Wes Annac: The Success of the Venus Transit Alignment

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Thu, 06/07/2012 - 05:36


Wes Annac: The Success of the Venus Transit Alignment

2012 JUNE 7
Posted by Dave Schmidt

Wes Annac: The Success of the Venus Transit Alignment

By Wes Annac – June 6, 2012


The Venus Transit alignment and mass meditation was a resounding success, and the passing of this magical date and the resulting alignment has caused not only energies of continually pure proportions to now be gracing our surface and our bodies, this alignment and the energy work brought forth from this alignment has served to diminish the influence of the dark on our world, quite significantly.

By this, I do not just mean the influence of the heads of the last fading cabals on our world, as they have always been a simple outer manifestation of the lower energies and entities that we have produced in ourselves and as a result, have produced and fed within the lower and more knotted up realms of our world.

The entire point of this specific alignment was to bring us the Divine Feminine Mother in more pure ways than we have been absorbing thus far, in an act to balance the two seeming polarities of Mother and Father in ourselves; we are balancing even right now, the Masculine energies of responsibility and discipline among other traits, with the Divine Feminine energies of Love, Grace, Joy and an uninhibited sense of freedom, which the balancing with the Divine Masculine qualities sees we enjoy responsibly.

However, there have always been alternate purposes for these alignments and for the meditations which are now being performed en mass by not just us on Earth, but by all other ascended beings assisting Earth at this time from realms beyond our understanding.

This alternate purpose has been to continue on our collective and individual paths of clearing out the egotistical density and residue within ourselves and within our chakras, for we share our temples with our dear Mother Earth and as a result, any and every lower entity that we manifest and Create through the energies of fear, anger, disappointment, the list can go on; these energies and entities are repeated and re-Created continually throughout the lower realms of our dear Mother Earth.

Now, with the unfolding of these many potent alignments and with the balancing acts (ha! They are not acts) that are now taking place, we are being Guided by so very many to meditate en masse upon these unfolding alignments, to clear out such entities within ourselves and in doing so, we clear out these entities from the lower astral realms of Mother Earth as again, we are One with the dear Earth and we share the same beings and entities within ourselves, with Mother Earth.

The purity of last night’s alignment made itself very apparent to me as soon as I entered meditation. Nearly immediately, I found myself in the Divine presence of a beautiful Angelic Goddess. Her name and label escapes me now, though I remember it was something complex and beautiful.

The sheer beauty of this Angelic soul and the sheer intensity and ‘realness’ in which She came to me, almost as soon as I entered meditation – it made me realize in very pure ways, the true, pure and full beauty of the Feminine energies in any and every form that they take. I do not exaggerate when I say that I will probably never see a female the same way again – the beauty is being made so very apparent in all at this time.

I was happily invited by this dear Angelic soul to take part in a mass meditation and Lighted ritual within an ascended city on the Earth, near a very important and potent star gate. This was likely the manifestation of the meditation that Cobra has been planning, and needless to say there were over millions of us at this beautiful, collective ritual.

The beginning of my own perception of this event was a gathering and a meeting; just generally everybody getting comfortable with each other, many finding fellow friends who had also planned to take place in these meditations, and there were as well the subtle and astral bodies of many Lightworkers on Earth who were not directly taking place in the meditation that would deliver them to this ritual in their astral perceptions.

I was told that whenever I eventually drifted away from my meditations, my real self would still long be there, performing the meditations and rituals; it would simply be more difficult for my physical body to absorb the effects of such Love giving.

What was very interesting about my own perceptions of this mass, Lighted ritualistic event, was that I was not limited to perceiving one phase of time in this event. By this I mean that I was able to zoom forward to a time when the Love giving was very potent as we were all performing such giving of Love, and I was able to go backward as well to when the introductions were being given.

Obviously, we hear all of the time that these realms exist outside of the confines of our perceptions of time, but to experience such a truth like that, in such a pure and real way, was very wonderful and intense alike.

The most intense and real experience I can remember from this event, was that of being uplifted and filled with nothing but pure, unfiltered Logos energy. This energy poured majestically and marvelously throughout every chakra in my subtle body and again, I and all others around me were literally uplifted by this energy as we all hovered very high in the air and rode this pure and intense wave of energy.

I felt this energy coming through myself, through every facet of myself… I became this energy. We all became this energy in various different pure forms.

One previous Lighted ritual I remember being a part of with the dear souls in the ascended city of Acclipthys, was that of becoming this energy and then traveling down to various places on the surface of Earth that needed this energy the most. That was the most intense energy-exchange experience I had ever had, before last night.

Rather than traveling down to various places on the surface of Earth that needed this energy, as we became this energy, we were shown every last bit of us which is still based in darkness and in the lower dimensional experience, for the purposes of Loving and transmuting such entities and in doing so, cleansing the astral realms of Mother Earth further, as has always been intended.

I had wondered why many ascended sources speaking through me had suddenly started talking about the importance of holding mass meditations and the existence and importance of Lighted rituals alike, and now I know that this is because these two actions go hand in hand, and there are infinite multitudes of ascended beings who are during every alignment with this world, themselves performing such mass meditations and beaming of ritualistic Love in different yet unique and needed ways every time.

It is truly such a beautiful happening.

During the day yesterday and in the days leading up to yesterday, I was beginning to learn how to balance the Divine Masculine and Feminine qualities and energies being brought forth in myself, and was beginning to learn as well the distinguished difference between seeking a higher dimensional experience and seeking only the energies and actions of Earthly pleasure, as all forms of Earthly pleasure are based in a much more enjoyable higher dimensional experience, but Earthly pleasure will only bind us to the Earth experience where it takes its form and temporary existence.

While I was not able to participate and remember participating in this mass meditation and Lighted ritual for nearly as long as I’m sure the rest of you were able to, the experience for me was very pure, real and intense and has aided me in ways that even I cannot yet feel or imagine.

A bit of wonderful confirmation came my way, long after I had waned away from the rituals at the stargate they were being performed at, that the rituals had been an immense success.

At around ten or eleven pm last night, I went out to my back yard to sit and look out at the sky, as I am fond of doing. I saw many stationary stars and stars which I wondered if they were really ships, and of course as these thoughts came about and as I made my routine request to see a ship of our dear Galactic brethren, one of the stationary ‘stars’ began moving around, sometimes slowly, and sometimes at a very quickened pace.

At least two more ‘stars’ moved around as well to show me that they were really our Galactic brethren in one of their beautiful Light Ships, posing as a star as they monitor the energy movements occurring throughout the Earth during this beautiful alignment that had just been reached, as there were many, many transmutations occurring as a result of so very many making the efforts in themselves to be a part of these meditations.

The unfolding higher dimensional experience and my own role in bringing this experience forth, has never been made more apparent or felt more real to me than it did last night and indeed, than it has lately in general.

For the second night in a row, I was able to witness the beautiful ships of our Galactic brethren in our skies, just after meeting a beautiful, Cosmic Feminine Angel who not only escorted me to the beautiful rituals that were being performed by well over 144,000 Earthly souls, but who helped me to navigate the extremely pure energies that were uplifting us all during these wonderful rituals; She helped me to integrate and transmute the lower realms and entities alike that I had kept close to myself over my thousands of Lives on this Earth before coming back one last time for this go-around, and I am delighted to say that I have found a ‘new’, Loving Guide in this dear soul.

So in conclusion, the Venus Transit Meditation and the resulting rituals alike, was and were an immense success. It was indeed a very pure and intense experience, for me and for many others I’m sure, and all I can say is to strap in and hold on to your hats, for we have so many more of these alignments to come, each one being more pure and intense than the last.

Wes Annac – Incarnate Rep., GF and PHC




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