Who Summoned the Galactics and Why are they Here? ~ Part 1/2 | The 2012 Scenario

Submitted by Lia on Fri, 04/06/2012 - 11:09

Who Summoned the Galactics and Why are they Here? ~ Part 1/2 | The 2012 Scenario



Written by Steve Beckow


What are the galactics, who surround this planet in millions of ships that are either cloaked or in higher dimensions, here to do? Who summoned them? Who do they work for? And what is their mission? I’d like to look in this two-part series at what they themselves and their allies (the celestials and ascended masters) have to say on those questions.


Their answers are derived from the channeled communications which they have been offering us for years as their preferred way of making contact with us.


Discernment has been exercised in choosing only what I personally consider to be the most reliable among their communications on the subject. Different sources choose to speak on different matters. Some choose to give spiritual counsel; others work with us to develop our psychic gifts. The sources cited here are those who choose to communicate on who the galactics are and why they came here.


Who Summoned the Galactics?

Who asked the galactics to come here? Setting aside the fact that they’ve always watched over Planet Earth, restrained by the universal laws of non-interference and karma, what brought them here recently? Sheldan Nidle’s sources put the matter succinctly:

“Heaven summoned us and we came.” (1)


According to Mira the Pleiadian, “we work at the request of our Creator.” (2) Or SaLuSa: “We come to offer you solutions to your myriad problems that have threatened to destroy you and your Earth. We do so by divine decree.” (3)


The evolved spiritual teacher Matthew Ward gives us more details of what occurred to bring the galactics here.


“[Mother Earth's] cry for help went out into the universe and instantly God authorized myriad spiritually advanced civilizations to respond by beaming their own vast light into Earth’s body. The massive infusion of light from those distant sources stabilized her orbit and enabled her to jar loose from negativity’s stranglehold, start to ascend out of deep third density and continue toward her ultimate destination in fifth density.


“Her soul originated in that high plane and there it remained throughout the millennia that her body spiraled ever downward as more and more human and animal blood was shed and the environment ravaged.” (4)


Matthew has probably done the best job of all our sources in explaining what the situation was that brought the galactics here. Here he is in 2003 explaining more of the background.


“Your planet could have not survived any more assaults of the negativity being continuously generated by human brutality to each other, to the animal and plant kingdoms or to the physical body of Earth. All wars and other violence, famine, disease, ruthless leaders, environmental destruction and economic strangulation have been instituted by the influence of the dark forces.


“Relief from all the suffering caused by these conditions was essential or your planet would die. Over half a century back in your counting, Earth had reached that point of damage to her body and soul. She had the choice of her soul ascending and allowing her planetary body to die, or surviving intact. Her soul chose to survive in its physical planetary form, but in her greatly weakened condition due to the extent of trauma she had long suffered, she could not do it without massive assistance.


“Light beings of extraterrestrial civilizations responded to her cry for help, and among these countless souls who have come to her rescue are those who have been working with diligence and dedication to the reforms embodied in NESARA. So you see, it is by Earth’s quest for help that these beings, in conjunction with Earth humans, are performing their various missions on and off-planet to get this vast, vital program underway to rejuvenate physical Earth and enlighten and uplift her people.” (5)


So it would be appropriate to say that the galactics came here at the request of the Creator, who in turn was responding to the request from Gaia or the soul who inhabits planet Earth. This is a high-level explanation and leaves aside the fact that a cycle had come to an end on Earth, the cycle best explained in the Mayan calendar. (6)


Who and What Do They Work For?

The Creator’s decrees and commandments filter down from one level of life to another so it may be necessary to trace that line of command, so far as it’s in our power to do so.


Viewed from the highest perspective, the galactics work for the Creator, the Godhead, the One. While there are gods that preside over the various universes, the Creator presides over all. Diane of Sirius says this about their relationship with the One: “The Galactic Federation members are the Creator’s representatives and dutifully carry out instructions in the highest concept of Light that they can.” (6)

SaLuSa identifies the Creator as the Father/Mother God. “Father” relates to the formless and inactive transcendental One. “Mother” refers to a step-down transformation of the One into active primordial energy, the force that created all there is.

“Beloveds, we carry out the wishes of the Father/Mother as we are dedicated to the Will of God. We are therefore dedicated to your well-being and success.” (7)


“We recognize and accept the existence of the Creator of All That Is, and in that we are aware that our source is the same as yours.” (8)

Sheldan Nidle’s sources put the matter this way: “In all matters concerning this first contact mission to Earth we are guided by Heaven’s Hierarchies.” (9)

Tomorrow we’ll continue with the levels of hierarchs and councils below the One whom the galactics report to and what their mission is.



(1) Spiritual Hierarchy and Galactic Federation, “Update,” June 25, 2002, through Sheldan Nidle, Galactic Federation of Light: Updates Archive 1997-2007, at http://tinyurl.com/32jkzgl .

(2) Mira the Pleiadian, Aug. 17, 2011, at http://thegroundcrew.com/

(3) SaLuSa, Dec. 31, 2008, athttp://www.treeofthegoldenlight.com/First_Contact/Channeled_Messages_by_Mike_Quinsey.htm

(4) Matthew’s Message, Aug. 13, 2010, at http://www.matthewbooks.com/mattsmessage.htm

(5) Matthew’s Message, Aug. 7, 2003.

(6) See, for instance, “What in the World is Going On?” athttp://the2012scenario.com/2012/03/what-in-the-world-is-going-on/  “Mayan Underworlds,” at http://the2012scenario.com/2011/06/mayan-underworlds/

(7) Diane of Sirius, Apr. 10, 2009, athttp://www.treeofthegoldenlight.com/First_Contact/Channeled_Messages_by_Mike_Quinsey.htm

(8) SaLuSa, Nov. 5, 2008.

(9) SaLuSa, Oct. 27, 2008.

(10) Spiritual Hierarchy and Galactic Federation through Sheldan Nidle, Apr. 19, 2011, athttp://lightworkers.org/channeling/129648/sheldan-nidle-update-41911.


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