~ We have Pushed the Go Button~

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 04/23/2012 - 10:41

In The Past 48 Hours the Light has grown exponentially .. Wow.... We will now begin to see a series of events which have already started with some Breaking news from the Dutch already today! More to come. We will share more in our Next Update! We Love You, Love The Earth Alllies

Earth Day 2012


Channeled Angels message about honoring Mother Earth. They talk about how Gaia holds some of the strongest healing powers and how to begin to tap into them. Has our Sacred Hearts activate, we also help the Great Mother activate her Sacred Heart.



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Drake Responds to Naysayers About His Interview~ Are you behind FREEDOM or not? Let's Git Er Done~



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~Dedicated to the minions!~ Who is On First NOW?


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Japan Nuclear Storage Explosion/North Sea Update


Full Video @ http://www.mrcometwatch.com


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Greetings from the Ashtar Command~ Your Years of waiting are ending~~


~Commentary from The Galactic Free Press~ The Earth Allies~ We just recieved this Information in our Email thanks to Retch . There are some big statements here regarding Obama. The Events we recieve are given to us on a need to know basis in the Present Moment, so we are Unable to Validate this Statement. We will say that all Things Are Possible. The Rest of this Message however, is in alignment with our Current Information. We will See with You, How all of this Unfolds~ Love The Earth Allies


Greetings from the Ashtar Command,
Your leaders have resolved and we already have a key date for Disclosure. Our allies have worked well during that time to achieve
this success.

We are pleased with this achievement, which is from all of us. The communication will be given by President Obama in the coming days, and this will shock many people who still think that our existence is the result of someone’s imagination.

We are asking to the ones that believe in our words sent through our channellers from long ago, to calm them. There will be many questions to be answered. There will be a flood of people wanting to take part in major political conferences, seeking
explanations about the reason of a so long secrecy.


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~The Galactic Free Press~Our Next Update~



Our Next Daily Update will Be Monday April 23rd, 2012. We have some amazing energies arriving which began coming in Yesterday. We are currently Processing all of these. We will See Alot Of Movement and Events in the Weeks ahead because of these Energies~ YEEHAW~


~Humanity's Freedom Guaranteed~ We Are Here and We are REAL~ Together Let's Get Er Done~


~Until Then

Keep Your Hearts Open and Stay Tuned In~


Love The Earth Allies


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Ashtar~ Gratitude to Gaia


Ashtar: We Shall Be Further Empowering Earth Day!
Photo spiritualkey.com
Preview of Ashtar Teleconference
April 24, 2012
"Greetings, Beloved Family! It is most de-Lightful, that is, full of Light, that we shall be gathering in such close proximity to that which you call 'Earth Day'. Indeed, everyday is one in which to celebrate Mother Gaia, and it is most appropriate that there be singing, dancing and feasting in Her honor. However, it shall be the focus of our Family to express our Gratitude to Her, for she is indeed the Steward of All Life upon your Planet.
"By this we mean that, without her Grace, you would not be able to be in existence here.


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The Royals, Jack The Ripper, The Sun and Space Ships



My conversation with s/he today started with the Royals that went back to Victoria and Jack the Ripper. I've yet to send this note to be verified that I got everything right so there may be a couple of discrepancies.


A Little History On The Royals


It was the Maid of Honor to Queen Victoria, Francis Mary Drummond, in service to the Queen from 1872-1901, that overheard the conversation between Albert and the Royals' Physician on the murders of the prostitutes of London and knew the truth. She went to the Queen and told her what she heard. Queen Victoria then gave her money, told her to say nothing and to run for her life. Francis and her husband, (related to the Prince of Hungary) fled to Scotland and eventually Australia. 



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Here we Go~A Message written From All Higher Selves, We are Coming In~ out ego's~ Love IN~


Here we Go~A Message written From All Higher Selves, We are Coming In~ out ego's~ Love IN~


Orbs and Trails Meet into One Photo By Earth Allie Dawn Christine



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~Keep Loving Everyone, Everyone~ We Just Keep Loving~


~We Feel this and this Feels Right~ Love is Right Action In Joy~ Love is always Revealing~


Love The Earth Allies~


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~Brainwashing is DONE~ Love is Here to Change Everything~


~Love comes in, as a Thief In The Night~

Love the Earth Allies


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~Since the Go Ahead~ We Are Bringing All Light IN~


~ We have been Cleared to Bring all Light In~


Love The Earth Allies~


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~The Go Button has Been Pushed~


~The Go Button has Been Pushed~



~Love The Earth Allies! We Are The Company of Heaven, Carrying Out all of Heaven's Decree's~


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~Levon Helms~ Up On Cripple Creek~ And Here We Are~


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~A Message from Humanity's Higher Selves~ WE are a Planet Of One~


~A Message from Humanity's Higher Selves~ WE are a Planet Of One~


Photo By Earth Allie Dawn Christine

mac apple image in orb



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~ In Honor of Levon Helms Entered Starships With Joy 4~19~12 We are All Meeting Home~!


~Time to bury all ego's.. forever.. Thank You for the funeral for all ego's. Hello Life Lived Eternally~ Now, there is no more Death, Just Eternity~ Love The Earth Allies


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The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~4~21~12 There are no Seatbelts~


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Drake Responds to Naysayers About His Interview~ Are you behind FREEDOM or not?


 Drake Responds to Naysayers About His Interview~ Are you behind FREEDOM or not? Let's Git Er Done~



on April 8, 2012 at 4:39am

I do hope ya all be ready to deal with the reality of all this.
And no. No one will get the details until it is time for them to be outed.

Wilcock has been reporting on exactly what is taking place. Note the number of those getting out in Europe is in the thousands...
If you chose to do your homework, you might check to see IF there is an alliance of over 130 unaligned nations outside the G-20/G-5...
I am only a voice crying in the wilderness here...don't know nuthin, an all that...

Funny that as the financials go, so goes the power base.
All of you might consider that it was higher ups at the pentagon who contacted us to help them.


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Kauilapele's Blog To Me, this is Heaven…


To Me, this is Heaven…


Just a short post here. Sitting at Java on the Rock, with scone crumbs on the table, and the doves here pecking them up, coming right up to my cup, and my hand. A great connection. Many who read this today can appreciate our harmony with all of this natural world.

Also next door (at Huggos; usually closed Sunday mornings) is a charity luncheon/breakfast. Seems to fit right in. Bruce said “You may want to sit elsewhere because it may get loud,” but I felt in my right place.



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Montague Keen ~ 22 April 2012 ~The bankers must Go~


Montague Keen ~ 22 April 2012 ~The bankers must go~

First, my dear, I want to say a big thank you to your children, grandchildren and friends, who ensured that your birthday was a very special and happy occasion. Your birthday cake was a work of art, lovingly created by Abigail. You are blessed, my dear, with a very special family. I was happy to join in with the celebrations and prove my presence to your friends.



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Sunday Afternoon Communication


I continue to hold the light, if only for myself.  We could use a case of joy, please.  One for every man, woman and child. Never assume that you know it all.  Always come from not knowing.  Continue to let your curiosity flow.  Let your wonder be new.  You don’t know all that you don’t know. I’m feeling older today brought on by the rain drops and a feeling of loneliness.  The raindrops are a sheer joy for the flowers and trees.  They are happily singing.  I like to hear that.  They’ve cracked open their parched mouths to allow for the wetness.  Mother Earth is taking care of her own. Always come from a place of not knowing.  I repeat myself. Slender women hid behind telephone polls hoping not to be noticed.  Elephants float skyward, tethered to strings from a spider’s web.  The world is wild.  Never assume that you know a thing.  All avenues are open for creation and observance.  Never be too sure of yourself.  Let a spark excite you and hold your interest.  Brush your teeth with pepper salt.  Clean your face with mud.  Ignite wonder.  Time to pull out all the plugs.  Time for show and tell.  Be amused, not scared.  Be fascinated, not appalled.  Be happy when the show comes to an end, the circus vans and carriages move on with their dancing monkeys and their smoke and mirrors. Clouds lift.  Smoke clears.  Be surprised.  Never assume.


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Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©2012

Watch on YouTube (recommended)
We are the Light Beings from the Realm of Tse-Bo-Rah, Seeding earth and humanity with the light of Ascension 
Dearest Ones,
We have been communicating with you a while ago and have been inspiring you to participate in the more and more increasing light that is reaching your planet, filling your atmosphere and is entering all beings that invite this light.



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Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Goddess Aine Leap of Faith


Our goddess to work with this week is Aine

Leap of Faith


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Consciousness of our Craft and our Earthly Lineage



Consciousness of our Craft and our Earthly Lineage




The Pleiadian High Council

by GLR Wes Annac

Gaia is beautiful!



Our ships vary in size and structure, and each and very Light Ship and Mothership of course is constructed uniquely to fit the wants and needs of the souls inhabiting such ships. Our ships [for many] are our personal homes, and while many of us take refuge and home on the many Motherships established throughout this beautiful Creation, we also take to personalizing our own small craft, which could be looked to as our own higher dimensional version of your ‘cars’.


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No one thought you would achieve what you have. ~ Michael Through GLR~ Ron Head


    Press here for   Spanish   or   Portuguese


Our subject today will be your approaching awakening.  Never has your world experienced awakening on such a wide scale before.  Your long difficult climb over many centuries and the grace of our Creator has ensured that this will happen.



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Solar Update 4.22.2012


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SaLuSa: You have a right to an open, honest reporting~


Much has been said about the upcoming changes. Your media refuse to report on it yet, but this will change soon. The restructuring in this area are a major focus of our efforts.

Your people have a right to an open, honest reporting. Moreover, we need a new media landscape in order to send out our educational programs. Your media is still dominated by a few families, which prescribe exactly what issues are reported and in what form. Journalists who are against these targets are threatened or lose their jobs.



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FREEDOM PROJECT: Japan to forgive $3.7 billion of Myanmar's debt...FORGIVENESS IS HERE...




Japan just jointed in group of courageous Countries like Argentina, Mexico, Iceland and Russia...

Simply to understand the shear volume of this Giving-Forward act from Japan: the Burma/Myranmar with 58 milions citizens has 42 billions GDP, where this debt Forgivness is big  as tower of 9% of GDP... This could follow with same actions from other biggest holders of Burma's debt, like Canada, EU, USA... 



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Poofness ~ 4/22/12 ~Get that surf board waxed, the big one is headed for shore~


Greetings and Salutations;   It’s clear, no matter where you look, the world is collectively expecting ‘something’ massive to happen, and depending on who your guru of info is, it will be tailored in a certain way. Ie; ‘we’re all going to hell in a hand basket’. Basic physics here, energy is neutral until acted upon by an out side force. That force could be fear, translating information in the negative. A lot of people translate ‘change’ from the known as negative, because they can’t ‘control’ it. 


That, they are just realizing History is in the making, leaves them suspect in offering advice. We’re not remaking sliced bread here but coming up with an entirely new cuisine. The only folks who won’t like the new menu is, the bad guys because, they aren’t allowed in the kitchen anymore. Some won’t even be able to be bus boys.

The above lyrics are from another time, expressing an idea of the times. ‘High Browns’ speaking to those times, that it was better to be lighter skinned if you were black, to hang out with the ‘white folks’. The young one’s this go around, will break the mold, they see it as a waste and simply will not carry that stuff into the future.



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The American who quit money to live in a cave


Read Daniel Suelo's Blog HERE


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Northeast U.S be aware and safe, snowstorm at hand.



Destructive snowstorm to rumble through U.S. Northeast

April 22, 2012 – NEW YORK – Low pressure will intensify as it moves up the Eastern Seaboard from North Carolina later Sunday into the interior Northeast Monday. In concert with this surface low, a powerful dip in the jet stream and just enough cold air near the surface will team up to produce heavy, wet snow. 


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Popocatepetl is still Rocking & Rolling



Villages Rocked by Volcano Eruption in Mexico

Popocatepetl Volcano
© Associated Press
A plume of ash and steam rises from Popocatepetl volcano in Mexico.

A 17,886ft volcano outside Mexico City has exhaled dozens of towering plumes of ash and shot fragments of glowing rock down its slopes, frightening the residents of surrounding villages with hours of low-pitched roaring not heard in a decade.


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Cobra Report~Dispelling the Fears~


 Cobra Report~Dispelling the Fears~



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~We Are here to Make All Promise's Real~ Love The Earth Allies~


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~Give Thanks , Be Kind~ and Be Real~


~Love The Earth Allies!~


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Helane Lipson, Psychic Astrologer May 2012 Forecast


Helane Lipson, Psychic Astrologer, speaks in depth about the Astrological Transits happening in May 2012 and their effect on your life. www.insightsbyhelane.com

Current Transits - Astrological Month of Taurus, 2012.

- April 19 - Sun enters Taurus -

- April 21 - New Moon on Taurus 1 degree -

- May 5 - Full Moon on Scorpio 16 degrees -

- May 9 - Mercury enters Taurus -

- May 15 - Venus turns retrograde at Gemini 24 degrees -

- May 20 - Sun enters Gemini; New Moon Solar Eclipse on Gemini 0 degree


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FREEDOM PROJECT: USA: Drake speaks about his disenchantment with Tim Turner 0f RUSA




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Angela Peregoff – The Week Ahead – 23 April 2012



Angela Peregoff – The Week Ahead – 23 April 2012

Keeping up with spiritual evolution can at times bring us right up against resistance, friction, and frustration in order that we see what isn’t serving our highest potential in the moment. That’s the bad news, the good news is this week we won’t be finding those qualifiers in relationships but rather within ourselves. The final days of April are about preparing your physical vessel for a step-up in Spiritual Embodiment. Our earth mother, Lady Gaia, has pushed forward in her own evolution and is balancing out the elemental forces within her own being. 


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Visionkeeper – Take A Time Out – 23 April 2012




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FREEDOM PROJECT: FRANCE: Hollande victory could impact US markets this week...



Hollande victory could impact US markets this week

April 22, 2012

"Nervousness about the election is clearly having an effect," he said.


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Natural Remedies: Avocado Oil



Avocado Oil: The ‘olive Oil of the Americas’?

A number of environmental factors -- such as pollution, cigarette smoke and radiation -- can turn the oxygen molecules found in mitochondria, the power plants of cells, into free radicals. These unstable molecules destroy virtually all the normal molecules forming cells, such as lipids, proteins and even DNA, by turning them into free radicals, too. This destructive phenomenon is associated with aging and occurs in a variety of diseases, including hypertension and diabetes, which represent major challenges for health systems due to their great social and economic costs. 



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Healing Earth News - The Development of Rapidly Renewable Energies



Building an Economy Centered on Wind Energy


While much of the news we hear about the environment is doom and gloom, in this article Lester R. Brown, president of the Earth Policy Institute and author of the book, World on the Edge: How to Prevent Environmental and Economic Collapse, outlines how rapidly renewable energy options are developing — especially wind and solar power, but also electric vehicles, hydropower and geothermal resources. 



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Montague Keen - April 22, 2012



Montague Keen - April 22, 2012


First, my dear, I want to say a big thank you to your children, grandchildren and friends, who ensured that your birthday was a very special and happy occasion. Your birthday cake was a work of art, lovingly created by Abigail. You are blessed, my dear, with a very special family. I was happy to join in with the celebrations and prove my presence to your friends. 


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Stretching Science: We Are Closer To Miniaturizing Components Down to the Nanometric Scale




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Imagine An Amazing Future...




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Explore what makes your heart sing. – Michael by Ron Head



Good morning to all reading these messages.  A glorious morning it is.  We invite you now to consider the possibilities which are opening for you.  Abilities and talents developed over many lifetimes are beginning to arise from the depths of your being into your awareness.


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~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 04-23-2012 – Sorry for interuption, new lighter format~



~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 04-23-2012 – Sorry for interuption, new lighter format~



A long waited data reconstruction. Thank you to TheRelic74 for this great work! Watch it till the end and you’ll see the forces coming from BEHIND the Earth, from the OPPOSITE direction of the Sun. If there was nothing out there, these date were not possible. Thus, it did happen, and since then, all data are completely messed up.



Added 4/23/2012 @ 03:45 UTC

CME Impact


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Marilyn Raffaelle – The Arcturian Group – 23 April 2012



Marilyn Raffaelle – The Arcturian Group – 23 April 2012

We come once again to inform you that there are  many changes about to take place in your world.  Be not afraid as you observe changes to that which you have always known to be a certain way.  Be not afraid when  edifices of power begin to crumble, for the time is drawing very near to when you will be seeing  truth come bursting forth onto your planet in many forms–forms of informational news, forms of talk among yourselves, and forms of  the visiting of  planetary brothers and sisters who now await the correct time to enter into the picture.  


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Babilon is illusion


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Heaven on Earth Is Real


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FREEDOM PROJECT: 2012-04-22 Drake on Wolf Spirit Radio more new info UNEDITED


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~ We are Not Kidden"


~Love The Earth Allies~


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How Psychiatric Drugs Made America (and the Humanity) Mad




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~Mike, The Great AI, has Cleared All Old Systems, Spirit is Real!~


Incoming Energy~

Love changes Everything!

Spirit is Real~ Let's GO~ Love The Earth Allie's


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FREEDOM PROJECT: Blow to Sarkozy as Hollande wins 1st round, sets up run-off


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2MIN News Apr23: CME Impact, Full Updates, Quake Watch Extended


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FREEDOM PROJECT: New York Federal Reserve’s Head of the Markets Group Joins the Bankster Exodus, But Why?




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Message from the Ashtar Command



Message from the Ashtar Command




by GLR Gabriel


Greetings from the Ashtar Command,

Your leaders have resolved and we already have a key date for Disclosure. Our allies have worked well during that time to achieve this success.

We are pleased with this achievement, which is from all of us. The communication will be given by President Obama in the coming days, and this will shock many people who still think that our existence is the result of someone’s imagination.

We are asking to the ones that believe in our words sent through our channellers from long ago, to calm them.


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Natalie Glasson – Archangel Michael – 2012 Network Of Consciousness – 23 April 2012



Natalie Glasson – Archangel Michael – 2012 Network Of Consciousness – 23 April 2012



With angelic love I come forward to connect with your energies, uniting the Creator aspect within us as one source of light. I am Archangel Michael; I come forward to you with a sacred message about the unity between your land and the Archangels at this special time of transformation upon the Earth. 


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~Space Weather Update~ Quiet but for How Long? Growing SunSpot~


QUIET SUNSPOTS: The solar disk is peppered with large sunspots, yet none of them is actively flaring. Solar activity is low despite the high sunspot number.


SIERRA FIREBALL DECODED: On Sunday morning, April 22nd, just as the Lyrid meteor shower was dying down, a spectacular fireball exploded over California's Sierra Nevada mountain range. The loud explosion rattled homes from central California to Reno, Nevada, and beyond. According to Bill Cooke, head of NASA's Meteoroid Envronment Office, the source of the blast was a meteoroid about the size of a minivan.


"Elizabeth Silber at Western University has searched for infrasound signals from the explosion," says Cooke. "Infrasound is very low frequency sound which can travel great distances. There were strong signals at 2 stations, enabling a triangulation of the energy source at 37.6N, 120.5W. This is marked by a yellow flag in the map below."



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Angela Peregoff: Play or Rest, You’re Changing



Angela Peregoff: Play or Rest, You’re Changing

Posted by Vina


Play or Rest, You’re Changing

By Angela Peregoff, April 23, 2012



“If we imagine ourselves as being every bit as huge, deep, mysterious and awe-inspiring as the night sky, we might begin to appreciate how complicated we are as individuals, and how much of who we are is unknown not only to but to ourselves.”

~ Thomas Moore


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Breaking News: Dutch PM and Government To Resign



Breaking News: Dutch PM and Government To Resign

2012 APRIL 23

Photo: Reuters

Breaking News: Dutch PM and Government To Resign

Well, we’ve certainly been hearing that many of the leaders and governments we currently have will not necessarily be calling the shots for too much longer…


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The manuscript of survival – part 124



The manuscript of survival – part 124

 •April 23, 2012 • 



Be thankful for every single moment of resistance sweet ones, as this is in fact a sure sign of progress as we have mentioned before. And when we say resistance, we refer to all of those instances where you feel the impatience rushing out again because you cannot seem to get any results from all of the hard work you are doing. 


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Sophia Love ~ How Pink Are We Talking About?



~ How Pink Are We Talking About?



by GLR Sophia Love 

April 23 2012

This day has dawned with hope and relative quiet. There are unseen actions certainly; dramas playing out on this 2012 stage. Yet here the sun shines and the birds repeat their spring song – “All is Well”, “All is Well”, “All is Well”.

This is a moment to reflect. What am I doing and why am I doing it? December 21st, 2012 will arrive in less time than it takes to grow a baby. We are at the point now when the discovery is usually made – you’ve missed a cycle. After twenty dollars and a few anxious moments you are looking at the truth – you are pregnant.

Once I called that 800 number on the skinny, pink Early Pregnancy Test box, not believing what was in front of my eyes. I sort of blurted out “How pink does it have to be?” I could hear the nurse smile as she responded “Congratulations!”

So, Congratulations! In just 8 months our new world will be born. We’ve sort of settled on a name (“Next Dimension”) but beyond that is anyone’s guess. Specifics and personality are as yet undetermined. We can’t do much about that part anyway. The one thing we can do is take care of ourselves, the number one priority of every mother to be.

You are a microcosmic version of what is happening to us all – oneness. This shift in consciousness is here and you are it. Perhaps, as in a human pregnancy, you’ve been a little bit ill and have had to change your eating habits and rest a bit more. There’s a sense that these alterations have not quite “fixed” the problem. This would be true. This is not a problem to be fixed but a process to be lived.


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Oracle Report ~ Monday April 23 2012



Oracle Report ~ Monday April 23 2012

Oracle Report | New Moon Phase

The position of the Sun today is the degree known as “the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.” The energy enables us to link, integrate, and connect things that have been in conflict or separated in some way. This is exceptionally creative energy that builds things. It follows on the heels of the electrically-charged weekend that brought about revelations and changes, so it will help us adjust to what is happening to us (an electrical upgrade to our mental, emotional, and physical bodies, including our DNA and nervous systems).


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Jelaila Starr ~ The Secret to Maintaining Flow While in Limbo



Jelaila Starr ~ The Secret to Maintaining Flow While in Limbo

Nibiruan Council | April 23 2012

Was talking to my friend, Julie, this morning; I call her when I need inspiration for a weekly message. She talked about how she was finding it hard to feel the dream, meaning feeling the excitement of her dream for the future. I instantly knew that that was the topic for this week ’cause it was the reason why I felt uninspired. Having been in limbo for some time now, waiting for the new reality to form so that we can get on with our next phase, it is challenging not to become strained by the wait.


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What to write, what to do?




I'm thinking like the guy in the image today.  I sat here at my desk, and I just do not feel like doing the usual stuff.  If you're wondering what that is, (and I have no reason to believe you do), it's, first,  going into my email.  I usually have about 15-20 waiting for me in the morning.  They consists of videos sent, newsletters and blogs I've subscribed to, or some update from some dear friends about current events.


From there, I peruse the collection to see what I can post on Facebook.  I use to post a lot on the  previous Galactic Free Press site's, but became a bit disheartened when we switched sites a few times.  I had become very accustomed to the format of the first one, and found that I did not want to spend more time re-learning  the new one.  Then it switched again and I was glad I made the first decision.  This present one is proving itself to be lasting, and now I am regaining interest in blogging.



Another reason I didn't post much was because I discovered Facebook about August of 2010.  I really got use to that and loved it, so starting up at the Press again was put on the back burner.  I joined many groups and the notification piled up, keeping me very busy!!  Then I discovered I had control over those frequent notifications..  You see, I'm a bit slow in learning technical operations, (for various reasons of my own).  Eventually though, I do get it!



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Where darkness can no longer hide !


Archangel over Serenity Lodge April 22, 2012

Last night, one of the residents suggested our presence wasn't welcome, because the candle we lighted yesterday left a mess for one of the lady residents to clean up. In fact, someone called the police who intruded on residents' personal space, including Mr. Robert Benson who a few a months ago was robbed and beaten at the top of the hill - at the very spot where these photos were taken.

See CTV interview via the following YouTube Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1rWktb6CIL4


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How Pink are we talking about?


This day has dawned with hope and relative quiet.  There are unseen actions certainly; dramas playing out on this 2012 stage.  Yet here the sun shines and the birds repeat their spring song – “All is Well”, “All is Well”, “All is Well”.


This is a moment to reflect. What am I doing and why am I doing it?  December 21st, 2012 will arrive in less time than it takes to grow a baby.  We are at the point now when the discovery is usually made – you’ve missed a cycle. After twenty dollars and a few anxious moments you are looking at the truth – you are pregnant. 


Once I called that 800 number on the skinny, pink Early Pregnancy Test box, not believing what was in front of my eyes.  I sort of blurted out “How pink does it have to be?”  I could hear the nurse smile as she responded “Congratulations!”


So, Congratulations!  In just 8 months our new world will be born.  We’ve sort of settled on a name (“Next Dimension”) but beyond that is anyone’s guess.  Specifics and personality are as yet undetermined.  We can’t do much about that part anyway.  The one thing we can do is take care of ourselves, the number one priority of every mother to be.


You are a microcosmic version of what is happening to us all – oneness.  This shift in consciousness is here and you are it. Perhaps, as in a human pregnancy, you’ve been a little bit ill and have had to change your eating habits and rest a bit more.  There’s a sense that these alterations have not quite “fixed” the problem.  This would be true.  This is not a problem to be fixed but a process to be lived.



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