Venus Transit 2012 ~ Part 4 gemini & the great attractor

Submitted by Lia on Sun, 06/03/2012 - 11:23

2004 Venus Transit


Venus Transit 2012 - Part 4

gemini & the great attractor

by Carol Ann Ciocco

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The Great Attractor

venus transit

The 2004 Transit began an 8-year global initiation and awakening of humanity beyond anything we have previously experienced. This is partly due to the Venus passages occurring at the Galactic edge, letting us know that this initiation reaches beyond our Galaxy and extends far into the Universe. During the Transit, Venus has direct access to the source of light and life for planet Earth; and because the Sun is also a gateway to energies outside our solar system, Venus also has access to light and information beaming in from beyond our galaxy. This area of the sky has been seen as an entry point into this reality of experience. - Cayelin Castell



The Venus Transit of 2012 occurs at 16 degrees of Gemini which is conjunct a deep-space anomaly known as "The Great Attractor" (TGA). The Great Attractor is a point of attraction in space is pulling our galaxy and all the galaxies around us towards it at 1 million mph. Scientists cannot explain it. Part of the phenomenon of The Great Attractor is that we can look BEHIND it, but not INTO it. Light BENDS around it.


Think back to the Total Lunar eclipse about 6 months ago, on December 10, 2011 (to read more on that eclipse, click here: ) it was aligned with The Great Attractor. I tried to tune in to TGA then and I couldn't grasp it. I have been fascinated by it since then and I believe it is the next step in consciousness. The Galactic Center has been *reached* and now... people like you - who are reading this newsletter - and other consciousness leaders are leading the way to this next higher level of consciousness. Note: To read more on The Great Attractor, I recommend this web-page by the brilliant Phillip Sedgwick, galactic astrology expert:  


The Great Attractor is, of course, related to THE LAW OF ATTRACTION. Think about what you are attracting and how it might be *bending* to your will or someone else's.


The Great Attractor might point to a new way to approach the *problems* we face individually and collectively: When something is utterly baffling, don't try to go through it; don't try to earnestly take down the wall brick by brick; just go around it to a whole new reality. Don't beat your head against the wall, just calmly walk around it. When you look into it, it is impenetrable, it is a mind fog, a house of mirrors. It's a shell game. Walk away. *Get thee behind me*.


At the time of the Venus Transit, when you are sending your consciousness to the merging of Venus and the Sun (either by gazing upon the Transit in person or via web, or by tuning into it in meditation) be aware that your consciousness is flying out to this massive and baffling point of Great Attraction, a point which is so unrelenting in its magnetism that it is drawing to it everything in our known Universe. What can you glean from this super stretch beyond the bounds of your ordinary reality? What can you Know that is beyond the edge of anything anyone on earth has ever even considered in the past?




Gemini Liberation & Awakening

parallax effect

Gemini is very much the sign of humanity. It is the quintessential symbol of duality - the essential duality that creates the tensions (and eventual awareness) in the relationship between the Soul and the personality. ... IT WILL BE GEMINI THAT LIBERATES HUMANITY.

- Alan Oken, 'Soul-Centered Astrology'


The Venus Transit occurs at 16 degrees of Gemini (15 Gemini 44). So the Divine Feminine is coming through the multi-faceted filter of the Gemini goddess. Gemini is a shapeshifting trickster; a highly mental and very free energy. It is hard to grasp - the more I try to grok it the less sense it makes to me!


So here are some basic Geminian ideas and activities which are especially auspicious and useful now, presented in sound-byte fashion, which is certainly Gemini's style:)




The key to utilizing the slippery energy of Gemini, is to transcend the lower mind/ personality self/ ego and develop Pure Mind, Higher Mind, Reason and Discernment of Truth. The key is to develop Mind and master emotion. Don't repress emotion, OBSERVE emotion and master it. In other words: THINK WITH YOUR HEART AND FEEL WITH YOUR MIND


Gemini is the quintessential energy of COMMUNICATION - thinking, speaking, writing. At this time of the Venus Transit in Gemini, it is essential that you Speak your Truth. The Throat Chakra is highlighted. It is time to heal issues of blocked communication as well as health issues of the throat, including thyroid issues. Wearing the color blue - especially a blue scarf around your neck - can help facilitate this process.


Interestingly, a symbol associated with this particular degree of Gemini (the Sabian Symbol) is: A WOMAN ACTIVIST ON A PLATFORM, IN AN EMOTIONAL SPEECH, DRAMATIZING HER CAUSE. Communication regarding women's issues is very powerful now. Speak up for what you believe. Empower yourself and the women in your life. Strive to make life better for women who are suffering by speaking up. In addition, because Gemini is an androgynous energy, it is also a good time to speak up for same-sex marriage. The Goddess Venus in Gemini recognizes that the outer shell of sexuality does not have any bearing on Love.


Write. Use social media which is the Aquarian grapevine. Chat, text, Skype, tweet... blah blah blah. Yadda yadda yadda. Etc etc etc.


Use Affirmations. Cultivate positive thinking.


Connect with the Archangel Gabriel and the energy of Thoth / Hermes Trismegestes. These celestial beings are associated with writing/communication





The Fool Card in the Tarot

The Wild Card in the deck

The Joker (why so serious?)

Kokopeli and Heyokah Coyote Woman - Coyote Medicine

This is the Divine Feminine in her playful, youthful, creative form


Gemini tricks you into enlightenment by snapping your brain out of illusion. A moment of satori! A flash of awakening! A zen koan!


Did you know that laughing at a joke requires activity in five different areas of the brain?


When people laugh it is easier for them to accept new ideas. - His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama



The Great Attractor
The Great Attractor.
What are we attracting? 



Did you know that the Powers and Principalities - the Dark energies of our life on earth - are shapeshifters?! We need to learn the Gemini shapeshifting ways of Crazy Wisdom to create an even playing field. It's a Game so let's Gemini it - crack open our investment in believing the material world is real. Perhaps the only way around the ancient dense goings-on in the 3D reality is by doing some sort of crazy magic, a twist of shift.


Integration of the dark is a laughing matter.


A banker slips on a banana peel.


Reincarnation may or many not be Real. Karma may or may not be Real. All that's Real is Love and Compassion in the moment, and consciousness of All That Is. Gemini helps us to let go of the mind constructs that aid and abet the Grand Illusion, the Polarity Game. Rising above the dualities and laughing your a** off at the 3 Ring Circus that is earth's mind illusion matrix. It's all a great Cosmic Joke. Free your mind and have a great big belly laugh.


When you realize how perfect everything is you will tilt your head back and laugh at the sky. - The Buddha


Timeline Shifts don't have to be filled with calamity or overwhelm. They can be as gentle as shifting from being a person running from danger in your dream, to the person who flies off, or manifests a miracle, or does some crazy trick that is pure magic. The (3D) realm is no different, it is a mirror of consciousness. But this realm is heavy and contains dream warfare, so one has to be vigilant in getting stronger in the face of adversity. One has to develop the ability to see through all the things that mimic the organic light of the Creator and the Creation, its stargates, multi-dimensions and divine beings. As long as you don't get sucked into negative pockets and shallow programmings or buy into anything less than Love and Wisdom, there need not be any calamity or stress in this shift time - because our Consciousness is the shape-shifter. - Laura Magdalena, FB


Gemini can be summed in:

2 words: Who knows?

1 word: Whatever.

1 character: ?





In Gemini, Venus reveals the DESIRE (a Venusian word) of the pairs of opposites for each other, for this is the underlying theme of the entire creative and evolutionary process - the interplay of the opposites. - Alice Bailey, 'Esoteric Astrology' (comment in parenthesis is mine)


Polarity causes emotional fog (glamour) and suffering.

Oneness dissolves emotional fog (glamour) and suffering.

Perfect Love casts out Fear


Venus, the soul ruler of Gemini, the one who harmonizes the warring twins






With both the June 8, 2004 and June 5, 2012 Venus passages over the Sun occurring near the Galactic Edge, these transits are essentially activating a Venus Stargate that will be fully functional by the 2012 Venus transit. Again, the rarity of this 8-year window near the Summer Solstice occurs every 243 years. The last pair of Gemini Venus transits occurred in 1761 and 1769 and at that time we had not yet reached the Galactic Alignment that is taking place now.... Rare cycles are converging. We are NOT in ordinary times. - Cayelin Castell, written at the time of the 2004 Venus Transit


Go Crazy! It's Gemini time!





grailheart magi

Sun, 06/03/2012 - 12:21

Sooooo,   we who are consicious TODAY of how much of a difference we can/are making (watch Ute's video today " A CALL FOR PLANETARY SERVICE") and if you feel you are to be a part of this GREAT Venus Movement (ha!) let's TOGETHER jointly offer the activity suggested and asked by ALPHA.....  


Now, not only what we are "attracting"  but what the Great Central Sun is "attracting" from US!  It is time to OFFER ourselves as a unit of divinity, that we HAVE DECIDED THAT WE WANT NO MORE DUALITY and we are hereby serving the planet, solar system, galaxy and universe in harmony.  It is our new "face". It is only of love with no separation... no leader, no followers, just joint interest in making a difference.


This difference that we are trusting in, will assist all love, including all the plants, animals, mineral kingdom, EVERYTHING to move back into divine essence.  


Will you work this Plan?


All Ways Love!

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