~ We have Shifted~

Submitted by Lia on Fri, 04/20/2012 - 10:36

Greetings Love Beings, The Energy has Shifted and We are Well on our way to some very exciting events. We will have more about this in our Next Update~ Stay tuned.. Love The Earth Allies

~Is This the Calm Before the LightStorm?~


Is This the Calm Before the LightStorm?

2012 April 19
 by GLR~ Stephen Cook


Is it just me, or is there an incredible stillness in the air; in the atmosphere today? (Or tonight, wherever and whenever you may be reading this.)


For the past couple of weeks – actually I think it is way, way more than that – there has been a real energy increase; a buzz, an excitement, an electricity, a zapping, massive vibe running through – and to – me.


Some days it’s been tangible. Sometimes it’s been overwhelmingly in my face. Sometimes it’s left my ears ringing and ringing.


On certain days – and nights – the tips of my fingers have been literally alive with internal currents bouncing around within them.


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The Mass Arrests Will Remove the Cabal Completely~ Steve Beckow~


The Mass Arrests Will Remove the Cabal Completely

2012 April 18
Posted by Steve Beckow

On April 16, the Huffington Post featured a story on CISPA (the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act), which raised fears that the cabal was trying anew to censor the Internet. (1)


Has the cabal the power any longer to curtail our civil rights and bring in a repressive new world order?   Let’s take a moment to look in more depth at the subject of the attempts to take away our rights and freedoms, the planned mass arrests of the cabal, and the legal proceedings that will follow them.


Long ago (2008), Matthew Ward assured us that we need not fear initiatives like CISPA and that promise has not lost its relevance or promise today:  “Plans based in darkness will not come to fruition and all cruel and unjust laws, policies and traditions will be struck down and in their stead, love and fairness will reign.” (2)



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How Peace Will be Restored to Earth ~ Part 1/2


How Peace Will be Restored to Earth ~ Part 1/2

2012 April 19
Posted by Steve Beckow

Looking at the world today, it’s hard to imagine how peace will be brought to the planet. And yet not only does the Company of Heaven declare it will, but that it’ll be stable and permanent.  Let’s review  how they say war will end on the planet.


Saul summarizes the circumstances that have led to more or less perpetual war in the world.


“For eons, conflict, distrust, and betrayal have been the standard modes of behavior for the vast majority of those living on Planet Earth, and for that majority it is almost impossible to conceive of any other way because it appears to be standard and normal, and to actually trust anyone would seem to invite betrayal and would therefore be insane.



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Serpent Energy Forcast: Letter from Quetzalcoatl on Transformation


Dearest Seshata,



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Power Path ~ New Moon Update April 21, 2012 Beginning anew, Updating our Software


Report through Pat Lile's
~Beginning anew, Updating our Software~

Dear Friends,

New Moon is Saturday, April 21 at 1:20 AM Mountain Daylight Time. For this new moon we suggest spending a few hours in the power of silence. Feel the power of the still point of the new moon and honor the still point in yourself that allows for things to be reset if needed. This is the great void where all possibilities exist. See if you can become aware in your silence of the void and its power. From this place, anything is possible and that is a powerful place to be.



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Galactic Free Press Daily Update~4~18~12 A Tsunami of Love is Moving Across the Planet~


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FREEDOM PROJECT: 2012-04-19 Drake Pre-Arrest Talk amongst Joint Chiefs to other Agencies? UNCONFIRMED


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The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~4~19~12 Upcoming Unique Alignments, Joy Producing~


The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~4~19~12




~Bringing Humanity Home~ Energy and Event

Update~ Upcoming Unique Alignments, Joy Producing~


Photo By Earth Allie Will Harader ~ Large Scout Ship~ We are HERE~


Greetings Love Beings, Energy is on the Move as we Spiral Upwards energetically into the New Moon in Taurus with some Unique Alignments, which are Joy Producing. The Sun's Energy is just blasting into the Planet with Several Sunspots very active. In the day's Ahead we will See alot more of this action to Assist Mother Earth in her release process and Also of the Upgrading of Humanity's Body Hologram Systems.




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Blamed for Bee Collapse, Monsanto Buys Leading Bee Research Firm


Anthony Gucciardi
April 19, 2012


beecollapse 220x137 Blamed for Bee Collapse, Monsanto Buys Leading Bee Research FirmMonsanto, the massive biotechnology company being blamed for contributing to the dwindling bee population, has bought up one of the leading bee collapse research organizations. Recently banned from Poland with one of the primary reasons being that the company’s genetically modified corn may be devastating the dying bee population, it is evident that Monsanto is under serious fire for their role in the downfall of the vital insects. It is therefore quite apparent why Monsanto bought one of the largest bee research firms on the planet.



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~Ground Control~ Starship Earth In Flight~


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Hail Warning in Oklahoma!


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~Just Breathe ~ Magical Events Unfolding~


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O Holy Night * BEST VERSION EVER * True Unfoldment~


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The Truth is Marching On~ Glory, Glory To the End of the old~


~The Truth is Marching On.. Glory... Glory ... Love is Here and Merry Day's Forever~ Join us In Love~ Love The Earth Allies~


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Yet another questioning post... and you are wondering when he is going to stop questioning?... Is it really necessary to constantly questioning our present state of existence?...


Where my answer to this is: Yes... I feel to question this duality and dichotomy till I find all the answers?...  how to get out from this state of fear?... How not to react on events around US?... How to simplified our view what is truly happening around US?... Where to start with this transmutation?...


Will go backwards Up... Where to start with this transmutation?... The most nonlogical and non analytical answer is: Start within... Start transmuting your fears in to simple acceptance... Start feeling worthy for what ever came to you attention... Do not take is as penalty from FMGod, do not take is as karma... Simply take it as greatest piece of script ever written...




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~Learn to Love Yourself~ WOW, This is Brilliant~


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~God Bless America the Ancients Have Connected~


 ~Yojman Came to Visit Father God and I today. He was here for a few moment's, however, within these Few moments we gathered in a three way hug in front of the Sacromento River. This Signaled the ancients connecting at Last. The Sacromento River we live next to, we could hear the raging waters whisper with the words "finally"! Below is the Email we just recieved from Yojman about our visit with Our response, which also contained the Song God Bless America. Meaning The I Am Race Is Established.


Earth Allie Yojman Chase: Mother~FatherGod, My heart and Mind just soared (and soars) when I saw (beheld) you at the door and back deck this evening.
       That ever knowing unhide-able Power of ancient Friends and Loves from long ago <||> each way. I See You.
       Beloved Father God was/is so happy and proud to be there. His Love for the water element,, so evident and facial
        Love you Pop !!!  love and dig You sweet Mamma !!





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How to deal with negative & egoistic people - John Maxwell Taylor


More videos and interviews on http://www.liloumace.com,http://www.juicylivingtour.com

Documents about financial crisis reveal lack of transparency - MSNBC Video

Visit msnbc.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy


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NOW, Consider This, >> as NEWS




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~Transitionary Government Council Meeting~ Review


~Transitionary Government Council Meeting~ Review


Our Craft In the Clouds Photo By Earth Allie Will Harader

~Earth Allie Maia~


We Began the Meeting with this Video:



Gracious day beautiful souls!

As a new initiate within the Galactic Free Press, the meeting  was greeted with excitement, intrigue, observation and a gift to be present with a collection of beautiful Spirits sharing within a harmonic energetic setting of infinite love’s manifestation.  The hours shared together were a bleep in a moment of time taking place with radiance and truth as life’s expression.  The meeting itself is more the catalyst of broadcasting a collective energy of acceptance within diversity and unique experience welcomed with zero judgement and appreciation for all.



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BREAKING NEWS! God Discovered Everywhere Present!


We take you to our reporter live on the scene in Podunk, Tennessee, where local resident Jeb McCoy has made an amazing discovery.


Image by: Bryce Edwards


Galactic Free Press: So Jeb, our report says you found God here in Podunk, could you share with us how that happened?

Jeb: Well, I was just walking along minding my own business, when all of a sudden I noticed God just sitting there.

GFP: Sitting where?

Jeb: Everywhere! God was smiling at me from every atom in Creation. It was the darndest thing... IS the darndest thing.

GFP: Wait, are you saying God is here now?

Jeb: That's exactly what I'm saying.

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Alert! More Booms, Earthquakes, and Strange Light Phenomena in Canada -


Published on Apr 19, 2012 by


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Major Eruption Possible for Popocatepetl volcano


Alert level raised for Mexico's Popocatepetl volcano....a major eruption may be possible.


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All videos by Pinksapphiret. Please do not mirror or embed to Power Tube, or Zippcast without my permission. Thanks for understanding.


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Benjamin Fulford ~ Reader Update ~ 19 April 2012


Benjamin Fulford ~ Reader Update ~ 19 April 2012

From a reader:

Obama’s 50 Trillion Dollar Mistake

Washington, D. C.– Iraq economy coming back – US derailed by DINAR


Promises of the self-financed Iraq war advanced by Bush/Chaney administration were derailed by Obama Administration costing each US tax payer $414,000 – $1,150,000,000 or between $129,000 and $138,000 per citizen. Even by Washington standards that is a lot of money. By comparison the US debt is currently $138,000 per taxpayer and $50,000 per US citizen (http://www.usdebtclock.org/).

The national curency for Iraq, the Iraqi Dinar (IQD), was changed for US Federal Reserve Dollars during the Iraq War. After the new government was established in 2011 the new IQD were to replace the old US dollar as the currency. For alledged self serving reasons the Obama Administration thwarted the global community banking system from putting the exchange price in place. Since the US Treasury or the Federal Reserve were holding 7.5 Trillion IQD the potential gain to the US Treasury was between 33.8 Trillion – 92.1 Trillion Dollars.


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Diaries of a Pleiadian Starchild: 'Starlight, Starbright' - Michelle Devlin


'Starlight, Starbright'
'...First star I see tonight...I wish I may, I wish I might....have the wish I wish tonight....'



Starlight, Starbright

Chapter One

I awoke with a start, heart beating wildly, eyes searching the gloom surrounding me. All was still. Crickets chirruped outside my window, through which moonlight floated, silvery soft in the warm summer air.

I rose silently and padded across the thick carpet towards the gentle breeze. The sky was dusted with stars that night, sparkling and twinkling with an unusual brightness. I looked at them for a long time, gazing at them, studying their patterns and positions.

They had always fascinated me, ever since I was a small child and had wished upon the first one to appear each evening. Their secrets held me in rapture and their power held me in awe. I loved them.


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FREEDOM PROJECT: George Soros and the Bundesbank’s Patriotic Putsch... SOME DISAGREEMENTS BETWEEN MONEY CHANGERS...




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FREEDOM PROJECT: RT: Assange lawyer grounded by authorities?





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Light and Love vibration in the fullest comming our way♥


Hello dear brothers ♥ and ♥ sisters!

Im just a humble student of the school of universe.

I want to tell you about what came to me last night when i was in bed:

This is what univers told me;

It is a messege of hope and love.

One very beutiful day-very soon we will wake upp and think:
Woow- What a strange dream i had-i was dreaming that i was on earth and that we were separated from our souls.
And this was very hard to grasp in the dream.
The strangest thing was-we hade decided this ourself.

And we was learning many hard lessons in this strange dream.
And in the end of this dream there will be a big  light and big vibration.
And then when we slowley awaken up from this dream,it fade away like a mirage
And the inbedded souls memmory will be  realesed in the golden morning after this dream.

In that morning we can open the doorway to love and it  will flow all around us and between every human on this earth and in all universe.

This light may come when we are asleep or when we are awake-it doesnt matther.

It will blow all the fear away.

It will take down the walls betwen all people

And howe do i know this?

I Had a glims of this ligt and the vibration when i got out in my garden earley one morning two years ago.

The higher purpose of this was to experience it and tell about it-to give hope and this is the righ time.

The light that came and enterd my body was pure lovelight-it changedf me forever.

All hate or fear left my body for this light-only pure love remained.
It was a earthquake of pure love-and then the vibration came -this vibration enterd into my body and penetraded everthing-my theeat was shaking in pur blizz
It was the higest vibration of love ,every cell in my body was lightend up...

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FREEDOM PROJECT: Bix Weir…”Take Down of the Federal Reserve System Begins”




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Dear God: I didn't want to escape from the bricks that I laid down...


I've had this amazing new song from Halestorm ripping through my head for days now.

For me it's a tearful story of how the Light can change your very essence...

"Send your ladder in the air and bring me back home!"

~All my Love, Boo



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Who you are is the I AM. And your name is OM (AUM) ~ by Yojman



Who you are is the I AM. And your name is OM (AUM)



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~Tune out mainstream media and tune in to your heart~Maitreya~


Purnaham Purnahamtaram. Om. Greetings this is Maitreya. I am speaking to all levels of your consciousness. I am Maitreya, the 9th Incarnation of Lord Vishnu. I come to you from a place in your Universe which is in your future. In this place the changes you anticipate for Earth have already taken place. We are here to Guide you through the steps of the transition from this moment in time.


2012 will be your year. It is in your best interest to be vigilant with your heart. The orders have gone out to begin dissolution of all the old precepts which you had created as a collective civilization. Do not be detached to the familiar leaving your space time. Release it. You must trust with all your body, mind and spirit. Not blind trust. Complete trust. Denial, fear and escapism are egocentric factors which will hold you up from the progress you seek. Tune out media and tune in to your heart. Take time to breath in the new and merge with Oneness.



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~Video Message~ Galactic Federation Of Light SaLuSa Apr 18 2012


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~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 04-19-2012 – It's a Planet of LOVE~



~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 04-19-2012 – It's a Planet of LOVE~



Greetings Love Beings,

fear is indeed a weird beast... when you don’t know, you live in fear as everything seems scary. When you know you ask if it’s real, thus are afraid of what’s to come. If it does come it scares you. If it does not come as predicted, you’re scared. Is there something that does not press the “FRAR” button?


YES! Oh, look, there IS something... WOWWOW... Amazing! There is a cure against fear. Yes, it is called LOVE. And you know why LOVE cures fear? Cause it’s the only choice one can REALLY make. As it may seem. As in Truth, there’s no choice as fear is part of the illusions THUS, you’ll never discover it as long as you think you live in reality and that reality is scary.



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~All Prayers of Love are Being Answered~


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~Guide us With Your Grace~


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How Peace Will be Restored to Earth ~ Part 2/2


How Peace Will be Restored to Earth ~ Part 2/2

2012 April 20
Posted by GLR Steve Beckow

(Continued from here)


The Company of Heaven does not tell us in as much detail as we might like how they will accomplish peace, but they do block out for us the major moves. SaLuSa informs us that “peace will come to you when the big powers stop interfering in other countries affairs.” (1)  That time will be hastened by the dismantling of all military weapons, he says: “You will soon have to dismantle all weapons of war.” (2)


The galactics could easily cause all weapons to cease working, he reveals: “We could stifle the guns of war if so required by divine instruction, and at some stage that may be necessary.” (3) And now in 2012, he tells us that that time is close to arriving.

“We are paving the way for a declaration of world peace, from which point the use of any weaponry will be banned.” (4)


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Imagine accepting the challenge...



You can create the world you want to live in.
It starts with imagination, dreaming, or visualizing what you want to see. 
You are an AMAZING creator!
Imagine accepting the challenge...
(taken from my FB page "Imagine Your Passion" where the power of thought becomes the power of creation)
What are YOU passionate about? 
We'd love to hear from you
All my Love, Boo


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Natural Remedies: Create A Healing Bath



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Downloading the Programs for our New Solar Planetary CAUSE of Divine Love


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Healing Earth - Sustainable Water, Ethiopian Carnivores, Himalayan Glaciers, Khimki Forest


(editor's note: What a glorious day! All across Gaia humans are stepping up in some really creative ways to make life better for every inhabitant.  ~All my Love, Boo)


IBM, U.Va. Launch Computing for Sustainable Water Project


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Mr. Happy Man


For six hours each day, Bermuda's Johnny Barnes stands at a busy traffic intersection telling all who pass that he loves them. His delight and sincerity are infectious, and the people of the island love him back. His service is a simple reminder of the power of happiness and loving-kindness to change any day for the better.


Here are a couple of  great videos: http://www.karmatube.org/videos.php?id=3059


and from youtube:



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Lee-Anne Peters – Stretching Out Your Day – Play With More Hours!



Lee-Anne Peters – Stretching Out Your Day – Play With More Hours! – 20 April 2012

I had a giggle on Wednesday, when on one of my usually high motivational days one of my friends said “You are a machine Lee-Anne!!!!! You inspire me to do so much more!!! There must be more hours in the day in Tasmania than there are in NSW!!!!” Thanks Camilla, your comment sure did make my day and give me a chuckle.

So what is it about my approach that may be different from yours? How can I get a week’s worth of stuff done in a day, have the energy to do it and have time to spare? And I promise you that we really don’t have more hours in our day in Tasmania… so what’s going on?

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Paradise by SophiaLove



by SophiaLove
  A field of yellow catches my eye and I turn to enjoy the view.  This little patch of dirt, squished between cement sidewalk and highway, is awash with color on this rainy spring morning.  I am surprised.  I drive by here every day and have never noticed.  A closer look offers an answer, these are weeds.

Relentless and persistent, dandelions thrive anywhere.  Regardless of product used, money spent or effort given, the battle seems won by the weed.  

A dear friend of mine loves them and looks forward to their emergence.  It does seem to be merely a preference instead of a fact that dandelions are an eyesore.  You’d be hard pressed to tell the difference from a distance between a field of daffodils and a field of dandelions.  One you plant, the other you pull.


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Council Of Twelve ~ Wesak – Its Importance In 2012



Council Of Twelve ~ Wesak – Its Importance In 2012

Posted on April 20, 2012

 by GLR 

How You & Humanity Will Benefit from the Wesak Blessings

Right now, the annual Wesak blessing energies are building, the enlightened Masters assembling and connecting with humanity. The great ones like the Buddha, the Christ, and Kuan Yin will be with you more tangibly again this season. At Wesak celebrations worldwide, you will be able to sense their presence and receive their wisdom.


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ARCHANGEL INDRIEL. ♥ Miracles Abound.♥



ARCHANGEL INDRIEL. ♥ Miracles Abound.♥

By GLR AuroRa Le. April 19, 2012.


Miracles abound, my children,  and they are everywhere you look.  Do you not feel your hand in God’s, holding the brush as it softly strokes the canvas, creating beauty from what seemed to be nothing?  Peer closely now.  Examine your world with eyes afresh, a child’s eyes, and see the masterful strokes of color – some bold, some fine – telling the story of the approaching  new day.  


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The veil has been lifted further. – Yeshua and Michael by Ron Head




Michael and Yeshua

I bring with me this morning our beloved Lord Yeshua.  He wishes to give the message for today.

Good morning dear souls and friends.  On this day the bond between spirit and matter on your earth has increased, or more accurately, the veil has been lifted further.  Those who see or feel these things are already aware of the change.  This will further enable you to make the changes in your lives which you so deeply desire.

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Mike Quinsey – SaLuSa – 20 April 2012



Mike Quinsey – SaLuSa – 20 April 2012

Everything continues to build up to the point that what is happening where the arrests are concerned, cannot be ignored for much longer by the media. We not only want their support, but events reported as they truly happen and with a truthful explanation. Eventually we will provide our own services to ensure our actions are not misrepresented, but meantime we welcome and thank those of the Light who are in the forefront of revelations through the Internet. Sometimes the reports are somewhat speculative, which means that you must still be discerning in how you interpret them. By and large they will be reliable, but you must still watch out for deliberate disinformation.

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Unmasking: Initiation into Multi-Dimensionality - Children of the Sun



Unmasking: Initiation into Multi-Dimensionality



UNMASKING: Initiation into Multi-Dimensionality


Children of the Sun Humanitarian Foundation 





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A field of yellow catches my eye and I turn to enjoy the view.  This little patch of dirt, squished between cement sidewalk and highway, is awash with color on this rainy spring morning.  I am surprised.  I drive by here every day and have never noticed.  A closer look offers an answer, these are weeds.


Relentless and persistent, dandelions thrive anywhere.  Regardless of product used, money spent or effort given, the battle seems won by the weed. 


A dear friend of mine loves them and looks forward to their emergence.  It does seem to be merely a preference instead of a fact that dandelions are an eyesore.  You’d be hard pressed to tell the difference from a distance between a field of daffodils and a field of dandelions.  One you plant, the other you pull.


We have in our midst many “weeds” that are about to be pulled.  They must be.  Like the plant, once they gain strength in an area they choke out all other life.  All resources support them.  Nothing else can thrive.  It is the way weeds work, in human and plant form.  They know nothing else but to infiltrate and dominate.


“Weeds” are not less than the rest of us.  They are not supportive however and it is time to get rid of them.  We can no longer thrive with them in our midst.  The movie bearing that name illustrates what has been happening.


This is what we are doing as a race.  We are removing those that would take over and destroy the rest.  It is necessary in order to continue.  Hating the dandelion or getting angry at it is not productive.  A clean removal of the entire plant must be accomplished.  We have discovered the root and we are digging it out.  We want a field of different flowers now.  We want to plant them ourselves rather than being overrun. 



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Destiny Arrive's ~


and the  Magic Of Love Is unfolding, Thank you For Trusting Love..







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~Love Has Been Found~ Proof~


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Daily Asending




As you walk this beloved Planet in the knowingness that you are the I AM
and you have but one concern—that is to bless: One may wish to give
your adoration to the greater, beating your heart, by stating:

“I Am the Presence, and Its Intelligent activity.

I Am a beloved Being of Light.”
When my conscious accepts and knows this, I shift the words to:

“I Am the being of Light.”



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“Up on Cripple Creek”


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~ Michael Buble vs. Josh Groban Bringing In Balanced Harmonics~


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Saucer story flew for a time (Truman Bethurum)





Saucer story flew for a time (Truman Bethurum)


Truman Bethurum from Redondo Beach captivated crowds in the 1950s with his tales of riding in a spaceship and its exotic occupants. This is the story of the planet Clarion and its race of small, but fully formed, men. We know of their existence because on Sept. 24, 1953, Redondo Beach resident Truman Bethurum told a Daily Breeze reporter that he saw them. In fact, Bethurum did a lot more than see them. According to several articles, he rode on their flying saucer 11 times. And its captain, Aura Rahnes, promised to take Bethurum to visit Clarion in the near future.



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Michael Bublé - "Santa Claus Is Coming To Town" [Official Video]


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Heavenletter #4165 God's Chosen One


Heavenletter #4165 God's Chosen One , April 20, 2012 

God said: 


Listen to your heart, for it is beating within Mine, and My heart beats within yours, so intimate are We. You may feel that you are outside My heart, that you sit outside My heart, that you sit outside My heart as a penitent denied admittance.

Yet you are already immersed in My heart. This is how you play such a trick on yourself. You kid yourself, right and left.

This morning, know in Whose heart you are. Sit within My heart and know Our Oneness. Know the beat of My heart, the beat of yours. Know My breath, your breath. My very heart pumps within yours. My heart sings within yours. My heart stands up and says:


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2MIN News Apr20


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Evidence about Earth's magnetic poles reversing?


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Occupy Unveils ‘Spring Awakening’



Occupy Unveils ‘Spring Awakening’


Organizers propped up a chalk board at the base of a grassy slope and wrote out a detailed schedule of the day’s events. Meetings and teach-ins were marked with letters of the alphabet and groups gathered around flags branded with their respective letters.


Occupy Unveils ‘Spring Awakening’

by Allison Kilkenny

April 16, 2012



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Teas of Joy simply FLOW


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Stretching Science: Stable Electrodes


(editor's note: In my daily treks through the news files of the world I'm amazed at the depth and scope of emerging science technologies! Those of us who can see the bigger picture of our changing world, understand that these are stepping stones towards joining our Galactic community of scientists.

~All my Love, Boo)




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~The Cosmic Super Spin~


a message from Sarah-Jane Grace

Friday, 20 April, 2012 


As the washing machine of life continues on fast spin, it is all too easy to get disorientated in dizziness from the spin cycle. We can become confused and befuddled by even the simplest tasks; a bit like trying to concentrate at high altitude where the air is thin and lacking in oxygen. Of course, we find ourselves in this spin for a reason, for it is part of the cosmic super spin or ‘wash’ cycle taking us from one state of consciousness to the next; we have to go through the spin cycle in order to become free of the excess in our lives in order to be free to embrace the next step in our evolution.


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Djwhal Khul ~ New Moon Earth Day



Djwhal Khul ~ New Moon Earth Day

Terri Newlon | April 19 2012

Djwhal Khul here. Tashi delek.


Alright. First thing that I want to do is sort of accentuate the telepathic abilities. You want to be doing things that stimulate the Third Eye center. It can be just maybe holding a beautiful amethyst crystal in front of it or flower essences, essential oils. You can even take some incense ashes and put a little dab on the Third Eye. Anything that feels good to you. So you want to bring out that telepathic ability.


Now we are at a New Moon and Earth Day. And the moon is in Taurus along with the Sun in Taurus, with a black moon. So it also highlights the Year of the Dragon energy, because we’re black water Dragon and with the earthy Taurus energies.


Thinking that water and earth may be moving more so than normal and would say to really take some time to go within and appreciate Mother Earth. Even just before sipping on some water or as you’re preparing some lovely vegetables, or anything. Anything. Just look outside and see a bird and appreciate Mother Nature.



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Laura Bruno ~ Update on the Liens Filed Against All 12 Federal Reserve Banks



Laura Bruno ~ Update on the Liens Filed Against All 12 Federal Reserve Banks (Thanks, Laura :-) April 20 2012


by GLR Laura Bruno


Many people have asked me, either in blog comments, sessions or personal conversations if I can “prove” David Wilcocks’ announcement of liens being filed against all 12 federal reserve banks. The short answer is, “No, I can’t, but my gut tells me this ‘Plan’ is legit.” I decided to share unproven — and perhaps, as yet, unprovable — information here, because it seemed important to share. If you don’t choose to believe it, I won’t feel offended. In fact, I applaud people doing their own research — online, via their own insider contacts, actively seeking Truth, and most importantly, getting quiet within themselves so that they can hear and sense their own inner polygraph.

For most people, tuning into a disinfo detector might feel difficult to impossible, because their whole lives from education to TV to media to GM foods and pesticides to medicines to chemtrails to group think peer pressure have been designed to force them to swallow lies and call these food. If you eat mostly or all junk food, then it’s difficult to know which specific foods have caused your irritable bowel syndrome, mind fog, arthritis and overwhelming fatigue. Everything gets all muddled up in there, and symptoms pile upon symptoms.

Take some BigPharma drugs to mask those symptoms, and a host of side effects jump into the mix, until soon you’re taking drugs to combat the side effects of other drugs. Digestion becomes compromised. So does the body’s natural protection system — the immune system. Immune and autoimmune diseases result, in which the body embraces toxic substances, attacks itself, and/or rejects or fails to assimilate real nourishment. We live in a world of obese, starving people. In this state, the mental, emotional, and spiritual immune systems become compromised, too. As within, so without. As above, so below. Everything interconnects. In this state, discernment of true, nourishing, real information becomes very difficult to accomplish.

What can you do, and what does this have to do with the 12 liens?


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Downloading the Programs for our New Solar Planetary CAUSE of Divine Love


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Oracle Report ~ Friday April 20 2012 Different Energy



Oracle Report ~ Friday April 20 2012

Oracle Report | Balsamic Moon Phase

The Sun moved into Taurus last evening, joining the Black Moon and Jupiter. The next month is going to be life-altering for all Taureans and it will reach maximum power on May 5th.



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Kauilapele Message… “There’s a lot BEING Done” and, “There’s a lot to ‘NOT’ Do”


Kauilapele Message… “There’s a lot BEING Done” and, “There’s a lot to ‘NOT’ Do”


This is a short post. All I can say right now is that there feels as if so much is “happening behind the visible eyes scenes” that it’s probably like being in the eye of a hurricane. Very still, for the moment. But when the backside of the hurricane hits, it’s a lot stronger than the front half. The front side stirred things up, lifted the veils on a lot of the hidden “crap” (the dark, the cabal, etc.), and now we’re in that weirdly still, still, still center. I don’t know all of it, but that’s how it feels to me.


So whether this is like the eye of a hurricane or not, it does feel like a still moment, just before the big storm, before a grand activity begins (again?), whatever that might mean. In fact, as I recall, that second wind from the hurricane blows the opposite way from the first. So I suppose one could say that the second wind blows away the “crap” that was uprooted by the first wind. So does that mean we’re about to get our second wind?


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Volcano / Earthquake Watch April 21-25, 2012


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Enlightened Beings ~ How To Become A Master Of Compassion



Enlightened Beings ~ How To Become A Master Of Compassion

Jafree Ozwald | April 20 2012

“Drop the idea of becoming someone, because you are already a masterpiece. You cannot be improved. You have only to come to it, to know it, to realize it. God himself has created you; you cannot be improved.” ~Osho

The Universe has a way of teaching us in the most mysterious ways. Throughout your life, you’ve most likely encountered experiences which made you feel stuck, lost, frustrated, or disappointed on some level. Then, just when you thought all hope was lost, some act of grace happened and life turned your situation around. You then experienced a feeling of relief, satisfaction, joy or just felt things were lighter for you in some way. Life is very intentional in the way its pendulum swings. When we get to taste sour lemons, it makes the lemonade even more succulent and sweet.


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RUBBER CHICKEN FLIES INTO SOLAR STORM: In a unusual twist on space science, students in California have launched a rubber chicken to the edge of space to study a solar storm. Get the full story from Science@NASA.


UNUSUAL 3D METEOR PHOTO-OP: This weekend, NASA scientists, amateur astronomers, and an astronaut on board the International Space Station will attempt the first-ever 3D photography of meteors from Earth and space. The rare photo-op occurs during the peak of the Lyrid meteor shower on Saturday night, April 21st. [full story] [meteor radar] [Lyrid video]


INCOMING PLASMA CLOUDS: On April 18th and 19th, a series of minor CMEs puffed away from the sun. Three of them are heading in our general direction. Analysts at the Goddard Space Weather Lab have prepared an animated forecast track of the ensemble:


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