~ We are Pushing On Through~ Blast of Light Incoming~

Submitted by Lia on Wed, 04/25/2012 - 10:15

The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~4~24~12 All Events to occur, By Divine Decree~


The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~4~24~12



~Bringing Humanity Home~ Energy and Event

Update~ All Events to occur, By Divine Decree~


Photo By Earth Allie Will Harader ~ Our Craft are Here~


Greetings Love Beings... Yesterday, we announced that we Had hit the go Button. What this means is we have reached an energetic level and a critical mass Now awakened, which will begin a series of events. These Events will assist us in Humanity's and Mother Earth=Heart's Destiny.




Again today we had Lots of Earthquake activity, however, none were damaging. Our Volcano's are heating up though. We can look forward to even more increased activity in Volcanic and Earthquakes as a result of the CME that hit this Planet today. Our Current Solar wind speed is around 522.



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FREEDOM PROJECT: Assange's mainstream friends U-turn after show boom


The media that once praised Julian Assange, hailing him a hero for his work as a whistleblower, has now drastically changed its tune, after the debut of his talk show on RT. While some say it's due to journalistic jealousy, others believe the U-turn is political. Laura Smith reports from London.

RT on Twitter http://twitter.com/RT_com
RT on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/RTnews


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Tuesday, April 24, 2012




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Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 4/24/12



I just want you to know that no one who wishes to relocate from areas that we feel may be prone to some flooding will be left behind without our assistance and given every opportunity to relocate to areas we consider safe from any rising sea levels. You may help us help you by removing any doubts or fears that you may have that your lives may be in some kind of danger. Your lives are not in any kind of danger or perilous situation. Your lives are completely safe, and you possess the choice and all the power that you will need to ensure your individual safety as well as the safety of your families.


No one will be forced to relocate. We do not do this. We also will not leave anyone behind who wishes to accept our assistance. We also will not do this. Try to see this period in your history as a challenge and a test for you to measure how far you have come as a society, how much you have learned, and how far you have removed yourselves from the limiting emotion of fear. Do your best not to see the days ahead as doomsday or the end of the world, as this is not at all an accurate depiction of what lies before you.



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FREEDOM PROJECT: Julian Assange's The World Tomorrow: Slavoj Zizek & David Horowitz (E2)


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~ Unconditional Love ~ The Truth


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FREEDOM PROJECT: Keiser Report: Beggars Without Borders (E279)


In this episode, Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert discuss debt piles and thin dimes. They also discuss Christine Lagarde begging for money outside Penn Station while insider trading bankers 'charitably' talk to beggars at Grand Central. In the second half of the show Max talks to economist Michael Hudson about the austerity, debt and fraudulent conveyance.

Follow Max Keiser on Twitter: http://twitter.com/maxkeiser


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FREEDOM PROJECT: James Turk gives his timeline on the Dollar's Collapse and Gold's role as the messenger!


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Drekx Omega: What is the Purpose and Mission of the Galactic Federation of Light?


Drekx Omega: What is the Purpose and Mission of the Galactic Federation of Light?



THE PURPOSE & MISSION OF THE GFL IS TO HELP FULFILL THE PROPHETIC REALIZATION OF THE DIVINE WILL OF HEAVEN……..Which is to bring all of physical creation within this galaxy and eventually others, into light polarity….such that physicality becomes a perfect mirror of Heaven and not an imperfect mirror, as has been the case…


This desire for perfecton is the stated intent of spiritual evolution….such that creation and creator become perfect reflections of each other and thus become self-realised at cosmic levels. It is the intent of Lord Surea who is representative of PRIME CREATOR within this galaxy….



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Sheldan Nidle 4-24-12…”Heaven’s green light… is to be given to us at any moment!”


Sheldan Nidle 4-24-12…”Heaven’s green light… is to be given to us at any moment!”

 Commentary and Highlights Thanks to Kauilapele:

I began to feel the vibration of this one even before reading it. It aligns with many other recent messages, regarding what is occurring right now to bring us out of the old duality paradigm and into the new. The stage for the next major events is being set, has been set, and, according to this message, the Big Show is about to manifest. And after that, we continue preparation for the Really Big Show. Ascension.



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Wes Annac ~ To Followers of Christianity and Catholicism


Wes Annac ~ To Followers of Christianity and Catholicism


To all those who follow Christianity and Catholicism:

Stay strong in your Light and in the Light of Jesus Christ, dear friends. He is very real and He Loves you unconditionally. There are going to be many revelations in the immediate period ahead that are going to break the controls and constraints that have been placed over the once Lighted views that make up your belief systems. Nobody will be telling you that you are wrong or that dear Jesus and God do not exist, because they do and they are Guiding any soul on Earth who wishes to connect with them.



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Cobra~Freedom Reigns-Mass Arrests for the cabal


 Cobra~Freedom Reigns-Mass Arrests for the cabal


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Letting go of FEAR - the fastest way to FREEDOM from FEAR





GO SKYDIVING!!!  It is probably the craziest thing you will ever do BUT...it will teach you to LET GO OF YOUR FEARS - literally in an instant.  I LOVE being up there it is so peaceful and beautiful and it sure beats GOLF!!!


MY story:


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G2 Geomagnetic Storming in Progress


Published on Apr 24, 2012 by

A long-lasting Geomagnetic storm that reached very close to the Strong G3 level....


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I believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. If any individual wishes to go beyond the fair use law, they should contact the copyright owner for permission.

All videos by Pinksapphiret. Please do not mirror or embed to Power Tube, or Zippcast without my permission. Thanks for understanding..



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Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 4/24/12




Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 4/24/12


by GLR Gregg Gilles

I just want you to know that no one who wishes to relocate from areas that we feel may be prone to some flooding will be left behind without our assistance and given every opportunity to relocate to areas we consider safe from any rising sea levels. You may help us help you by removing any doubts or fears that you may have that your lives may be in some kind of danger. Your lives are not in any kind of danger or perilous situation. Your lives are completely safe, and you possess the choice and all the power that you will need to ensure your individual safety as well as the safety of your families.  


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The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~4~23~12 We have Pushed the Go Button


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In Response to "You Want To Know God, Feel Your...Shadow..."


Perhaps, on some level, I've intuitively comprehended and embraced the necessity of coming to know my own Shadow...maybe this is due to many lifetimes of darkness wherein I exerted only feeble half-measures to find my way free, or maybe because I remember as a breech-birth trying to claw my way back ("...please don't send me out there again, there will be too much pain...") or maybe because, as a child born with an inner Light that the ill adults in my world wanted to steal or stamp out, I instinctively went inward to a world where faeries and spirits could comfort me, and yet every year it became harder to breathe, every year it was more apparent to me that I didn't want to be here...and this would always be the point at which my soul sought to forcibly leave...and repeat ad infinitum, the futile pattern...


I only remember one previous life with any detail, maybe a second one farther back, but the one I believe to be my most recent incarnation is the one that has spoken to me, haunted me, ever since I remembered it...him, rather, at age 19...I don't have a lot of details. All I know is that he was a young, handsome, fair-haired Englishman who was quite smart, but very socially phobic. He also had terrible scars on his face and body which I originally mistook to be acne and other assorted scars from I knew not what. It wasn't until I met with a female shaman about 7 years ago that I was given more of a glimpse of his truth. She confirmed my memory but said that the man had survived Smallpox, not acne, and that the scars his illness had left him with were so shameful to him, and that in addition to his general anxieties over being among people, and his self-reproach regarding possible homosexual leanings, he one day decided enough was enough and so he blew his brains out...



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Imagine an end to any mindset that disables you...




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Police UFO Sightings / Open Lines - 04-20-2012



Subscribe To Get Notified Of The Latest Releases As They Come Out

Police UFO Sightings / Open Lines - 04-20-2012


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FREEDOM PROJECT: Google's Schmidt testifies as Oracle rests copyright case ...



Google's Schmidt testifies as Oracle rests copyright case





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Sun Eruption - April 24, 2012 C-Class Flare and CME


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FREEDOM PROJECT: Greeks detect hypocrisy as Dutch coalition stumbles ...



Greeks detect hypocrisy as Dutch coalition stumbles


By Sara Webb and Lefteris Papadimas

AMSTERDAM/ATHENS | Mon Apr 23, 2012 6:47pm BST

(Reuters) - For months Dutch Finance Minister Jan Kees de Jager has subjected Athens to regular dressings-down on the dire state of its finances. Now, with his coalition brought to its knees by a row over budget cuts, Greeks may detect a whiff of hypocrisy.

Even by the standards of the blunt-talking Dutch, De Jager hasn't minced his words in demanding that Greek leaders submit to EU demands for punitive austerity measures - or forget about getting any help to avoid bankruptcy.


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Obama administration comes out in opposition to CISPA



The Obama administration has just made public its opposition to the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA). Where SOPA, the previous big-deal bill regarding the Internet, would have given the US federal government enormous powers to remove sites from the Internet, CISPA would grant the US federal government the power to spy on just about everything that happens over the Internet. This would be allowed without any oversight, such as needing a warrant before performing a search, and is a direct violation of the 4th Amendment of the US Constitution.


More information on CISPA: https://docs.google.com/viewer?url=http://lofgren.house.gov/images/stor…


More on Obama's opposition of CISPA: http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/2012/apr/24/cispa-cybersecurity-bi…



It's been said that an innocent man has nothing to hide, so the Galactic Free Press invites the US Government to open up all its many many secret files for the whole Planet to view. The power a government has over its people should never outweigh the power the people have over their government.


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From 5D News~Are you ready to go home to 5D Earth?


From 5D News~Are you ready to go home to 5D Earth?


5dNow is the time to start working in overdrive on our spiritual progression.  This window of opportunity is closing and it’s imperative for those who wish to make the transition to decide whether they want to be part of the new transformation of 5D Earth or remain in this three dimensional, fear-ladened reality.  Each day, we have the opportunity to synchronize our minds and bodies, through intention, prayer and meditation, to the cosmic source of abundant energy, which is helping to assist us in this transformation.


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Heather Fraser ~ Leap of Faith



Heather Fraser ~ Leap of Faith

Sacred Scribe | April 24 2012

A couple of posts ago, I wrote about being called out.


One of the ways that happened for me was to finally join Facebook and begin to use it as a way to build a little community of Love in the vastness of the Universe we are blessed to be human in.

No big deal to most. BIG deal to me.


Along with this “being called out vibe,” have been other massive inner upheavals of energy, all of which is still continuing to draw me out of the inner world I have needed to live in for the past three years or so.



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~~THE CONSITUTION~ THE KEY TO HUMANITY'S FREEDOM~ We The People~ May these Words Ring Your "Liberty Bell"










The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America

When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.



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we are wired to intake all the energies of all creation.reality, equal to us, is eternal.
the way love is with us, is that we never get to tight , and we never get to loose.
our experience is a gradual one, and it will always be like that.
each of us is interdependent of all life, we walk together, but ultimately do not follow.
we take guidance from one another, and this is a part of our instincts or primal energies.
we deal with selective awareness, and in this there is a form of ignorance, which tends
to lead to suffering, an innocent suffering and an innocence in awareness.
there is also the cessasion of suffering as it is as well, and that cessasion
is experience by being willing to go through ones suffering, to be with it as it is.
the simple acceptance of this experience, will allow one to transcend the suffering.

confusion is healthy, go through your misunderstanding of whats going on
and you will gain clarity within you. the egomind cannot understand any of this,so
it is being dissolved gradually, hence the disorientation within one's self.
choosing that which brings you joy in right action ( ethical conduct) is the way.
knowing the rules to break them properly, and doing all that you can to fix them
is also the way. approaching love and cooking with reckless abandon is also the way.
those 3 are also ultimately effortless when one is being present within the love they are.
when you try to be present within you the love you are, you are identifying with the

more to come.....


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2012 the year for TRUTH ~ LIGHT~ YOUR SOUL


The world is changing, evolving and so are we all. The energy around the planet now for 2012 gives greater opportunity to awaken to many truths that have been veiled. Consciously grow and understand the ever unfolding perfection of yourself and live it.



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High Council of Arcturus !!!


Ambassador Arcturus Ra Speaks on the current current.


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~Cut the crap folks, Wake Up~


~Author of Post by A Guest at the Galactic Free Press~ A Response to this Post http://soundofheart.org/galacticfreepress/content/note-bix-weir%E2%80%A6-%E2%80%9Cturning-tables-%E2%80%9Cdoubters%E2%80%9D%E2%80%A6prove-it%E2%80%9D#comment-11262



"You have to believe to achieve"

Those who doubt, are still stuck in fear...one of the dense energies many of us are trying to transmute from the hearts and minds of mankind.


Divine Creator has a plan and that will unfold as it is meant to be.


Why anyone would want to continue carrying on in a pessimistic dense old outdated slime driven way of life is beyond me!!!!!!



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Goin' with the Flow...



To all of my lovely GFP babies out there,

Today I am breaking in my first official GFP blog... so HELLO WORLD!


I planned on starting this blog last week, but due to the massive amounts of energy shifts I have been experiencing, followed by extreme exhaustion and back pain that left me feeling paralyzed...


I am finally able to "Go With the Flow" again... So here WE go!

I wanted to speak on the topic of integrating our higher selves with our 3D bodies.

This is something I have been intuitively experiencing over the past year, but haven’t mentioned it. However, today when I read Ron head's channeled message via Archangel Michael, I was OVERJOYED:



In this post Michael says:


"Along with the energies incoming to your earth will be the energies of your own higher selves beginning to manifest into your physical selves.  Without the changes we are discussing, that will not be possible for you.  These will not be overnight changes.  The alignments and energy which begins these for you now may cause some discomfort, but allow that to settle for you.  Quickly thereafter it will become quite a pleasant experience.  As you say so often, “Go with the flow.”



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Wes Annac – SanJAsKa : Imagine Atlantis And Lemuria, Uniting And Ascending Together



Wes Annac – SanJAsKa : Imagine Atlantis And Lemuria, Uniting And Ascending Together – 25 April 2012

-by Wes Annac-

Honoring the Light that you are is very important in maintaining your own balance and stability. While you are all on Earth you are going to make what you perceive to be mistakes and you are going to seem to act out of alignment with your own Life plans and with your versions of what events in your Lives should be. Honor and Love yourselves when you find yourselves repeating old paradigms and seeming to lack the energies and feelings of the higher realms that you wish so dearly to reignite in yourself.


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Heavenletter #4170 Wouldn't You Like to Hear God's Voice


Heavenletter #4170 Wouldn't You Like to Hear God's Voice, April 25, 2012 

God said: 


I am speaking to you all the time. Hear My Voice. It is in everything. I whisper your name. Your name is Love, and I call you to Me. So, come along. Would you really keep Me waiting?

I am patient, and I can wait. I know not time to wait in. I just AM. I AM sitting still and wondering about all your motion and activity. 


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Lee-Anne Peters – Maintaining Balance When There Is So Much To Do! – 25 April 2012



Lee-Anne Peters – Maintaining Balance When There Is So Much To Do! – 25 April 2012

Do you ever feel overwhelmed by everything you need to do, what needs your attention and the rush of your day?  Maybe you struggle to get everything done and then have time to rest and play as well… maintaining your sense of BALANCE can be a struggle, however, my suggestion is to make it FUN!


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The Astrology of May 2012 ~ for Everyone


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One to Recall Often




  "I Am, the full manifestation of Grace, the action

  of Divine Love transforming Humanity at this time."


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Natural Remedies: Back Pain




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You are spreading your wings. – Michael by GLR Ron Head



We bring you now encouragement and support for your efforts to awaken and throw off sleep, to realize yourselves as you truly are.  The stirrings in your hearts are now being felt in an ever strengthening manner.  You are spreading your wings.


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~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 04-25-2012 ~ No stopping changes



~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 04-25-2012 ~ No stopping changes



As some videos show, those not aware of why these changes are occurring get confused and/or scared. Weather seems to be flipping all over the Planet, snow instead of flowers and flowers where there should be snow. New glaciers where there was grass and ages old ones dissolve... That is why it becomes even more important to spread the message. The Planet is Changing. It is nothing to be scared of, simply be aware and follow your own intuitions as they come from YourSelf.

The changes are for Good... go with the flow and smile whenever you feel like.

Spread your energy of Love, full the Earth’s Heart tank as it had been left empty for so long... and Mother Earth will smile back at you 1000 times.


Love you so


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This is!



This is any felt that I become so thin and pale only am obviously am distanced a short note I actually to cross result in not the peaceful this world really am a riddle!diablo 3 power leveling Why do you I stand on tiptoes in the circle highly cannot and? Crazy is one kind of sickness gentle is also one kind of sickness. tera power levelingSince wants me to guess that must have a truth! guild wars 2 power levelingYou in south, but I in north?wow powerleveling This world is really a riddle! Has some feelings you to let loose has some fresh flowers you to let it be elegant! wow power levelingThe years contract acute disease you why the foolish concealment? This world is really a riddle!



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Visionkeeper – Let Life Be A Mirror



Visionkeeper – Let Life Be A Mirror – 25 April 2012

(picture by www.favim.com)

I spoke yesterday about how our thoughts create our reality. That is such an important thing to understand and if you can’t grasp the meaning of it, then just look around you. We have such a strong attachment to nature and it seems every time we are out in it we see multiple scenes of beauty, often serenity and calm like the picture I chose today. Why is that do you suppose


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~Great Joy and Happiness await Humanity~ John Smallman


~Great Joy and Happiness await Humanity~



Humanity’s progress along the path to awakening is now constantly accelerating because ever more Light-holders are releasing old attitudes that are “way past their sell-by dates.”  Instead, they are embracing the Love that surrounds them, with the intent to maintain themselves centered within the divine energy field at all times, and to share the Love that it offers indiscriminately with all on the planet.  The result is that the Light emanating from them is becoming increasingly brilliant, and the power it provides is continuously intensifying and flowing out into the world to bring about the changes that will allow and enthusiastically encourage all to move forwards towards the grand moment of awakening.



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Indeed, what else is left to worry about?... Are you going to be on the right spot when arrests starts happening publicly?... Are you going to be fully dressed up for Celebration, or You will start arming your self with pitches and forks?...


Do you see self simply walking out of your door, raise your hands toward Sun, and scream: I AM FREE!... I AM FREE!...


Can you imagine your first neighbor who you did not speak for years, coming out of his house, running toward you, and you embrace him/her with big hug?...



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Russian Stock Market Closed Indefinitely - Will Not Reopen: "the Situation Has Been Recognized As An Emergency"





Russian Stock Market Closed Indefinitely - Will Not Reopen: "the Situation Has Been Recognized As An Emergency"


Posted on April 23, 2012 by LT


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Mt.PoPo in Mexico/Live Cam of Eruption/ Imagen del Volcán Popocatépetl


Solar Pressure Increases/Liver PoPo Web Cam on the Volcano Page @ http://www.mrcometwatch.com


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~ Eden ~



God let us out to play for a while '

and now He's calling us in ,

We thought we had left the garden

To get embroiled in 'sin',

Twas only a though ....a dream state,

And nightmare's sometimes it seemed

But now as you giggle and laugh more 

You know you've woke up from the dream

Your still at home with your Father

Your brother is Christ HimSelf

The treasure chest's wide open

For you to recieve your wealth

The gems from Revelations,shine through the density

The masks that we've been wearing,


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"The Great Switch" --Sun's Magnetic Field Does a Complete Reverse Every 11 Years



"The Great Switch" --Sun's Magnetic Field Does a Complete Reverse Every 11 Years





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Love Shines On, Good Bye Bankers


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UFO Sightings The Man Who Summons UFOs World Exclusive! Multiple Eyewitnesses!


UFO Sightings The Man Who Summons UFOs World Exclusive! Multiple Eyewitnesses! Robert Bingham claims he can summon UFOs telepathically! On April 17 2012 at the Park Plaza Hotel California Robert Bingham along with many eyewitnesses achieves the impossible! Subscribe for part two of this Incredible Event!


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The Blue Skies of 'Bama...


The Blue Skies of 'Bama..

That's Ala-bama for those who may have been thinking O'... :)


There's always lots of sunshine here in this part of the world. When people think about our neck of the woods though, they may usually associated it with tornadoes. I know I did before I moved here last year.. So far so good. We only had one night so far, where we had to hang around the shelter, but thankfully, none of thoses spinners landed anywhwere near us.


Living in a tornado zone, is sort of like living anywhere else in "the world". You know disaster could hit anytime. but you just watch the weather and act accordingly. You don't give it much thought until some signs begin to appear on the weather map. When the colors of that radar turn red, you know its time to pay attention and move! I now live in an area that is prone to this type of disaster. I've driven by Tuscaloosa right after that mile wide twister hit in April of last year. That was about two weeks before I moved here. It got my attention.




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The Missing Piece


The beginning is where it all starts.  On this much we can agree.  There is a moment in linear time when we each arrived.  This is our beginning as a person.  The physical reasons for our birth are identical; the decisions to engage in the physical act that produced us are as varied as we are.  Some of them were conscious; offspring was part of the intent.  Some of them went no further than the act itself; our arrival was a surprise to our parents.


There is now information “out there” that points to a specific and planned beginning for the human.  It may be a challenge, an affront to what you have been told.  It is another view that once adopted as a possibility – throws the door wide open for expansion of thought in many directions.  The traditional stance on creation is polarized – we were either divinely created by a benevolent god or we naturally evolved from an ape.  There is a missing link that causes a problem for both scenarios and faith is necessary.


This third possibility says that “in the beginning” man was made, yet in a lab and using the ape in combination with genetics from an advanced race – the one called “god”, “elohim”, “he who from the sky came”.


If true, then that would mean that both sides have been right all along.  This is good news.  Everyone can retain their dignity and belief system now.  This was the piece to the puzzle we did not have. We have it now.


We are in the age of enlightenment.  There are truths uncovered daily and sometimes it feels, hourly.  We are about to discover where the pieces are, what they look like and why they’ve been hidden.


I love hearing stories of my childhood, even things that happened before I showed up.  It puts my whole life and family in perspective.  I get a better sense of who I am.



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Oracle Report ~ Wednesday April 25 2012





Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Crescent Moon Phase

We have two dynamics at play today.  During the daytime hours, it may seem like there is no way to overcome the distance (the gorge) between you and something else (an answer, a person, a situation, an obstacle).  There is, but it will take time, energy, and, above all, help.  This energy is trying to help us overcome separations of all kinds and solve problems.  But it does this by making us see where we need help and it will force us to seek help if the situation is important.  


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The manuscript of survival ~ part 125


We have often times come across with messages that mayhaps seems to be rather superfluous to some, but this is not the case for so many out there still struggling to keep their heads above the waters of this swiftly flowing river of change. In other words, we will not cease these missives in any way, but they will be tailored to the needs for those still trying to get a grip on what is going on. Many are after much more detailed messages, they will want confirmation on certain subjects or even certain events that are rumored to happen on certain dates. Well, let us just say that we will contuine in this vein for quite a while yet, as there is indeed so much change going on now it will be difficult at times to keep your footing amidst all of this turmoil.



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~Space Weather Update~ Chance of X Class Flare's~ Wind Speed 668


CHANCE OF FLARES: Sunspot AR1465 has developed a 'beta-gamma-delta' magnetic field that harbors energy for X-class solar flares. Because of the sunspot's location near the middle of the solar disk, any eruptions will likely be Earth-directed. Solar flare alerts: text, phone.



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Dear Everyone at Nanaimo Serenity Lodge


Introducing Mr. Robert Benson, Warrior for Light & Love !

Letter posted on Robert Benson's door morning of April 25, 2012

Dear Owners, Management, Staff, Trustees and Residents

Nanaimo Serenity Lodge

Hereonin, the health and wellness of Mr. Robert Benson is a public story and all who care for him are in the public eye through the work of the Galactic Free Press. Our work is intended to lift all of humanity into the light of truth. As of this moment, the treatment of Mr. Benson is of interest to the world, and you each have an important part in this journey. Together, we are the ones we have been waiting for. [with some editorials as I can't remember exactly what I wrote and camera#2 the Rebel has just bit the dust].


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Imagine Becoming A Voice For Others...




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The View From Down Here - New Objects Blazing Trails in Saturn Ring



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Stretching Science: A Smarter Power Grid & More Clean Energy Research




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Healing Earth News - What A Busy Day!


(editor's note: Rather than become disheartened by the negative news of mainstream media, I challenge you to look deeper -to find healing earth heroes in your own community. There are people all over this beautiful jewel we call Gaia working every day to correct the damage we have done. They are doing the physical clean up work, or putting the intellectual thought into solving these problems. Please join me in sending them all energies of love and support. ~All my Love, Boo)


It's a busy reporting day for Gaia! I have not one but FOUR news articles to pass along to you today:




We’ve reached A Billion Acts of Green!



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Riding the Intense RollerCoaster of Change! by Lisa




by GLR Lisa Gawlas

Today, my adventure in Virginia comes to an end.  I will be heading back to New Mexico later today.  This has been the biggest, most intense emotional roller coaster of my recent life!  After I got the elephant off of my heart yesterday, it is amazing how much beauty and perfection you can see in all that has transpired.  All of life is always, constantly conspiring to bring us each to our greatest expression possible.  Most especially when it appears that in an instant, everything has turned to shit!


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