What’s All This Talk About Life Being an Illusion?

Submitted by Lia on Tue, 06/12/2012 - 10:09

What’s All This Talk About Life Being an Illusion?

2012 June 12
 by Dave Schmidt


If you’ve noticed, there have been a number of references in the recent channelings about life and everything around us in this 3D world being an illusion.


Sananda’s entiteled his recent message “Breaking Illusions.”  In it, he stated:


“Today, I wish to address the subject of illusion. You have been immersed within it for such a long time and you are beginning to break the chains and restrictions that have held you back.

“You know it was necessary to be fully immersed in the illusion in order to gather all you needed to transform yourselves into the Divine Beings you always were, but forgot for the sake of experiencing duality to the fullest. And so the time has come to step out of that role and welcome the true essence and reality of your multi-dimensional lives.”


A few days ago, the concept of an illusion was referred to in messages from Jesus, Saul, Archangel Michael and others.

When I first came across this concept about four years ago, it was very foreign and hard to understand.  How could this world be an illusion when it all seems so real?  This body of mine seems very real. These circumstances of lack, fear, anxiety all seem so real because they are very much a part of my life.


What helped me along the way was becoming acquainted with the principles in A Course in Miracles, where the concept of this world being “illusory” is a central theme.


All the things of this world (i.e., time and space, people, circumstances, bodies, physical objects) are in reality just a construct of our minds, of our thoughts, as we’ve trained our minds to perceive them.


One of the things helpful to me was understanding the difference between Newtonian vs. Quantum physics.


Newtonian physics, which most of us are taught at school, says everything is made of matter coming from energy.  Matter is solid, real, and makes up all of the stuff in our universe.  The bodies, cells, molecules and atoms are all parts of matter. Matter does not change.  Energy reacts to certain circumstances and conditions, but for the most part it is what it is and that’s the way it is.  Newtonian physics describes our 3D world, that we perceive with our five physical senses.


But Quantum physics tells a completely different story.  Matter is not fixed.  It’s made of energy, but the energy can change whether in the form of particles or waves.  And it changes based on the perception of the observer; i.e., it’s our perception that gives it the appearance of form.  It’s the energy coming from our thoughts that determines its construction. So therefore, perception determines your reality based on how you’ve trained your thoughts.


As long as we’re in 3D form in this 3D world we’re all subject to this split mind: the mind of the ego that perceives the world of duality; everything being separate and different.  But we also have the divine mind: which we really are, which we really are like.


The ego mind is the default of this world and our object in this life is to retrain our split mind from its default ego format to that of the divine.  In the divine mind, we’re all one. There’s no separation. There’s no duality. And this world is just a temporary illusion of our thoughts.


A Course in Miracles (ACIM), by its own decree, is summed up in the following statement:


Nothing real can be threatened.

Nothing unreal exists.

Herein lies the peace of God.

Nothing unreal can be threatened because it is eternal, it is of Oneness, it is of God.  Nothing unreal exists because it is temporary, it is illusory.


ACIM further states:

“This statement makes a fundamental distinction between the real and the unreal; between knowledge and perception.  Knowledge is truth, under one law, the law of love or God.  Truth is unalterable, eternal and unambiguous. It can be recognized, but it cannot be changed…..The world of perception, on the other hand, is the world of time, of change, of beginnings and endings.  It is based on interpretation, not on facts.  It is the world of birth and death, founded on the belief in scarcity, loss, separation and death.  It is learned rather than given.”


Ascension is very much the process of undoing the old egoic thought system and retraining our minds to see the world as the angels and ascended masters see it, a world where all is one and all is divine.


I was recently in a conversation with a friend and she said she had some very important things she had to work on.  These were things of service to others, helping people and improving this world.  But in the process she was not seeing her own anger, how she was excluding others and creating further separation.  While she was thinking she was serving God and others all she was doing was digging herself deeper into separation and duality consciousness.


I asked her if what she was doing was really that important, as it really is just a part of the illusion.  Was her action of service more important than being in denial of the anger being directed toward another?


The look on her face was indignant.  The thought that what she was doing was not real seemed to threaten her, and it was clear that the peace of God was absent.


Our perception is what makes this world an illusion.  Part of the Ascension process is changing our perception to that of oneness vs. the old-world separation.


Retraining how we think is not a short term task, but, for most of us, takes a lifetime.  It seems to require us to take one step at a time in observing our thoughts, recognizing their source and choosing to perceive your environment as God sees it.

Herein lies the peace of God; and it’s well worth the effort!



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