That which you hold onto is not TRUTH - by Karen Doonan

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Mon, 02/27/2012 - 08:31


Karen Doonan
We are here dear ones each step that you take and we are here to guide and support as you now move more fully into the new energies. The new energies are now increasing and many of you are now FEELing the effects of not only the increasing energies within your bodies but across and within planet earth. These energies will only heighten as that which no longer serves is dissolved across and within planet earth. We note many are now falling into chaos and we are here to show you the way out of chaos.
That which you hold onto is not TRUTH and this will show as the world appearing to dissolve in front of your very eyes. Many are holding on blindly to what is “familiar” without questioning the value it has within their life experience. We guide for you to process the words through your heart and KNOW TRUTH. That which you hold onto so desperately but is trying to dissolve is not TRUTH and we ask why you hold on so tightly? Why do you allow definition of SELF through objects and possessions? For that which YOU ARE is not visible to your naked eye. Many look in the mirror and believe the teachings of distortion that teaches the reflection is all that is there. We guide this is distortion on many levels and guide all to detach from this.
Mirrors have been used in many different ways to contain and suppress and we guide for you to look within to process our words for TRUTH. How can you define that which is indefinable? How can you see the LIGHT that is within with a brief glance at a reflection, a reflection you have been taught to distrust and to dislike? That which has held you in the distortion is now beginning to dissolve and break down and yet many are now crying out in despair, holding on to that which has enslaved them. Do you not dream to be FREE and accept your FREEdom?
That which is containing is the teachings that you have absorbed deep into your BEing, the thoughts that fleet across your mind are not innocent for they have a twist that will see you turn the key once more in the lock of the door of your prison. Why do so many on planet earth believe they have no power? Why do you look to those around you and compare yourself to them? why do you allow the mind so much power in a world that is based on emotions and the heart?
These are the questions to ask SELF in the silence within the heart. For there is no way to invoke logic in the process of awakening. Logic is what has contained and suppressed for aeons and we guide all to question the value of continuing to think endlessly about what just IS.
Those who are now awakening to deeper levels, those who are walking and living TRUTH will continue to unlock and awaken deeper levels of SELF, look to those who walk in TRUTH for impossible, for whilst your mind will tell you “cant”, “shouldn’t” there are those who walk the planet earth who are in the their hearts and are finding balance within the chaos. They serve as a blinding light to those who now walk blindfold into the new world. For the blindfold is loose, it can be undone by YOU at any time but many are reluctant to discard it. “Familiar” being the key to this particular prison. Whilst you seek out “familiar” and stick to “routine” you fail to question that which is around you, does it serve you? if not why not? The questioning must begin for the walk into freedom to start. Do you understand our words, our analogy?
For many are now looking to others to solve the puzzle that is theirs alone. Those who live on the planet earth with YOU are not YOU and this is what is the mind cannot understand. For the mind cannot separate out YOUr reality from those around YOU. Whilst you continue to assume that all FEEL and experience the world as you do YOU walk blindfold, for YOU are the only one who is experiencing life in exactly the way that YOU do. It makes no sense to defer to those around YOU who are not YOU to ask for their solutions to that which belongs to YOU. Do you understand our guidance?
Many are now waiting and we ask what YOU wait for? For the universe will wait patiently with you as you wait and wait. The waiting is the default position for those who are in the mind and not the heart. For the mind is awaiting instruction but the heart is seeking connection. Do you understand the analogy? The difference? Whilst the mind waits it fills the spaces with thoughts that are mere dreams and fantasies but those who wait may attach to these thoughts. The thoughts are then created as the energy begins to flow through these thoughts. Then the human will react and scenario of the mind begins once more. The way to end this cycle of thought, fantasy, creation, is to move to the heart, for the heart can discern that which is wishful and that which is real. YOU create reality in each breath and we guide for all to absorb and anchor this TRUTH.
For whilst you let the mind dream that which it is allowed to dream, to ponder is that which may be created. As the energies now begin to intensify the period between dreaming and creating grows ever smaller as the power of those awake and awakening begins to gather strength. Do you dream to sleep or do you sleep to dream? We ask for you to be present in the moment, to realise that all thoughts are creative thoughts. Do you weed out the thoughts that do no resonate or do you allow them to be sung across the universe? The universe hears the singing and responds, it does not filter that which is TRUTH and that which is not for that is the role of the heart. Do you see how this works dear ones? Do you see how you can sing another songs and dream anothers dream?
Those who are now in chaos need to anchor into the planet earth, for all that is moving and shifting is like sand, ever moving, always creating and anchoring into the planet where you are incarnated on is like completing a circuit. All is energy and that energy is flowing, if you are in chaos then the energy is chaotic, it flows in all directions at once. This can lead to energy overload and the FEELing may be one of loss of control. We guide for you to ground into planet earth regularly to earth yourselves. You would not plug a plug into a live socket without earthing it yet the humans walking planet earth do this to the human body daily. Earthing is what is needed for planet earth is also shifting and moving. The way to sync this is to earth.
We guide for all to detach from what they are taught as TRUTH and to go within to the silence to discern TRUTH for TRUTH is only discerned by the heart. No amount of reading and rereading that which is taken for fact on the planet earth will help to move the heart into place and the mind to step back. For that which is in place on planet earth as “familiar” is in place to keep the mind occupied, a mind occupied is a human who is not in their heart and who is creating without dreaming. Do you understand our analogy?
To dream the new dream means being present in the moment, how do you dream dear ones? Do you let idle thoughts drift across your view or do you go into the silence and ask to be shown the dream that your SOUL dreams? For the SOUL is the dreamer and you are the creator, do you understand our analogy and our guidance? Many are running through their human life experience as if being chased and we guide for all to detach from this distortion. To dream clearly is to breathe deeply, it is to connect deeply with the SOUL, for how can you dream the same dream as your SOUL if you have not connected with your SOUL?
We are the Shimmering Ones and we are here to guide you back to the heart, for the heart is the map that you are searching for as you begin to set sail over uncharted waters. Many are seeking to buy and borrow maps without realising that all maps are contained within the heart, you did not incarnate onto this planet without a map. Look within dear ones and begin to get your bearings. For the calm and the silence will show you what you need whilst the chaos of the planet earth will show you that which is trying to stop you set sail.
Communication across planet earth is designed to engage the mind, we guide all to detach from this, the map is accessed personally through the heart, it is not looked up on the internet nor is contained within the media. All information that is now flooding across the planet is not all information, much is disinformation, TRUTH is something that is FELT, it is KNOWN, it is not agreed. Do you understand our analogy? Do you understand our guidance?
The new will now unfold rapidly as the moment has now begun that cannot be stopped. Those who are still holding the flag for duality will find more and more chaos unfold across their human life experience as the new energies begin to dissolve that which no longer serves. To engage with the chaos, to try to control the chaos is akin to swimming against the tide for the new is the new on planet earth, it can be no other way.
We are here to guide and never to lead for that is not the role of the realms and the races that are now stepping forward to guide and support the human race. There is no leading for there is no need, guidance is merely navigation, many are on auto pilot and we guide for all to be aware of this. Auto pilot may have been engaged within the old energies, as the old is now being dissolve the old dream may now no longer be relevant. We guide for all to go within and to check with the SOUL and to take over the sailing of the ship that is your human life experience. YOU cannot blame the ship for going in the wrong direction if you have abandoned your post as captain of said ship. We guide for all to process our words through the heart and to hear TRUTH.
That which is unfolding will now increase, the “familiar” will now begin to break down in earnest for that which no longer serves is dissolving rapidly. To maintain balance simply go within and ask. The answers are not given to you, they are found within you. That which has been life on planet earth for aeons is now no longer. The creation of human life experience now turned over to you, for it was always yours. We ask once more do you dream to sleep or do you sleep to dream. For we are the Shimmering Ones and we hold you in the LOVE that IS as you begin to stir and you begin to realise that those who you are waiting on are YOU.
Copyright Karen Doonan, all rights reserved
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