Submitted by Lia on Sat, 06/25/2011 - 07:04






I am Lord Kuthumi. It is such a wondrous time on the planet earth today. It is with the greatest joy that I am here today to deliver this message to all of humanity.

Welcome to the New Earth Energy. This is the energy that you are now feeling on the planet earth. This energy is touching every human being and all living things on the planet earth. This is truly the energy of Mother and Father God. This is the energy that is bringing about compassion consciousness. In time judgment consciousness will no longer rule the planet earth. As we have shared with you, "compassion consciousness is the new way and the true way."

The New Energy Earth is already beginning to see many changes in the ways that people feel. More and more human beings are beginning to hear the messages from their heart. As more human beings reawaken to who they truly are compassion consciousness will be the greater awareness. Many people today are beginning to see the grand illusion that they have created here on the planet earth. This grand illusion is the belief that someone else is controlling your life and that someone else is creating your experiences. This is not true and it never has been true for you have been creating your life and your experiences. I ask you today to take ownership and responsibility for your life and for your experiences that you are now going to create. Remember that an unspoken truth is not yet a truth. So it is important for you to be able to bring into your consciousness, into your speech your truths. This is how you create. It always has been and always will be. What you believe you will experience. You have always created through your thoughts, words, and feelings.

In the days and months ahead there will be great changes on the planet earth. These changes will benefit all. Already you are beginning to see more people speaking out about your rights as human beings on the planet earth. In the days ahead and months ahead you will no longer have to worry about surviving for all of your survival needs will be met. As human beings you were meant to do so much more than survive. You are truly meant to create. Creators is what you are and creators is what you always will be. You see before you today many opportunities and these opportunities will help so many of you to begin to walk the path that you choose to walk before you incarnated in to this lifetime. Remember that every day is a new opportunity for you to grow, it is a new opportunity for you to choose to be who you truly are. It is really that simple, it is as simple as making a choice.

You know that you are energy and you know that energy brings about matter. So use your energy to create your true wishes and desires here on the planet earth. The energy that you are or your divinity is here on earth incarnate in the physical body in order to create. So think about creating and what you truly wish to create. Think about those things that will benefit your self and will benefit others and create them. Your creative abilities are very, very strong and these creative abilities or creative energies (if you wish to look at it that way) are going to become more focused on serving others. This is what makes you feel good and it always has. When you help others this brings about those feelings within you that truly brings to you joy and happiness. So do those things that bring to you peace, joy, and happiness and you will see. For it is through receiving and giving that you create your faith and your faith is simply your knowing and through this faith you will create great things. Also remember that it is through your faith that you are shown for seeing is not believing, believing is seeing.

We here in the spiritual realm are seeing so many wonderful things happening now. You see we do not watch your six o'clock news. We see you as who you truly are. We see you as the great energy of Spirit that you truly are and we know you for who you truly are. Believe me when I tell you that the light of so many human beings is shining ever so brightly now and this light continues to grow. This is the energy that we see you as. It is time now to stop doubting and debating and wondering who you are. You know who you are. Within you, you truly know who you are. All you simply have to do is to believe and allow this great energy of the New Earth to flow within you, to flow through you, and to flow outside of you. This is what you are, you are energy movers and through you the energy that is moved by you becomes stronger. This is the energy of the New Earth and it keeps growing, and growing, and growing. When you accept and allow this energy to become a part of your energy then you become a great part of this energy movement. Energy is always meant to flow and it will always flow.

In the days and months ahead the changes that we see  will occur on the planet earth and are going to bring what you call heaven to earth. In reality heaven is already on earth. It always has been. All you simply had to do was to reawaken or remember this truth. You are going to begin to see the true abilities and capabilities that Spirit has. Right now these abilities are way beyond your grasp because you do not believe them. When you know you are a Divine Being and you realize that you are a Divine Human Being, you will know this to be true. There are so many wonderful things that you can create in the physical dimension that you have not yet created. It is time now to truly start creating all of those things that you have wished for for so long. All you simply have to do is to believe that you can create these things.

It is such a pleasure and such a joy for me to be here today to speak with you. I love you all so very, very much. I am always with you. I am Lord Kuthumi.

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