We offer you a new vocation now. – Michael by GLR Ron Head

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Wed, 05/23/2012 - 07:22


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We will speak this morning on the subject of vocation.  To your conscious minds, vocation means the way in which you earn the coin which pays for your daily subsistence.  We speak today of your vocation as the manners which you have chosen to make your way on you spiritual journey.

These are as varied as you could possibly imagine.  Your purpose being to experience as much of this dimension as possible, you have each taken paths to this point which no other soul has taken.  Together you have experienced billions upon billions of lifetimes, all angers, fears, loves, hates, and joys.  Every imaginable avenue of experience has been explored.

Now it is time for you to bring all of the wisdom gained from those lifetimes back to your true selves.  You have trouble, most of you, in thinking of yourselves as wise, as masters, but we assure you that is exactly what you truly are.  It is a matter of perspective, you see.  From our perspective, you are bringing gifts of rare value, although you are unable to see the value from where you stand.  This will soon be made apparent to you, dear ones.

You are becoming more and more aware of our loving presence, that of your guides and your angels.  We have always been with you, regardless of the paths you have chosen and the situations you have gotten yourselves into.  You have gone where it would seem no one would dare to go.  You have done amazing things.  And the wonder is that you have returned to do it all over and over again.  You are truly the strongest of the strong.

We offer you a new vocation now.  Be yourselves, be in love and peace.  And hold that love and peace no matter the apparent chaos which may occur around you for this last short time of the illusion.  Find this energy flowing through you at this time, anchor it firmly where you stand and allow it to spread out from you in all directions.  Feel it join with all those others of you doing the same, the seen ones and the unseen.  Let this be your vocation now.  Bring the feeling of home, the unconditional love of your Creator and Source, into this physical existence where it has been missed for so long.  You have called it here, prayed for it, dreamed of it, and it has been sent to you.  It is being beamed at you now from every corner of the universe.

The immense power being brought to your aid at this moment will absolutely overcome any remaining resistance to your ascension.  Very soon all other concerns will be vague memories.  Keep your intention upon the approaching goal and the time remaining will fly past at ever increasing speed, something every one of you has remarked upon these last few years.

We are all about you, dear ones, guiding your every step.  Be at peace now and we will speak tomorrow.

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