~ We are In Preparations for the Big Energy Event~

Submitted by Lia on Sat, 06/02/2012 - 09:39


Greetings Love Beings, We are Preparing for the Big Energy Event quickly Approaching. We will Host a Live Love Internet Party today begnning at 1:30pm Pacific. We are Going to shake, rattle, and roll in the Love and dissolve the all ego;s in the Process. Love is the Greatest Energy in this Universe and this is Here on Planet Earth=Heart. Love The Earth Allies


~Cosmic Vision News On With Geoffrey West At 4pm Pacific~

Listen to internet radio with InLight Radio on Blog Talk Radio

The Latest in Galactic News CVN host, Geoffrey West offers news, talk and commentary about the latest events unfolding with regards to what is arguably the most guarded Secrets! Join Him at 4pm Pacific Time Zone Today for the Latest Information.


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Electric Earth: scientists dismayed by pulse emitted from Earth during May 17th CME



Electric Earth: scientists dismayed by pulse emitted from Earth during May 17th CME

June 1. 2012 – SPACE – After an unusually long quiet period, the Sun unleashed a solar flare on May 17 this year – but scientists are now puzzling over what happened on Earth. Neutron monitors all round the world lit up in response to the blast for the first time in six years, despite the fact it was an M-Class, or moderate, flare. The ‘answering’ pulse shouldn’t have happened at all. Now scientists are trying to unravel what happened – and why our planet ‘pulsed’ in response. James Ryan, an astrophysicist at the UNH Space Science Center said, ‘This solar flare was most unimpressive and the associated CME was only slightly more energetic. And looking at it optically, it was remarkably dim; it was, all things considered, a ninety-eight pound weakling of solar events.’ 


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6/1/2012 -- East Coast tornadoes = Philadelphia PA -- heading northeast towards New York


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FREEDOM PROJECT: Multinationals prepare for Greek meltdown...


Greece is beyond the help of bailouts or
European Central Bank baloney.

The meltdown is imminent and
multinational corporations are getting
ready for the inevitable...

Taking cash out, boarding up stores,
and preparing to evacuate employees
and customers.



Ken McCarthy
Real Econ TV

Amacord, Inc.,
14 North Road,
Tivoli, NY 12583, USA


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Day 55 ~ The Fingerprint of God



Day 55 ~ The Fingerprint of God



Hi – Here we are at the 2nd of June 55 days into the Fibonacci Spiral  coinciding  with the commencement of the Olympic Games in London on 27th July

In the United KIngdom, at present, we are witnessing the Diamond Jubilee of Elizabeth II’s reign – which has the potential to bring in a great unity of consciousness and community spirit within these lands – street parties are popping up all over the country and many other nations all over the World  will be watching the pageantry and ritual that unfolds over the next few days -  all part of the weaving of what is to come. 

For this activity of the Diamond Jubilee is creating a focus of energy upon these lands which is all part of the build up and initiation for a Cosmic awakening in humanity.


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Science for Global Peace and Happiness


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Just read Greg's Message....


I just read Greg's message of today.... sounds critical, so I am putting all of my other activity aside for the moment....

And, what can we do to help spread the message that we need help and prepare for their landings??

What are any of you doing who can give me ideas here?

What is keeping us here from connecting.


We need to talk to everyone as if our lives depended on it... and from today... it does.


If lightworkers don't do this, then WHO?


I want to do my part.... what do you suggest as far as getting the ships here??






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FREEDOM PROJECT: Loreen - Euphoria - Live - Grand Final - 2012 Eurovision Song Contest .... THANK YOUR GEOFFREY...


Original Lyrics

Eurovision Song Contest 2012 Grand Final
Flag of Sweden Sweden (SVT)

Performer: Loreen
Song title: Euphoria
Song writer(s): Thomas G:son & Peter Boström
Song composer(s): Thomas G:son & Peter Boström


Why can't this moment last forever more
Tonight eternity's an open door
Don't ever stop doing the things you do
Don't go
In every breath I take I'm breathing you

Forever, ‘til the end of time
From now on, only you and I
We’re going u-u-u-u-u-u-up

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The trickster's demon's lower selves and the love you are



You trust being's who continually f*** you over. You blindly follow them because they offer you material good's meanwhile, they themselves are completely in conflict with what's going on within them. So they don't have any real conscious understanding of what it means to live a truly abundant and fulfilling life. They're too busy being selfish and greedy, and helping you because it benefits them , they want to look good in societies eyes. They don't get the point of what it means to be present and truly love. This doesn't stop them from saying I love you, holding hand's and giving the appearance that they know what it means to truly love and live life, it's just the trickster within them. They would much rather perpetuate this behavior because “ they don't care.” Notice how all they act upon is showing just how much they do not care. Buying food, drink, movies , cars, making friends, staying close to family and they always revert back to their religion of choice, and are totally glued in survival mode.



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Galactic Free Press Daily Update~5~31~12 The Very Successful Lightfilled May! ~


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Sooo Glad You Came


For all our friends and those who appreciate these times together...  A catchy little tune that celebrates our gatherings.  We are all surely blessed...


Love and Peace,




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The Place to Turn duringLife’s Crossroads The Council of 12 through Selacia


The Place to Turn duringLife’s Crossroads

~ The Council of 12 through Selacia



The Council of 12 this month focuses on the benefits of con- necting more with our hearts. I asked the Council to address how to live more from the heart in these chaotic times.


They speak about the heart’s wisdom and how to access it.

As you reflect on their words, consider the benefits of becoming more aware of cycles of the Moon, the planet that governs the natural world as well as our emotions, instincts, intuition and unconscious.


The Moon is related to water, the element often described as being fur- thest from the rational realm. The Moon can be a key to under- standing our sensitive, feeling nature.


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Venus transit ~ Michael Through Ron Head


We will speak today on the topic of the Venus transit.  Everyone is talking about this subject and we simply want to add a little something to the discussion. 


What we urge you to do at this time is very much exactly as you did for the 5-5-5 and for the eclipse.  A great many meditations were planned and carried out on those dates.  Somehow, no matter what the planned meditation was, many of you, perhaps I should say most of you, found yourselves seeing peaceful and loving transitions smoothly taking you into your new lives.  We say, do that again, dear ones.  In fact, simply placing your peaceful and loving attention upon your intended future will be enough to hasten its arrival.


You may also want to leave some aspects of your lives, some remaining fears or doubts, some restricting beliefs, behind as you move full speed into the remainder of this shift.  These things may pop into your awareness during your meditation.  Just notice them one last time.  Turn them over and examine them.  Decide that you no longer need them and release them to the light.


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Mahala ~ Planet Alert June 2012 ~ 1 June 2012


Mahala ~ Planet Alert June 2012 ~ 1 June 2012


Greetings to everyone-hope all is well in your world. With everything that is going on in the world it is definitely time to find peace within. It’s time to stop looking outside yourself for answers and find your Christ within. Christ consciousness was activated with this past solar eclipse, along with our heart chakras. We can now think with our hearts and create peace within us. Have any of you had heart problems in the past month because of this energy?



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A lifetime walking alone



I sat down and read a blog from a lighted gentleman yesterday who shared a part of his story and thought maybe I could share a small bit of my own, but immediately upon beginning my blog, huge amounts of emotion flooded my perceptions until I gave up, there was simply to much water under the bridge. I spent years speaking to other people as a child and teenager about the extraordinary gifts, beings,dimensions the lighted brotherhood, and eventually stopped because of the judgements, sometimes angrily directed at me. One example would be when I was about 12.


My parents wanted us to be able to choose for ourselves what religion ment to us so they took us to different church's to try on. One in particular I joined a bible youth group, hoping to meet and make some friends, (not an easy task for the light workers), but found when question and answer time came it appeared that my sort of questions were not welcome at all, for instance, "my own father would not throw me into a fire pit just because I did something wrong, why would God, who is above such things?"



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The Fae'rea are excited about June and want to share with you


Hello fae'rea- Do you have some messages for us today?

Yes on this first day for June we want to say that sun is coming this month (wooo hoooo!)..There is the obvious Summer Solstice happening this month, and it is a metaphor for greater light coming in, an apex that you have not experienced.



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Message from the Earth Allies: THE LIGHT IS YOU ~ What are you still looking for?



THE LIGHT IS YOU~What are you still looking for?



What else do  you need to know?

You're the LightHouse.

The House of Light is In You.


For how much others shine, you can only reflect their Light.

For how much others shine you can only brighten your path with their Light.

But to shine, you have to switch on Your Light.

The House of Light=Love is In You.




And to lighten the path for others, your Light shall be On, or you'll let them into darkness. 

Do not deceive yourself, do not deceive others.

Be the Light You Are.


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~Sacred toning Gathering and what has Now Been Accomplished~


 Earth Ally Lynn marie 

~Sacred toning Gathering and what has Now Been Accomplished On May 31st, 2012


Hi to all we were doing our group sacred toning tonight from7-10 pm.  Here also is the things I removed for all of humanity and Gaia. I also download her with all of this into all of her charkas. there was some mass of energy there tonight. I invited the masters of the halls of aminti. The Arkatorn came apart there was so much energy - it is normally round but it was a egg shape while we were working. . enjoy the read. Blessings.

Creator of all that is it is commanded to download my soul frequency into my heart and all cells, organs of my mind body soul, and over soul. It commanded to remove anything that does not match this vibration in me now and send it to the creators light to be transformed now. Replace it with the creators love and light from all time in space all dimensions known and unknown. Thank you it is done.


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Galactic Earth Truth Report - 06-01-12 Mother Earth says: we've turned it upside down!


Galactic Earth Truth Report - 06-01-12 Mother Earth says: we've turned it upside down!



And so it is, the old is GONE the New came to the surface. Nothing else to see if not what has been hidden to the Global Consiousnes: the Truth was under the surface... was... was.


Have there been tornadoes? Yes, take it and turn it upside down, the air has been clened!

Have there been EQs? Yes, turn it upside down, the earth is closer to it's new form.

Have there been landslides and floods? Yes, Turn it upside down, water is cleaning the surface!

Have there been casualties? Yes, turn it upside down, they took even more unconscious to the Light and are now watching US from the other side of the veil.


See how it's done, simply by turning it all upside down.


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2012 Galactic Alignment, Part One.


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6/1/2012 -- Tornadoes hitting east coast - Midwest = severe once again


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FREEDOM PROJECT: Senators Seek to Remove Bankers From 12 Regional Fed Boards...


Senators Seek to Remove Bankers From 12 Regional Fed Boards




U.S. Senators Bernie Sanders, Barbara Boxer and Mark Begich introduced legislation today that would remove banking industry executives from the 12 regional Fed banks’ boards of directors.

“Allowing currently employed banking industry executives to serve as directors on the boards of directors of Federal Reserve banks is a clear conflict of interest that must be eliminated,” according to the text of the bill, released today by Sanders, a Vermont Independent who caucuses with Democrats.


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GFP Guide To Numerology


I see a lot of talk about numerology, so I thought I'd write a little guide to help people interpret the numbers they see in their life.


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Earthrise is here on June 1st, 2012.



June 1st, 2012


Today is the first day of June! This is the grand month of many things to come! We have the Venus Transit, a supermoon with a partial lunar eclipse, the new moon phase, and the summer solstice.

Make sure to stay balanced in this time. What is going on here on Earth may never happen again the way it is happening now.

Stay focused and have bright Light for all to see and feel!

Earthrise is here. 


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The RA Key!!


hey ya'll!!

its been awhile!

ive been busy playing with light and sound technology... creating a non profit to teach vibrational healing to kids and enjoying the experience that has been the RA-KEY!

check this video :


hope you all enjoy!

let me know what you think of my ideas for my organization & if anyone knows people who would like to get involved with healing the youth through beats...

then holla at your girl!

love you all





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The Return of the Goddess Global Meditation June 5/6, 2012


Details and times found at: http://2012portal.blogspot.ca/


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to make viral


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2MIN News June2: Solar Watch is ON


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Ann Albers – Message From Ann And The Angels – 2 June 2012



Ann Albers – Message From Ann And The Angels – 2 June 2012

Message from the Angels

My dear friends, we love you so very much.

You can never, ever in our eyes make a “mistake.” You can never do anything that separates you from God’s love or ours as well. You can never do anything that is irrevocable, irreversible, or indelible because your soul is eternal. Your bodies, your material goods, indeed your lives are temporary, but your souls are eternal, constant, and always in a stream of God’s love. Your “Mistakes” may affect the quality of your human life but they do not affect the quality of your soul, nor can they ever separate you from love. The more you realize this, the more your mistakes become opportunities for even greater love to enter into your hearts and flow through them.


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6/1/2012 Elizabeth River Suffolk to Hampton Virginia Tornado


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Steve Beckow – Angel Of Peace, Can You Hear Me? – 2 June 2012




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The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~6~1~12 Its All Smooth Sailing From Here~


The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~6~1~12



Bringing Humanity Home~ Energy and Event Update~ Its All Smooth Sailing From Here~


Cloudships Angels Above Flying High Above the Grand Canyon


Greetings Love Beings, We have Now Entered A Month of Many Energetic Events and these will bring Us, the Much Needed Changes we have been speaking about. During The Venus Transit, we will Collectively, Bring in the Long awaited Balanced Goddess Energy. This is a Full Participation Event for Everyone who has a Beating Heart. This will assist in the Entire Balance of this Planet. We complete this Energetic Event at the Solstice for the Balanced Gods on this Planet.



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Monad's Anthem - Cat Stevens


He's had it right since the beginning... Much Peace, Joy, Light and Love to ALL! NOW! :) <3


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Realize This.......


Just because you're enlightened, doesn't mean you are through with your work. Just because someone passes over, doesn't mean that they stop serving. Just because you have the thought that you're done with clearing yourself out, doesn't make it true. Just allowing yourself to feel that way is willfull ignorance of the love you are. Just because you aren't awake(aware of who you are at the soul level), doesn't make it right for you to just mess around and use “ I'm not awake” as an excuse. We have instincts, they're there for a reason. You may not enjoy reading this, and in that experience, shows exactly what I am speaking of here. You get upset because you would much rather remain in la la land, than remaining in the love you are. This is because you would much rather avoid the reality of the situation, and you just wish for it to be over. Good luck with that path, you'll only end up facing these facts head on in the long run.

The love we are , love's to work on the love of self, for it benefit's everyone all at once, all the time. It's an eternal process, working on the self. This goes against the grain of every false teaching that there ever has been spoken of and shared with anyone throughout all eternity. You can reference eternal inner work as the love you are being a conscious digging machine. A conscious drill, with one objective. The objective is to heal the self, by going through all that pertains to you from all experiences that you've ever gone through, are going through and will ever go through. The conscious act of chewing away at the self, is a beating of the ego. The beating is necessary, for it dismantles it, and allows the being within to live a better life. More ethical, += more loving,+= better living, += the all, += shared equally, += eternity. Heal yourself forever, and in turn the all will also be healed through the simply complex laws that govern creation.

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we aren’t nurtured in preschool about our natural potential to read the conscious energy of creation, ourselves, and of all life, on and off this planet. Beings (not only human, but also the plant realm, the animal realm, the thought realm, the body hologram realm, the soul body realm, the elemental realm , the realm where higher vibrational beings reside, and the realm of lower vibrational beings reside) both realms of higher and lower vibrational sets of consciousness (awareness) reside on the same level, its just that those vibrating in lower awareness, cannot see you for who you are, they can only see that which the ego projects everywhere, and uses that which is stored in the mind, as to what they know about you , and others.

The higher vibrating consciousness level, is one where you are able to see what i just pointed out, because you yourself experience that, even after the ego mind is gone, we will still have the memory of all our past experiences living within us, for no energy is destroyed, only transformed and re-used forever. this equation that supports the flow of creation which is a law and it’s non negotiable even when you negotiate it, it will always stand. The higher vibrating level of conscious awareness is the complete opposite of the lower and the energy contained therein is a support basin, for where this planet is going, where other planets are, and others are also going, and where all inevitably end up experiencing life in and on, and is that which assists you += all in living ethical lives for all eternity.

we’re also not nurtured in our natural ability to draw forth conscious awareness from within ourselves, which involves the entire drawing forth of the soul into the body hologram , which in turn integrates more of who we are into our body holograms.

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Life of Pi




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Heavenletter #4208 Come to the Greatness within You


Heavenletter #4208 Come to the Greatness within You, June 2, 2012 

God said: 


To let go of the past means to let go of regret, remorse, self-recrimination, disappointment, distress, judgment and attachment to any of them.

To let go of the future means to let go of demands, insistence, attachment, requirements, having to have, control. It means tipping your hat to life. It means blessing it. It means having happiness in mind and not requiring how it is to be funneled.

To live in the present is not holding on to it. To live in the present is to witness it. To live in the present is a perfect state of non-attachment.

Past, present, future, there is no holding onto. There is freedom. Free yourself from attachment. Attachment is like getting caught in a glue jar. Attachment is digging yourself in deeper.


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~Space Weather Update~ Increasing Sunspots~


VENUS PASSES MERCURY, APPROACHES THE SUN: Venus is approaching the sun in advance of the June 5th Transit of Venus. From here on Earth, the second planet has become difficult to see wrapped in bright sunlight. The Solar and Heliospheric Observatory, however, has no such trouble. SOHO's onboard coronagrah blocks the glare to reveal planets otherwise invisible:


A 24-hour movie shows that Mercury is exiting stage left as Venus plunges deeper into sunlight. Updated images may be found here.



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Light Artist Janosh



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The Sea Maiden. An Interview With Moreanna. By, AuroRa Le. June 2, 2012.



The Sea Maiden. An Interview With Moreanna. By, AuroRa Le. June 2, 2012.

  If we really stop to wonder about it, there’s an astonishing similarity in the characters of myth and legend, which permeate every culture across the globe.  Why is that, do you think?  These stories had to have come from somewhere, and isn’t there at least a slim possibility that they actually have their origin in fact?  More and more, we are coming to discover that almost everything we’ve been taught, everything we believed in without question, have been lies.  And nowhere is this more glaringly apparent than in the case of our planet’s history.  I’ve been both thrilled and fascinated by the ever increasing number of beautiful new channelings that I’m seeing all over the internet;  messages from exotic beings of the Elemental and, shall we say “mythical”realms.  They seem to simply want to let us know that they’re here. 


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Lisa Gawlas - The Balancing Act of June – Walking the Tight Rope.



Welcome to June… I think!  If yesterday was any indication of what we are in for this month, well,  just Holy Cow Batman!!

I don’t think there is a one of us not consistently hoping the “next month” is going to be easier, gentler on our energy systems and lives.  I know I have been saying/hoping this since we headed into the 11/11/11 last year.  If what I had seen yesterday in the field is any indication of what June offers us, June is not going to be that easy month!!

My first reading wasn’t until 10am yesterday, which left me chomping at the bit to “see” what June was going to present to us.  Let me tell you, by 8am my antenna is up and looking for someone to read!  So I checked out myself.  Again, this amazing, wonderful, synchronicitic world we live within leaves me in awe every single day!

My intention with myself was to understand the energies of June and how it is affecting me.  The first thing I had seen was a golden cork screw energy coming down into my crown.  This visual gave me comfort as an hour later I was so suddenly and severely dizzy I actually had to grab onto my desk so I didn’t fall out of my chair.  This dizzy happened repeatedly for several hours.


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Coming Out Of The Dark


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Michael by GLR Ron Head - We will continue to raise the frequencies –



  Spanish     Portuguese

Today we will discuss your many reactions to truth and what to expect when it is at last revealed by your media.  First of all, there are millions of you who will not be surprised at all, and in fact, have been diligently attempting to spread this type of information for many years.

There are many millions more who have had contact with this information and who have believed some of it and reserved judgment on other parts of it.  And of course, there are those who either have not heard of it at all or who refuse to believe what they have heard.


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My 'real' blog...


Not that this one is any less real, but this other one is more important; no names have been changed to protect the innocent. A time comes when innocence must end, so wisdom can begin.

It exists as a testament to my search for understanding, and to help others who may stumble upon it along their own way. It serves a purpose, as do we all.



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The Biggest Apology Of My Life


     Yes, I apologize to you and everyone who reads this post.  I screwed up.  I failed the test.  Instead of going with the flow, I now run a course upstream against the current because I couldn't learn my lessons.  I was prompted over and over again to stop smoking and I didn't and more honestly, I couldn't.  I tried laying them down, but repeated failed. However, by the time I did manage to stop, it's now too late.  Something has gotten ahold of me that is quickly taking me down.  My health is failing fast, It hurts to breathe.  My body hurts in places I forgot about.  My cheery outlook has changed to one of depression.  I feel as though the Light that brought ascending miracles has stopped at my feet.  Darkness and the gloom of staying here in the 3D is breaking my heart, especially when I desparately wanted to ascend.  Actually, that's not even the whole truth of it all.  Though I've casted the "fear of the unknown" to the Universe many times, it remains still.  What can one do when the fear stays?  It's a blockage.  It's difficult to move forward. 

     What now?  Am I going to die now before I am able to physically ascend?  Do I have to die in order to ascend?  That's not what I wanted.  I came to see this thing through to the end.  I don't want to stop and stay here with the ones who harm each other.  I wanted a life full of love, light and peace.  I wanted to see the New Earth and her new inhabitants in all their glory. 


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Oracle Report ~ Saturday, June 2 - Sunday, June 3, 2012




Saturday, June 2 - Sunday, June 3, 2012



Gibbous Moon Phase

The Sun is beginning to respond to Venus' transit across it this Monday.  A large fissure (coronal hole) has opened, exhaling a solar wind that will reach Earth that day.  The Universe is electro-magnetic in nature; the plasmic conjunctions of the planets and the star combine to elicit effects on the Earth (and of course on humanity, which is symbiotic with the Earth).  Stay tuned...

This weekend we have several things happening.  Saturday's energy flows nicely and favors expressing ourselves through both interpersonal communications and the expression of skills and talents.  These things want to find manifestation in the real world (saying what needs to be said and creating what needs to be created).  Websites, blogs, and other forms of communication can make great strides under this energy.  Overall, validation is highlighted, but the need for validation will only cause problems.  The need for approval from others is sourced in fear and we do not operate from fear.


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The Spirit Of Ma’at – June – Manon Tromp – Getting Out Of The Rat Race



The Spirit Of Ma’at – June – Manon Tromp – Getting Out Of The Rat Race – 2 June 2012

Ever since I made the decision to move from Amsterdam to Glastonbury in England, things have been developing that could easily persuade me to give up on this dream. Glastonbury is also known as Avalon and they say that Avalon is like a mirror which reflects the deepest layers of our being. Well, that mirror is working already and I have not even moved yet. But I am determined to go and leave behind my old life and embrace a new and more natural way of living.


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