~ Welcome to The Goddess Energies of Powerful Love~

Submitted by Lia on Tue, 06/05/2012 - 10:28

Greetings Love Beings~ Welcome to The High Energies of Love Flowing into the Planet, these will Culminate during the Venus transit which occurs in the states this Evening. You can join us Via Live On the Internet, party begins at 3:30pm Pacific. Join us, We Love You, Love the Earth Allies

The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~6~3~12 The Return of the Quetzalcoatl Energies~


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Joining The Masculine And Feminine Aspects Of Creation



Joining the masculine and feminine aspects of creation


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What we are experiencing in these wonderful times is greatest shift in Humanity… Not shift in 1500’s when people shifted from One continent to many… Not some shift from classical physics to quantum physics… But Shift in Human Conciseness….from unaware and unawake to fully Aware and completely Awaken Human…



Please, make small test on your progress… Check the Progress of your awareness and awakening… I use very often following test asking this question: Do I still live for Power?... Do I still need Power?... Do I recognize what Power brought in my life to this point?...


And by answering these simple questions, You with ease become aware that powers you were chasing praying to it, putting over others, hoarding… You realize these are not so important to your well being any longer…



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Fran Zepeda ~ May You Be a Kaleidoscope of Oneness ~ 4 June 2012


Fran Zepeda ~ May You Be a Kaleidoscope of Oneness ~ 4 June 2012


No matter where you are in the energy spiral, you are all rising in frequency. The energy surge accompanying the present alignments now occurring will cause massive jumps in your consciousness. It is only necessary for you to open your hearts to a degree you have not yet attained, dear Ones.  The energies will assist you; you must only allow the awakening to occur.


All across the universes a massive domino effect is occurring, and will continue to occur as you open and lead with your hearts. By now you are becoming quite adept at this and the question is only how much you desire to embrace the unprecedented surge of Light and Love energies being poured into your hearts as we speak.


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Used Google Traslator with minor adjustements from GFP...


GFP: This is major news for this South Europe regions... After March 2012 new Coalition Government was succesfuly established, and brought major political and economical changes in Croatia... So, next and very expected step was resignation/removal of Governor of CNB [Croatian National Bank...] on June 4, 2012... Where this happy event does fits so perfectly for major governemts changes on the world scale and their Central Banks and Federal Reserve, as this Croatian National Bank was in tight ties with Federal Reserve Bank and EBC...


Enjoy the change... change is all around US... we only need to become aware... 

WIth Love and Change, PSG


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COMEDY CRICLE: Juice News: A News Hope - Julian Assange vs Rupert Murdoch




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Venus Transit~Eclipse 2012


Today and tomorrow are very powerful configurations in the heavens. We will be experiencing the second of two eclipses (lunar) early Monday morning around sunrise as the moon is setting (around 6:00 am CDT). It will be visible in North America. It is called the strawberry moon because this is the full moon when the strawberries on earth ripen. Then on Tuesday, June 5 at sunset we will be experiencing the Venus Transit, a celestial event that occurs only every 120 years when Venus the planet of harmony and beauty travels in front of our sun in its orbit and is visible at a time when she is normally in the "underworld(not visible). This will also be visible in North America.
The last time the Venus Transit occurred in 1892 and that was the year that the transatlantic cable was completed connecting two continents instantaneously and bringing about the beginning of the communications expansion. Now we not only communicate instantly any where in the world but we can see each other too! I see this Venus Transit awakening the instant communication with. Instantly accessing our I Am Presence or God selves and lighting up the Christ conscious grid like a pin ball wizard. Prepare to be amazed.
There is LOTS about these two events on the internet so have fun exploring. I have two great links below for you to enjoy. I am not an astrologer so I am not approaching these next several days from that lens. I tend to experience these shifts on a energy level and I am always affected by the cascade of vibrations I usually experiences with each one, so having two of these influences on top of each other is powerful.

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Hilarion: This Life You Are Living



Beloved Master Hilarion: This life you are living


Aspects of Self channeled image From The                         Arcturians through Deb Graves Araznu

“Beloved Ones,


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What I Wish... the Feast


What I wish for is to interconnect with beings.... there is so much effort into cutting and pasting all so many articles.... again, it is like offering me the menu to eat instead of the feast!


Each one of us is a feast, full of feelings, ideas, emotions, love, questions, plans, changes of plans, wonderment, creativity, changes, brilliance... !


As a part of my Mindset... I am now not going to eat anymore menus!!  I am experienceing first hand love and so I now am "spoiled" with love.... what better way to go!


I thank you who cut and paste, and I am sure many want to read the product of those efforts.... 


again, simply my mindset.... 


And I welcome any and all into my loving world!


Aside:  I like the new channeled messages :')


Grailheart Magi



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Five Million Brazilian Farmers Sue Monsanto


Monsanto wants to patent Life itself and control all the food we eat. Luckily, Humanity isn't just going to sit by and let this happen. From Russia Today:


Five million Brazilian farmers are locked in a lawsuit with US-based biotech giant Monsanto, suing for as much as 6.2 billion euros. They say that the genetic-engineering company has been collecting royalties on crops it unfairly claims as its own.

The farmers claim that Monsanto unfairly collects exorbitant profits every year worldwide on royalties from “renewal” seed harvests. “Renewal” crops are those that have been planted using seed from the previous year’s harvest. While the practice of renewal farming is an ancient one, Monsanto disagrees, demanding royalties from any crop generation produced from its genetically-engineered seed. Because the engineered seed is patented, Monsanto not only charges an initial royalty on the sale of the crop produced, but a continuing 2 per cent royalty on every subsequent crop, even if the farmer is using a later generation of seed.


Full story... (rt.com)


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Earthrise is here on June 4th, 2012




June 4th, 2012 The message I am giving for today is a personal message about what I just went through today which can help other people break the last of the chains in fear, and anything else holdin you back. Today is the day I have been waiting for a long time in my personal journey on Earth (Gaia.) I have finally broken free completely of ties of fear! I had the key in front of me the whole time. I didn't know where to place the key in.


I have been want ping to watch the movie Thrive for some time. I didn't for one reason or another. Last night I though, I will start watching this. I only watched the first half hour of it to the exact seconds of 30:00. Today I watched the rest fothe movie. Take note I watched the first half hour of the movie past midnight. I did watch the whole movie on June 4th,2012. I jus watched it at different times. Thrive gave me the keyhole to put my key in, to unlock the last of the chains keeping me back in fear. Now I am FREE! Thrive will help you get rid of the remaining fears you have! The vibrations coming out of that movie is what I was missing. I couldn't use the many updates I was recieving because I still had chains on me. Now I am in the NOW! I hope my experience shared with you today will help break any chains still left on you with the energies coming in at the same time! Earthrise is here!


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this is so incredibly amazing !




watch it and listen with the music if you can ... humanity speaks so clearly !


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Benjamin Fulford 6~5~12…”Cabal begins peace negotiations, detailed discussions begin”… Commentary from Kauilapele


Benjamin Fulford 6~5~12…”Cabal begins peace negotiations, detailed discussions begin”…

Commentary from

Kauilapele's Blog  [Kp..."Thank you for Bringing Light into this Process"]


Commentary By Kauilapele "This new article by Ben describes a process “beginning” that may very well indicate a turn of “heart” by the dark ones (if those “dark ones” still have a heart that can be touched). A lot of interesting news, as always.



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the "key" opening in the sun.....


It keeps coming into my vision... that key hole.... reminding me of a petroglyph.... with ships in the sky... and beings moving up.... is anyone tuning into this feeling?


it keeps coming up.....


(Nassim's video)


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The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~6~4~12 The Opening for the Creator's Energies Begins~



The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~6~4~12


Bringing Humanity Home~ Energy and Event Update~ The Opening for the Creator's Energies Begins~


Venus Incarnate by Carlos Cedillo


Greetings Love Beings, Welcome to the Full Moon and Partial Eclipse event which occurred this Morning. This was a Release of Preparation Energy, Preparing us all for the Incoming Energy Event of the Venus Transit. This will Provide the Opening for the Creator's Energies to arrive through.



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FREEDOM PROJECT: 'Banks rob us!' 12 YEAR OLD Canadian girl becomes Internet sensation after exposing banksters


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FREEDOM PROJECT: Max Keiser's Love Bomb vs Devil Paper


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Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Visualize


Focus upon your dreams

Whatever you desire and allow you will experience. It is in the allowing where there is often lack or negative thoughts about those unmanifested dreams and desires. Look to see if perhaps your thoughts or even your more powerful words are blocking your way. Ask your angels to help you if you are not sure what patterns you would like to transform and we are so very honoured and ready to assist you. Be receptive to new thoughts and ideas that pop into your head that feel good and right in your heart. When your mind is clear and open, we are better able to connect with your light.

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What a Time to Be Alive | The 2012 Scenario


What a Time to Be Alive | The 2012 Scenario

by Steve Beckow


Matthew’s welcome monthly message explains so much that we’ve all been wondering about. He tells us, for instance, that we are indeed correct in thinking that nothing conclusive has yet occurred and that matters will be somewhat rushed in the unfoldment of the rest of the year.


He reassures us that we are correct in believing that the Illuminati still retain some power to work harm, that the galactics are helping us with Fukushima, and that they’re neutralizing the remaining chemtrails.


He reveals that the Vatican is a “cesspool of darkness” and the heart of Satan worship, which must be shocking to many people to hear and may be one of the disturbing things that SaLuSa told us we’d learn. He informs us that that Vatican is also a vast storehouse of stolen art treasures. Added to the Vatican’s dismal history of not protecting young people from sexual predation, these revelations will dismay a lot of people.



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Powerful solar tsunami with M3-Class Solar Flare


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~Full moon Eclipse Grid Transmissions~ Massive Shift



Thanks to Peter



Dearest Sun Children,


We have heard so much about the global and personal opportunity presented within these portal days upon us...the sequence beginning with the New Moon Solar Eclipse on May 20 and followed by the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, June 4th, then culminating with a spectacular Venus transit, June 5-6.


Now, we are all sensing these energies of massive shift within our feeling bodies and seeing evidence in every aspect of our lives! The feel of these days is akin to being on a roller coaster...climbing and climbing...and just beginning to crest the top where we soon shall gain sight of a whole new world before us! Yet, in this moment, we wonder...what will we see? Wheeeee!



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~Neil Young Mother Earth~


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by Sunny Schlenger



Several years ago, a series of unexpected events tossed me out of Life Cruise mode, and into the cold rapids of Uncharted Reality. A good friend counseled me to grab onto the only thing I could--
my faith that things would work out the way they were supposed to--and just hang on. In other words, use trust as my life preserver.


I’ve never forgotten this advice, and fortunately haven’t had to use it too often. But every time I do, I’m both amazed at and comforted by its power to get me through whatever requires navigation.


Crises test our beliefs, and I’m pretty sure that they occur when they do as a way of showing us what we’re made of; they make us walk our talk and demonstrate how far we’ve come since the last time our foundation was shaken. We’d much rather do without them, of course, but handled correctly, they can lift us to the next level of our growth.



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Earth Ally Will Harader Speaks about the ~Spiritual Ego~


~ Galactic Love Reporter and First Contact Team Member WILL HARADER~



~Spiritual Ego~

~Very Brilliant Reshare Article for the Current Moments~


Eventually a person has a moment of clarity. In this moment, they see the inherent emptiness of all the things they thought were so important. This causes a person to reevaluate their whole existence and look for a deeper meaning in Life.


This is the beginning of spiritual Awakening, when a person realizes the life they've been assigned by society isn't who they really are and decides to recreate himself to reflect his expanded understandings. At this point there's an enormous pitfall that most do not notice which causes spiritual growth to halt almost as fast as it began. This is spiritual ego, when a person recreates herself but then gets attached to their new "spiritual" identity.



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FREEDOM PROJECT: Eurozone falling apart-The Real Deal-06-03-2012...


Andy Coulson; David Cameron's former spin doctor was detained at his London home early on Tuesday. Police has announced that he had been arrested and charged with perjury.

Not so long ago Spain seemed to be the epitome of European cool; from football to food and architecture, but alas not anymore. Spain has the highest jobless rate in the European Union at more than 24 percent and its banks seemed to be trembling on the point of collapse. This is while economies like Germany and Austria are doing well.

The Euro was once supposed to unite the European economies, so what has happened that the currency is tumbling, the unemployment is spiraling and the leaders cannot figure out a way to get out of the mess.

London awaiting the Olympic Games next month, propaganda over Obama's birth place, an interview with the former Olympic legend; Joan Calos, these and much more stories are all reviewed in this edition of The Real Deal with George Galloway MP.

Read this article on our website: http://www.presstv.com/Program/244506.html


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FREEDOM PROJECT: Market rumor: Pimco and JP Morgan halt vacations to prepare for economic crash


Market rumor: Pimco and JP Morgan halt vacations to prepare for economic crash

On June 1, market ru

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Earth Allie: I see only the past.



Earth Allie: I see only the past.  


To truly live in the Present Moment of Now it is essential to let go of the past, all belief systems based on an unconscious way of looking at things, people, situations... Letting go the past does not mean letting go who One Is, it actually means the opposite, BEcomeing again the true Self, for the past keeps all the illusion alive; and feelings, beliefs, situations, realtionships and values are given using past -unreal- experieces. In the Present Moment of Now all is eternally New and re-created as it's the only Moment that exists. And in the Moment Love, Miracles and Joy can freely express as there's nothing left that says "it cannot happen". Only by living based on the past, be it last year or last hour, Miracles and Joy cannot happen, as you cannot create Now if you live then

I hope this part of the "Course in Miracles" may help understand more deeply this most important concept.


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~A Message from The Earth Allies~ The Invocation for the Incoming Energies



~A Message from The Earth Allies~


~The Invocation For Our Full Moon and Partial Eclipse Event Followed by the Venus Transit~


The Following words are actually encoded into your DNA as Activation points for Manifestation. As you read or state outloud you are bringing forth these creative energies.~



AS Above So Below




As above so within, with the deepest Gratitude, Highest, and Purest intent for the GRANDEST AND HIGHEST GOOD OF ALL.


On this day Love, we release everything that no longer serves Us for the Greater Good of the ALL, So the Grandest~Highest Outcome for the Betterment of All Humanity May Manifest.



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Adama - Silence and Simplicity


Silence and Simplicity

Adama through Kata


Greetings to the Masters,

It is always an honor to address my words to you. And there is always urgency when these words need to find their way into your hearts. We are there with you always; we know which level of readiness you are connected to. We know when we can start our direct communication with you person by person. And we are fully aware of which are the issues that need a broader audience to talk to you about.

There are those long awaited preparation steps that make your recent rise in consciousness levels ready for certain planetary changes. They are the same as the universal changes, but no need to deal with them at the moment from this stage of operation. Soon the call will arrive to your heart to pay even more attention to these changes. Always seek the interconnectedness. There are no separate events to unfold but there will come a chain of events, which will bring the recognition of the broader spectrum of the transformation you and your beloved planet are in the middle right now.

This year brings all the changes to open the gate for the new energies to arrive full speed to your reality. The only tools needed are to be found residing within you. Silence, and simplicity are two of them. They are carrying the needed vibrations to be prepared.

Silence - not that of the hermit who keeps physical silence for months and uses the method of pulling away from his physical reality.  The silence I am referring to here keeps you in your reality with a constant presence in your heart that gives you the scoop of your recent life, and helps you to recognize and manifest into it all you need to learn from, and to be gifted by it.

Silence is the simplest method to connect you to your own heart. This silence is like your personal master that can help you to stay in focus. Staying in the focus of the heart and not the mind.

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Adama - The Pineal Gland and the Crystalline Matrix of the Universe


The Pineal Gland and the Crystalline Matrix of the Universe

Adama through Kata


Greeting to the Masters.

What a great scenario to unfold in your planetary paradigm. I am Adama and I am here with Saint Germain the Master of Transformation. We are greeting you with all those Ascended Masters who were assigned a long time ago in your linear measurement to be here now, and assist with all the changes you are experiencing in every level of your existence.

Indeed you have entered the final chapter of the planetary changes that were planned based on the cosmic cycles a very long time ago. Vibrational changes are on the horizon with much intensity. You are simply in the middle of those changes you were prepared for, before your recent physical assignment.

The planet is ready for the transformation. The same readiness is valid from your side. All that will unfold is not in a future time anymore. In whatever form, these transformational energies can be brought into your reality field. Just stay tuned to the navigational system your heart is connected to. There is a delicate balance between your newly forming mind set and the heart. Brain and heart are connected in a way that could not have been presented earlier. Your mind is ready to feel while your heart is ready to think. This is the most important sign of the readiness.

There is this mysterious center in the middle of your mind set. This tiny organ is the living center of your consciousness in the physical, and still your recent science knows little about it. The Pineal Gland is transforming into its ancient beauty. There are phases of this reactivation. As I said your recent science understands only a fragment of its great importance and its connection to the upcoming physical adjustments your body needs to go through.

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Venus Eclipse 2012: What's Special about this Venus Eclipse


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Fran Zepeda ~ Sananda ~ May You Be a Kaleidoscope of Oneness ~ June 4, 2012


Sananda ~ May You Be a Kaleidoscope of Oneness ~ As Channeled Through Fran Zepeda ~ June 4, 2012




No matter where you are in the energy spiral, you are all rising in frequency. The energy surge accompanying the present alignments now occurring will cause massive jumps in your consciousness. It is only necessary for you to open your hearts to a degree you have not yet attained, dear Ones. The energies will assist you; you must only allow the awakening to occur.


All across the universes a massive domino effect is occurring, and will continue to occur as you open and lead with your hearts. By now you are becoming quite adept at this and the question is only how much you desire to embrace the unprecedented surge of Light and Love energies being poured into your hearts as we speak.


Dear beloveds, these are your moments to surpass all expectation of your ability to absorb the maximum of Light particles ever absorbed. It is up to you; it is up to you to harness them and catapult them in the form of intention and visualization for what the New Earth would look like if it were as balanced and abundant as an array of colors representing every hue of the rainbow in complete radiant explosion.


You may have guessed it: You and each one of you and every Being of all the universes has the potential to light up like a firefly producing a kaleidoscope of radiant colors, each unique to each Being, but in totality producing such a beautiful combination, unique unto each part yet so balanced and synchronized in Wholeness.



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Ariel DeAngelis Talks About: Our Broken Financial System - What are we going to do to fix it?


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Manuscript of survival: On the road again



On the road again…



•June 5, 2012 •



Hello dear friends! I just wanted you to know that I am about to go away for a week or so. I do not know if there will be any new messages to post while I am away, as I have been told to leave my computer at home and prepare for some other tasks. I will leave this space open, so if you have posted comments on these pages earlier, you are free to use this blog to connect with each other in the days ahead. I think they will be interesting, to say the least … I wish you all the best for this upcoming period, and I will be back with a new message as soon as The constant companions have something to share with us all. Love and light, Aisha.


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Enjoy this day to its fullest – Michael by GLR Ron Head



Spanish      Portuguese


And so, it is upon you, dear friends.  The unmistakable rise in the energies of light and love has begun.  In addition, your biggest worries are beginning to prove unfounded.  There is still, in your world, enough fear and worry to manifest these catastrophes.  However we are delighted to see that the love and light you are bringing to bear is daily winning out over the fear, even though the numbers of you would not appear to be large enough.

Light is always ascendant, dear ones.  And your numbers are far, far greater than you imagine.  You are a part of a universal host of uncountable number.  As you join your meditations and visualizations this day, feel the power you have brought to bear.  Feel us holding you in loving embrace.  See all you have dreamed and longed for these many thousands of your years coming to pass before your mind’s eye.  See all resistance melting away as divine love replaces it in your entire solar system; for you have enabled far reaching changes that have hardly crossed your minds, my friends


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Today I woke up...


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Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Paying Attention



Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Paying Attention




Notice the signs around you


There are clues all around you to help you on your journey. You left them for yourself  to remember, we leave them for you all the time, and rejoice when you notice them. Notice any repetitious signs as well as your inner guidance, as they can offer you valuable information.  For you knew there would be times you would need some assistance to help to guide the way. Notice the light that is before you, know it is a gift from spirit to reassuring you, offering you confidence and to empower you to charge ahead.


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Emmanuel Dagher – Magnified Manifestiging – June Energy Forecast – New Beginnings



Emmanuel Dagher – Magnified Manifestiging – June Energy Forecast – New Beginnings – 5 June 2012

Peace & Blessings,

Do you remember that feeling of being a senior on the last day of your high school experience, literally looking at the clock counting down the seconds to when you would be exiting the doors of your school once and for all? There was probably a sense of excitement mixed with an abundance of joy for accomplishing 12+ years of hard work. Although a brand new day was just around the corner, there was probably also a sense of nostalgia for the simple fact that a major chapter in our lives was coming to an end. We knew that everything we had known to be our reality up to that point as it showed up through our environment, friendships, and experiences was about to change forever.


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Venus Transit Anchoring the Rose Ray Codes & Ascension Symptoms Planetary Alert


Tuesday, 5 June, 2012  



The Venus Transit is a rare astrological and astronomical event that is bringing very powerful transformational energies that are affecting your emotional bodies at a very deep level. This is creating increased tension and radical change to transform the attachment to the material world and 3D systems that appeared to keep you safe, secure and controlled. The Venus transit is a gateway portal download of the purest essence of Divine White Light of the sacred divine feminine. 13


Your core essence is coming into holy alignment through the newly anchored Rose Ray Codes of the Mother of Creation chalice and through the source of the central sun and galactic center. These planetary alignments and gateways are recalibrating your frequency to the new earth and unity alliance. 33 The Venus transit and Rose Ray Codes will continue to bring harmonic resonances with Gaia and to enlighten your cells through 2013.



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Lucas – In The Mist Of Your Life Your Senses Are Your Guide




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~Space Weather Update~ Solar Wind Buffetting at 658~ Venus Transit


SOLAR WIND: A high-speed strem of solar wind is buffeting Earth's magnetic field, setting the stage for possible geomagnetic activity. NOAA forecasters estimate a 60% chance of polar geomagnetic storms during the next 24 hours. Aurora alerts: text, voice.


TRANSIT OF VENUS: No one reading this will still be alive the next time Venus crosses the sun in 2117. That makes today special. On June 5th at 3:09 pm PDT, the second planet begins its historic 7-hour transit of the solar disk. Observers on parts of all seven continents (map) will witness something like this:


Photo credit: David Finlay of Sydney, Australia (June 8, 2004).

The timing favors observers in the mid-Pacific where the sun is high overhead during the crossing. In the USA, the transit will be at its best around sunset. Creative photographers will have a field day imaging the swollen red sun "punctured" by the circular disk of Venus.



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FREEDOM & COMEDY PROJECT: Keiser Report: Paper Money Collapse (E297)


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My Logical Conclusion...to be taken NOT as a grain of salt.




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DL Zeta – June’s Transformation Gateway Reignites The Fires Of Ancient Evenings – 5 June 2012



DL Zeta – June’s Transformation Gateway Reignites The Fires Of Ancient Evenings – 5 June 2012

We’re passing through a gateway now that will carry us further into the dawning of a new time in human consciousness. This new time begins with the recalibration of our lives and our world.

Past, present and future meet at the intersection of energetic events throughout the month of June. This evening’s lunar eclipse falls on the third of three consecutive “supermoons” when the moon is at its closest point to the earth. These powerful energies create shake- ups in any areas where we are stuck; likewise they will accelerate with light-speed the manifestation of our creative intentions.


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Lee-Anne Peters – Following A Dream – Seeing It Through! – 5 June 2012



Lee-Anne Peters – Following A Dream – Seeing It Through! – 5 June 2012

We all have dreams, many have lost or forgotten dreams – however we all have dreams. Dreams can be thought of as out of reach or just not doable – and there really are many that are. Becoming a pretty good manifestor of my dreams I am learning a lot about this process, so hopefully something I share here can help you see it through, reignite your passions or let it go.


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Heavenletter #4211 Eternal Connection


Heavenletter #4211 Eternal Connection, June 5, 2012 

God said: 


It is as if We are extensions of each other. We are an Eternal Connection. In one sense, We are wireless. In another sense, We are mainframe, and there is only One in the whole Universe. We are definitely something, aren't We now?

Tap, tap, tap go Our messages. Constant revelation. Constant reception of ingoing and outgoing messages although they are instant, ingoing and outgoing have no meaning. There is reception, and there are messages that echo through Us. It is as if One speaks, and it is the Same One who hears, so close is the connection.

In the depth of Our connection, Our Oneness connection, there is nothing to say. We are telepathic. Whose thoughts are they?


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FREEDOM PROJECT: Arab Yugoslavia: Massacre fallout fuels Syria intervention











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Wes Annac – The Hathors Of Earth’s Solar Astral Planes Part I



Wes Annac – The Hathors Of Earth’s Solar Astral Planes: Auric Cleansing, The Creation Of Your Future And Experiences Within The Earthly Dreamscape – 5 June 2012


-by GLR Wes Annac-

Every Earth-vessel upon the surface of your incredibly beautiful world is shining marvelously and wonderfully, and we very much appreciate the chance and opportunity to be able to not only observe you as you undergo your ascension processes, but to be able to actively communicate with you as well and for many, help you to clear the lower residue and the egotistical blockages that have been holding many of you back from perceiving the depth of the glory and wonder that your lower chakras can and will bring you.


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Ashton's message to the world. WE are FREE!


Published on Jun 4, 2012 by imagreenze
Today I heard my 6 year old son Ashton talking with some of his Galactic friends from upstairs. He was celebrating with them the ending of the war as he described it and the Federation of Free Worlds. When I went into the living room where Ashton was sitting he started telling me how we need to spread this message to the people around the world, that we are all free now. I then asked him if he would like to do a video so we could share this message. Here is what he had to say.

Love to all,
Ashton & Joe

May we all truly embrace.


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FREEDOM PROJECT: USA shaking down people Julian Assange interviewed on TV (05Jun12)


With nothing else better to do, the FBI are shaking down all the people that Wikileaks' Julian Assange has interviewed on his RT tv show, trying to get them to squeal against Assange. A new low for the American government.

Recorded from RT, 05 June 2012.


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Wes Annac – The Hathors Of Earth’s Solar Astral Planes Part II



Wes Annac – The Hathors Of Earth’s Solar Astral Planes: Auric Cleansing, The Creation Of Your Future And Experiences Within The Earthly Dreamscape – 5 June 2012


-by GLR Wes Annac-

We ask you to act in accordance with your feeling, with your heart space, to Create the Heavens and futures in your mind that are to be reality on your world so very soon ,as your doing so will aide the manifestation of such events in the time window that we would like such events to be laid out.

In relation to this, at present we are working harder than ever to set the stage and lay the foundation for the physical events to manifest on your world.


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Juice News: A News Hope - Julian Assange vs Rupert Murdoch


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Wes Annac – The Hathors Of Earth’s Solar Astral Planes Part III




Wes Annac – The Hathors Of Earth’s Solar Astral Planes: Auric Cleansing, The Creation Of Your Future And Experiences Within The Earthly Dreamscape – 5 June 2012


-by GLR Wes Annac-

Every one of you are performing similar energy work, work that would truly dazzle and boggle your minds and have you wondering how you would maintain the physical and energetic strength to perform such actions.

We say that this strength and energy you are given to perform such things every moment of your existence is not physical, and such a mindset of thinking that energy cannot be sustained when performing energetic work is a bit ‘off’ in relation to the truth, for the giving of energy to others makes one feel more Lighted and energetic themselves.

This is why many of you who have brought through the Violet Flame energy or even brought through the accelerated and pure energies of one of us ascended souls who are assisting you all, have noticed that [much of the time] you feel much more Lighted and that you have much more energy afterwards.

This is because you are able to replenish your energies at any time, provided you have a clear access to your energetic ‘tank’ so to speak.


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~A Message from The Earth Allies~ The Invocation for the Incoming Energies


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Signs of the Golden Age Are Everywhere~ Divine Intervention is Happening


Scott Mowry: Signs of the Golden Age Are Everywhere



Divine Intervention is happening, let us count the ways…

Reported by Scott Mowry – June 3, 2012




EACH and every day brings more and more confirmations that something exceptionally extraordinary is happening to the human race and our planet Earth. We must realize and appreciate, at this very moment, we are living in the greatest, most spectacular times in the history of the world – bar none.



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Archeia Lady Radiant: Your Eyes Reveal the Beauty of Your Soul




Your Eyes Reveal the Beauty of Your Soul


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Venus Transit: A Trinity of Energy; the Divine Union of the Sun, Venus, Gaia and All Upon Her


Venus Transit: A Trinity of Energy; the Divine Union of the Sun, Venus, Gaia and All Upon Her




June 5, 2012



Some of the 6-hour windows of the Venus Transit June 5th:

11:09am – 5:50pm Hawaii Time

2:09pm – 8:09pm PST

5:09pm – 11:09pm EST


The Venus Transit, that only occurs every 113 years, will open a balance point in the heart which will enable you to connect with your deepest source.


Cellular DNA will be activated through the mathematical relationship that is being created via the 5-pointed star geometry angle completion of the Transit. This activates the phi spiral inside of our DNA – awakening cellular consciousness!

What kind of Cellular Consciousness?



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~The Power of Love~ Venus Transit~


~The Power of Love~


Heart of Hearts by CuteEverything


a message from Sarah-Jane Grace

Tuesday, 5 June, 2012 




As we continue our grand and mysterious tale of cosmic twists and turns, this epic looks set to turn into an adventure of legend as the unconscious continues to become conscious, and sleepwalkers stir and awaken seeking meaning and purpose, love and unity. Each of us is a Divine spark, and we are stepping forth into the full blazing glory of love of the most incredible kind.



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Return of the Goddess ~ Update Cobra Commentary from The Galactic Free Press~


Return of the Goddess ~ Update Cobra Commentary from The Galactic Free Press~


Earth Mother by Susanna Monette


Commentary from the Galactic Free Press~ Today during this Powerful Event of the Return of the Goddess Energy, the Earth Allies will Be Gathering Via Live Internet Chat for a Mass Light Meditation. We will Begin at around 3:30pm Pacific. The Actual Meditation will Be at 6:30pm Pacific. This is A Full Particpation Event! Join us In The Highest Combined Light Love on Planet Earth=Heart!!  Lets Make History Today!





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What number are you?




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Maureen Moss – Sustained Happiness : A Vital Component To Ascension – 5 June 2012



Maureen Moss – Sustained Happiness : A Vital Component To Ascension – 5 June 2012


Dearest Hearts, As always I pray you are well as the rebooting of our Infinite Beings, continues.


What an amazing journey into a land beyond time and a world without constriction, we are on.

Have you noticed how this ‘rebooting’ is creating a much deeper consciousness of who you really are, how Infinite you truly are, and how vitally important you are to the Divine Plan on this profound Planet? Every day is a day of sheer amazement and yes, often sheer exhaustion. It’s good to know however, that the exhaustion is all energy, and nothing is wrong.


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Visionkeeper – Be Happy – 5 June 2012



Visionkeeper – Be Happy – 5 June 2012

(picture by www.favim.com)

Appreciating life is such an important part of a happy life, yet how many of us really do it? We wake up in the morning and jump out of bed and off we go to work or school or childcare with little thought of anything else. For starters I bet you didn’t swing your legs over the side of the bed and sit there a moment in thanks to the creator for another day of being alive and breathing. Are we grateful for the food that filled our bellies before leaving the house? Are we grateful for owning the car that drives us to our daily lives rather than having to walk or take the crowded bus? As much as we hate heading off to work everyday have we been able to find room to be grateful for the job we are able to go to everyday? There are so many things we take for granted and don’t give a second thought about, let alone show gratitude for. Each and every moment is a moment for us to be happy and grateful for, each and every moment is our life!


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There's a little black spot on the Sun today...


There's a little black spot on the sun today
It's the same old thing as yesterday
There's a black hat caught in a high tree top
There's a flag-pole rag and the wind won't stop

I have stood here before inside the pouring rain
With the world turning circles running 'round my brain<br style="color: rgb(103, 103, 103); font-family: Georgia, 'Times New Roman', Times,</p><p><a data-cke-saved-href=" galacticfreepress="" content="" theres-little-black-spot-sun-today"="" href="/galacticfreepress/content/theres-little-black-spot-sun-today">Read more


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