Visionkeeper ~ Living From Your Heart

Submitted by Lia on Wed, 02/22/2012 - 06:18

Visionkeeper ~ Living From Your Heart

One World Rising | February 21 2012

Can you feel the world-changing beneath your feet? Look around you, open your eyes and really look deeply at what is going on around you. Step out of auto pilot and take notice for once of what we are doing, what we are feeling and what we are seeing and hearing. Life is very different today than what it was six months ago, six weeks ago, six hours ago. If you make a point to observe it all you will see the subtle and not so subtle changes unfolding. The big shift really began with the occupy wall street phenomena. People were suddenly realizing they were being had by banks, corporate America and our own Government. The truth about what was being done to us was first leaking out in dribs and drabs and now it is beginning to pour out. Sticking a finger in this dike will not stop the flow of information from spilling forth and opening people’s minds to the truth of what is going on. The end is near.


The more people discover the truth being revealed by alternative websites the more minds are flying open and people are finally grasping the severity of what has been done to us all by a small disgustingly rich group of people. So now that we know the truth how should we deal with this? By empowering ourselves through love. We must learn to stay out of our ego driven minds and begin to think with our hearts. If we have worked hard to fill our hearts with love then that is how life will unfold for us. If we think in terms of love, we hold no judgements of others, we respect all those around us and we choose to see life through positive eyes always looking for the best in people, things shift. I was already thinking this way a lot when I started this blog, but six months of thinking this way on a daily basis by what I do here has changed my life. I reprogrammed my mind to think in terms of love and life changed and I cannot remember what it was like before.


I mention this quite often and I am sorry to repeat, but for the sake of those just coming on board and not knowing what to do I say to you, read The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz. Four life changes to make and life will change for you. The four agreements you make with yourself you will need to practice faithfully but in no time the shift will occur and all will be different for you, for you will now be living by those agreements out of habit, no more thinking about it required. As a general rule it takes 30 days to break a habit, once that bad habit is gone the new way of being fills its place. So let us remove our ego judgments of others, the negative thinking, the blame game thinking, and begin to embrace choosing to see life from your heart by loving all, seeing what good they have to offer not their faults for we all have them. Choose to see the glass half full not half empty. The choice is up to each of us to make these changes within ourselves


It is essential as well for us to learn to become aware of how we are interacting with life. Pay attention!!! How are you breathing? Many people are what is called shallow breathers and we need to be breathing slow, deep breaths consciously. As we breathe deeply in, we need to make sure our stomach pushes out and as we breathe out slowly suck your stomach in and upwards to expel all of the air. Being shallow breathers we take in less oxygen and our bodies need that oxygen! So breathe deeply and slowly as often as you can remember to do so. Breathe in all the pain and injustice in the world and exhale love out through your heart to heal the world. See the loving breath exiting your heart not your mouth as an offering to the world that it may heal and replenish itself. The world needs each and every one of us to do his/her part in seeing that we change our hearts and change the world while there is still time so we may accomplish our purpose of holding the light.

Blessings to you all,


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