~Weekly Report Januray 30th 2012, You shouldn't encounter any roadblocks in the Week Ahead~

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 01/30/2012 - 11:01

~Through Galactic Love Reporter Angela Peregoff~


~Weekly Report Januray 30th 2012, You shouldn't encounter any roadblocks in the Week Ahead~



In the latest phase of 5D happenings humanity stands within an entry point that provides a “window of opportunity” to delve deeper into your own Soul wisdom and maturity. Evolution in this arena of the universe is expanding in every direction and that process has been impacting all of us in a variety of ways. My guides are speaking regularly to me about the planetary actualization of every wo/man’s dream. Good, bad, for all, against all, into Soul expression and opposition to Soul consciousness. This will be the year that we get to see it all as an old external world is gone and each begins to busily create within the new evolutionary domain.


Please understand that this domain in the universe was created specifically so that we could experience duality and polarity so it will become important to remain impartial to what another is connecting to. It is crucial that you understand that the Soul and its earth incarnation will be swept into the reality of its most vibratory compliment. The spectrum of light and shadow here was designed with the Still Point of the Creator’s Love as its center and the pendulum of duality was to swing back and forth from positive/negative, masculine/feminine, the Light/Shadow, the yin/yang. Remember, throughout the course of existence we have swung further and further into the land of polarities, so far that the Earth is now in the process of returning to Center, into its proper, designed spectrum of balance within the Light and Shadow. This journey back to Original Greatness challenges all conscious beings to daily decide what serves as your priority right now?


Do not fear that the infinite intelligence of the Creator doesn’t have a perfect plan. Even though so much has been rearranged and changed during the transition phases you are always in deep connection with your True self and with Source. Because we have moved into unfamiliar territory while still conscious you can become confused, unclear, off-track, etc. Your brain is constantly challenged to keep up with the acceleration of Gaia through new dimensions of energy. You must hold to your Soul most assuredly knowing exactly what is happening and what the plan is, and this is why it is of paramount importance that you invite an intimate relationship with the expansiveness of your Soul. All experiences and manifestations from here on out are being directed by the Soul. If something is not lining up or you feel you are being blocked, it is because the Soul is not allowing it. Rather than being perplexed by it, get into the core of Self and figure out the message!


However, you shouldn’t encounter any roadblocks in the week ahead for it is filled with calmer benevolent energies that will have you taking full advantage of the new universal flow that is happening. There are abundant opportunities to get in touch with all of your Soul ideals if you take some time to meditate and attune yourself to the realm of Spirit and Light. Many higher ideas abound and the channel is open to the extraordinary visions of the 2012 scenario that you are to live. This week you are able to harvest a flow of balance and to take stock of the ventures that will empower you with wisdom, knowledge, truth and timing. It is a time to feel the meaning of being a co-creator; of sending out energy and intention which will then produce patterns and frequencies and pulsations that bring forth the divine emissary of manifestation.


To offset the consequences of biological upgrades (insomnia, dizziness, feelings of anxiety or panic, sense of loss, shoulder aches, cold hands or feet . . . to name a few) clear your personal environments of all the energies that project a separation from the return to your psychic sight, your divine voice of truth, and your innate flow of power from the Eternal. If you can clear your space of the blockages to your core power centers that attempt to shut down the third eye and the voice of the heart the physical will have a much easier time integrating our latest Awakening energies.


If possible, also make some time for walks in nature to commune with the invisible kingdoms that guide and assist you. Pay attention to the visions, messages, guidance, ideas and projects that seem to travel in from “nowhere” for they are the language of the multidimensional being that you are becoming. As a functioning, empowered master of co-creation be willing to be open to pursuing at least one endeavor that you have gotten information about during this week of superior connections. Try it! and be prepared for unusual encounters, unexplainable coincidences, odd twists and turns, and instantaneous synchronicities that bring something better than what is currently prevalent in your daily life.


This week (and next) will bear rewards if we strive to live from the Soul and have faith in our intuition to guide us forward.

Yip, yip, yip-pee-ee-e!


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