~We As A Collective Consciousness Are The Ones ~

Submitted by Lia on Sat, 06/09/2012 - 10:39



~We As A Collective Consciousness Are The Ones Who Will Determine When We Are Ready To Forever Change The Vibratory Nature of Planet Earth Through Connecting With The Universal Christ Consciousness! We Are The Ones Who Are Awakening And Changing The Mindset of Those Around Us! We Are The Ones Who Are Creating Changes Within Time-Space Continuum! We Are The Ones Who Together Create The Ripple Affect In The Cosmic Waves To Bring About Our Galactic Family To Us, So We May Meet Them For The First Time! Our Energies Have To Coincide In Unison As ONE, In Order For Mass Changes To Happen! Believe In The Power of Your Mind! Project A Visual of First Contact! Keep Doing This Everyday, And You Will Bring About Positive Changes On Earth!


Changes ARE Happening At A Rapid Rate! Time Is Being Altered,Through Changes In The Auric Field of Gaia! You Are Being Watched And Studied By Numerous Ships As They Change Your Material 3D Human Substance From Carbon Based To Crystalline! It Is Up To Each Individual of What Your Reality That You Choose As Your Life Path, In Order To Manifest Which Path You’ll Take!


As The Dimensions Merge Together, Beings From Every Level Are Coming Through Portals! It Is A Huge Transition For Earth To Undergo All of These Incredible, Enlightening Changes! Never Lose Sight of The Fact, That There IS A Heck of A Lot Going On Behind The Scenes In A POSITIVE ~ PEACEFUL ~ LOVING WAY ~ That Is Not Known To You ~ But Soon It Will Be Known To Many! Never Give Up Hope, Knowing This WILL ALL Make Sense To You One Day, No Matter How It Appears Otherwise!


Channels Are Opening! Communication Is Opening! Hearts Are Opening! Your Souls Are Being Sent Immense Golden Light Right Now And Will Continue To Be Sent, Until FULL DNA Upgrade Is Complete! How Your Mind Is Open To Experience The Unknown, Is What Will Determine How Magnificent Your Contact Will Be, With Other Universal Beings! Keep An Open Mind And Follow Your Heart ~ Your Higher Self ~ To Connect You With Who You Truly Are! ~


Blessings Within Light & Love ; ))

Sapphire Stone

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