What is Most Important NOW

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Wed, 05/16/2012 - 06:45

What is Most Important NOW

by GLR Yojman

AKASHA: I wish to transmit to each of you a feeling, a feeling that even
words can often not fully open the way to express how I feel, how the
Ascended Host feel and how important it is for all of you to feel that you
have great successes inside your own being that you just cannot measure by
anything outside of you – successes in your awakening, in your own ability
to maintain peace and harmony even when you do not yet know all things.

Akasha urges us to be careful about what you read and hear in the outer world

The world is entering an epic hour of such change and transformation and due
to such modern means of communication, such as the internet, it is very easy
to get caught up in all sorts of things that become broadcast on the
internet, including people whose attention is fascinated with conspiracy
theories, peoples whose attention is so fascinated about what governments
are doing behind the backs of the people and those are just examples. And I
ask you, beloved hearts, in all the things that you see posted on the
internet and the things you hear people out in the world talk about, you
have something that the mass of the people do not know. You have in
yourselves, in your efforts, in your spiritual family, you have a direct
connection now to God, the Infinite I AM Presence. You have a direct
connection to the Heavenly Father and the Heavenly Mother. You have a direct
connection to your own Ascended Family who live in the higher realms of your
Planet Earth. You have a connection to Venus and the Great Goddess of Venus
who is overlighting your planet at this time. You have re-established – and
this is what is most important – you have re-established your own God
connection with your own Divinity and it is your destiny and such a short
destiny of time stands before you when each of you – with more hands of
Grace upon you and greater intervention coming into your life – that each of
you will come to demonstrate that no matter what they do in the world –
governments, politicians, military – no matter what they do in the world,
each of you are quietly, without the world knowing, each of you are quietly
cultivating the Presence of God, the Great I AM. And as that Great I AM
gains greater and stronger and more prominent expression in your lives, your
minds, your feelings, your heart and your body, it is yours and it is a very
personal path that comes for each of you NOW . . for each of you to have
personal spiritual experience, experience of discovering and all that has
been your efforts and studies and decrees and prayers and meditations and
all that you have discovered is the right use of your thoughts and feelings,
creative powers of manifestation and all these things. It is for you to
discover dear heart that you no longer have an embryo of God Consciousness hidden away. Within each of you is the furnace of God that is growing so
strong that will reveal first of all uniquely in your own personal
experiences that which gives you 100% total knowing and confidence that the
Presence inside you that is growing is no respecter of time, no respecter of
space, no respecter of human laws and that it is the One Presence, the One
Power, the One Intelligence that is One Law that knows only Perfection.

And when the imperfections of the outer world try to encroach upon you
through the appearance side of life or the outer world it is to be your own
personal experience where you will come to see, to observe, to feel that
Presence in FULL CHRIST OPERATION in you and through you and as you. And so
as your Mother Presence I URGE you, BE CAREFUL, BE CAREFUL about what you
read on the internet – stories of the end of the world and all these things.
So many things that people broadcast on the internet dear heart. These
people have no knowledge of the I AM Presence. They have no knowledge of the
Ascended Master intervention that is coming. You have something that the
world knows not of and it is growing, it is alive, it is in your hearts, it
is inside your consciousness, it is coming closer to you from above and you
have an Ascended and Angelic Family, that for the most part, the world knows
not of dear hearts. So will you try to remember this dear?

A most enjoyable read Yojman!


I particuly liked how you pointed out.. "I URGE you, BE CAREFUL, BE CAREFUL about what you
read on the internet – stories of the end of the world and all these things.
So many things that people broadcast on the internet dear heart. These
people have no knowledge of the I AM Presence


win, lose


These stories seem to accomplish one thing and that is to pull a person out of the present and into the future. They cultivate angst and worry...something that is but heavy baggage to those who travel Light. Their energies are always void and lookingto be filled with thoughts of doom and gloom. The energy that perpetuates their existence is drained from tired travellers seeking escape from the barren and parched land that surrounds them. Does a person lost in the dessert seek a fireplace to warm his bones or a drink to quench their thirst? Which vision do the the conspiracy theorists offer? Can we satisfy our thirst with a bigger furnace?


Governements and theorist live in the same world. The world of duality and opposition. Like football teams both seek to "win" at the expense of the other, bith have cheering fans and both will go to any extreme to accomplish their ends. Paranoia or apathy grips their wanting souls as they see and feel the clock tick, as one or the other executes overpowering moves on the other. The game ends with "a winner or and a loser", the respective sides go home in defeat or jubilation for a brief moment, and the game begins again shortly thereafter for another round of the power grab. Oness side gamblse their power power in exchange in exchange for the shot of gaining greater power.


Such is the drama of life in the third dimensional world.  A status quo that loves competition to the extent that a sports law has been drawn up to eliminate "ties".  The world loves winners and losers but as the saying goes, " house divided against itself cannot stand".  One of these days the game will end and only winners will stand.  "Losers" may lament a while but satisfaction has a way of eliminating reasons to oppose...



It is comforting to be in the moment of equality, even if One is surrounded by the milieu of "winners and losers", for the sum total is a part of Us...


Many blessing.



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