~We will Be Flucuating for the Next days~

Submitted by Lia on Thu, 05/17/2012 - 10:14

FREEDOM PROJECT: U.S. Deficit is unsustainable: Geithner...


The U.S. budget deficit is not sustainable on the long term and legal mechanisms are needed to solve the problem, according to that country's Secretary of the Treasury, Timothy Geithner. teleSUR



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FREEDOM PROJECT: CIO Ina Drew JPMorgan Departure: Bank Expected To Accept Resignation Of Chief Investment Officer, Source Says




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FREEDOM PROJECT: Keiser Report: Countdown to Armageddon (E288) ...


In this episode, Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert have a field day dissecting Jamie Dimon's 'egregious, terrible mistake,' the possible insider trading around those so-called mistake and what the Leveson Inquiry may tell us about the SEC's Mary Schapiro's 'focus' on these oh so egregious mistakes. In the second half of the show Max talks to Nomi Prins, a former senior executive at Goldman Sachs and Bear Stearns, about the problems at JP Morgan's London trading desk.

Follow Max Keiser on Twitter: http://twitter.com/maxkeiser

Watch all Keiser Report shows here:

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Nibiru Planet X Brown Dwarf Second Sun today May 15 Update.Amazing.


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FREEDOM PROJECT: JPMorgan Chase hit with class-action lawsuit over $2B in trading losses...



JPMorgan Chase hit with class-action lawsuit over $2B in trading losses

FREEDOM PROJECT: MASS CIVIL UNREST IN EUROPE? FARAGE - We face the prospect of Even Revolution!!


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Earth Chakras ~ Caretaking The Soul Of Gaia


Earth Chakras
Caretaking The Soul Of Gaia


                         Caretaking The Soul Of Gaia 



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Uplifting Angel Quotes



Uplifting Angel Quotes

White angel wings


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EARTH ALLIES 16.5.2012... JP MORGAN IS GOING BYE-BYE... Countdown to Armageddon... 200+ Executives Flee JP Morgan! ... CIO Ina Drew JPMorgan Departure... JPMorgan Chase hit with class-action lawsuit over $2B in trading losses...



FREEDOM PROJECT: Keiser Report: Countdown to Armageddon (E288) ...





FREEDOM PROJECT: U.S. Deficit is unsustainable: Geithner...








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Increasing The Light ~ Raise Your Vibration


Increasing The Light
Raise Your Vibration


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Also known:






Meaning - "Who is like God", "Like unto God", "Who is like the Divine"


The first Angel created by God, Michael is the leader of all the Archangels and is in charge of protection, courage, strength, truth and integrity.  Michael protects us physically, emotionally and psychically.  He also oversees the lightworker's life purpose.  His chief function is to rid the earth and its inhabitants of the toxins associated with fear.  Michael carries a flaming sword that he uses to cut through etheric cords and protects us from Satan and negative entities.  When he's around you may see sparkles or flashes of bright blue or purple light.  Call on Michael if you find yourself under psychic attack or if you feel you lack commitment, motivation and dedication to your beliefs, courage, direction, energy, vitality, self-esteem, worthiness.  Michael helps us to realize our life's purpose and he's invaluable to lightworkers helping with protection, space clearing and spirit releasement.


Michael conquered the fallen Angel Satan, was in the Garden of Eden to teach Adam how to farm and care for his family, spoke to Moses on Mount Sinai and in 1950 he was canonized as Saint Michael, "the patron of Police Officers," because he helps with heroic deeds and bravery.  Michael also has an incredible knack for fixing electrical and mechanical devices, including computers and automobiles.  If your automobile breaks down, call on Michael.



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Daily Astrology ~ by Rick Levine




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Bright Souls

Oh bright souls, please know that there should be more room for light and less for dark. Oh bright souls, please know that there is more to life than hate and fear. Oh bright souls, lets all let go of the bad things and let the good things flow back in us. It is free U_U There is no cost U_U Oh bright souls, Please awaken ó_ò Notice your Love, Notice your Joy, your Happiness, and Notice your Oneness :) Ignore sorrow, hatred, jealousy, fear, corruption, greediness, and evil :/ For those things will ruin your lives and your souls will be weakend (0_0) Oh bright souls, you are more extroadinary than you think (^_^) Please notice this and help the Earth=Heart be in a more positive state (ù_ú) Oh bright souls :) This is more important than you think (ú_ù) Love one another, be Happy, Become One with nature, And be the Love Beings you were meant to be :)

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Selacia ~ Return Of The Divine Feminine ~ Rare Venus Transit A Catalyst For Humanity


Selacia ~ Return Of The Divine Feminine ~ Rare Venus Transit A Catalyst For Humanity ~ Council Of 12 Message ~ 16 May 2012

There are numerous significant dates in 2012, but the time of the historic Venus transit holds a pivotal energy that can help humanity shift into the higher vibrations of love.


The exact date of the transit is June 5 or 6 – depending on where you are in the world – but energetic effects can be felt even now. What is this energy about and how does it impact you and everyone you love?


Major Shifts Catalyzed

Venus transits historically are associated with major shifts in society – and they are extremely rare. Venus transits happen in eight-year pairs, with 122 years between the cycles of pairs. The one in June follows the one in 2004 – which followed the pair of 1874 and 1882. Future generations will experience them next during 2117 and 2125.


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A Thousand Words!


Watch it.... Eddie Murphy..


Inspired movie to "SEE" the fine borderlands of love's expression. After this movie was made it was CODED so that whoever watches it will experience a newer level of self...  which will make it easier to connect with one another.


Actually, it is good for any personal expansion of awareness!


As lightworkers, it is a seminar in itself... then as you have suggested workshops to others, promote the movie to everyone.... this movie is out there to spark souls into more understanding of what love is.

In coming into the awareness of the importance of service, you can suggest it during ANY human interaction and no one will think you are crazy!


Promote this... as a way of service.




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Circle of Influence


Utilizing a psych term.... what do you see as your actual circle of influence?


the limits of your aura,


20 feet

55 feet

100 feet





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Some notes


I'd like to make a few points here. Todays message(s) really set the stage for later on.

Thanks for having me on ISN.


SaLuSa is correct, the Federation is not the only organization out there. Ive been around the Pavo and Centauri sectors myself and most of the worlds around those areas.


Ive dealt with another organization who keeps to the shadows, its very hard to get into, let alone make rank this high while serving.


An unfortunate incident has put me at a disadvantage, a continual one since. This life has not been so kind to me.


So if you channel(I have not mastered this very well with those I did not interact with personally and deeply privately before) please, make this a two-way street, not a one-way one.


I am truely grateful for all of the support. It does make a difference.

Those that knew me before said I would return if not reincarnate. I didnt exactly reincarnate. Im not dead to anyone. I remember. But my memories have been affected. I am not in the same host as before. There are many things I am still unclear on.


I have my orders until I return fully but at this time our goals have aligned and I intend to very soon return to the GFL. I feel more comfortable there with the GFL than with another organization, but this is my way back out to the galaxy, back to the light and love out there. We support your goals, but as a whole I am given authority to combine our goals of peace, light and love in support of ALL out there so that they can be achieved. I was not contacted and was completely cut of for so many years, it is difficult to reconnect, but I will have the oppourtunity.


As far as those I may have left behind, are they not for me also in this realm but elsewhere? If I leave this realm will I not leave them behind as a ghost? I would rather return to them if I may.



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Balance - Healing on the Press - 5 Supporter


As I have been writing this this morning, I was directed to Greg's message today.... so after reading this post, please read or reread his message abour nurturing each other and our beautiful planet.  There is no time to waste.  Being in support is truly all that there really is.... when we are "in love" EVERYTHING WE DO, SAY, THINK, BE IS OF SERVICE!





Supporter is the last of the 4 directions of interpersonal Balance, the most most left behind  one, and the one that weaves the circle into a spiral. For a moment, let's look at the previous 3 in relation to supporter.  


A Promoter can suggest, prompt, cajole, scream, clown, or tempt and if the supporter doesn't support those hoyoka ideas, nothing moves. 


A Controller can attempt to control people and if no one "follows" that attempt goes by the wayside. If the controller attempts to control things, who is it (s)he is controlling it for?


The analyzer can spend 24/7 reviewing statistics, collecting, combining and digesting data but very wasted energy unless another (supporter) appreciates and responds to the effort of the analyzer to use it in some way to get something done.


Love One Another as You Love Yourself.... this again, goes beyond the emotion of "I love you", "all my love", etc. When one discovers the supporter inside the self, creative words of deeper feelings are expressed so that the "vibration" of that feeling is intensely felt by the receiver, even from the printed word. 


Many have "found" the love within the self. On the other hand there is the perfect mirror reflection of "love of self" to "supporter of another". 



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Making Love vs. Giving Love vs. Being Love!


A Meditation..... Illuminate


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Message from the Ashtar Command 5/16/12



Some of this universe is in a state of disrepair and collapse and will not withstand even another traverse around the cosmos. This is where we come in, the Ashtar Command. We identify these problems and weak links in the chain that is this ever connected and grand universe, and we utilize our gifts to assist these worlds rebuild themselves and repair the damage that has been done to them. Your planet is one of these planets that is in a state of great disrepair, and this state must be rectified if your people wish to call her home for another lap around this universe.


Each people of this universe are given a planet in which they can call their home. It is up to each people to care for and to nurture their home, to keep it clean, to keep it safe, to keep it operating and functioning the way it was designed and the way it was created to take care of and nurture its people. This is a very delicate give and take, where one cannot take too much from the other if a harmonious balance is to be maintained. Here in your world at this period in your history one is taking too much from the other, and if this imbalance is not corrected your planet will no longer be able to maintain her orbit around her galaxy. This is the way this universe has been designed, and it was designed in such a way as to teach the inhabitants of a planet how to safely and properly preserve their mother planet, as well as the consequences when they choose to allow her to fall into decay from neglect and abuse.



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200+ Executives Flee JP Morgan!


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Visionkeeper – Creator Gave Us Everything We Need – 16 May 2012




Visionkeeper – Creator Gave Us Everything We Need – 16 May 2012

One of the wonders of man is our brain and our abilities to think, yet if one looks closely one can see it also has the possibility to be the downfall of man. We think too much and have forgotten to fine tune our instincts. Like the picture I chose, you don’t think the squirrel spent its whole life wondering how it would stay warm and dry in winter do you, if it would have enough food, where it was going to live. 


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The Council of the Venus Ray. A Message To Me, From Eirenae the Pleiadian.


The Council of the Venus Ray. A Message To Me, From Eirenae the Pleiadian. By, AuroRa Le. May 16, 2012.

* Eirenae is one of my dearest friends, and a fellow Council member. We are incredibly alike! She is an Angelic in Pleiadian form, just like me, and we both have fluffy, fairylike dispositions. She’s tiny by Pleiadian standards, with dark hair and deep brown eyes. This was given to me as a personal message, but I thought I’d share it so that everyone could see that our friends and family aboard ship are just about as ‘over it’ as we are down here! Enjoy!



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Love's pushing for Truth: Ex-Army Colonel John Alexander Seeks Amnesty For Military Who Witness UFOs



UFO Amnesty: Ex-Army Colonel John Alexander Seeks Amnesty For Military Who Witness UFOs

2012 MAY 16
Posted by GLR Steve Beckow

Comment: It seems that some simply can't live without Truth anymore. Honor to them and to those who listen. This means defending the Constitution.



UFO Amnesty: Ex-Army Colonel John Alexander Seeks Amnesty For Military Who Witness UFOs [EXCLUSIVE]

Lee Speigel, Huffington Post,  05/16/2012

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Listen to internet radio with FreedomReigns on Blog Talk Radio


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Reboot of the Grid - Update by Cobra




Reboot of the Grid - Update

Posted by 
The critical mass for this visualization to have desired effect is about 118,000 people worldwide actually doing it with focus. If we consider that human concentration and meditation skills are not perfect, we need 144,000 people as the critical mass. 
But to read about it is one thing and actually do the visualization on 5-20-2012 completely another. I would encourage as many people as possible to actually participate, although it may be in the early morning hours in your part of the world.


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And who are you....?


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Heavenletter #4192 Look Up, Beloveds


Heavenletter #4192 Look Up, Beloveds, May 17, 2012 

God said: 

Something wonderful is brewing, and brewing within you. You can almost touch it, yet you can't quite put your finger on it. You just know that something wonderful is brewing, and you are going to have it and witness it, and that is enough. You are going to receive it, and you are going to love it.

Take this personally. This is meant for everyone. This is plural you I am telling this to. You are going to have a receiving beyond your imagination. Yet, go ahead and imagine.


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The Portals Are Coming, The Portals Are Coming!



For those of you who are newly participating here on the Press, thank you for your reaching out. Greater number of caring light beings of service are greatly needed now. And thanks to everyone who has been posting. 


Let's remember that every moment is brand new. Our mother's ascension is not certain. I keep rereading Ashtar Command Message 5/16/12 by Greg Giles. Can you feel what they are saying?  The number of lightworkers is exceeding what is required, but not enough action has been taken.  


I am offering another suggestion... why don't we focus on the problem and not the pretty pictures, now. We know where on the net to find out about chakras, ascended masters, and how beautiful it was to walk in the park today. WE ARE IT and our ACTION matters, now.  


Every day, every hour we get closer to those advancing portals is less time to imagine and then DO what has to be done.  And that is we have to prepare as much of the populace to understand about our star brothers and sisters.  THAT IS THE SINGULAR JOB NOWL. In this service, old patterns which haven't been released yet within memory banks can be cleared away. Each step you take now will obliterate fear and hesitancies. 


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FREEDOM PROJECT: Reboot of the Grid: Guided Visualization for May 20th/21st, 2012 ~ by Mac Peace...




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Natural Remedies: Rose Hips


(editor's note: Rose hips [the fleshy red fruits of the dog rose and other types of wild and shrub roses] have been used for curative potions since the Stone Age. These vitamin C rich fruits can be consumed raw or cooked and provide great assistance during a cold.

As more people awaken to the illusion of "modern" medicine they are moving away from pharmaceuticals and treatments that are in dis-harmony with our higher vibrations.
Through this "Natural Remedies" segment I hope to introduce you to methods of healing you may not have tried, as well as building your knowledge base so you can help others.
I have now archived my articles on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NaturalRemediesCollection?skip_nax_wizard=true#

~Be well, all my Love, Boo)


Rose Hips (Rosa canina)



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FREEDOM PROJECT: PSCI-OP 2012 - May 20 - Grid Reboot


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Is Uncertainty The New Norm?


       Interesting word "uncertainty", is it not?  Let's look at the definition of this particular word, shall we?


     The World English Dictionary describes "uncertain" as:

     1.  not able to be accurately known or predicted: the issue is uncertain.

     2.  not sure or confident (about): a man of uncertain opinion.

     3.  not precisely determined, established, or decided:  uncertain plans.

     4.  not to be depended on; unreliable: an uncertain vote.

     5.  liable to variation; changeable:  the weather is uncertain.

     6.  in no uncertain terms:  unambiguously, forcefully.


     Now that we clearly understand the word,  let's look at why uncertainty is perhaps the new norm.  But, let's be honest here.  It won't do any good to deny any feelings of uncertainty.  It's best to acknowledge our uncertainties and ask ourselves the hard question; "how do I feel about this uncertainty?".  And, is it possible to resolve or change my uncertainties?  Let's list some  topics for discussion, shall we?

     a)  our future

     b)  our mass ascension

     c)  our personal ascension


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Healing Earth News: Seismic Activity & A Breathtaking View Of Earth


(editor's note: Volcanos and lightening continue to intrigue us with their magnificent power. As Gaia's changes continue, we can expect more of this activity. Today I bring you three stories of seismic activity that may surprise you. And lastly, a view of our home you may not have seen before - colors of Mother Earth that will astound you - enjoy :)

I hope that you are now reading / listening to mainstream media with a more discerning eye; seeing the subtle truths and the possible implications for your future. This is my last "Healing Earth" news segment. I'm making way for a new provocative focus which will be introduced after the 5.20.12 alignment.

There are people all over this beautiful jewel we call Gaia working every day to correct the damage we have done. They are doing the physical clean up work, or putting the intellectual thought into solving these problems. Please join me in sending them all energies of love and support.

~All my Love, Boo)


Underwater Volcano Erupts in Pulses



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May 17, Daily Horoscope for general




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COMEDY CIRCLE: Will Smith: My son asked Obama about ‘the aliens’...



Actor Will Smith says he recently found himself in a “not cool” situation when his 13-year-old son, Jaden, asked President Barack Obama about the existence of extraterrestrial aliens.

“I was at the White House with my family and we were getting a tour and, you know, Barack and Michelle and Sasha and Malia,” Smith recalled to BBC Radio 1 host Chris Moyles on Wednesday. “And it’s me, Jada and the kids and we’re walking through the White House. And the night before Jaden had said to me, ‘Dad, I got to ask the president about the aliens.’ I was like, ‘Dude, no.’ It’s not cool. It’s not cool. It’s embarrassing.”


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Imagine a world without money...


You can create the world you want to live in.
It starts with imagination, dreaming, or visualizing what you want to see. 
You are an AMAZING creator!


Imagine a world without money...



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FREEDOM PROJECT: Greek PM Sworn In Amid Fears Of Run On Banks ...


Do you know what 'Run On Banks' means?.... Can you imagine what does means for JP Morgan's of the World and Europe?... 

How this is going to affect Euro as currency, as well Spain, Italy, Trukey?...


I see people are ready, ready to take their Freedom in their hands... I bow You dear Brave Humans who dare to stand up and simply see what is happening...


Love, PSG


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FREEDOM PROJECT: Julian Assange's The World Tomorrow: Surviving Guantanamo (E5) ...




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Greetings from Galactic Heart . . .



Greetings from Galactic Heart . . .


by GLR Coleen

Last week, I went to the dentist. My sister and I had a discussion about all the dental work we need~~aarrgg! This reminded me of the chapter I wrote for Sheldan's book, Your Galactic Neighbors. entitled "Living With Sheldan".

A part of the chapter showcases my conversation with Supa. She is an Arcturian Light Body Specialist and a member of Sheldan's and my Galactic Federation medical team. One day when I was living on Maui, Hawaii, Supa accompanied me to the dentist. Her response is in the excerpt posted below.

In the past, I have emailed excerpts from this chapter to my Galactic Heart list, it was a long time ago (almost two years). My address list has grown 100 fold since then so it is worth posting again. The complete chapter on "Living With Sheldan"can be found on our website or in Sheldan's book, Your Galactic Neighbors.

Selamat Ja! 


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Fran Zepeda - Sananda - On Your Way Home - May 16, 2012


Sananda ~ On Your Way Home ~ As Channeled Through Fran Zepeda ~ May 16, 2012

Dear beloveds, Ascension is becoming a much more palpable reality. It is becoming clearer that you are in the throes of it whether you realize it fully or not. Whether you understand it or not, it is something that is becoming more and more real to you.


However, of course, you must still be aware that it is your choice, but once you have made that choice, there is no turning back and the changes will become more and more apparent as time goes on.


You Lightworkers are more aware of all this, of course, and as you sift through the changes, you are better able to help others who haven’t a clue what is happening to them, regardless of the fact that they made the choice long ago to embark on this journey and now it is upon them to get on the train or not.


It is the subject of those who are not aware of their mission that I would like to address today, and I speak to those who are aware enough to help them. This is what you have prepared for. As you encounter all the changes that you are undergoing, this puts you in a much better position to help others awaken. You can speak from experience and knowledge that is intrinsic and therefore believable to them. They trust you and so they can relate your experiences to their own and bring light to what they may not be aware of but is just below the surface.



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Astrology Forecast for May 16, 2012


The truth can not be spoken, it can only be felt within." Indeed, as Venus is now retrograde for 6 weeks and we approach a South Node Eclipse it is time to anchor down within and strengthen the core!..The weight, sorrow, and patience of the Great Mother can be felt at this time but as we listen within we can gain comfort as well as new life. Aloha for now!


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Earth Chakras Caretaking The Soul Of Gaia


Earth Chakras

Caretaking The Soul Of Gaia



As we walk upon the earth, we walk upon a living being more similar to ourselves than we imagine. Just like us, the earth has both a physical body and an energetic body, complete with a chakra system identified by ancient mystics and modern scientists alike. Gaia, as the earth is called when acknowledged as a living entity in her own right, has her own life force and her own path of unfolding, separate from us, but including us. Human beings and Gaia are intertwined on every level, not just the physical, and an awareness of her chakras can help us to acknowledge, heal, and enable her on her path, just as she selflessly returns the favor to us.


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Brenda Hoffman: How Many Energy Waves Will You Ride?



"That what was beautiful to you six months ago will seem somewhat unsophisticated after the eclipse. That what was acceptable six months ago will become so painful that you will have to move on. And that what you thought was impossible to create or shift will happen naturally as you open your new skills and senses."


How Many Energy Waves Will You Ride?


Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for www.LifeTapestryCreations.com



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Bright Souls by Dan



Bright Souls

By GLR Dan - Posted on 17 May 2012

Oh bright souls, please know that there should be more room for light and less for dark. Oh bright souls, please know that there is more to life than hate and fear. Oh bright souls, lets all let go of the bad things and let the good things flow back in us. It is free U_U There is no cost U_U Oh bright souls, Please awaken ó_ò Notice your Love, Notice your Joy, your Happiness, and Notice your Oneness :) Ignore sorrow, hatred, jealousy, fear, corruption, greediness, and evil :/ For those things will ruin your lives and your souls will be weakend (0_0) Oh bright souls, you are more extroadinary than you think (^_^) Please notice this and help the Earth=Heart be in a more positive state (ù_ú) Oh bright souls :) This is more important than you think (ú_ù) Love one another, be Happy, Become One with nature, And be the Love Beings you were meant to be :)


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5/17/2012 -- Large solar flare sends shockwave across the Sun (not earth directed


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Sananda ~ On Your Way Home ~ by GLR Fran Zepeda ~



Sananda ~ On Your Way Home ~ by GLR Fran Zepeda ~ May 16, 2012



Dear beloveds, Ascension is becoming a much more palpable reality. It is becoming clearer that you are in the throes of it whether you realize it fully or not. Whether you understand it or not, it is something that is becoming more and more real to you.


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Space Weather Update~ A radiation storm around Earth is subsiding.


SUBSIDING STORM: A radiation storm around Earth is subsiding. The storm began during the early hours of May 17th when a strong M5-class flre accelerated a fusillade of solar protons in our direction. At its peak, the S2-class storm was capable of confusing spacecraft imaging systems and causing 'single event upsets' in orbiting electronics. Radiation storm alerts: text, phone.


SOLAR ECLIPSE THIS WEEKEND: On Sunday, May 20th, the Moon will pass in front of the Sun, producing an annular solar eclipse visible across the Pacific side of Earth. The path of annularity, where the sun will appear to be a "ring of fire" stretches from China and Japan to the middle of North America:



An animated eclipse map prepared by Larry Koehn of ShadowandSubstance.com shows the best times to look. In the United States, the eclipse begins at 5:30 pm PDT and last for two hours. Maximum coverage is around 6:30 pm PDT.



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Oracle Report ~ thursday May 17 2012



Thursday, May 17, 2012



Balsamic Moon Phase

Today, at all costs, avoid over-reactions.  Impulsivity is heightened, causing people to respond to the energy with erratic behavior.  You'll see this demonstrated while people are driving and within interpersonal interactions.  We also need to guard against selling ourselves short or settling for less.  There is an interesting aspect to today's energy that brings second chances with things.  Something may return to you - a renewed interest, proposal, or opportunity; something forgotten; or a person with whom you've lost contact.  We always want to pay attention to synchronicities, but today these will take form to bring something back to us.  What's showing up for you?


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9 Year Old Stands Up To Hateful Protestors


Image from facebook.com/FeverDreams


"Josef was determined to make his own statement so we went to the car and with pencil and his sketch pad, he made up his own little sign that reads 'GOD HATES NO ONE,' " his mom wrote. "Those people are scary but he stood strong, was respectful and stood by his convictions. He will be a good man, I have no doubt. I got my Mothers Day present early."


Full Story... (npr.com)


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Maureen Moss – A Miracle Is – 17 May 2012


Maureen Moss – A Miracle Is – 17 May 2012

Dearest Hearts,

As always I pray you are well. You may have noticed in the past few months I have not been writing new articles, and many have asked me why.

First, let me say thank you for extending your loving Emails, and I hope you are enjoying the many FREE MP3 Downloads that are offered each month on my personal website, including today, and the mind and heart expanding transformative shows every day on The World Puja Network, in the meantime.


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Jamye Price – Weekly Lightblast – Creating Relationship – 17 May 2012



Jamye Price – Weekly Lightblast – Creating Relationship – 17 May 2012

Magic becomes science for those that Know.  Life becomes magic for those that Live.  Relationship becomes creative for those that Love.
Your magnetic nature shapes your world.  It draws, it pulls, it forms.  Your energy of Love is the compelling, the call, the union of opposites that find they are more same than not or else there would be no bond.  In the atomic structure it is the positive pull of the proton that elicits the negative electron not only into form, but into bond.  Within the negative charge of the electron is the desire.  All creation stems from desire.  Desire is the effect of separation, the beautiful engine that it is.  Once something is separated, it seeks reunion.  Thus relationship is created and opposites attract.  This is the fail-safe of the universal structure.  Relax into life and allow you desire to speak to you of unity.  When desire speaks for an intention of Love, its satiation will feed life’s continuation.  When desire is the voice of an intention of need, lack, fear or greed; guide the Self to seek Love, as all desire is a call to Love.


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Council Of Twelve ~ Return Of The Divine Feminine



Council Of Twelve ~ Return Of The Divine Feminine



Selacia | May 16 2012

Rare Venus Transit a Catalyst for Humanity

There are numerous significant dates in 2012, but the time of the historic Venus transit holds a pivotal energy that can help humanity shift into the higher vibrations of love.

The exact date of the transit is June 5 or 6 – depending on where you are in the world – but energetic effects can be felt even now. What is this energy about and how does it impact you and everyone you love?

Major Shifts Catalyzed


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"Make Believe"


Linear time is a “make believe” construct, a component of this reality we call the third dimension.  It’s doing one heck of a good job!  Nothing feels as immediate and fleeting as time.  There is just never enough, it is speeding up or I am running out of it.  Any way you look at it, it seems to be ruling my life right now.


Sleep is another 3D habit that is changing.  I am nodding off while in a crowd or wide awake at 2AM.  The other day I was taking a walk with my partner when suddenly we could barely move forward or lift our feet.  We were exhausted!  We went back and immediately passed out.  I set my alarm for one hour later.  We both woke up at the same time, completely refreshed.  It felt as if we’d been asleep for hours.  Only about ten minutes had passed in linear time.  Ten minutes!  We were floored, this did not feel right.  It was sort of mind blowing.  I was most definitely “someplace else” and had been re-charged.  A health issue resolved itself within moments of awakening.  It was sort of miraculous. It looks like the next dimension is already here.


So here’s my plan for navigating this rapidly progressing “time” we are in.  I’ll intend to go there again, every time I sleep.  I will sleep less, feel more energized and get more done – thus solving the whole “time” thing.  This is very cool.


There is so much going on globally and personally right now.  This weekend we “Reboot The Grid” and intensify this awakening.  I have a physically active string of weeks coming up; concerts, shows, family visitors, vacations and seminars are all inside one tightly packed month.  I will blog here, yet not as often.  I will also be ascending.



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The manuscript of survival – part 139



The manuscript of survival – part 139



 •May 17, 2012 •


Let us just start todays missive off by saying that we are indeed very proud of your accomplishments dear ones. You have managed to take it all in your stride, and we do applaud you for your never ending efforts. This is a mighty undertaking indeed, and even if you yourselves cannot yet see the end of it, we do, and that is a beautiful sight indeed. Yes, it is a sight, not a mere apparation, as in so many ways the end product is already manifest. You see, we operate on simultaneous timelines, therefore we can see what you can not. And what we see gives more than reason to rejoice. 


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Put your thoughts on the goal. – Michael by Ron Head




We will speak more on the subject of self-worth this morning.  There is no way to stress this too much.  You may understand this better if you look upon yourselves as cells in the manifest being of your Creator.  Source loves every part of itself unconditionally.  You, in your every moment are a part of that.


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The Great Falling Away and the Consummation of New Life!




Boy, my poor little “field” antenna is getting a work out these days.  We are raising our vibration so fast and so high, orientating myself in readings is really taking some work.  And yet, what is now coming thru… feels so sacred, so utterly exciting I am not even sure how to share it without drooling all over myself from the combined experiences!!

I suppose I am so programmed with linear time, one day following the next and an event on scheduled day is going to happen only on that scheduled day.  We can be sooooo human!


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