~ We are In Process of Our Recent Incoming Energies~

Submitted by Lia on Wed, 06/06/2012 - 09:56

Greetings Love Beings, We are Now All in Process of these Higher Incoming Energies. You may feel like a Yo,. Yo, going up and down Like Waves. As It is wave Energy which is Incoming. WE Now head for our Balanced Male Energy for the Solstice. We Love You!! Love The Earth Allies

"We are Pleiadians"


'We Are Pleiadians'
"We were once a powerful race in the Lyrian Star System,
But then came the war,
Between the Pleiadians who fought for freedom and the survival of their race,
And the Reptilians who invaded to perish and conquer the quaters of the galaxy,
But in the war final days,
A starship in a mission scaped the battle,
That was carrying a secret population that would save the race and would win the war,
The mission was heading to a virgin planet named Earth,
But the Reptilians followed us,
And took over,
A mission that vanished.........
We are those human beings from the Pleijaren origin who were left behind... and enslaved by the Reptilians on this planet,
But we Awakening must give the reptiles no mercy!,
Because we are family!!!!
We are also part of the battle!
We are Pleiadians!!!!!!!"

by Jesse Loya


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On Second Thought...


I had a second thought...

It said:

The path to Hell is paved with good intentions...


I just wrote that.

Just now.

I knew if I searched on Google I'd find it, though.

Jesus fucking christ.

Amazon sent the gift I sent my Pooky to me instead.

The instructions told me to open it.

I figured I'd follow the instructions this time.

It was funny... but not that funny.

I've given myself as many gifts as I've given others recently.

But I still want more.

I feel I deserve more.

The assholes are still


I am not an asshole.

I am a man with a fucking brain.

Send these donations to me.

At least send back the ones I sent.




I like a good joke too.

I worship God

But I could use a million fucking dollars

And a big bag of weed

And for idiots to leave me alone

For cops to do their fucking jobs correctly.

No wonder I'm getting angry again.

I know, I know...

Things are as they should be...NOT.

I am playing by the rules.

I expect the rules to apply.

The paypal link is in my blog.

Not this blog.

Go fucking read it.

I'm doing my job;

I expect to start getting paid for it.

I am Jesus fucking christ.

I am Aleister fucking Crowley.

I am Charlie Brown, the 

Loch Ness Monster

And the fucking holy ghost of the

Fucking Easter Bunny.

Send me all your money

Then leave us the fuck alone.

I'll do the same.

I am all and none of these things.

I am James Christopher Tharp.


Please stay tuned...





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Please, please do not get offended instantly while reading title, if this remind you on someone who likes to laugh on every aspect of our 'difficult' and challenging path here on Gaia/Earth...


Please, consider feeling these words as I only would like to bring fun and ease of what is coming for Humanity... Consider that what is coming is The Event of Galactic Proportions...


Not only that planets will be aligned, that portals will be shimmering with acceptance, but we will experience TRUE balance energies rushing through our bodies, minds, our memories, our future expectations....


These rays of Loving Feminine energies are flowing with ease through any aspect of ours, through any reincarnation not in full balance with Now-YOU...



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another for venus


all my love from the uk xxxxxx


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venus you can feel the love


:-) love


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Earthrise is here on June 5th, 2012.


June 5th, 2012 Today is the Venus Transit. Today is the day if the feminine energies! Why so you want in this world? Now is the time to ask for what you want. This is what w have been looking for. We have been wondering when will this happen, when will that happen? The answer has been in front of us the whole time! The Venus Transit is the trigger of many things to happen which will bring everything to the 5th dimension and beyond. The past is the past. Live in the NOW! The future is bright! Earthrise is here on the Venus Transit of June 5th, 2012. Earthrise is here.


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Earth Facing Solar Flare During Venus Transit: LOVE'S INCOMING


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Welcome To The New Era


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I have been sent on a journey, so i wont be on this site as much. I have been given a new thought pattern to be an athlete, with my tremendous skill of TAE KWAN DO. But it wont be tae kwan do, it will be a different form, but it will be needed. I will be on a journey of Popularity, as i try to make it into the Famous Televised Atheletic buissenes. The Galactic Family Of Light have given me this journey to go thru. I will visit here from time to time. I LOVE YOU ALL

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"One of the biggest secrets of psycological manipulation"


What it religion? What is its meaning?............Manipulation!

It was begun when the Pleiadian Jesus Crhist came to Earth to share his spiritual teachings and save our conciousness from following the dark side,
But people took it wrong and turn spiritual information into a belief...
The cosmic dark forces took advantage and used it agaisnt us,
The Reptilians used religion as a great weapon to keep us shut down in a lack of information,
If you're in a religion...you have become Pshycologicaly enslaved.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Today...............People all around the world killl each other to see who has the best imganiary god....
Today if your not religious your evil according to them,
It makes you kill other opposite religous people,
It cant let you know what is beyond the skies and beyond our planet,
It makes you fear!! a hell, demons and god,
It makes you believe what it wants you to believe,
It cant let you know and see reality,
With it your not free, it wont let you live how you want, only how it wants
For thousands of years they have kept you in a lack of information,... they dont want you to know that there is a lot of existace beyond our skies!!! god, heaven and hell is not all in existace and reality!.
.............I have nothing against it....I just want people to KNOW the TRUTH.....
And WAKE UP!!WAKE UP!!!WAKE UP!!!!!!!! The psycological manipulation ends!

I'm not religous, I'm not an athiest, I'm not different..........IM AN AWAKEN HUMAN BEING ON PLANET TERRA IN THE EL SOL STAR SYSTEM......sharing the great awakening of humanity :)
I was chosen to deliver this messege CONCIOUSLY........share the word and stop religious people from killing eachother for their beliefs!........
Peace, Love, Wisdom, Cosmic Light :) ♥


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John Smallman Many of you have been experiencing stirred-up issues for the last couple of weeks



Many of you have been experiencing stirred-up issues for the last couple of weeks


The enormously powerful energies presently enveloping and surrounding Planet Earth are stirring up vast quantities of issues that have lain dormant within the human psyche for eons and which need to be addressed and released so that you can all awaken.  Many of you have been experiencing the effects of this for the last couple of weeks and are wondering what is going on, because they have interrupted your “normal” life schedules and caused you difficulty in your daily lives.  You have maybe missed important appointments, forgotten to do things that you needed to do, or just been unable to operate as efficiently as you usually do.


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~ Welcome Home~ You Are a Child of the Universe~


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My Poem About Hope...


Written in a "psychiatric hospital"

A few weeks(?) ago

While I was away from Everything I Loved.

I'll be the first to admit it's not very good;

But it is Good





   -For My Precious Pooky Bear, like Everything I Do.


Hope, I've heard

Is a thing with feathers

Or wings, or


Some guy said "softly

Comes to sing

Among the boughs and branches of our Mind."

That guy was me, long ago,

And still today, or some girl

Named Emily something.


((I heard she died alone;))


Yet I am still here and

The Hope she had is Alive

In Me;

When falling fast, it swoops

In to save Us;

Carries Us

Over the rocks and rubble;



Lets us Soar

To and through

The Heaven's



 - James Christopher Tharp

   May 20, 2012...




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The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~6~5~12 The Energies of The Venus Transit Have Begun~


The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~6~5~12


Bringing Humanity Home~ Energy and Event Update~ The Energies of The Venus Transit Have Begun~


Topography of Venus sos.noaa.gov


Greetings Love Beings, Welcome to the Much Anticipated and Much Discussed Event of the Venus Transit. The Energies are In Place for The Unique and Rare Sun, Venus, Earth, Galactic High Energy Alignment and Has Begun.This alignment is igniting the Blessings from the Creator, which will begin pouring forth from the Sun through Venus and Into Planet Earth=Heart.




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Melchizedek: Ascension and the Merkaba


Around the world, so much is misunderstood about the Mer-Ka-Ba, the light body created by the brain that surrounds the physical body. And how the Mer-Ka-Ba is involved with ascension into a new world is also misunderstood. In this audio, we will explain essential parts of this knowledge, and also why the Mer-Ka-Ba was altered in the way that we activate it around our body. It is no longer activated manually as it was with the Flower of Life, but is now activated in the ancient manner through the heart, which is so much easier. This new/ancient teaching is called Awakening The Illuminated Heart. 

What we have to say in this audio I hope will assist you in remembering the true knowledge of the heart/Mer-Ka-Ba integration, and how this will eventually lead you into a new Earth, and a new way of existing.

Drunvalo Melchizedek


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What Role Do the Universal Laws Play in Life? ~ Part 5


What Role Do the Universal Laws Play in Life? ~ Part 5

2012 June 5
 by GLR Steve Beckow

Our tendency is to think of the universal law as a collection of stand-alone laws which we set about to legalistically understand. But Sanat Kumara, the Planetary Logos and keeper of the universal law for Earth and Venus, offered us a discussion of it on An Hour with an Angel on June 4, 2012, in which he pointed out that the universal law could not be understood or made best use of in that way.


He described how the laws were intended to work together to lead us back to God and how they could only be understood as a comprehensive and orchestrated whole. Let’s listen to what he had to say on the matter.


Sanat began by describing the Divine Mother’s intention in creating the universal law.



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Message from Grandfather/Grandmother Sun


Yesterday that great opening in the sun, key hole or eagle or phoenix, or all......

 just kept calling me.... it has something to ask and something to tell:





Message from the Sun/Son


The Sun it is Alive... it IS

Opening,  it Shares its Truth to You, It is....


Saying, bring me your ALL


For in your center, same as mine

is the opening where ALL IS FOUND,

no bind, beyond sound!


Release all to me and through me

As my blessed Venus, your Gaia's sister and


holds you again to her breast 

Wrapping the fingers of all god and all good around you,

and into and through your



It is time to resist nothing......


All that you are:  BRING SO WE WILL GIVE

Leave nothing to mind about,

Leave nothing to pine about,

Take all that is within your being.... all of you


And allow the universe to dance within

As above, so below.


As you open your heart, mind and soul,

Through the keyhole you will go

And your helpful guide, the planetary sort,

Will bring you, all of you, through the PORTAL to

the Center.


Center of love, center of know-ing, CENTER OF ONE

Center of Being, Center of THE GREAT POTENTIAL



Bring It ALL.... As Above So Below!



I bring you this in Re-Memberance and Honor of the All,

GrailHeart Magi




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Lauren Gorgo: The Stages of Rebirth


Lauren Gorgo: The Stages of Rebirth





It’s difficult to imagine that the last 10+ years of spiritual, mental, emotional and physical clearing could eventually give way to a new (human) experience…but this is exactly what the Pleiadians insist is happening as I write this.


The lunar eclipse mid-way portal point is today (June 4th), and we have just completed the first level integration of the photonic infusion from the recent solar eclipse…which was a biggy. Lots of karmic residue surfaced over the last two weeks, and so you may have noticed loads of letting go as you said goodbye and/or made peace with many past encounters during what the sisters termed our “final life review”. Simultaneously, our new operating system was booted and since May 20th we have been scanning and testing for bugs and glitches in the initial set of operations required for living a 5D life in a 3D world.



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Govinda: Venus Transit (Repost)



Govinda: Venus Transit (Repost)

Venus Transit (Repost)

By Govinda - May 2012

Source: via Elevate page on Facebook

Venus passed between the Earth and our Sun on June 8th, 2004, and initiated an eight-year cycle known as the “Venus Transits”.

The Venus Transits cycle is a rare celestial event that occurs every 113 – 130 years, when Venus eclipses the Sun two times – at the beginning and at the end of an eight-year period.

The second Venus eclipse will occur on June 6th, 2012.

Astrologically, Venus represents our relationships with others. Communication is a major factor in all of our relationships. Whenever Venus eclipsed the Sun in past recorded history, there was a major breakthrough in communications.


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Nicolya Christi: The Venus Transit Heart Prayer Meditation


Nicolya Christi: The Venus Transit Heart Prayer Meditation


The Venus Transit Heart Prayer Meditation

by Nicolya Christi



A Prayer to Venus:


This Prayer has been specially written by myself to say to Venus (and to your Higher Self and your Spirit Guides) during the Seven Hour Venus Transit, which starts at 22:09 UTC (Universal Time) on 5 June 2012, and will finish at 04:49 UTC on 6 June. (GMT it begins at 06:40 BST, reaches maximum at 09:22 and ends at 12:04, but best visibility will be at sunrise).

Speak this Prayer from the Centre of your Heart, straight to the Centre of the Heart of Venus.



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A LONG List of President Obama’s Accomplishments! With Citations!


Republished with permission from PleaseCutTheCrap.typepad.com


If you’re one of those folks who thinks President Obama is a “disappointment,” you haven’t been paying attention the last few years. And those of you who try to draw comparisons with the Bush Administration should put away the hallucinogens and have your memory checked.  If you were in a coma for the eight Bush Years, I apologize and forgive you. But please join the real world. So far, this president has done most of what he said he would do if elected; imagine what he could have done by now if progressives had supported him and not given him a Congress that doesn’t look at him as if he’s the demon seed.


Not only is he NOT a “disappointment,” he’s pretty much the opposite. And no, I don’t just say that because he took out Osama bin Laden, helped Libya determine their own destiny for the first time in a while, and because he seems able to handle international incidents without starting a new war. The guy does nearly everything we elect a president to do, and he doesn’t brag about it constantly.



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Of course, most people reading this have no question that it not only works, but that it has a Universe full of benefits.  Frankly, it has come to be know that, Unconditional love is the only key that opens the prison door into freedom.  People who experience freedom become zealots, but why not, everyone can experience it, so why wouldn't someone who loves everybody want to share that freedom?  Love and Peace y'aa 






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Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 6/5/12 ‘Self Awareness and Advancement’




Self awareness and advancement: We would like to speak with you today on ways in which you can further your growth and your advancement while you are here in this physical plane. What you can be working on and focusing on is ways to better accrue knowledge, wisdom and experience throughout your day. How this can be done is through a coordinated effort to share with each other ideas, concepts and your experiences with each other. To do this, interaction is required, and this interaction can be facilitated through the means of the tools that are already at your disposal. The Internet is your source for a wealth of information, and it can be utilized in so many advantageous ways to further your growth and expand your consciousness as you do the work that you have come here to accomplish.


We see so many of you using the Internet in many different ways, and we do see those of you who are getting the most out of this experience, though we do see a number of you not getting out of your time on the Internet what is possible for you. We would like to see improvements in this area by seeing more of you focusing on the subject matter that will bring to you knowledge and wisdom that is of greater importance to you at this time. There are so many interesting and worthwhile subjects to read about and discuss amongst one another, however, the time to indulge in many of these topics and discussions has passed. It is now a time to focus on only the subjects that will bring to you the most you can get from this experience.



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Peace, Law, & Reason: See the 11 Laws of God



Law of Amen


You were made in the likeness of a peace that nothing can disturb. Reclaim your peace that you may attain to your reason for coming into existence – the enjoyment of life.



If in truth it is our nature to be at peace (free of automatic emotional responses) in situations of challenge, then the only thing we need to do is to ignore the emotional reflexes that come up in such situations. What is the point of suffering and destroying our health and performance abilities if we can be at peace—especially when the peace in situations of challenge leads to enhanced intuition and spiritual power.


Amen Truisms:

I live expecting neither gain nor loss, pain nor pleasure from the things I need in life, because my nature is essentially unconditioned.


That which is my Self has no likes, dislikes, preferences or predetermined emotional or thought responses to situations.


I am essentially unconditioned. I cultivate my happiness through spiritual development. I understand that happiness is not a continuous freedom from pain resulting from difficulties.


No one knows my name, neither men nor gods. No one has seen my face, neither my father nor my mother.

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The One Is Huge


We can feel small or equal.  It is our choice...





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Heavenletter #4212 When the World Assails Your Heart


Heavenletter #4212 When the World Assails Your Heart , June 6, 2012 

God said: 


What is the flavor in your heart today? May it be delicious, the flavor in your heart. May it be as sweet like the morning dew. May it have no tinges of anxiety or anything but the sweetness of love, love untainted by hurt or resistance or any of the other many things that have assailed your heart.

If something from the world assails your heart, let it pass through quickly and be done with. Never again keep anything in your heart that does not nourish it. No matter how right you are, change your thinking and let tension go.


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Mike Quinsey – SaLuSa 6-June-2012



Mike Quinsey – SaLuSa 6-June-2012

The new you is emerging out of the shadows of the old paradigm, a new shining you that lights up everything and everyone around you. Your Light is reaching out to others who feel your uplifting energy, and it is awakening them to the higher truth. As more souls do so the Light upon Earth increases and the path to Ascension becomes stronger. It is quickly bringing peace to a troubled world that would otherwise be in complete turmoil. Where there are trouble spots you are seeing the last vestiges of the effect of centuries of negative vibrations. It takes time to remove them but you are winning the battle. There is far more love being sent to them than ever before, and it is helping cleanse such areas. It will be completed when total peace comes to the Earth and we will carry out the final cleansing.


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Lisa Gawlas: The Splitting, The Tight Rope, The Wonder!!




What an “internally” amazing 3 three days it has been.  I had wondered how the splitting in half” would actually plat out in our reality, I think understanding it second hand would have been nice!  But god forbid!

The morning of June 3rd it started in my body.  First my left eye started tearing all day long (into the next day actually) and that of course kicks in the sinus drain.  I had already awoke with a dull headache that day which intensified as the day progressed… sort of.  It was more like on again, off again and moved around my head.

To chime in with my fluids just seeping out of my body, my monthly cycle started with a vengeance.  The entirety of my spine at my back had this rolling throbbing something or another happening.


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An Eyelid Slowly Awakens to Dawn: An NDE Experience



An Eyelid Slowly Awakens to Dawn



June 5, 2012


Your own frequency, tone, mathematical equation and vibration says it all, and you can’t tinker with that.  You just ARE who you are.  I learned that we are here to learn how to Love, Divinely.  And to become Masters of ourselves. To nail down our own lower natures and to Raise up within ourselves our own Highest Self.  We are all working toward Oneness again.

We were traveling upward, I suppose.  My own vibration was changing.  There was a big change in frequency.  Like I was tuning into a different radio station on a grand scale.  I was out in the Universe, and I was being given a kind of show.  Like having an astronomy teacher speak on the beauty of the Universe while laying under the stars at night.  But I was out there amidst them. 


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Michael by GLR Ron Head, Good job, dear friends!


Spanish      Portuguese


Congratulations, once again, on your very successful meditations across your planet.  You have stepped into another new and more powerful level of being.

Those who suspect nothing are going to feel increasingly uncomfortable.  Those of you feeling your way into this are in for some delightful surprises.  Remember to allow yourselves be your changing new selves and not to feel you must try to make any changes whatsoever.  We have reminded you that you are already what you desire.  What you need to become will manifest in its perfect time, just as you have planned it.


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Galactic Earth Truth Report 06-06-12 The Planet's having more unusual weather events




Galactic Earth Truth Report 06-06-12

The Planet's having more unusual weather events.



The Venus transit


Thank You to all that have joined, in one way or the other, in the unified meditation for the Venus transit and the incoming energies of the Goddess!

It's done.

As above, so below.

As above, so within!


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AuroRa Le, Rastran Of Sirius. Setting Boundaries: A Win/Win Situation For All.



Rastran Of Sirius. Setting Boundaries: A Win/Win Situation For All. By, AuroRa Le. June 5, 2012.


✤ Just allow yourselves to Be.  Release the painful ways of old, where every moment of every day must be crammed full to the brim with senseless activity.  Resist the urge to put on your shoes and run hither and yon, when in truth you would rather connect within and simply Be.  Running about is perfectly logical as a means of whiling away the time, as in the manner of the Old Earth.  But it is not by any means the way of the New.  

✤  Let us peruse today’s calendar together, shall we?  What do we see?  So much and yet so very little.  Must you do it all?  Is not any of it expendable?  Are there some to-do’sthat may be scratched off and set aside for another day?  Let us do less.  Less is more, as the old adage goes.  Break the habit of believing that in order to be of worth you must be constantly doing something.  Dear Brethren, you were never meant to be so tired all the time!


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SophiaLove: It is time for Love



It is time for Love




by GLR SophiaLove

The meditation for the Venus Transit was powerful!  It is hours later, early the next morning here and still I am feeling it.  Waves and waves of love wash over me…this is glorious.

The power of love will be realized now.  This year we have a unique opportunity.  It is a chance to actualize our full potential.  We are love.  We are about to discover how much truth has been hidden from us, how much has in fact, has been taken from us.  This will be months of revelations and we will begin to doubt many of the things we have believed in.  

We cannot doubt in the truth of who we are.  We are love; divine beings, here now to transform a planet and her people with the force of agape.  We chose to be here now, to participate in this glorious transformation.  We were chosen because we are up to the task.


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6th June 2012





Hello my friends.  It’s always a pleasure to hook up with you. I know I sounded rather despondent in the last communication … it’s just that … if we were to look back over past ‘chats’… there are times when we get really reved up as if something is about to happen any moment and our excitement once again builds … only for it all to simmer down again and have more or less the same messages repeated. I really don’t mean to sound rude here … but do you see where I am coming from? Folk down here begin to lose heart because of this … and I know this is not your intention … in any way. So I am just trying to fill you in on how it ‘appears’ for us.


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Oracle Report ~ Wednesday, June 6, 2012


Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Full Moon Phase

Did you notice how those people who operate from ego, arrogance, and power issues showed out yesterday?  This was their response to the energy of the Venus transit, which fully awakened Gaia to charting correction within the human collective (and within herself).  You could see how the status quo is going to change.  Today's energy takes a much more mature tone than yesterday's tempestuous energy.  We are more "high minded."  We are likely to be the first to see new potentialities by taking the best of what's been available and making it better. Tonight, Mercury will leave the sign of Gemini and the Ring of Fire energy that has dominated since the New Moon/Solar Eclipse.  This is a very good thing.  It is going to help clear up our minds and our thinking patterns.  It will take a few days for the fog to clear entirely because Mercury will be in trine to Neptune which has been a main player in creating confusion since it stationed retrograde.  The enhanced ability to connect with our feelings and then creatively manifest something real is what will replace the confusion.  It is almost like we will emerge from the smoke of a fire.  You'll feel the shift today and it first may make itself known in the form of melancholy.  This is a natural response.  What's really happening is an adjustment to the shift.  It is somewhat like growing up.

Here's "proof" of the connection and communication between the Earth and the Sun (Gaia/Sophia and Tzolkin) that I've been talking about for so long, sent by a wise owl in Arkansas, a beautiful spiritual warrior.

Earth "Answers" the Sun's Blast


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Sheldan Nidle - June 5, 2012




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The 100% Solution



The 100% Solution

The 100%’s Call to Action!
Angelo Arias
June 5, 2012

We are living in very challenging times, every day as we turn on the TV or tune into the radio, events are happening faster than we can stop to hear it. 2012 is the year as many have stated in prophecy is the year everything Ends!!! What is ending is our current cycle, which will pave a way for a new one. At the moment there is so much negativity, so much death, so much war and people dying. I ask where is the PEACE? Our first thought is to escape the troubles we face on a daily basis. It’s in our nature to find a quick way out. What if I told you that’s the coward’s way out, what if I told you if running away from the problem simply does not solve it.


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TIME TO ACT PROJECT: Brand Switzerland in danger... from Swiss Citizen... who seek justice and human rights NOW... and for ALL...


-- German version below --


Dear friends across Switzerland AND The World,




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FREEDOM PROJECT: Capitol Offense: US officials 'leak' more than Manning?


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FREEDOM PROJECT: N Korea leader bolsters youth morale... HANDING OVER NATION TO NEW MASTERS... N. KOREA YOUTH...





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FREEDOM PROJECT: Al Gore takes on Scott Walker, Romney's health care record, voter suppression and Citizens United












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The Silver Bullet ~ LOVE


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~Message from the Pleiadians~ Sacred Heart Connection


We The Pleiadians step forward right now because we are a closer vibrational frequency to humanity than others. We are in the 5th Dimension and as humanity and your Sacred planet Mother Earth is stepping into the 5th Dimension we are able and willing and wishing to assist those of humanity who are listening.



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The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild 6~6~12




June 6th, 2012


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~Space Weather Upadate~ Solar Wind Speed 644


TRANSIT OF VENUS: The 2012 Transit of Venus is finished, and it lived up to the hype. The inky-black silhouette of the second planet was wondrous to behold as it slowly glided across the solar disk on June 5th and 6th. Images from around the world may be found in the Realtime Transit of Venus Photo Gallery.


For the first time, a spacecraft has taken Hubble-quality photos of a Venus transit. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory recorded the event from geosyncronous orbit 36,000 km above Earth's surface. Click to view sample of the data SDO gathered:



SDO was able to track Venus across the full disk of the sun using a variety of white-light and extreme ultraviolet filters. The resulting movies are not only visually beautiful, but also full of scientific potential, especially for researchers who wish to study the strange dynamics of Venus's atmosphere.



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Steve Beckow – 1990 Oregon Crop Circle A Sri Yantra (Included Video)




Steve Beckow – 1990 Oregon Crop Circle A Sri Yantra (Included Video) – 6 June 2012

Not all crop circles are made in British fields.

In 1990 Air National Guard pilot Bill Miller noticed a strange formation on an Oregon dry lake bed that the Air National Guard frequently flew over on training missions. The massive formation is a quarter mile wide and is located 70 miles southeast of Burns, Oregon, in an area known as Mickey Basin.


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Wes Annac – A Meditation To Aide In Cleansing The Lower Chakras



Wes Annac – A Meditation To Aide In Cleansing The Lower Chakras – 6 June 2012

A dear reader sends along the link to download an audio meditation that will aide tremendously in the cleansing of our lower chakras, as we have been advised to do today by our dear friends, the Hathors. I would also like to say here that the planetary Hathor messages and meditations given through Tom Kenyon are extremely helpful as well. I’ll let our reader explain the beneficial effects of this meditation:


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Lee Harris – Energy : June Energy Forecast – Loving The Feminine Road Less Travelled (Included Video)



Lee Harris – Energy : June Energy Forecast – Loving The Feminine Road Less Travelled (Included Video) – 6 June 2012

The feminine energy is enormously powerful, and we would not be here without its presence. Yet for so long, the power of the feminine has been feared and suppressed within the psyche and attitude on Earth. The feminine represents the felt and unseen. The feminine power is nurture, creativity, intuition, and heart-centred living and loving. In recent years, these qualities and their value have been rising and are increasingly demonstrated in many men and women worldwide.

This month, the lid comes off the volcano where the feminine is concerned. June 5th, the day I finish writing this, is the day of the Venus Transit. The first in 8 years. The suppressed feminine will rain on and through all of us throughout June, and the results will be electrifying and destructive in equal measure, depending on your relationship to masculine and feminine energies in your life.


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Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Open your Heart Be open to love



Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Open your Heart

Be open to love



Every answer you seek is in your heart right now. Take a moment and close your eyes and ask you angels to help you to feel more love right now. Open your heart chakra and heal any parts that you have been protecting so many years and be open to giving and receiving love. It is a wonderful experience when you heal your heart and allow it fully open. Like  fresh blooming rose reaching for the sun, your soul longs to be loved and share love.


Your angels will illuminate you and help you connect with your own deeper knowing, helping you to absorb information, and find the answers that you seek. Call upon us for direction and strength. Call upon us to remove any thoughts and feelings of unworthiness and will assist you in becoming open and wise. Know that you deserve to live abundantly, joyfully and know that happiness awaits your every turn.


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My dearest ones,

I am in contact with you again. I am at a place where I can see everything that is happening on your planet.

Gaia has an important place in the Universe.

She is a wonderful planet and she deserves to be crystalline extended and to pass through, to the other side of the veil, where the other ascended planets are also. But it is not enough to activate only her natural vibrations.

Gaia is not alone. She also has her children. All of you are those children. You can contribute to the raising of your planet's vibration if you raise your own personal vibration.

We on the other side of the veil, from your heavenly homeland, from Home (Hestia), we await for this raising of your vibrations from all of you.


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It was not sacrifice at all... As You did not die couple of hundred of times here on Earth because FMGod made you too.... You did not do any 'crimes' or any heinous acts because it was your 'destiny'...


You did them as you choose too... You are here to simply experience Life, and to realize how fast [or slow…] you can recognize GodSelf, how fast You can remember FMGod, how fast You can start giving self to others, without asking anything in return…


Stop doubting about et's or dark cabal's or white dragons... and start breathing consciously... as this is the only thing that you are sure that you are doing for self, and by your self... freely and consciously... BREATHE...



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