Venus Transit 2012 ~ Part 2 focus on venus

Submitted by Lia on Fri, 06/01/2012 - 10:16
2012 Venus Transit Eclipse Portal
Subtle Strawberry Full Moon Eclipse
Humanity Attracts a Gemini Awakening
June 4-6, 2012

2004 Venus Transit


Venus Transit 2012 - Part 2

focus on venus

by Carol Ann Ciocco  

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Focus on Venus

Venus Transit 2004

Some thoughts to contemplate as you tune into Venus at this important moment in her cycle.


What Venus sounds like


Inside the planet Venus - infographic/stats  


For the true geeks out there, here's a complete list see of 6 millenia of Venus Transits (compiled by NASA)  





Consider the elegant and sublimely orchestrated orbit of Venus, which forms a pentagram (5-pointed star) in the heavens as it moves in its orbit. For an amazing animated visual of THE PENTAGONAL CYCLE OF VENUS, go to this web-page by the brilliant Nick Anthony Fiorenza, Sidereal Astrology expert:      



The Pentagonal Cycle of Venus
The Pentagonal Cycle of Venus 


How does a planet weave a web like that? Even if you don't fully understand the math/science of the next few paragraphs (as I don't:) begin to imagine the beauty of Venus' movement through space:


"There is a highly noticeable rhythm in the motion of Venus: after 8 years it returns to the same place in the sky on the same date. This was known to, and of great interest to ancient peoples such as the Maya.


The cause of this rhythm is that Venus goes around the Sun an integral number of times - thirteen - in 8 years. The sidereal year (measured with respect to the background of fixed stars instead of the sun) of Venus is 225 days and there are almost exactly 13 of the Venus-years in 8 Earth-years. The synodic (as-seen-from-Earth) period of Venus is 584 days, and there are 5 of these in 8 years.


In the 8-year span each heliocentric (centered around the sun) event of Venus, such as perihelion, happens 13 times; and each geocentric (earth-centered) event, such as inferior conjunction, happens 5 times.


I think it worth noting that 5, 8, 13 are successive numbers in the famous FIBONACCI SERIES: 1+1 = 2; 1+2 = 3; 2+3 = 5; 3+5 =8; 5+8 = 8+13 = 21... This series converges on THE GOLDEN RATIO: 0.618... The number that is its own inverse: 1/0.618 = 1.618), and which crops up in proportions of Greek temples, spiral arrangements of leaves around plants, and the logarithmic spirals of shells, cyclones and galaxies. - Guy Ottewell, 'Astronomical Calendar 2012'


Hence the pattern of a Venusian pentagram of morning stars or evening stars around the zodiac takes on a level of MYSTICAL GEOMETRY. This is true beauty, exhibited in the natural movements of the planet Venus, symbol of beauty and love.


CONTEMPLATE THE 5-POINTED STAR and the symmetry and elegance of Venus' movement. The 5-pointed star is often related to the perfect human form: head, arms, legs forming 5 points in a circle of infinity, as in Da Vinci's portrait of the Vitruvian Man. 5 fingers. 5 toes. 5 senses.


CONTEMPLATE THE NUMBER 5. It is a number of change and movement, constant flux, seeking to land and be grounded. The focus of 5 is to attain greater stability.  The law of 5 is 'freedom in action'. The number 5 is also related to Mercury, and the Tarot Card representative of the 5 vibration is the Heirophant. 5 symbolizes curiosity, freedom and change, and represents the five senses of humanity.  5 is the pivotal point between the numbers 1 to 9.  The 5 represents a variety of experiences through its developed senses, and offers many opportunities for decisions for the future.  There is constant activity and curiosity about life for the 5 vibration. 


VENUS ROTATES DIFFERENTLY: All of the planets in our solar system ORBIT in a counter-clockwise direction as viewed from above the Sun's North Pole. Most planets also ROTATE counter-clockwise, but Venus rotates clockwise once every 243 Earth days-by far the slowest rotation period of any major planet. To an observer on the surface of Venus, the Sun and stars rise in the west and set in the east and the time from one sunrise to the next would be 116.75 Earth days. And a Venus day is longer than its year.


CONTEMPLATE THE GALACTIC AXIS, GEMINI & SAGITTARIUS: The Transits of Venus always occur in Gemini or Sagittarius; and Transits can currently occur only in June or December. This is the Galactic Axis i.e. the alignment of the Galactic Center of our Milky Way, and the Galactic Edge, the furtherest edge of our galaxy.


These dates are slowly becoming later in the year; before 1631, transits occurred in May and November. In about 1500 years, the transits will occur during Earth's solstices (June 21 and December 22). Because of this trend in the shift of transit dates, over a period of approximately 80,000 years the transit dates will migrate forward one complete cycle through the seasons.


80,000 years: there's that number 8 again. CONTEMPLATE THE NUMBER 8 (see below)



The 2004 Venus Transit

the 1st Venus Transit of the 21st century

venus transit

Some thoughts to contemplate on the 2004 Venus Transit.


A TREMOR IN THE FORCE: The 2004 Venus Transit Created a "Tremor in the Force": During the 2004 Venus transit, Richard C. Hoagland conducted an experiment using tuning forks. "What he found was that the measured effect was not only powerfully obvious, it was astonishing.   As Venus crossed the solar disk, the tuning fork vibrated much faster - because it was receiving more energy through the Aether from the effects of the transit." (Source: The Choice, by Mike Bara, page 162)


2004 Transit of Venus - Video files from NASA  


Photos and Video of the entire 2004 Venus Transit  


2004: Venus and a Bird (and a Plane) fly across the Sun - It's a bird, it's a plane!  


Within the Paris Observatory is a dome painted in 1886 in recognition of the Transit of Venus.  



The Venus Transit coming up on June 5/6, 2012 is one of a pair - the first one being June 8, 2004. In 2004 no living person had seen a Venus transit.


The 2004 Venus Transit occurred at 18 Gemini. The 2012 Transit occurs at 16 Gemini. So the current one is closer to the Great Attractor at 14 Gemini


The 2012 transit lasts 27 minutes longer than the previous one (June 8th 2004) because in 2012 Venus passes closer to the Sun's center.


In 2004 Venus crossed the Southern hemisphere of the Sun; in 2012 it crosses the Northern hemisphere of the Sun.


This will be only the 8th transit of Venus since the invention of the telescope in 1609. (There is that number 8 again)


Before 2004, the last pair of transits were in December 1874 and December 1882. The first of a pair of transits of Venus in the beginning of the 21st century took place on 8 June 2004 and the next will be on 6 June 2012. After 2012, subsequent transits of Venus will be in December 2117 and December 2125


CONTEMPLATE the time span from June 8, 2004 to June 5, 2012. The message of the Venus Transit spans these 8 years, completing now. A similar Venusian/Solar experience won't happen again until the years December 2117 and December 2125, i.e. not in your current lifetime:)


CONTEMPLATE THE NUMBER 8 and some of its metaphorical associations: The mystery of the 8 is that of the Lemniscate, i.e. the Infinity symbol - the external and continuous spiral of perpetual motion, which is the supreme signature of the Universe, and all evolutionary cycles. 8 is the 'power' number which needs always to be used for the good of mankind. The task of the 8 is great - and when awakened and developed, is the 'Master Energy' working for humanity. This is the number of the leader and leadership, as well as finances, wealth and power. In addition, the number 888 is said to be the number of the energy of the Christ.


In 2004, the Venus Transit resonated in our auric fields. In 2012 The Tremor in the Force resounds its note once again as one portal closes and another opens.





2004 Venus Transit


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