~WESAK FULL MOON IN SCORPIO 26.13 degrees ~ MAY 17th

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 05/16/2011 - 06:43

~By Love Reporter Soluntra King ~


  MAY 17th  NZ 11.09pm 29th  

 AUST EST  9.09pm  28th GMT 11.09am
The Full Moon is a time of completion and celebration, and when the Sun and the Moon are opposite.

This is the second powerful Full Moon, and often called the Buddha Full Moon or Wesak Full Moon. Wesak is the valley below Mount Kailash in Tibet that is the Crown Chakra of Earth. Every year at this Full Moon the Masters, Holy people, Swamis, Sadhus make a pilgrimage to this valley where all the Masters and non physical Divine Beings meet together for the shift in consciousness for humanity and to anchor the higher energies onto the Earth Plane. It is also the time Buddha’s birthday is celebrated.

Mt Titiroa New Zealand is the Crown Chakra of the New Earth, the New Earth is one with the Earth as we know it and as we come more from our hearts and beyond the illusion of duality we live in Heaven on Earth, we are already in the New Earth.

So in your meditation you may want to travel to the Wesak Valley to join all these other beautiful beings and be open to whatever you feel guided from within to do in regards meditation, anchoring divine light on Earth, personal messages, transmutation of your being and/or humanities as this is an opportunity not to be missed.  Or you maybe ready for the new Light Codes of the higher dimensional Earth and the clear light as you own that you are the Goddess/God now and guardian in clear light.
The opportunity with the Wesak Full Moon is that we can also surrender more fully to our fears, pain and duality aspects into the divine love of our true essence and the cosmic energies in ease and grace. So you will be supported fully in your desire to be in divine will with an open heart.
A wonderful time to access and love your own duality fears and well as assisting humankind to go beyond all limitations and shine in your true light.
Also a time when you can more easily review contracts you have made to grow and unify and to do your mission on Earth. You can see the bigger picture and your soul story and connectiveness with all experiences and your life/s holograms and what is really taking place with the cycles and the shift as we move through the Galactic Centre.
The divine beings in Mt Kailash wish to commune with you and assist in realizations within and awakenings of your vital force. They work with you in your sleep but now is a time to become conscious of them and the work you do in the higher dimensional realms.
In the bigger picture the energies have now been transferred Mt Kailash to Mt Titiroa link....TRANSFERANCE OF ENERGY FROM MT KIALASH TO MT TITIROA , South Island New Zealand, but will take over 300 years in 3D time to anchor fully. So apart from soul travelling to Wesak and Mt Kailash you may want to visit Mt Titiroa in the South Island on the inner, this is the Crown Chakra of the New Earth, Mt Kailash has been the Crown Chakra in the old paradigm. When the energies transferred at the 2009 Wesak Full Moon it was a shift for the outer Goddesses and Gods to the inner within us and to Clear Light as we are the guardians and beam holders of Earth and the Solar System, Galaxy and Stars are illuminated through our energy field and chakras.
Please read Living Light  THE NINTH WAVE JOURNEY
where we were at Mt Titiroa for the light that came in at the beginning of the Universal Underworld in March 2011. see link also Mayan Calendar
MAYAN CALENDAR DAY; 5 (centre, core purpose, acceptance) YELLOW (South - ripens, allows) OWL - CIB (Cosmic consciousness, divine communication, inner voice, grace, trust)


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