that have only that one goal in mind. 

I will not question Anonymous and will follow  . . .

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